Drama. Pure drama. That’s what happened yesterday.
My sugar baby is no longer sweet.
Yesterday was like the fifth most hellish day of my pregnancy to date. Yesterday I was asked to forcibly stab myself four times a day.
See I hate needles. They make me throw up in my mouth. Now with pregnancy you kind of have to suck it up, but that doesn’t stop me from having my eyes roll back into my head and almost passing out every time I get stuck. In fact, the only reason I let it happen is because someone else does it and they let me turn my head and hold Seth’s hand.
Now they want me to do it. By myself, four times a day. Yeah…that was so not happening.
So we get to the appointment, and for some reason we have to share our appointment with the –excuse my blatant stereotyping- most ghetto black woman I have seen to date. This lady likes to eat. This lady fits every “risk” for gestational diabetes there is. She even has close family with it. She’s lost babies because of it. Yet she refuses to stop drinking Pepsi because “she don’t drink no diet crap”.
First things first, because God hates me, they hand us our little satanic stabbers of evil and tell us they need a baseline blood sugar and want us to maim ourselves right there. They show us how to use the machine and then look at us expectantly, poised to write down our number.
The ghetto lady shoots herself like she does with a heroin needle every other day and declares her blood sugar to be 165. You are supposed to be under 120.
Then they look at me. And Seth looks at me and loads up all the needles and everything and gets everything ready. I panic. I start freaking out, complete with hyperventilating. After about 45 minutes of trying to talk myself into pricking my finger, they give up and tell me I will have to do it after the nutritional education class, before I leave.
The teacher lady, who is about half way to Hitler’s age, begins to school us on nutrition by having us each share our personal menus for the day.
Ghetto black lady drinks about 45 Pepsi’s, eats whole pizzas, and generally allows her “greedy baby” to eat whatever it wants. Shock. Ghetto black lady gets a talking to and gets her entire diet rearranged. When told to switch to thin crust pizza she exclaims “Thin Crust? That’s like eating cracker pizza!” I snicker from behind my book. The book the teacher gave us that sucks all the fun out of eating. It even has restaurants that I can eat at, but can’t, because Cheesy Gordita Crunches account for my entire dinner allowance. And who wants to eat one?
Plus Teacher lady keeps pronouncing “peanuts” like penis and every time she says it (because it’s a good in between snacks, throwing a few peanuts in your mouth) I snort and snicker and Seth stomps on my foot and gives me a look and whispers “Behave” under his breath.
Then we turn to me. I tell her what I ate today. She sits for a minute and tells me instead of orange juice in the morning, which I was only drinking because my Dr. told me to, I have to switch to water or diet pop and eat a granola bar. And then we were done. There was no diet modification whatsoever besides the decrease in my portion size. Then class packs up. I try to make a break for the door before the lady remembers I am supposed to lancet one of my fingers in the name of sadism. Oh of course, Seth remembers. The drama begins again. Only this time it is worse because I’m tired and crabby and my idea of swinging thru Taco Bell on the way home has just been smashed to smithereens. I get all worked up. Now if the lady had just let me go home and relax, I probably could of handled it eventually, but instead she keeps prodding and standing over me expectantly while Seth tries to whisper words of encouragement in my ear. “Do it for Evie, do it for me, we love you!” He pulled up a picture of Bagheera on my cell phone to calm me down. He pricked himself with the lancet to show me it didn’t hurt (never mind the fact that his fingers look like hell and he has so many calluses I sometimes worry about him touching the baby). After another 45 minutes I finally work up the courage to do it because I just want to go home.
It hurts like a son of a bitch, and all of the sudden, because God hates me, my finger starts squirting blood like a gyser. I scream and start flinging my hand around. Just looking at it makes me want to vomit. So I don’t look. Teacher lady has the tester with the strip plugged in is yelling at me to put a drop of blood on the strip. Seth is trying to get me to stop waving my hand around and screaming that it hurts and it is gushing. Blood is flying everywhere. Somehow, by a miracle I’m sure, one of the flinging streams of blood lands on the strip and Seth gets my hands down long enough to wrap my finger in a tissue and put pressure on it.
Then he makes the fatal error of saying “See it wasn’t so bad, it didn’t hurt did it?” You better believe I blew my top then. Big fat heaving crocodile tears come flying out of my eyes worse than the finger blood gusher. I start cussing at him for lying about it hurting and telling him I’m never going to do it again and how I hate him and I hate being pregnant and this was the stupidest idea ever and on and on.
Teacher Lady declares my blood sugar to be 76. She thinks it’s been too long since I’ve tested since I ate. I neglect to tell her that on my way to the appointment I ate half a box of Cheese-it’s and 10 gummy savers as a last hurrah to my food freedom.
Evelynn is kicking me hard for amping up her placenta with blood pressure and adrenaline.
The lady says I have to come back in two weeks to meet with her, she is concerned. I run to the bathroom and cry. Seth set’s the appointment.
When I come out they try to talk to me but I just run out the door to the car, with Seth behind me.
Evil. Pure Evil.
Eventually Seth follows me home from the hospital and talks to me, the second sticking after dinner (in which I ate the EXACT same thing I would have the night before) goes better and comes in around 85.
This morning I was 76 (in the morning you are supposed to be under 95). That test went even better, but I was half asleep and Seth did most of it.
I have to test again at 9:45 but by myself. Right now I’m brave, but once I get that lancet on my finger I literally shit my pants and start breathing funny.
So far though, everything has been normal and good, so hopefully I don’t have to do it for long.
I have the best husband ever. Have I mentioned? I can’t believe he didn’t leave last night, no matter how many times I wished he would. He’s still there, and he’s coming home tonite, even though I said every hurtful thing I could think of in the book yesterday. He even brought me ice cream in bed for my night snack. (I have to have something to keep my blood sugar up over night)
I love him so much. I wish I could remember that when I have to test my blood.
I told him thank you and sorry last night and this morning when he got up and came over to get my stuff ready I didn’t say one nasty thing. I just grumbled a little. And he said “Good Job, great job!” And I snuffed into Baggy and Willow’s fur because they have been super good about sitting with me when I have to do the bad stuff.
I love you honey!
Well that was a story and a half for you all today. And it’s about all I had. I ran out of the house (mostly to get away from stabby Seth) and it was snowing and there was fresh snow on the ground. I thought about pulling back into the driveway, but then I remembered there is only two days left in the work week, so I’d better get here. It took me a while but I did it. I would be proud of myself if the next stabby deadline wasn’t looming over my head.
On the plus side I got to eat an English muffin with cream cheese for breakfast. And still came in under my breakfast “points” (you get 1 point for every 15 grams of carbs, I get 2 points for breakfast, 3 points for lunch, and 4 points for dinner, and 1 point for all three snack times).
Keep on the sunny side, right?
Talk to you all tomorrow on New Year’s Eve!!!
Love (for needles to break on my skin instead of stabbing it),
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.
Good Morning world!
Look at me! I’m on time! And awake! And it’s not even 10! It’s BEFORE 10!
The sugar doctor, like a sugar daddy only with needles
Today is the day I have to go see the specialist about my diabetes. Last night, because I had no carbs all day, I got to have French fries for dinner. 15 french fries. I kid you not. Seth weighed them on a scale and everything. And then I was only allowed a meager amount of ketchup because of the sugar. I pouted thru my fries and pretty much ruined them. I got to eat a whole can of asparagus though!
I realized for lunch today I have two kinds of cauliflower. I can’t believe Seth wonders why there is a moose calling for its mate constantly around our house.
So anyway today I go and learn how exactly to maim myself with a needle repeatedly and how much MORE good food they are going to take from me.
I would love to tell you what I’ve been watching on TV, but everything is on hiatus, so mostly I’ve been watching Criminal Minds and Grey’s Anatomy reruns. And Pawn Stars. And other random shows I should not get hooked on but do. I refuse to go down and DVR them though because it’s cold down in the basement and for some reason my back and unborn child rebel against the seating down there.
I have been watching a lot of movies though. I finally watched “The Hangover” and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. (remember I’m the person who literally spits and scorns at all those Will Ferrell and Judd Apatow movies) So that’s pretty big news for me to be able to tolerate The Hangover. I also finally saw Inglorious Bastards which I thought was pretty good but Seth HATED.
For Christmas we got so many great movies and TV on DVD. I pretty much got everything I asked for and more. I got Grey’s season 5, Bones season 2 and 3, Mad Men seasons 1 and 2, Castle (SQUEEE!) and HIMYM season 4. Seth got Sarah Conner Chronicles (his favorite show) season 2, Star Trek (even though he didn’t like it as much as I did), Fight Club, and GI Joe. Seth’s parents gave us another DVD case because we have got so many DVD’s for Christmas, and trust me we need it! I just ran out of space on my TV on DVD case and I just ordered Tudors Season 3 and Heroes Season 3 (the only two I didn’t get).
New Years Eve
I’m at a conundrum about how to ring in the New Year. Originally Seth and I planned on pulling a Sioux Falls New Year and just staying home ourselves and watching movies and playing video games and just enjoying each other’s company. But then Kathy and Dan said they were having a house warming party, and since we haven’t seen them since Thanksgiving and we have Christmas presents for them, we decided it might be a good idea to stop by (plus they have swung by all our parties we have thrown, including last year’s never to be repeated again New Year’s Party). Then my Mom said she was having a shindig down at Beyond Golf, the indoor golf place and Seth thought that sounded awesome and I thought eating French fries all night sounded awesome (this was pre-sugar baby) and so we said we’d come there after we stopped by Dan and Kathy’s. Then my parents actually tried the indoor golf and declared it boring and said they were going to KC for NYE. So we talked with our friends Pam and Jason and said well let’s do our Wii game night and get some good food and hang out after we stop by Kathy’s. Then my Mom called and said Beyond Golf was back on and we had RSVP’d for a spot on the course already.
And now I wish I had just stuck to my hanging out in sweats with my husband plan. Because the thought of everything else just tires me out. We will see how I feel though on Thursday. I still have to get in contact with Pam because we weren’t 100% on if Jason had to work or if they would have to go to Lincoln to see his grandparents because they didn’t get to over Christmas because of the storm. So anyway as you can see-I have a lot of commitments.
I’m secretly thinking of just hiding in the movie theater and seeing Sherlock Holmes since the storm ruined those plans over Christmas.
Evelynn’s Blog
We finally got Evelynn a stroller and car seat! Which apparently is called a “Travel System” la ti da. We got this one http://www.amazon.com/Graco-Quattro-Travel-SnugRide-Marlowe/dp/B001PUITM0
We got it at good old Baby Depot, which is still the scariest place ever to shop for things. It’s inside Burlington Coat Factory. We had to wait FOREVER to get helped but when we did the guy seemed pretty knowledgeable, which was shocking because he was this old bald angry guy in flannel.
Evelynn has upped the kicking and the stretching, she is pretty active most of the time. Even when I sleep, which wakes me up and then I have to pee. She loves when I am lying on my back or side. She does not like it when I’m sitting up. It’s kind of hard because I want to share with everyone what this feeling is like, to have a person moving around inside of you almost constantly, but every time I put someone’s hand on my belly, she freezes up. It’s annoying. On Saturday we will be at 30 weeks-I can’t believe it!!
I have my first shower, Kathy’s shower, on Jan. 30th and I have a family shower on Feb. 6th that my Aunt Tami is throwing me. I’m very excited about both. Hopefully Evie’s room will look much better. We went ahead and got the stroller because I didn’t like any on the Target site where I am registered, so I didn’t have one on there. Plus seriously, who is going to buy me a 200 dollar stroller?
Other Christmas awesomeness I should mention
My parents got me a Kitchen Aid mixer-A FREAKING KITCHEN AID MIXER! I was so shocked and almost cried when I opened it. I also got a perfect brownie pan, which hopefully helps my poor brownie making skills, and a Blu Ray player from Cody for the upstairs which makes me so happy. He didn’t even know how happy that makes me because that’s one more thing I don’t have to go downstairs to the frozen pit to do! We have already hooked it up and watched a movie upstairs.
Off to see the wizard
Well I’d better see what’s going on in the world! I hope you all have a great day and I’ll be back tomorrow to mope about what the sugar doctor tells us. Blah.
Love (to eat carbs),
Look at me! I’m on time! And awake! And it’s not even 10! It’s BEFORE 10!
The sugar doctor, like a sugar daddy only with needles
Today is the day I have to go see the specialist about my diabetes. Last night, because I had no carbs all day, I got to have French fries for dinner. 15 french fries. I kid you not. Seth weighed them on a scale and everything. And then I was only allowed a meager amount of ketchup because of the sugar. I pouted thru my fries and pretty much ruined them. I got to eat a whole can of asparagus though!
I realized for lunch today I have two kinds of cauliflower. I can’t believe Seth wonders why there is a moose calling for its mate constantly around our house.
So anyway today I go and learn how exactly to maim myself with a needle repeatedly and how much MORE good food they are going to take from me.
I would love to tell you what I’ve been watching on TV, but everything is on hiatus, so mostly I’ve been watching Criminal Minds and Grey’s Anatomy reruns. And Pawn Stars. And other random shows I should not get hooked on but do. I refuse to go down and DVR them though because it’s cold down in the basement and for some reason my back and unborn child rebel against the seating down there.
I have been watching a lot of movies though. I finally watched “The Hangover” and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. (remember I’m the person who literally spits and scorns at all those Will Ferrell and Judd Apatow movies) So that’s pretty big news for me to be able to tolerate The Hangover. I also finally saw Inglorious Bastards which I thought was pretty good but Seth HATED.
For Christmas we got so many great movies and TV on DVD. I pretty much got everything I asked for and more. I got Grey’s season 5, Bones season 2 and 3, Mad Men seasons 1 and 2, Castle (SQUEEE!) and HIMYM season 4. Seth got Sarah Conner Chronicles (his favorite show) season 2, Star Trek (even though he didn’t like it as much as I did), Fight Club, and GI Joe. Seth’s parents gave us another DVD case because we have got so many DVD’s for Christmas, and trust me we need it! I just ran out of space on my TV on DVD case and I just ordered Tudors Season 3 and Heroes Season 3 (the only two I didn’t get).
New Years Eve
I’m at a conundrum about how to ring in the New Year. Originally Seth and I planned on pulling a Sioux Falls New Year and just staying home ourselves and watching movies and playing video games and just enjoying each other’s company. But then Kathy and Dan said they were having a house warming party, and since we haven’t seen them since Thanksgiving and we have Christmas presents for them, we decided it might be a good idea to stop by (plus they have swung by all our parties we have thrown, including last year’s never to be repeated again New Year’s Party). Then my Mom said she was having a shindig down at Beyond Golf, the indoor golf place and Seth thought that sounded awesome and I thought eating French fries all night sounded awesome (this was pre-sugar baby) and so we said we’d come there after we stopped by Dan and Kathy’s. Then my parents actually tried the indoor golf and declared it boring and said they were going to KC for NYE. So we talked with our friends Pam and Jason and said well let’s do our Wii game night and get some good food and hang out after we stop by Kathy’s. Then my Mom called and said Beyond Golf was back on and we had RSVP’d for a spot on the course already.
And now I wish I had just stuck to my hanging out in sweats with my husband plan. Because the thought of everything else just tires me out. We will see how I feel though on Thursday. I still have to get in contact with Pam because we weren’t 100% on if Jason had to work or if they would have to go to Lincoln to see his grandparents because they didn’t get to over Christmas because of the storm. So anyway as you can see-I have a lot of commitments.
I’m secretly thinking of just hiding in the movie theater and seeing Sherlock Holmes since the storm ruined those plans over Christmas.
Evelynn’s Blog
We finally got Evelynn a stroller and car seat! Which apparently is called a “Travel System” la ti da. We got this one http://www.amazon.com/Graco-Quattro-Travel-SnugRide-Marlowe/dp/B001PUITM0
We got it at good old Baby Depot, which is still the scariest place ever to shop for things. It’s inside Burlington Coat Factory. We had to wait FOREVER to get helped but when we did the guy seemed pretty knowledgeable, which was shocking because he was this old bald angry guy in flannel.
Evelynn has upped the kicking and the stretching, she is pretty active most of the time. Even when I sleep, which wakes me up and then I have to pee. She loves when I am lying on my back or side. She does not like it when I’m sitting up. It’s kind of hard because I want to share with everyone what this feeling is like, to have a person moving around inside of you almost constantly, but every time I put someone’s hand on my belly, she freezes up. It’s annoying. On Saturday we will be at 30 weeks-I can’t believe it!!
I have my first shower, Kathy’s shower, on Jan. 30th and I have a family shower on Feb. 6th that my Aunt Tami is throwing me. I’m very excited about both. Hopefully Evie’s room will look much better. We went ahead and got the stroller because I didn’t like any on the Target site where I am registered, so I didn’t have one on there. Plus seriously, who is going to buy me a 200 dollar stroller?
Other Christmas awesomeness I should mention
My parents got me a Kitchen Aid mixer-A FREAKING KITCHEN AID MIXER! I was so shocked and almost cried when I opened it. I also got a perfect brownie pan, which hopefully helps my poor brownie making skills, and a Blu Ray player from Cody for the upstairs which makes me so happy. He didn’t even know how happy that makes me because that’s one more thing I don’t have to go downstairs to the frozen pit to do! We have already hooked it up and watched a movie upstairs.
Off to see the wizard
Well I’d better see what’s going on in the world! I hope you all have a great day and I’ll be back tomorrow to mope about what the sugar doctor tells us. Blah.
Love (to eat carbs),
Monday, December 28, 2009
Random Holiday Photos
I didn't take that many good ones. But here are some for you guys for being such good sports while I was on hiatus for the holidays.
We tried to drive thru a blizzard and almost died. Here is proof:



Bagheera overcame his fear of the polka dot blanket and cuddled with me on it:
And, because I didn't get you anything for Christmas, I got you this cliche bathroom shot picture of my huge belly. This was taken in my Mom's bathroom after Kwanza when I had pretty hair and actually put on make up. I couldn't believe how big I was. Giant mirrors are not my friend.
Love (for jeni to get here and take real maternity pictures of me already!),
Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities.
Hi Friends!
I hope you all had great holidays. Ours was good. We tempted death twice, driving in the blizzard to get to people’s houses, but we made it okay.
I got a lot of sleep and rest, which is always good, and Seth dawned his best policeman hat and kept my carbs and sugars in check. We meet with the specialist tomorrow to access my diet and stuff a little better.
Things I’ve learned about pregnancy
Since I’ve hit my 2 months left mark, I’ve been reflecting on things I’ve learned about pregnancy and I thought I would share it with you all.
See when we first started trying, someone raved to me about how awesome pregnancy was and how amazing it was going to be and how much I was going to love it. They were wrong. I am an awful pregnant lady. The worst, I imagine. So for those of you who might be like me, and are going into pregnancy with stars in your eyes, here are some things I learned…
How to properly spell pregnant and pregnancy. You spell it a lot.
You are tired all the time. The rare moments when you are not wishing you were on the couch resting, usually pass after 20 minutes.
Nothing will fit right, and the only things that feel good are the things that make you look even worse than you already do.
There is a possibility your face will revolt against the rest of your body.
Your body doesn’t really like being pregnant and will make each change you have to go thru a little more miserable than it should be.
Dr.’s tend to like the phrase “pregnancy is different for every woman!” to explain away really strange things that happen to you.
Dr.’s appointments aren’t as exciting as you think they are, especially when they start occurring bi monthly and weekly. You go in thinking you are going to see and learn things about your baby every time and mostly they just make you pee in a cup, weigh you, and send you on your way.
It gets really hard to accurately pee in the cup towards the end.
You will lose the ability to shave below the waist properly.
Things don’t happen as quick as you want, and then by the time you get to the end-they are happening too quickly and you aren’t ready.
You pee your pants, a lot.
You also leak fun fluids from that area.
Oh and your nipples crust weird things too.
It’s not that hard to sleep, it’s hard not to wake up every hour to pee or have someone kick you because they aren’t comfortable.
Weird things hurt randomly, for example, this weekend my lady parts and the insides of my thighs felt like I had done about 300 squats and 600 lunges. For no reason.
You still feel like you can turn corners properly and pick up heavy things and bend over normally. You can’t. But that doesn’t stop you from trying.
At some point someone has to push your butt up off a couch.
You feel like everyone is staring at you. Constantly.
No one can seem to remember the weird things about their pregnancy to help you when you have questions. They also can’t seem to describe it at all. Like if you ask what kicking feels like, no one really has a good description.
Your legs fall asleep at night and then you dead leg when you wake up in the morning.
Every time you get weighed at the doctor’s office you throw up in your mouth a little bit, even though you are well aware of the fact that it’s just the baby growing.
I spent all the time before I was pregnant making all these rules about how people weren’t allowed to touch me. I did it for my wedding too, I couldn’t stand the thought of people getting deodorant on my dress. Now all of the sudden I’m totally put out if I offer to let someone feel the baby kick and they say no.
People say really strange things to you when you’re pregnant. Sometimes inappropriate things, sometimes they offer to adopt your unborn child because you are a heathen.
I feel sad at times that Seth can’t feel her move and kick as much as I do. I keep wanting him to stop and feel.
No one is prepared for motherhood, but that doesn’t stop you from freaking about not being prepared enough.
All of the sudden you have to think about everything you put in your body, because it goes to your kid’s body too. Like if I have a headache, I’d normally pop 3 or 4 ibuprofen, but if I did that now, I would kill my baby. Apparently ibuprofen equals baby death. Who knew?
I find myself already trying to do the things I know I will never get to do again. Like sleep in.
Okay friends, if I have more, I will put them, but as of now, I have to get in gear. Wish me luck for tomorrow!
Love (having preconceptions changed),
I hope you all had great holidays. Ours was good. We tempted death twice, driving in the blizzard to get to people’s houses, but we made it okay.
I got a lot of sleep and rest, which is always good, and Seth dawned his best policeman hat and kept my carbs and sugars in check. We meet with the specialist tomorrow to access my diet and stuff a little better.
Things I’ve learned about pregnancy
Since I’ve hit my 2 months left mark, I’ve been reflecting on things I’ve learned about pregnancy and I thought I would share it with you all.
See when we first started trying, someone raved to me about how awesome pregnancy was and how amazing it was going to be and how much I was going to love it. They were wrong. I am an awful pregnant lady. The worst, I imagine. So for those of you who might be like me, and are going into pregnancy with stars in your eyes, here are some things I learned…
How to properly spell pregnant and pregnancy. You spell it a lot.
You are tired all the time. The rare moments when you are not wishing you were on the couch resting, usually pass after 20 minutes.
Nothing will fit right, and the only things that feel good are the things that make you look even worse than you already do.
There is a possibility your face will revolt against the rest of your body.
Your body doesn’t really like being pregnant and will make each change you have to go thru a little more miserable than it should be.
Dr.’s tend to like the phrase “pregnancy is different for every woman!” to explain away really strange things that happen to you.
Dr.’s appointments aren’t as exciting as you think they are, especially when they start occurring bi monthly and weekly. You go in thinking you are going to see and learn things about your baby every time and mostly they just make you pee in a cup, weigh you, and send you on your way.
It gets really hard to accurately pee in the cup towards the end.
You will lose the ability to shave below the waist properly.
Things don’t happen as quick as you want, and then by the time you get to the end-they are happening too quickly and you aren’t ready.
You pee your pants, a lot.
You also leak fun fluids from that area.
Oh and your nipples crust weird things too.
It’s not that hard to sleep, it’s hard not to wake up every hour to pee or have someone kick you because they aren’t comfortable.
Weird things hurt randomly, for example, this weekend my lady parts and the insides of my thighs felt like I had done about 300 squats and 600 lunges. For no reason.
You still feel like you can turn corners properly and pick up heavy things and bend over normally. You can’t. But that doesn’t stop you from trying.
At some point someone has to push your butt up off a couch.
You feel like everyone is staring at you. Constantly.
No one can seem to remember the weird things about their pregnancy to help you when you have questions. They also can’t seem to describe it at all. Like if you ask what kicking feels like, no one really has a good description.
Your legs fall asleep at night and then you dead leg when you wake up in the morning.
Every time you get weighed at the doctor’s office you throw up in your mouth a little bit, even though you are well aware of the fact that it’s just the baby growing.
I spent all the time before I was pregnant making all these rules about how people weren’t allowed to touch me. I did it for my wedding too, I couldn’t stand the thought of people getting deodorant on my dress. Now all of the sudden I’m totally put out if I offer to let someone feel the baby kick and they say no.
People say really strange things to you when you’re pregnant. Sometimes inappropriate things, sometimes they offer to adopt your unborn child because you are a heathen.
I feel sad at times that Seth can’t feel her move and kick as much as I do. I keep wanting him to stop and feel.
No one is prepared for motherhood, but that doesn’t stop you from freaking about not being prepared enough.
All of the sudden you have to think about everything you put in your body, because it goes to your kid’s body too. Like if I have a headache, I’d normally pop 3 or 4 ibuprofen, but if I did that now, I would kill my baby. Apparently ibuprofen equals baby death. Who knew?
I find myself already trying to do the things I know I will never get to do again. Like sleep in.
Okay friends, if I have more, I will put them, but as of now, I have to get in gear. Wish me luck for tomorrow!
Love (having preconceptions changed),
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
Hi All!
I’m a little late on the giddy up this morning, but I am here!! I’m kind of proud of myself for making it. I overdid it a little yesterday.
First thing I wanted to address is yesterday I got a mean comment in the comments section about my work ethic these past couple months for my employer. I didn’t publish it just because it was Anonymous and rude. If the person who sent it actually had the balls to put their name I might have published it and responded to it, but since it was obvious they were just trying to be a jerk, I didn’t. But to that person, know this; I used to work, for my employer, a 60 hour week for years. This pregnancy has taken a LOT out of me for good reason. I prayed for this pregnancy, I begged for this pregnancy, and I’m not going to do anything to risk it, even if that means I don’t work a full week or die in a snowstorm trying to get to work. So FYI, if your comment is anonymous and mean, you can just keep it to yourself.
I got the sugar! *wails*
So of course right after I posted the blog and got working I got a call from the doctor’s office. Basically my diabetes is so severe that I have to see a specialist. In fact the doctor couldn’t believe I wasn’t in a sugar coma it was that bad.
I kind of knew it was coming. I mean, I felt pretty freaking terrible during that test so it was obvious something wasn’t going to be right. So I kind of just accepted it and am ready to start making changes for these last couple months. I just hope it doesn’t continue for the rest of my life, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
We don’t really think it can be controlled with diet and exercise since my diet is pretty good already and I exercise at least 3 days a week. Hopefully I can just take the pills and not the shots.
Like I said before, I’m not upset about it, I’m more upset that this is one more hurdle I have to jump in this pregnancy.
Evelynn’s blog
So she is just an active little thing lately. Yesterday when I was doing my pregnancy Pilates DVD (Denise Austin-crazy lady, but she makes it fun) she was kicking and madder than heck. I started calling her “Eveloon” (Ev-a-loon) because she was just going bananas. Some of her kicking and stretching is starting to hurt though and my stomach gets hard where she pushes up, like I can find her easy now in my belly and give her a poke if she is hurting me. And last night I could feel the shape of her body so I made Seth feel her too. I am so excited for her to get here.
We have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, hopefully, if the storm doesn’t cancel it like it did last time.
Storm of the YEAR?!?!
So I’ve been keeping my eye on the winter storm that is supposed to ruin the holidays. I really don’t think we in Omaha will get it that bad. Seth seems to be resigned to the fact that if the ice does start to hit tonite, we won’t be going to Columbus for Christmas. We will have to go next weekend when Seth’s parent’s are off work. So that kind of sucks. I’m worried we will get stuck in Columbus and miss Christmas at my family’s.
Pictures for you
Because I don’t have a lot to blog about, since I’m trying to catch up on work, I am rewarding you with random pictures from last week.
Here is Willow sleeping with Seth
I’m a little late on the giddy up this morning, but I am here!! I’m kind of proud of myself for making it. I overdid it a little yesterday.
First thing I wanted to address is yesterday I got a mean comment in the comments section about my work ethic these past couple months for my employer. I didn’t publish it just because it was Anonymous and rude. If the person who sent it actually had the balls to put their name I might have published it and responded to it, but since it was obvious they were just trying to be a jerk, I didn’t. But to that person, know this; I used to work, for my employer, a 60 hour week for years. This pregnancy has taken a LOT out of me for good reason. I prayed for this pregnancy, I begged for this pregnancy, and I’m not going to do anything to risk it, even if that means I don’t work a full week or die in a snowstorm trying to get to work. So FYI, if your comment is anonymous and mean, you can just keep it to yourself.
I got the sugar! *wails*
So of course right after I posted the blog and got working I got a call from the doctor’s office. Basically my diabetes is so severe that I have to see a specialist. In fact the doctor couldn’t believe I wasn’t in a sugar coma it was that bad.
I kind of knew it was coming. I mean, I felt pretty freaking terrible during that test so it was obvious something wasn’t going to be right. So I kind of just accepted it and am ready to start making changes for these last couple months. I just hope it doesn’t continue for the rest of my life, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
We don’t really think it can be controlled with diet and exercise since my diet is pretty good already and I exercise at least 3 days a week. Hopefully I can just take the pills and not the shots.
Like I said before, I’m not upset about it, I’m more upset that this is one more hurdle I have to jump in this pregnancy.
Evelynn’s blog
So she is just an active little thing lately. Yesterday when I was doing my pregnancy Pilates DVD (Denise Austin-crazy lady, but she makes it fun) she was kicking and madder than heck. I started calling her “Eveloon” (Ev-a-loon) because she was just going bananas. Some of her kicking and stretching is starting to hurt though and my stomach gets hard where she pushes up, like I can find her easy now in my belly and give her a poke if she is hurting me. And last night I could feel the shape of her body so I made Seth feel her too. I am so excited for her to get here.
We have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, hopefully, if the storm doesn’t cancel it like it did last time.
Storm of the YEAR?!?!
So I’ve been keeping my eye on the winter storm that is supposed to ruin the holidays. I really don’t think we in Omaha will get it that bad. Seth seems to be resigned to the fact that if the ice does start to hit tonite, we won’t be going to Columbus for Christmas. We will have to go next weekend when Seth’s parent’s are off work. So that kind of sucks. I’m worried we will get stuck in Columbus and miss Christmas at my family’s.
Pictures for you
Because I don’t have a lot to blog about, since I’m trying to catch up on work, I am rewarding you with random pictures from last week.
Here is Willow sleeping with Seth
I got a new haircut!
This is right after in the salon and you can see my belly a little
This is how Seth and Willow sleep since Willow abandoned me when my belly squished her one night.
Ah Bengals. They love to cuddle.
This is how Baggy sleeps now, alone and cuddled up to Evie.
See you tomorrow!!
Hopefully! If it doesn’t ice and isn’t dangerous to drive. Otherwise I will try to remember to blog from home!
Love (nice blog comments),
See you tomorrow!!
Hopefully! If it doesn’t ice and isn’t dangerous to drive. Otherwise I will try to remember to blog from home!
Love (nice blog comments),
Monday, December 21, 2009
First things first, but not necessarily in that order.
I’m back! I survived a sinus infection and gestational diabetes testing all last week and recovered to make it in to work! I’m shocked too.
While I was gone
Well while I was gone I got a sinus infection that required antibiotics. Then Thursday I got a call that I failed my first gestational diabetes test so spectacularly that they wanted to get me in for the second round of testing ASAP. So I spent from 5 am Saturday on doing the second testing. We don’t know the results yet, but we will find them out Wednesday at our bimonthly doctor’s appointment.
I got all but one person done Christmas shopping. Also, everything is wrapped!
I’m kind of ready for Christmas, it helped that Pam and Jason came over last night and we exchanged presents and Christmas spirit (and misery) and it really got me geared up for Christmas!
Evelynn’s blog
Oh Evelynn. We have moved into the uncomfortable stage in pregnancy. I am going to talk to the doctor about moving down to part time status at work just because after about 6 hours of work I can’t hardly sit up anymore and I’m not sleeping well at night. Also the weather is going to start getting bad so I need to not have anxiety attacks about going to work. We will see.
Other than that, and the gestational diabetes thing, she has been a peach. Rolling, kicking, squirming, pushing, stretching. It’s all amazing. It’s pretty much the only redeeming part when I’m feeling terrible about being pregnant.
Christmas plans
For Christmas this year we are driving up to Columbus Christmas Eve and then spending the night and Christmas Day with Seth’s family, coming home Christmas Day. We are talking about going to see Sherlock Holmes when we get home and spending our last movie coupons. Then Saturday we have dinner at my parents.
This could all be hampered though because apparently all hell is suppose to break loose starting Tuesday night. We could be snowed in on Wednesday. I hope we at least make our doctor’s appointment. I need those test results before I miss out on all the Christmas Treats! I’m already avoiding them at work.
Catch up
Okay friends, I have to catch up at work, since I’m a week behind and then catch up on all my internet stuff. I’ll try to write more later!
Love (actually being productive today),
While I was gone
Well while I was gone I got a sinus infection that required antibiotics. Then Thursday I got a call that I failed my first gestational diabetes test so spectacularly that they wanted to get me in for the second round of testing ASAP. So I spent from 5 am Saturday on doing the second testing. We don’t know the results yet, but we will find them out Wednesday at our bimonthly doctor’s appointment.
I got all but one person done Christmas shopping. Also, everything is wrapped!
I’m kind of ready for Christmas, it helped that Pam and Jason came over last night and we exchanged presents and Christmas spirit (and misery) and it really got me geared up for Christmas!
Evelynn’s blog
Oh Evelynn. We have moved into the uncomfortable stage in pregnancy. I am going to talk to the doctor about moving down to part time status at work just because after about 6 hours of work I can’t hardly sit up anymore and I’m not sleeping well at night. Also the weather is going to start getting bad so I need to not have anxiety attacks about going to work. We will see.
Other than that, and the gestational diabetes thing, she has been a peach. Rolling, kicking, squirming, pushing, stretching. It’s all amazing. It’s pretty much the only redeeming part when I’m feeling terrible about being pregnant.
Christmas plans
For Christmas this year we are driving up to Columbus Christmas Eve and then spending the night and Christmas Day with Seth’s family, coming home Christmas Day. We are talking about going to see Sherlock Holmes when we get home and spending our last movie coupons. Then Saturday we have dinner at my parents.
This could all be hampered though because apparently all hell is suppose to break loose starting Tuesday night. We could be snowed in on Wednesday. I hope we at least make our doctor’s appointment. I need those test results before I miss out on all the Christmas Treats! I’m already avoiding them at work.
Catch up
Okay friends, I have to catch up at work, since I’m a week behind and then catch up on all my internet stuff. I’ll try to write more later!
Love (actually being productive today),
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Not dead yet!
The head cold turned into a full blown sinus infection-so I've been laid up. However they gave me antibiotics yesterday so hopefully I'm able to do more than sleep all day and can write you all a proper blog post, complete with humor about people eating pugs.
Hang with me!
Love ( to not be drinking snot),
Hang with me!
Love ( to not be drinking snot),
Not dead yet!
The head cold turned into a full blown sinus infection-so I've been laid up. However they gave me antibiotics yesterday so hopefully I'm able to do more than sleep all day and can write you all a proper blog post, complete with humor about people eating pugs.
Hang with me!
Love ( to not be drinking snot),
Hang with me!
Love ( to not be drinking snot),
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves.
Hey there blog world. I actually have some time today to talk to you guys because, of course, I'm home sick.
I'm all congested and stuffed up and have a lovely hacking cough. I figured I spare people at work from listening to me snort and cough all day. Plus, my doctor said sometimes these little colds are my body's way of telling me to slow down. So here I am, being slow.
Let's see what can I tell you about? This will for sure be a rambly post.
First off Christmas is right around the corner. I can't believe it. Before I know it Evelynn will be here. The weather has been horrendous and with my less than stellar driving skills I've been staying home at least in the mornings and trying to get to work in the afternoons. I thought I could do something like that again today but my head wooziness hasn't wore off in time for it to be worth while.
Eveylnn and I have been doing good. She's started some new movements recently that are strange and uncomfortable. It's like she's turning her whole body around over and over inside of me. I feel like singing Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" to her constantly.
I got a Parents magazine this month and it was all about SIDS so of course that wasn't anything I wanted to read. But I did learn a lot, like about not having the crib bumper in there, I wouldn't have known that. Not that she will be in her crib very much at first. But still, good info. Also the part of making sure that she doesn't have a lot of stuff near her head.
We have most of our Christmas shopping done. I wanted to buy Evelynn all this stuff, but I held off. Christmas seems to be hard this year because I just want it to be next year when she is here. She should be old enough that it will be fun too.
The cats are hell bent on destroying the Christmas tree and it's driving Seth crazy. In the middle of the night he jumps out of bed and goes screaming into the living room to yell at the cats. I think I might care more if it wasn't a hassle for me to bend over and pick up the the ornaments. But since I can't do anything to repair the tree when they destroy it, I kind of just ignore it and let it go. He's going to be mad today though because when I shuffled out of my sick bed to get a fanta, the tinsel was strung across the floor. Ahh Bengals.
I have to take a diabetes test this week, I should go do it today but I'm not sure I can stomach the juice they gave me, plus it would mean I have to get dressed and drive down there. Maybe later if I get cabin fever. Also I can't exactly remember the instructions besides come get your blood drawn an hour after you drink the juice.
Chet is supposed to come over later, maybe I can convince him to go with me, the whole getting your blood drawn thing alone is not fun. Plus he likes that crap.
I keep forgetting we are on two week appointments and I have another doctors appointment next week.
We worked really hard this weekend and got our Christmas cards out. We have only gotten 3 ourselves so it's kind of disappointing, but maybe people will see ours and be reminded to send us one. I know sometimes that's what I do.
Oh! So yesterday while I was waiting for the snow to stop I saw a teaser for a new mini series on HBO called "The Pacific", it is basically "Band of Brothers" (You know, one of my favorite things to watch on winter days and bawl my eyes out) but in the Pacific theater. All the same producers and writers are involved (but not the actors) and it just looks amazing. You can find teasers and info here. I'm pretty jazzed. I even posted it on facebook last night.
I got Seth a gym membership for Christmas this year. He's still trying to decide where he wants it to. There is an Anytime Fitness, a YMCA, and a 24 hour fitness that can be on his way home-but the Y's dues are kind of steep, the Anytime fitness is small, and he hasn't looked into the 24 hour fitness yet. I'm kind of excited for him to join a gym again and after Evie comes, I might be able to join him. We did really good when we had a gym to go to in Sioux Falls, we mad an effort to go because we were paying for it. And if it is on his way home, he is more likely just to stop. The bowflex just isn't cutting it anymore and it's cold in the garage. Plus he likes doing cardio and we just don't have the space for a treadmill with all of Evie's stuff coming.
Oh I totally had a craving! I love to eat chips and salsa from La Mesa. I'm also drooling over the thought of China Road's Buddhist Delight. And last night I dreamed about Jim and Jennie's Greek Village. I'm pretty sure that Pam and I might have to sneak over there one of these days. I can't have feta cheese, but I sure can have waffle fries and Greek potatoes. And a greek salad with the feta on the side (I'm sure Pam would love my extra feta).
Really though, I just love to eat food, and its compounded by my pregnancy. I couldn't believe I hadn't gained 100 pounds when we went to the doctor last.
Alright well I'd better try to get a hold of my husband and see how his work day is going and tell him my diabetes test plan. Hope you all are having a great day and maybe I'll be back later today!!
Love (to not have any congestion right now),
I'm all congested and stuffed up and have a lovely hacking cough. I figured I spare people at work from listening to me snort and cough all day. Plus, my doctor said sometimes these little colds are my body's way of telling me to slow down. So here I am, being slow.
Let's see what can I tell you about? This will for sure be a rambly post.
First off Christmas is right around the corner. I can't believe it. Before I know it Evelynn will be here. The weather has been horrendous and with my less than stellar driving skills I've been staying home at least in the mornings and trying to get to work in the afternoons. I thought I could do something like that again today but my head wooziness hasn't wore off in time for it to be worth while.
Eveylnn and I have been doing good. She's started some new movements recently that are strange and uncomfortable. It's like she's turning her whole body around over and over inside of me. I feel like singing Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" to her constantly.
I got a Parents magazine this month and it was all about SIDS so of course that wasn't anything I wanted to read. But I did learn a lot, like about not having the crib bumper in there, I wouldn't have known that. Not that she will be in her crib very much at first. But still, good info. Also the part of making sure that she doesn't have a lot of stuff near her head.
We have most of our Christmas shopping done. I wanted to buy Evelynn all this stuff, but I held off. Christmas seems to be hard this year because I just want it to be next year when she is here. She should be old enough that it will be fun too.
The cats are hell bent on destroying the Christmas tree and it's driving Seth crazy. In the middle of the night he jumps out of bed and goes screaming into the living room to yell at the cats. I think I might care more if it wasn't a hassle for me to bend over and pick up the the ornaments. But since I can't do anything to repair the tree when they destroy it, I kind of just ignore it and let it go. He's going to be mad today though because when I shuffled out of my sick bed to get a fanta, the tinsel was strung across the floor. Ahh Bengals.
I have to take a diabetes test this week, I should go do it today but I'm not sure I can stomach the juice they gave me, plus it would mean I have to get dressed and drive down there. Maybe later if I get cabin fever. Also I can't exactly remember the instructions besides come get your blood drawn an hour after you drink the juice.
Chet is supposed to come over later, maybe I can convince him to go with me, the whole getting your blood drawn thing alone is not fun. Plus he likes that crap.
I keep forgetting we are on two week appointments and I have another doctors appointment next week.
We worked really hard this weekend and got our Christmas cards out. We have only gotten 3 ourselves so it's kind of disappointing, but maybe people will see ours and be reminded to send us one. I know sometimes that's what I do.
Oh! So yesterday while I was waiting for the snow to stop I saw a teaser for a new mini series on HBO called "The Pacific", it is basically "Band of Brothers" (You know, one of my favorite things to watch on winter days and bawl my eyes out) but in the Pacific theater. All the same producers and writers are involved (but not the actors) and it just looks amazing. You can find teasers and info here. I'm pretty jazzed. I even posted it on facebook last night.
I got Seth a gym membership for Christmas this year. He's still trying to decide where he wants it to. There is an Anytime Fitness, a YMCA, and a 24 hour fitness that can be on his way home-but the Y's dues are kind of steep, the Anytime fitness is small, and he hasn't looked into the 24 hour fitness yet. I'm kind of excited for him to join a gym again and after Evie comes, I might be able to join him. We did really good when we had a gym to go to in Sioux Falls, we mad an effort to go because we were paying for it. And if it is on his way home, he is more likely just to stop. The bowflex just isn't cutting it anymore and it's cold in the garage. Plus he likes doing cardio and we just don't have the space for a treadmill with all of Evie's stuff coming.
Oh I totally had a craving! I love to eat chips and salsa from La Mesa. I'm also drooling over the thought of China Road's Buddhist Delight. And last night I dreamed about Jim and Jennie's Greek Village. I'm pretty sure that Pam and I might have to sneak over there one of these days. I can't have feta cheese, but I sure can have waffle fries and Greek potatoes. And a greek salad with the feta on the side (I'm sure Pam would love my extra feta).
Really though, I just love to eat food, and its compounded by my pregnancy. I couldn't believe I hadn't gained 100 pounds when we went to the doctor last.
Alright well I'd better try to get a hold of my husband and see how his work day is going and tell him my diabetes test plan. Hope you all are having a great day and maybe I'll be back later today!!
Love (to not have any congestion right now),
Monday, December 14, 2009
No seriously, I promise I'll come back...eventually
Don't leave me blog fans!
Once again the weather decided to go haywire and this morning on top of an inch of ice we had overnight, mother nature was lovingly wrapping it in an inch of snow. So I had to wait to come in, and I still have a TON of updating work to do. So I promise, once this outage dies down, I will come back to you and regal your day with my witty thoughts on life.
Evie is doing great, super active and wiggly. She kept me up most of the morning after I got up to check the weather-silly girl. I'd better get used to it, right?
Okay I'll try to come back this afternoon.
Love (to be able to transport to work),
Once again the weather decided to go haywire and this morning on top of an inch of ice we had overnight, mother nature was lovingly wrapping it in an inch of snow. So I had to wait to come in, and I still have a TON of updating work to do. So I promise, once this outage dies down, I will come back to you and regal your day with my witty thoughts on life.
Evie is doing great, super active and wiggly. She kept me up most of the morning after I got up to check the weather-silly girl. I'd better get used to it, right?
Okay I'll try to come back this afternoon.
Love (to be able to transport to work),
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sorry all!
I had a doctors appointment this morning!
All is well, it was just a quick one, sometime next week I have to take the diabities test which sounds horrible.
Other than that trying to catch up on work before another issue comes down and getting ready to celebrate Seth's birthday tonite!
Saturday we are going to start the cookies and hopefully finish them. We are trying not to overkill it this year and only make a couple dozen.
Hopefully I can get in one more full work week and then it's Christmas vacation! Woot!
Hope you and yours have a delightful weekend!
Love ( to have a little more time),
All is well, it was just a quick one, sometime next week I have to take the diabities test which sounds horrible.
Other than that trying to catch up on work before another issue comes down and getting ready to celebrate Seth's birthday tonite!
Saturday we are going to start the cookies and hopefully finish them. We are trying not to overkill it this year and only make a couple dozen.
Hopefully I can get in one more full work week and then it's Christmas vacation! Woot!
Hope you and yours have a delightful weekend!
Love ( to have a little more time),
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I'm still alive!
But the snowstorm has reeked havoc on my schedule and work. So to placate you for now, here is some pictures...
This is what Bagheera does when you try to sit at a computer. He crawls up there and sits like that himself. Excuse my sweet look, I was snowed in for two and a half days.
Here is my husband's masterpiece-Our Christmas tree, he works very hard on it and makes sure everything is proportional and cares a lot about it. Christmas is coming to our house if I like it or not!
Love (for it to be the weekend already!)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Snow Day!
We are in a blizzard here in Nebraska and I'm snowed in with my family! I'm comfy in my nick and nora little hoot pj's and I'm thinking of letting the cats out later to see how they react to the snow-don't worry-I'll take pictures!
Hopefully write more later! If the couch doesn't lure me into a nap!
Love (being snowed in!),
Hopefully write more later! If the couch doesn't lure me into a nap!
Love (being snowed in!),
Snow Day!
We are in a blizzard here in Nebraska and I'm snowed in with my family! I'm comfy in my nick and nora little hoot pj's and I'm thinking of letting the cats out later to see how they react to the snow-don't worry-I'll take pictures!
Hopefully write more later! If the couch doesn't lure me into a nap!
Love (being snowed in!),
Hopefully write more later! If the couch doesn't lure me into a nap!
Love (being snowed in!),
Monday, December 7, 2009
I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
Hi all!
Okay so here’s a quick one, since I am loads behind in some of my updating work, the stuff that I don’t have a deadline on, but still needs to be done eventually. I usually wait until I run out of space in my hold cubbies and then do it begrudgingly.
This weekend I decided that I am not anti-Christmas, I’m anti X-mas. I’m down with Jesus and the whole meaning of Christmas and the spirit and the message behind it, but I’m just fed up with everything else that has made Christmas so commercial and such a chore. I know I’ll have to be all up in it next year for Evelynn, but this year, I’m boycotting X-mas. Seth asked me to put up the tree (after I had put up my half of the Christmas decorations, the tree is his thing because he’s uber picky about it) and I literally stood the box up on end, wrapped some tinsel and lights around it, and put the tree topper on the top. He doesn’t think I’m funny. Pam thought it was hilarious. In fact she suggested the tinsel and lights.
Weekend Recap
This weekend was okay. I didn’t sleep on the couch all weekend like I wanted. Friday night we ran errands, which kind of sucked but was kind of fun. We were out pretty late and still managed to eat at home which made Seth happy. We had to go to Best Buy and look at Netbooks (my Christmas present) and return our birthday present from Seth’s family. Then we went to Target to pick up my prescription (I love our pharmacist, she totally hooked it up so I only have to come in twice a month now instead of every week because my prescriptions were all over the place) and then we went to Walmart and did some Christmas shopping.
This year, for the first year ever, I actually participated in Toys for Tots at work. Normally I try to duck out of things. At my last job I quit before the money was due to help the families the company was sponsoring. I got all bent out of shape about it because the lists they gave us were PS3 games and crap like that. Not like warm coats and gloves. It was like, how does this family in need have a PS3? So anyway I normally don’t pay attention too much to that stuff this time of year, but this year, maybe because I’m pregnant, I started think about the kids without toys and how the Marines sponsor it and I got all choked up and decided to do it. I bought toys for Seth to take to his box too, but he refused to do it because his box was full and he didn’t want people to see him do it which is just weird but whatever. I put both toys in my box and felt good for once this Christmas season.
So Friday night we got home and watched some TV and ate and went to bed early (well I did, Seth stayed up until 3 working on his project).
Saturday I woke up and under the impression that my parents were going to come over and hang out at my house that night I started cleaning like a mad woman. I hate cleaning my house these days. I don’t get the satisfaction I used to out of cleaning it and being all “Oh my HOME is so CLEAN and I worked so HARD and it was so WORTH IT” mostly afterward I just felt resentful towards the house that I had to clean it. And it needed a deep cleaning too. I mopped floors and everything.
Halfway thru my cleaning expedition, my parents and I exchanged phone calls and changed the plans for the evening. We decided to go to “Beyond Golf” and watch the Nebraska game on the big screens and eat there. It was great to go because Jesse joined us and my parents found a place to have their New Year’s party, and we had a lot of fun.
We got home around 9 and finished watching the game which was heartbreaking and made me never want to watch football ever again.
Sunday I started putting up my half of the Christmas stuff and then Pam came over with Zio’s pizza and we watched some TV and hung out and caught up, it was super fun. Then I vacuumed and steam cleaned my Grandpa’s rocking chair for him and had some solution left over so I did the stairs. Seth worked on his project most of the day. I watched TV and made lunches and dinner and then we went to bed. Oh the exciting life we lead.
This morning, we had about 2 inches of snow, and since I live on top of a giant hill that turns into a really busy road, I decided to wait for the snowplow to come thru.
Tonite we are supposed to get 4 inches and another 4-9 tomorrow. It will be interesting to see if I even attempt getting to work. I wish it was starting tomorrow night though because we have a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday and it would be nice just to take the whole day Wednesday if I have to take a day for the weather.
Evelynn’s Blog
Evelynn has been moving a little different lately, more with her whole body so I can feel her and her little legs and arms pressing against me. She kicks on command pretty much and is generally very active. The heartburn has been increasing worse, and my belly button is getting grosser by the day. I noticed my fingers were a little swollen today but that could have been the weather. Other than that we are just chugging along!
SYTYCD SpoilersCouples:
Jakob & Mollee – Broadway (Joey Dowling), Viennese Waltz (Jason Gilkison)
Legacy & Ellenore – Contemporary (Travis Wall), Hip Hop (NappyTabs)
Ryan & Kathryn – Disco (Doriana Sanchez), Cha Cha (Jason Gilkison)
Russell & Ashleigh – Hip Hop (Shane Sparks), Bollywood (Nakul Dev Mahajan)
Better get to work!
I’d better get working since the weather prediction for tomorrow makes me think I may not be here! Hope you all are warm and safe wherever you are!!
Love (to have a snow day),
Okay so here’s a quick one, since I am loads behind in some of my updating work, the stuff that I don’t have a deadline on, but still needs to be done eventually. I usually wait until I run out of space in my hold cubbies and then do it begrudgingly.
This weekend I decided that I am not anti-Christmas, I’m anti X-mas. I’m down with Jesus and the whole meaning of Christmas and the spirit and the message behind it, but I’m just fed up with everything else that has made Christmas so commercial and such a chore. I know I’ll have to be all up in it next year for Evelynn, but this year, I’m boycotting X-mas. Seth asked me to put up the tree (after I had put up my half of the Christmas decorations, the tree is his thing because he’s uber picky about it) and I literally stood the box up on end, wrapped some tinsel and lights around it, and put the tree topper on the top. He doesn’t think I’m funny. Pam thought it was hilarious. In fact she suggested the tinsel and lights.
Weekend Recap
This weekend was okay. I didn’t sleep on the couch all weekend like I wanted. Friday night we ran errands, which kind of sucked but was kind of fun. We were out pretty late and still managed to eat at home which made Seth happy. We had to go to Best Buy and look at Netbooks (my Christmas present) and return our birthday present from Seth’s family. Then we went to Target to pick up my prescription (I love our pharmacist, she totally hooked it up so I only have to come in twice a month now instead of every week because my prescriptions were all over the place) and then we went to Walmart and did some Christmas shopping.
This year, for the first year ever, I actually participated in Toys for Tots at work. Normally I try to duck out of things. At my last job I quit before the money was due to help the families the company was sponsoring. I got all bent out of shape about it because the lists they gave us were PS3 games and crap like that. Not like warm coats and gloves. It was like, how does this family in need have a PS3? So anyway I normally don’t pay attention too much to that stuff this time of year, but this year, maybe because I’m pregnant, I started think about the kids without toys and how the Marines sponsor it and I got all choked up and decided to do it. I bought toys for Seth to take to his box too, but he refused to do it because his box was full and he didn’t want people to see him do it which is just weird but whatever. I put both toys in my box and felt good for once this Christmas season.
So Friday night we got home and watched some TV and ate and went to bed early (well I did, Seth stayed up until 3 working on his project).
Saturday I woke up and under the impression that my parents were going to come over and hang out at my house that night I started cleaning like a mad woman. I hate cleaning my house these days. I don’t get the satisfaction I used to out of cleaning it and being all “Oh my HOME is so CLEAN and I worked so HARD and it was so WORTH IT” mostly afterward I just felt resentful towards the house that I had to clean it. And it needed a deep cleaning too. I mopped floors and everything.
Halfway thru my cleaning expedition, my parents and I exchanged phone calls and changed the plans for the evening. We decided to go to “Beyond Golf” and watch the Nebraska game on the big screens and eat there. It was great to go because Jesse joined us and my parents found a place to have their New Year’s party, and we had a lot of fun.
We got home around 9 and finished watching the game which was heartbreaking and made me never want to watch football ever again.
Sunday I started putting up my half of the Christmas stuff and then Pam came over with Zio’s pizza and we watched some TV and hung out and caught up, it was super fun. Then I vacuumed and steam cleaned my Grandpa’s rocking chair for him and had some solution left over so I did the stairs. Seth worked on his project most of the day. I watched TV and made lunches and dinner and then we went to bed. Oh the exciting life we lead.
This morning, we had about 2 inches of snow, and since I live on top of a giant hill that turns into a really busy road, I decided to wait for the snowplow to come thru.
Tonite we are supposed to get 4 inches and another 4-9 tomorrow. It will be interesting to see if I even attempt getting to work. I wish it was starting tomorrow night though because we have a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday and it would be nice just to take the whole day Wednesday if I have to take a day for the weather.
Evelynn’s Blog
Evelynn has been moving a little different lately, more with her whole body so I can feel her and her little legs and arms pressing against me. She kicks on command pretty much and is generally very active. The heartburn has been increasing worse, and my belly button is getting grosser by the day. I noticed my fingers were a little swollen today but that could have been the weather. Other than that we are just chugging along!
SYTYCD SpoilersCouples:
Jakob & Mollee – Broadway (Joey Dowling), Viennese Waltz (Jason Gilkison)
Legacy & Ellenore – Contemporary (Travis Wall), Hip Hop (NappyTabs)
Ryan & Kathryn – Disco (Doriana Sanchez), Cha Cha (Jason Gilkison)
Russell & Ashleigh – Hip Hop (Shane Sparks), Bollywood (Nakul Dev Mahajan)
Better get to work!
I’d better get working since the weather prediction for tomorrow makes me think I may not be here! Hope you all are warm and safe wherever you are!!
Love (to have a snow day),
Snow delayed me, and this post
Sorry all, but the snow ate my sanity this morning. If I have time to kill this afternoon I'll write you a weekend recap.
Until then, enjoy this picture of my mom and I before we went out.
Love (to be at home not driving in the snow),
Friday, December 4, 2009
I'm bored...look a survey!
Work is more fun with 100 Random Questions.
Yes it is one of those days
By the way-did you notice we’ve hit double digits? Only 99 days until Evelynn is here (hopefully!)
1. How old will you be in five years?
33-ugh. And I had to get a calculator out to do that math, even sadder.
2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today?
Mel at work, since I sit next to her and all.
3. How tall are you?
5′1"…on a good day
4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?
I think around that time I will be starting my Baby Showers, which means Evelynn’s room will stop looking so depressing!
5. What’s the last movie you saw?
King Arthur, I couldn’t remember what it was about so I watched it again last weekend snuggling with Seth in bed.
6. Who was the last person you called?
Seth. I called to tell him about my parents cool new Droid phones.
7. Who was the last person to call you?
My Dad, to tell me about his cool new Droid phone
8. What was the last text message you received?
I don’t get text messages, but the last Blackberry Message I received was from Seth telling me to tell Bagheera hi after I sent him that picture of Baggy giving me the death stare.
9. Who was the last person to leave you a voicemail?
Umm….my mom? Or Pam? I hate voicemails on my CarrieBerry because I have to do like 300 steps to get them and then to turn off the messages my phones sends me when I get one.
10. Do you prefer to call or text?
Neither. I prefer email. So that’s kind of like text, right?
11. What were you doing at 12am last night?
Sleeping and around that time Seth came to bed so I got up to pee
12. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?
Happily married…most days. :-)
13. When is the last time you saw your mom?
Saturday, but I’m seeing her again tomorrow.
14. What color are your eyes?
15. What time did you wake up today?
Totally wake up? 7. But before that I woke up at 12, 2, 4:30, and 5 to pee. And 5:45 to email Mel and my boss and tell them I was going to be in later.
16. What are you wearing right now?
The only jeans I have that fit, a classic me shirt the Old Navy ¾ sleeve thin brown and white striped, and a magenta fleece Old Navy scarf that Kathy got me.
17. What is your favorite Christmas song?
I HATE CHRISTMAS SONGS. If you have ever had to sit thru a Manheim Steamroller concert you would too.
18. Where is your favorite place to be?
At home snuggling in bed with my hubby and cats or around a table with delicious foods with my family and friends.
19. Where is your least favorite place to be?
20. Where would you go if you could go anywhere?
Lately I’ve really wanted to go back to Europe with Seth and show him where I grew up. Or Mexico again, but fingers crossed we actually take our honeymoon next September.
21. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years?
Chasing some kids around a hopefully bigger house and making delicious foods that everyone wants to come eat. And also with a book out.
22. Do you tan or burn?
Burn. I have two colors, white and lobster.
23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
Death, ET, spiders, robbers, monsters…I have always been a little high anxiety.
24. What was the last thing that really made you laugh?
Mel sent me a video of a guy stripping for his wife and when he took off his pants he had a fart stain on his whitey tighties. I thought it was hilarious. Everyone I sent it to emailed back and said it was gross.
25. How many TVs do you have in your house?
Oh let’s see…3 plugged in, one unplugged and shoved in a closet.
26. How big is your bed?
Queen, but since the cats have started sleeping in between us, we’ve been discussing the need for a bigger one.
27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer?
28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
29. What color are your sheets?
Right now? Wine colored. They need to be changed though so tonite they will be something new.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
HA. 20+ including the new body pillow…I love pillows.
31. What is your favorite season?
Autumn or Winter
32. What do you like about fall?
Cooler weather, making hearty foods, snuggling under blankets
33. What do you like about winter?
Snow, jackets, having an excuse to not go out, the holidays, hot chocolate
34. What do you like about the summer?
Nothing. I hate it. I hate being hot and the sun and the ugly squish face I make when the sun is in my eyes, and sweating and blah, I hate summer.
35. What do you like about spring?
the flowers, the green, how the weather is so unpredictable, being able to open the windows and air the house out.
36. How many states have you lived in?
Hmmm, let’s see, Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas, Georgia, Arizona, Texas…so 6. Granted I’ve lived in Nebraska 3 times, Arizona and Texas twice, and Europe for a very long time
37. What cities/towns have you lived in?
Ha. We would be here all day. Omaha, Sioux Falls, Omaha, Blair, Papillion, Darmstadt, Augsburg, Fort Leavenworth, Peachtree City, Fort Huachuca, Sierra Vista, Fort Bliss, El Paso, Palmyra, Syracuse…I’m not even including all the times we had to mini move and stay with my grandparents for a couple months why my parents found houses at our new duty locations or we were in temp housing waiting for housing to open up on base. Or when we just moved to a different city.
38. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
Oh it depends on the weather, but I never wear socks to bed. Or during sex. I’m not a porn star.
39. Are you a social person?
Nah, not really
40. What was the last thing you ate?
Cheez-its and they gave me heartburn.
41. What is your favorite restaurant?
I have so many. I love food. Off the top of my head La Mesa, Pepperjax, Zio’s, Biaggi’s, China Road, Qudoba, Taco Bell, Jim and Jennie’s Greek Village, Champps, Old Chicago, Panera, Jimmy John’s, Food and Fermentation, that place in Sioux Falls that had Mexican coleslaw, Valentino’s, like I said, we could be here all day, I haven’t even touched the European places.
42. What is your favorite ice cream?
I like traditionally Vanilla most days, but if we are at Maggie Moo’s or Cold Stone I love adding chocolate chip cookie dough, gram crackers, and almonds. But since I can’t have raw cookie dough, I haven’t been there since Evie was conceived.
43. What is your favorite dessert?
I’m not big on dessert, but I love ice cream or a warm brownie or cookie
44. What is your favorite kind of soup?
Tomato or broccoli cheese, or garlic
45. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich?
Grape, and I don’t use jelly, I use jam. Less my father will disown me.
46. Do you like Chinese food?
Yes, China Road makes the most amazing Buddhist Delight. Too bad it’s like a bajillion dollars.
47. Do you like coffee?
No, but I do like the way it smells, it reminds me of my Dad.
48. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average?
A lot. Especially now. It helps combat preterm labor and cramping and is generally really good for Evelynn, even if it means there are moments where I come thisclose to peeing my pants.
49. What do you drink in the morning?
Juice, usually Orange but I spice it up with apple and crangrape some days. I have to drink it in the morning for my plummeting blood sugar.
50. What non-banking related card in your wallet is the most valuable to you?
My driver’s license.
51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?
Yes, I sleep on the left (or closest to the bathroom) and Seth sleeps on the right (or closest to the door so he can protect me from bad guys)
52. Do you know how to play poker?
No. And I really have no desire to learn
53. Do you like to cuddle?
Usually but since it takes me so long to get comfy these days and I take up so much space, it’s hard to.
54. Have you ever been to Canada?
No, but I’d like to
55. Do you have an addictive personality?
Yes. Ha have you noticed I blog every work day?
56. Do you eat out or at home more often?I try to eat out more, Seth tries to eat at home more, but I don’t like leftovers and beyond burritos and French fries, there really isn’t anything of substance that doesn’t require me dirtying a lot of pans. Plus I’m usually zonked by the time I get home. But most nights I make an effort.
57. What do you miss about high school, if anything?
I actually miss some of the people, and the innocence, and the freedom or I guess the lack of responsibility. There was a time I opened the fridge and food was always magically there and some else made dinner and cleaned up, and drove me around.
58. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
No actually, I don’t think I do…
59. Do you want kids?
I really don’t think I have a choice in that matter now, but before I got pregnant, I did. But only with Seth. I never wanted kids before I started dating Seth, must be why I married him.
60. Do you speak any other languages?
Nah, I used to, but I don’t now.
61. Have you ever gotten stitches?
Lord, the drama that surrounds the two times I’ve had to get stitches is legendary in my family. One involves me pulling them out myself because my Dad said I looked like a cat and the other involves my mother chasing me around our house to try and get me in the car.
62. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance
?No (pray I never have to, it’s expensive!)
63. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool?
Pool, but I love the sound and sight of the ocean from my balcony in Mexico.
64. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?
Doesn’t really matter, mostly it’s up to you, how many times do you want to have to stand up so I can pee during a flight?
65. Do you know how to drive stick?
Barely. Ages ago I thought I would be uber cool in college and try to impress people with the family BMW. Apparently you actually have to be able to make it thru a stop sign to be impressive. I did drive it from Omaha to Blair though (30 miles) and blew threw about 100 stop signs and stop lights on the way.
66. What is your favorite thing to spend money on?
67. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7?
My wedding ring, my irish wedding ring, my cross necklace, and the olive wood cross (it’s from Isreal) in my bra (to be close to my heart) for Evie.
68. What is your favorite TV show?
Lord, these questions, we could be here all day…let’s see just a few-Grey’s Anatomy, So You Think You Can Dance, How I Met Your Mother, Heroes, Bones, Big Bang Theory, Chuck, The Tudors, Big Love, Entourage, Ghost Adventures, Top Chef, All the Law and Orders, Criminal Minds, House, The Soup…
69. Can you roll your tongue?
Yes, yay genetics!
70. Who is the funniest person you know?
Probably my brother
71. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Yes, Kerby, and my blankie too.
72. What is the main ring tone on your phone?
“Dirty Dancing” by New Kids on the Block
73. Do you still have clothes from when you were little?
Yes, my mother has forced me to go thru all of them since we learned Evie was coming
74. What red object is closest to you right now?
Red pen
75. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth?
No, but usually I’m warming it up to wash my face. At night I do.
76. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
77. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
Neither, if I had a choice.
78. Do you flirt a lot?
Nah, it’s hard for a woman in my state to flirt
79. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
I don’t, but when I ate them before I became a vegetarian at age 8 I ate them with honey. Chicken nuggets are actually the reason I became a vegetarian. I got a bad one from McDonalds once.
80. What is your favorite food?
French Fries, no salad, no bean burritos, no soup, no pasta, no cheese. Okay it’s all my favorite
81. Can you change the oil on a car?
No, but my husband and father in law can, so that counts right?
82. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
83. Have you ever run out of gas?
No and I don’t ever want to, it’s one of my driving fears, along with hitting deers and losing control of the car.
84. What is your usual bedtime?
These days? 10:30.
85. What was the last book you read?
The last book I finished was “Prep” by Curtis Sutterfield and now I’m reading Jack’s Widow by Eve Pollard.
86. Do you read the newspaper?
87. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Yes, American Baby, Parenting, American Pregnancy…yeah lame I know.
89. Do you watch soap operas?
90. Do you dance in the car?
All of the time, I am the queen of car dancing.
91. What radio station did you last listen to?
94.1, but I’ve been listening to my new cd’s more than the radio lately.
92. Who is in the picture frame closest to you?
A picture of Jesse, Ellyn, Me, and Seth on the boat to Disney World. I look way more excited than everyone else.
93. What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper?
A list of DVD’s I need to buy and when they come out.
94. What is your favorite candle scent?
Vanilla, Sugar Cookie, or a floral scent. Right now our house smells like Christmas Trees, it’s the most Christmas thing I’ve done, changed the scentsy pots.
95. What is your favorite board game?
Probably Scrabble or blockus
96. What is your favorite drink?
Tea. Hot tea, iced tea, sun tea. It’s all good.
97. When was the last time you attended church?
Oh I can’t remember, we’ve fallen off the ball lately, but we will be going to Seth’s family Church for Christmas.
98. Who was your favorite teacher in high school?
I had a lot of high school teachers…none too fondly to be favorites.
99. What is the longest you have ever camped out in a tent?
A weekend, and I have grand plans of never camping again. I’ve even told Seth I’m not doing it with the kids.
100. What are you most excited for this year?
Meeting Evelynn Ann and becoming a whole family!!
Yes it is one of those days
By the way-did you notice we’ve hit double digits? Only 99 days until Evelynn is here (hopefully!)
1. How old will you be in five years?
33-ugh. And I had to get a calculator out to do that math, even sadder.
2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today?
Mel at work, since I sit next to her and all.
3. How tall are you?
5′1"…on a good day
4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?
I think around that time I will be starting my Baby Showers, which means Evelynn’s room will stop looking so depressing!
5. What’s the last movie you saw?
King Arthur, I couldn’t remember what it was about so I watched it again last weekend snuggling with Seth in bed.
6. Who was the last person you called?
Seth. I called to tell him about my parents cool new Droid phones.
7. Who was the last person to call you?
My Dad, to tell me about his cool new Droid phone
8. What was the last text message you received?
I don’t get text messages, but the last Blackberry Message I received was from Seth telling me to tell Bagheera hi after I sent him that picture of Baggy giving me the death stare.
9. Who was the last person to leave you a voicemail?
Umm….my mom? Or Pam? I hate voicemails on my CarrieBerry because I have to do like 300 steps to get them and then to turn off the messages my phones sends me when I get one.
10. Do you prefer to call or text?
Neither. I prefer email. So that’s kind of like text, right?
11. What were you doing at 12am last night?
Sleeping and around that time Seth came to bed so I got up to pee
12. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?
Happily married…most days. :-)
13. When is the last time you saw your mom?
Saturday, but I’m seeing her again tomorrow.
14. What color are your eyes?
15. What time did you wake up today?
Totally wake up? 7. But before that I woke up at 12, 2, 4:30, and 5 to pee. And 5:45 to email Mel and my boss and tell them I was going to be in later.
16. What are you wearing right now?
The only jeans I have that fit, a classic me shirt the Old Navy ¾ sleeve thin brown and white striped, and a magenta fleece Old Navy scarf that Kathy got me.
17. What is your favorite Christmas song?
I HATE CHRISTMAS SONGS. If you have ever had to sit thru a Manheim Steamroller concert you would too.
18. Where is your favorite place to be?
At home snuggling in bed with my hubby and cats or around a table with delicious foods with my family and friends.
19. Where is your least favorite place to be?
20. Where would you go if you could go anywhere?
Lately I’ve really wanted to go back to Europe with Seth and show him where I grew up. Or Mexico again, but fingers crossed we actually take our honeymoon next September.
21. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years?
Chasing some kids around a hopefully bigger house and making delicious foods that everyone wants to come eat. And also with a book out.
22. Do you tan or burn?
Burn. I have two colors, white and lobster.
23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
Death, ET, spiders, robbers, monsters…I have always been a little high anxiety.
24. What was the last thing that really made you laugh?
Mel sent me a video of a guy stripping for his wife and when he took off his pants he had a fart stain on his whitey tighties. I thought it was hilarious. Everyone I sent it to emailed back and said it was gross.
25. How many TVs do you have in your house?
Oh let’s see…3 plugged in, one unplugged and shoved in a closet.
26. How big is your bed?
Queen, but since the cats have started sleeping in between us, we’ve been discussing the need for a bigger one.
27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer?
28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
29. What color are your sheets?
Right now? Wine colored. They need to be changed though so tonite they will be something new.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
HA. 20+ including the new body pillow…I love pillows.
31. What is your favorite season?
Autumn or Winter
32. What do you like about fall?
Cooler weather, making hearty foods, snuggling under blankets
33. What do you like about winter?
Snow, jackets, having an excuse to not go out, the holidays, hot chocolate
34. What do you like about the summer?
Nothing. I hate it. I hate being hot and the sun and the ugly squish face I make when the sun is in my eyes, and sweating and blah, I hate summer.
35. What do you like about spring?
the flowers, the green, how the weather is so unpredictable, being able to open the windows and air the house out.
36. How many states have you lived in?
Hmmm, let’s see, Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas, Georgia, Arizona, Texas…so 6. Granted I’ve lived in Nebraska 3 times, Arizona and Texas twice, and Europe for a very long time
37. What cities/towns have you lived in?
Ha. We would be here all day. Omaha, Sioux Falls, Omaha, Blair, Papillion, Darmstadt, Augsburg, Fort Leavenworth, Peachtree City, Fort Huachuca, Sierra Vista, Fort Bliss, El Paso, Palmyra, Syracuse…I’m not even including all the times we had to mini move and stay with my grandparents for a couple months why my parents found houses at our new duty locations or we were in temp housing waiting for housing to open up on base. Or when we just moved to a different city.
38. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
Oh it depends on the weather, but I never wear socks to bed. Or during sex. I’m not a porn star.
39. Are you a social person?
Nah, not really
40. What was the last thing you ate?
Cheez-its and they gave me heartburn.
41. What is your favorite restaurant?
I have so many. I love food. Off the top of my head La Mesa, Pepperjax, Zio’s, Biaggi’s, China Road, Qudoba, Taco Bell, Jim and Jennie’s Greek Village, Champps, Old Chicago, Panera, Jimmy John’s, Food and Fermentation, that place in Sioux Falls that had Mexican coleslaw, Valentino’s, like I said, we could be here all day, I haven’t even touched the European places.
42. What is your favorite ice cream?
I like traditionally Vanilla most days, but if we are at Maggie Moo’s or Cold Stone I love adding chocolate chip cookie dough, gram crackers, and almonds. But since I can’t have raw cookie dough, I haven’t been there since Evie was conceived.
43. What is your favorite dessert?
I’m not big on dessert, but I love ice cream or a warm brownie or cookie
44. What is your favorite kind of soup?
Tomato or broccoli cheese, or garlic
45. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich?
Grape, and I don’t use jelly, I use jam. Less my father will disown me.
46. Do you like Chinese food?
Yes, China Road makes the most amazing Buddhist Delight. Too bad it’s like a bajillion dollars.
47. Do you like coffee?
No, but I do like the way it smells, it reminds me of my Dad.
48. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average?
A lot. Especially now. It helps combat preterm labor and cramping and is generally really good for Evelynn, even if it means there are moments where I come thisclose to peeing my pants.
49. What do you drink in the morning?
Juice, usually Orange but I spice it up with apple and crangrape some days. I have to drink it in the morning for my plummeting blood sugar.
50. What non-banking related card in your wallet is the most valuable to you?
My driver’s license.
51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?
Yes, I sleep on the left (or closest to the bathroom) and Seth sleeps on the right (or closest to the door so he can protect me from bad guys)
52. Do you know how to play poker?
No. And I really have no desire to learn
53. Do you like to cuddle?
Usually but since it takes me so long to get comfy these days and I take up so much space, it’s hard to.
54. Have you ever been to Canada?
No, but I’d like to
55. Do you have an addictive personality?
Yes. Ha have you noticed I blog every work day?
56. Do you eat out or at home more often?I try to eat out more, Seth tries to eat at home more, but I don’t like leftovers and beyond burritos and French fries, there really isn’t anything of substance that doesn’t require me dirtying a lot of pans. Plus I’m usually zonked by the time I get home. But most nights I make an effort.
57. What do you miss about high school, if anything?
I actually miss some of the people, and the innocence, and the freedom or I guess the lack of responsibility. There was a time I opened the fridge and food was always magically there and some else made dinner and cleaned up, and drove me around.
58. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
No actually, I don’t think I do…
59. Do you want kids?
I really don’t think I have a choice in that matter now, but before I got pregnant, I did. But only with Seth. I never wanted kids before I started dating Seth, must be why I married him.
60. Do you speak any other languages?
Nah, I used to, but I don’t now.
61. Have you ever gotten stitches?
Lord, the drama that surrounds the two times I’ve had to get stitches is legendary in my family. One involves me pulling them out myself because my Dad said I looked like a cat and the other involves my mother chasing me around our house to try and get me in the car.
62. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance
?No (pray I never have to, it’s expensive!)
63. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool?
Pool, but I love the sound and sight of the ocean from my balcony in Mexico.
64. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?
Doesn’t really matter, mostly it’s up to you, how many times do you want to have to stand up so I can pee during a flight?
65. Do you know how to drive stick?
Barely. Ages ago I thought I would be uber cool in college and try to impress people with the family BMW. Apparently you actually have to be able to make it thru a stop sign to be impressive. I did drive it from Omaha to Blair though (30 miles) and blew threw about 100 stop signs and stop lights on the way.
66. What is your favorite thing to spend money on?
67. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7?
My wedding ring, my irish wedding ring, my cross necklace, and the olive wood cross (it’s from Isreal) in my bra (to be close to my heart) for Evie.
68. What is your favorite TV show?
Lord, these questions, we could be here all day…let’s see just a few-Grey’s Anatomy, So You Think You Can Dance, How I Met Your Mother, Heroes, Bones, Big Bang Theory, Chuck, The Tudors, Big Love, Entourage, Ghost Adventures, Top Chef, All the Law and Orders, Criminal Minds, House, The Soup…
69. Can you roll your tongue?
Yes, yay genetics!
70. Who is the funniest person you know?
Probably my brother
71. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Yes, Kerby, and my blankie too.
72. What is the main ring tone on your phone?
“Dirty Dancing” by New Kids on the Block
73. Do you still have clothes from when you were little?
Yes, my mother has forced me to go thru all of them since we learned Evie was coming
74. What red object is closest to you right now?
Red pen
75. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth?
No, but usually I’m warming it up to wash my face. At night I do.
76. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
77. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
Neither, if I had a choice.
78. Do you flirt a lot?
Nah, it’s hard for a woman in my state to flirt
79. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
I don’t, but when I ate them before I became a vegetarian at age 8 I ate them with honey. Chicken nuggets are actually the reason I became a vegetarian. I got a bad one from McDonalds once.
80. What is your favorite food?
French Fries, no salad, no bean burritos, no soup, no pasta, no cheese. Okay it’s all my favorite
81. Can you change the oil on a car?
No, but my husband and father in law can, so that counts right?
82. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
83. Have you ever run out of gas?
No and I don’t ever want to, it’s one of my driving fears, along with hitting deers and losing control of the car.
84. What is your usual bedtime?
These days? 10:30.
85. What was the last book you read?
The last book I finished was “Prep” by Curtis Sutterfield and now I’m reading Jack’s Widow by Eve Pollard.
86. Do you read the newspaper?
87. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Yes, American Baby, Parenting, American Pregnancy…yeah lame I know.
89. Do you watch soap operas?
90. Do you dance in the car?
All of the time, I am the queen of car dancing.
91. What radio station did you last listen to?
94.1, but I’ve been listening to my new cd’s more than the radio lately.
92. Who is in the picture frame closest to you?
A picture of Jesse, Ellyn, Me, and Seth on the boat to Disney World. I look way more excited than everyone else.
93. What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper?
A list of DVD’s I need to buy and when they come out.
94. What is your favorite candle scent?
Vanilla, Sugar Cookie, or a floral scent. Right now our house smells like Christmas Trees, it’s the most Christmas thing I’ve done, changed the scentsy pots.
95. What is your favorite board game?
Probably Scrabble or blockus
96. What is your favorite drink?
Tea. Hot tea, iced tea, sun tea. It’s all good.
97. When was the last time you attended church?
Oh I can’t remember, we’ve fallen off the ball lately, but we will be going to Seth’s family Church for Christmas.
98. Who was your favorite teacher in high school?
I had a lot of high school teachers…none too fondly to be favorites.
99. What is the longest you have ever camped out in a tent?
A weekend, and I have grand plans of never camping again. I’ve even told Seth I’m not doing it with the kids.
100. What are you most excited for this year?
Meeting Evelynn Ann and becoming a whole family!!
Saying what we think gives us a wider conversational range than saying what we know.
I made it! I made it! I worked a full week!!!!! I’m so proud of me. My husband is too. I would totally have a party for myself, but I spent most of the money I made this week on Amazon and on my fancy new TV and also my house is a mess. So unless you want to come over to my house and have a CLEANING PARTY while I lay on the couch and bark orders at you and rub my HUGEMONGUS BELLY and whine about how I’m hungry and you need to hurry up, then we probably should refrain from partying.
This is what Seth lives with everyday people. Pity him.
Last night
Last night I worked late! Go me! Not really by choice though because they delivered the one thing I’m required to do daily right about the time I was supposed to go home. I was not happy. But then, because I was at work late the night before, I slept in a little this morning and it didn’t matter one bit, because I was still going to work a full week, as long as I made it in.
My co-worker and I decided last night that we needed more Seal in our lives so I went home and downloaded Seal’s greatest hits and the Soul album. And it’s pretty awesome.
Seth came home a little after me and we went to the grocery store and then came home ate, and I took a bath and went to bed pretty much. I was run down and tired. This working 40 hours a week takes a lot out of a pregnant girl. (Which is so sad, at one time in my life, when I was younger, I worked like 55+ hour weeks no problem. Where did that girl go? Oh that’s right, she got knocked up.)
My parents are officially cooler than me
Last night my parents got Droid phones from Verizon.
A couple of weeks ago they figured out how to download Netflicks movies on their PS3.
They are talking about going to Mexico for Christmas since we will be in Columbus.
They live in a house with a whirlpool tub (with a TV above it so you can watch movies and stuff in the tub. And sometimes my mom brings you drinks and lets you use her fancy bubble bath), movie theater, giant comfy beds, and projects that get started and finished.
They just got my new dream washer/dryer set.
They are my new life idols.
*stares bainfully at CarrieBerry and new Cox OnDemand menu that NEVER EFFING WORKS and tiny tub*
Evelynn’s blog
All the way into work this morning Evelynn jammed to Seal. She has good taste. And I’m officially out of denial that I have a pregnant belly and am trying to embrace it. At least at work anyway, at home I wear hooded sweatshirts and write odes to how much I love my Hanes XL sweatpants.
Maybe I’ll take a picture with my Mom this weekend, since I’m going to see her and my Pops for dinner Saturday night (when they show me how cool their phones are, they are taking a class before that so they will really know how to use it)
I know what you really come for
Here are some crazy cat lady pictures for you:

That might be the cutest thing ever in the history of cute. I took that a couple nights ago when I got up to pee at 3 am.

This is Bagheera’s new thing. He just sits in front of me and stares at me like he’s waiting for me to explode cat treats or something.
This weekend
I’m not really sure what we are up to this weekend since this is the final weekend for Seth’s masters project (THANK GOD) because it’s due on Tuesday.
I know the house needs to be cleaned and I know tonite we have to do a little Christmas shopping and take some stuff back to Best Buy and pick up my crazy pills at Target.
Tomorrow we are having dinner with my parents around 6 and they are coming to see the armoire and the dress up clothes I found. (and taking them back to their fancy new washer/dryer to be cleaned)
And Sunday I’m going to try and do a late lunch with Pam, who I haven’t seen in forever and who will probably not recognize me since I swallowed a beach ball.
Mostly I’ll probably sleep on the couch and compose more odes to my sweatpants.
And I’m out
Okay friends, have a great weekend!
Love (that I actually worked a full week),
This is what Seth lives with everyday people. Pity him.
Last night
Last night I worked late! Go me! Not really by choice though because they delivered the one thing I’m required to do daily right about the time I was supposed to go home. I was not happy. But then, because I was at work late the night before, I slept in a little this morning and it didn’t matter one bit, because I was still going to work a full week, as long as I made it in.
My co-worker and I decided last night that we needed more Seal in our lives so I went home and downloaded Seal’s greatest hits and the Soul album. And it’s pretty awesome.
Seth came home a little after me and we went to the grocery store and then came home ate, and I took a bath and went to bed pretty much. I was run down and tired. This working 40 hours a week takes a lot out of a pregnant girl. (Which is so sad, at one time in my life, when I was younger, I worked like 55+ hour weeks no problem. Where did that girl go? Oh that’s right, she got knocked up.)
My parents are officially cooler than me
Last night my parents got Droid phones from Verizon.
A couple of weeks ago they figured out how to download Netflicks movies on their PS3.
They are talking about going to Mexico for Christmas since we will be in Columbus.
They live in a house with a whirlpool tub (with a TV above it so you can watch movies and stuff in the tub. And sometimes my mom brings you drinks and lets you use her fancy bubble bath), movie theater, giant comfy beds, and projects that get started and finished.
They just got my new dream washer/dryer set.
They are my new life idols.
*stares bainfully at CarrieBerry and new Cox OnDemand menu that NEVER EFFING WORKS and tiny tub*
Evelynn’s blog
All the way into work this morning Evelynn jammed to Seal. She has good taste. And I’m officially out of denial that I have a pregnant belly and am trying to embrace it. At least at work anyway, at home I wear hooded sweatshirts and write odes to how much I love my Hanes XL sweatpants.
Maybe I’ll take a picture with my Mom this weekend, since I’m going to see her and my Pops for dinner Saturday night (when they show me how cool their phones are, they are taking a class before that so they will really know how to use it)
I know what you really come for
Here are some crazy cat lady pictures for you:
That might be the cutest thing ever in the history of cute. I took that a couple nights ago when I got up to pee at 3 am.
This is Bagheera’s new thing. He just sits in front of me and stares at me like he’s waiting for me to explode cat treats or something.
This weekend
I’m not really sure what we are up to this weekend since this is the final weekend for Seth’s masters project (THANK GOD) because it’s due on Tuesday.
I know the house needs to be cleaned and I know tonite we have to do a little Christmas shopping and take some stuff back to Best Buy and pick up my crazy pills at Target.
Tomorrow we are having dinner with my parents around 6 and they are coming to see the armoire and the dress up clothes I found. (and taking them back to their fancy new washer/dryer to be cleaned)
And Sunday I’m going to try and do a late lunch with Pam, who I haven’t seen in forever and who will probably not recognize me since I swallowed a beach ball.
Mostly I’ll probably sleep on the couch and compose more odes to my sweatpants.
And I’m out
Okay friends, have a great weekend!
Love (that I actually worked a full week),
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The love of truth lies at the root of much humor.
Morning all! I hope at whatever time of day you are reading this, you are having a nice day. I think someone slipped me something this morning because for once, I’m not tired and I’m actually pretty chipper-AND I WOKE UP THIS WAY. What happened last night!?!?
And then there was death of the sneeze pees.
Actually last night was pretty miserable, which is why I’m shocked that I’m even here. I had an allergy attack, which I attribute to both work and home switching the heat on full bore. We need to replace our filter at home. But something was bothering the heck out of my nose last night. I was stuffed up and watery eyed and full of sneezes (great) until I took my nasal spray medicine, but then I was just sneeze and runny nosed, which doesn’t work well when you are trying to sleep. At midnight I got up to pee and then sneezed on the way back to bed and peed down my leg. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? I just left the friggin bathroom!! So I had to get into the shower, which helped because I stayed in there and steamed and tried to get whatever was pissing my nose off out. I blew snot rockets and sneeze peed freely (don’t worry I cleaned the shower afterwards). It really helped and I redid my nasal spray and tried to fall asleep as quickly as I could. When I woke up (or I guess Evie woke me up) at 2 and 3 to pee I didn’t have the nose tickles anymore so that was a relief.
Cleaning my DVR
First I watched SYTYCD, which was a little shocking, I never would have thought who went home for the guys went home. I totally called the bottom two girls though and who went home there. Of course the only person who heard me call it was Evie and the cats.
Then I watched Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares on the BBC America which is MUCH better than the Fox version of the show. I fast forwarded thru a lot of it though, mostly the yelling parts. I just like the before and after.
Then I tried to watch Chef Academy on Bravo but I really didn’t like it so I deleted it from my list. It just didn’t click with me. I thought it was going to be a show about people like you and me who aren’t professional chefs learning how to cook from the world’s best chef (this French guy) and instead it’s a bunch of amateur sous chefs and caterers who have worked in kitchens for years and want to move up. Except for this one UBER annoying woman who is someone’s old trophy wife (she bragged about meeting kings and Presidents) and she has fake blond hair and spray tan and looks OLD and she complained about the fabric the chef jackets were made out and got pissed when the Chef told her that her lipstick was ruining her ability to flavor things. Bah. Over it.
My husband’s work is threatening to eat him alive. I guess that’s what happens when you are gone for 6 days on vacation. We are supposed to go the grocery store tonite but I have a sneaking suspicion that I may have to go on my own, which sucks. It means I have to have one of the creepy sacker people (who are either old, foreign, or mental challenged, or a combo of that) take my cart out. And I never know if to tip them or not because when my brother was a sacker and Seth worked as a manager at Hyvee they were never allowed to take tips. But this is Bakers so I don’t know. Normally we have to wrestle the freaking carts from them so they don’t take it out. Seth has like had to get almost physical a few times with this one really crotchety old guy. And then he would follow us out anyway and pretend to be collecting parking lot carts and grumble at us under his breath. So yeah…looking forward to that. Plus my grocery list (since we didn’t go last week because of the holiday) is like a mile and a half long.
Evelynn’s blog
Evelynn is growing along. On Saturday she/we will be at 26 weeks. We have a doctor’s appointment on the 9th so that will be fun. I think for the first time I will go in without any major complaints. She’s been pretty quiet the last couple of days, which totally freaks me out from time to time, but her movements are getting more routine and poking her doesn’t cause her to kick back so much anymore.
Seth has a evil plan to have us join the Y near my parents house after she is born and take her to my parents for an hour so we can work out together like we used to. We will see how it goes; I’m predicting it will be a while before we can get to that point with her. I read in a parenting magazine last night that you really shouldn’t take a baby out until around 3 months when their immune system is nice and strong. Which is interesting considering Seth wants to have her baptism like forty five seconds after she is born. I’m ready for her to be here already. March seems forever away, as usual. But there is fun stuff coming up (baby showers) at the end of January and beginning of March so that will be nice.
There were flurries on my way to work this morning! Nothing that was sticking of course, but snow none the less! Have I mentioned I love snow? Even more so when I don’t have to be out and about in it and can snuggle under duvets with my cats and Seth and now Evie. But it was pretty exciting to see that this morning and know that snow could be on the way.
Blogs and Gossip
Well I’d better catch up on my blogs and gossip sites. You all have a great day!!
Love (snow!),
And then there was death of the sneeze pees.
Actually last night was pretty miserable, which is why I’m shocked that I’m even here. I had an allergy attack, which I attribute to both work and home switching the heat on full bore. We need to replace our filter at home. But something was bothering the heck out of my nose last night. I was stuffed up and watery eyed and full of sneezes (great) until I took my nasal spray medicine, but then I was just sneeze and runny nosed, which doesn’t work well when you are trying to sleep. At midnight I got up to pee and then sneezed on the way back to bed and peed down my leg. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? I just left the friggin bathroom!! So I had to get into the shower, which helped because I stayed in there and steamed and tried to get whatever was pissing my nose off out. I blew snot rockets and sneeze peed freely (don’t worry I cleaned the shower afterwards). It really helped and I redid my nasal spray and tried to fall asleep as quickly as I could. When I woke up (or I guess Evie woke me up) at 2 and 3 to pee I didn’t have the nose tickles anymore so that was a relief.
Cleaning my DVR
First I watched SYTYCD, which was a little shocking, I never would have thought who went home for the guys went home. I totally called the bottom two girls though and who went home there. Of course the only person who heard me call it was Evie and the cats.
Then I watched Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares on the BBC America which is MUCH better than the Fox version of the show. I fast forwarded thru a lot of it though, mostly the yelling parts. I just like the before and after.
Then I tried to watch Chef Academy on Bravo but I really didn’t like it so I deleted it from my list. It just didn’t click with me. I thought it was going to be a show about people like you and me who aren’t professional chefs learning how to cook from the world’s best chef (this French guy) and instead it’s a bunch of amateur sous chefs and caterers who have worked in kitchens for years and want to move up. Except for this one UBER annoying woman who is someone’s old trophy wife (she bragged about meeting kings and Presidents) and she has fake blond hair and spray tan and looks OLD and she complained about the fabric the chef jackets were made out and got pissed when the Chef told her that her lipstick was ruining her ability to flavor things. Bah. Over it.
My husband’s work is threatening to eat him alive. I guess that’s what happens when you are gone for 6 days on vacation. We are supposed to go the grocery store tonite but I have a sneaking suspicion that I may have to go on my own, which sucks. It means I have to have one of the creepy sacker people (who are either old, foreign, or mental challenged, or a combo of that) take my cart out. And I never know if to tip them or not because when my brother was a sacker and Seth worked as a manager at Hyvee they were never allowed to take tips. But this is Bakers so I don’t know. Normally we have to wrestle the freaking carts from them so they don’t take it out. Seth has like had to get almost physical a few times with this one really crotchety old guy. And then he would follow us out anyway and pretend to be collecting parking lot carts and grumble at us under his breath. So yeah…looking forward to that. Plus my grocery list (since we didn’t go last week because of the holiday) is like a mile and a half long.
Evelynn’s blog
Evelynn is growing along. On Saturday she/we will be at 26 weeks. We have a doctor’s appointment on the 9th so that will be fun. I think for the first time I will go in without any major complaints. She’s been pretty quiet the last couple of days, which totally freaks me out from time to time, but her movements are getting more routine and poking her doesn’t cause her to kick back so much anymore.
Seth has a evil plan to have us join the Y near my parents house after she is born and take her to my parents for an hour so we can work out together like we used to. We will see how it goes; I’m predicting it will be a while before we can get to that point with her. I read in a parenting magazine last night that you really shouldn’t take a baby out until around 3 months when their immune system is nice and strong. Which is interesting considering Seth wants to have her baptism like forty five seconds after she is born. I’m ready for her to be here already. March seems forever away, as usual. But there is fun stuff coming up (baby showers) at the end of January and beginning of March so that will be nice.
There were flurries on my way to work this morning! Nothing that was sticking of course, but snow none the less! Have I mentioned I love snow? Even more so when I don’t have to be out and about in it and can snuggle under duvets with my cats and Seth and now Evie. But it was pretty exciting to see that this morning and know that snow could be on the way.
Blogs and Gossip
Well I’d better catch up on my blogs and gossip sites. You all have a great day!!
Love (snow!),
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
Wow. I just noticed I did a terrible job painting my nails last night. I painted them for like the first time in months and they look awful. Did I get ANY paint on the actual nail?
Last Night
Last night I came home and promptly started putting together Chili for Seth. I accidently (as always) made a buttload so it had to be split into two crockpots. For some reason my recipie from Kraft.com calls for like 300 pounds of beans. And Seth likes it really meaty so we use four pounds of hamburger. Anyway that is pretty much the most exciting thing I did all night, if not the most productive.
While I was waiting for the hamburger to defrost I ate some cheese and watched Intervention downstairs. Chet and Seth were working on homework upstairs. I came home and promptly turned off the television upstairs so it would go faster for them. I really wanted to talk to my husband last night. The basis of our conversations lately have been about “packet rates” and other masters class project related words that I don’t really understand. So anyway Intervention’s season started up again Monday night, and since a acceptable amount of time had passed since I quit watching last season, I was up to see some drama.
The lady on there was named Linda and she was a LOON. She was from a Chinese immigrant family and she was addicted to fetynal lollypops. Which are what they give dying cancer patients for pain. Her younger brother had been taking care of her for eight years because that’s how it works in traditional Chinese families. This guy gave up his life, career, everything because he was the youngest. Her parents had spent over a million dollars on random things for her, like a chair to get her up and down the stairs and her house in LA. It was pretty shocking. I enjoyed the episode. They later diagnosed her with a delusional disorder and she had to go to a special place. She used to be an extra in TV and movies!
Then I watched the Presidential Address. I don’t really have many opinions on what was said, but I felt that it was important to listen. Also SYTYCD started taping and he was over the SYTYCD show so I really didn’t have a choice (but I did want to watch). I think it’s sad that we have to send more troops, but nice to know that there is an exit strategy. And also I liked when he said that America has enough building to do at home, it doesn’t want to take over countries. Or something to that effect. I also thought it was funny when they were trying to find engaged WestPoint Cadets to get “crowd shots” of. At one point the cut to a girl starting to fall asleep and quickly cut away. You know she’s doing pushups right now.
After that I watched SYTYCD. Here are my reactions:
Ryan and Noelle: Hip Hop – Tabitha & Napolean
I didn’t see this one, the President was speaking
Legacy and Ashleigh: Contemporary – Gary Stuart
I didn’t’ see this one either, the President was shaking cadets hands and Katie Couric was arguing with an old guy about war time tax.
Nathan and Kathryn: Broadway – Spencer Liff
I saw the tail end of this one, but I really think that Nathan was bad. I know he has a huge tween fan base and I feel it’s the only thing keeping him alive.
Jakob and Ellenore: Quickstep – Tony and Meredith
This was okay. I was doing the dishes at this point and not paying much attention
Russell and Molle: Lyrical Jazz – Mandy Moore
This was great, because you know I love Russell, but even Molle was tolerable!! The song selection sucked though. Really there wasn’t any other 80’s power ballad you could have used?
Ryan and Noelle: Waltz – JT Thomas and Tomas Mielnicki
At this point I was over all the ballroom stuff
Legacy and Ashleigh: Hip Hop – Dave Scott
What the heck with that cape? It was such a waste of Legacy’s talent. Bring back Shane Sparks!!!
Nathan and Kathryn: Rhumba – Tony and Meredith
Yeah I didn’t really watch this one either.
Jakob and Ellenore: Contemporary – Sonya Tayeh
Wow. Just Wow. I don’t even miss Mia Michaels anymore. This routine was AWESOME.
Russell and Mollee: Jive – Anya and Pasha
When I heard what they were doing I was like UGGGG but then I watched it because you know, Russell and WOW. It’s hard to follow that Sonya routine but they knocked it out of the park!
Mollee Solo: I didn’t see this one.
Russell Solo: This was AWESOME. I had almost forgotten that he was a krumper!!!
Noelle Solo: Meh, I don’t think I watched this one very close.
Ryan Solo: What the hell was with that song? And he just skeeves me out these days. I’m sure he will go home.
Kathryn Solo: I didn’t really watch this one either.
Nathan Solo: Lord that was beautiful, I almost changed my mind about him.
Ellenore Solo: This was fun and quirky, what you would expect form Ellenore.
Legacy Solo: WOW. I was blown away by this, I had never really seen him solo before, only in Vegas and this was AMAZING.
Ashleigh Solo: How does one person move that fast? Honestly? It was really, really good though.
Jakob Solo: This was perfect. I could watch him dance solos forever. I almost want him to be in the bottom 3 to see him do it again.
I’m not a big fan of Christmas. At least not these days. I think I will be next year when Evelynn is here. Mostly we travel around a lot at Christmas. I was super jazzed our first year in the house for Christmas, but then after we spent hours putting up everything up only to spend 2 seconds of Christmas to “ourselves” (we opened our presents to each other like 2 days after Christmas and like as an afterthought in between family visits) I kind of lost the spirit. But next year we will be spending Christmas at home for Evie’s first Christmas. So I’ll get excited then. So yeah, I don’t have any Christmas stuff up. I have a good feeling I won’t have anything up. We will be in Columbus Christmas Eve and Day and then at my parents the rest of the holiday weekend so it wouldn’t be worth it. Plus Christmas is like three weeks away and I would just have to take them down again in four weeks anyway and these days, I try to keep my house upkeep at a minimum since I get out of breath wiping down the counters and have lost the ability to bend a the waste.
Who knows though, we are still doing our cookie extravaganza this year, so maybe the spirit will catch me then. Until then-bah humbug.
The Annual Hellbusch Christmas Cookie Extravaganza
When Seth and I first started dating, he started a tradition where we make millions of cookies for the holidays for our family and friends. When we moved to Sioux Falls we began incorporating “special” cookies that were beyond the normal sugar cookies. The first year it was chocolate covered pretzels. Anyway cut to this year, we are trying to fit in the cookie making before Christmas (we give away plates for presents and take them to work). It looks like this year we are going to attempt peppermint bark and Italian Wedding cookies. I’m pretty excited but I hope with two special cookies this year, we can cut back on the Sugar cookies because decorating them is a pain in the ass and no one thinks my inappropriate cookies are funny.
I also gave up on chocolate covered pretzels the first year, but Seth bought this expensive double broiler and refuses to stop making the things because his “family loves them”. They are super labor intensive and messy and I hate them so hopefully they get vetoed out this year for peppermint bark, which looks super easy.
Anyway last year I tried to sucker people into coming over and decorating for me and I’ve already started pimping it on facebook again this year. After Seth’s Nazi like frosting instructions last year, I’m pretty sure no one will be back.
So sleepy…
I can’t believe I made it to work today. I had myself totally talked into staying in bed this morning. But Seth had to get up and go back to work this morning (big meetings) and I knew he would need breakfast and coffee so I got up and by the time I had gotten moving I had begrudgingly decided to suck it up and go to work. But I’m practically falling asleep right now at my desk.
So I better do some real work.
Hope you all have a great day!
Love (for it to be March already!),
Last Night
Last night I came home and promptly started putting together Chili for Seth. I accidently (as always) made a buttload so it had to be split into two crockpots. For some reason my recipie from Kraft.com calls for like 300 pounds of beans. And Seth likes it really meaty so we use four pounds of hamburger. Anyway that is pretty much the most exciting thing I did all night, if not the most productive.
While I was waiting for the hamburger to defrost I ate some cheese and watched Intervention downstairs. Chet and Seth were working on homework upstairs. I came home and promptly turned off the television upstairs so it would go faster for them. I really wanted to talk to my husband last night. The basis of our conversations lately have been about “packet rates” and other masters class project related words that I don’t really understand. So anyway Intervention’s season started up again Monday night, and since a acceptable amount of time had passed since I quit watching last season, I was up to see some drama.
The lady on there was named Linda and she was a LOON. She was from a Chinese immigrant family and she was addicted to fetynal lollypops. Which are what they give dying cancer patients for pain. Her younger brother had been taking care of her for eight years because that’s how it works in traditional Chinese families. This guy gave up his life, career, everything because he was the youngest. Her parents had spent over a million dollars on random things for her, like a chair to get her up and down the stairs and her house in LA. It was pretty shocking. I enjoyed the episode. They later diagnosed her with a delusional disorder and she had to go to a special place. She used to be an extra in TV and movies!
Then I watched the Presidential Address. I don’t really have many opinions on what was said, but I felt that it was important to listen. Also SYTYCD started taping and he was over the SYTYCD show so I really didn’t have a choice (but I did want to watch). I think it’s sad that we have to send more troops, but nice to know that there is an exit strategy. And also I liked when he said that America has enough building to do at home, it doesn’t want to take over countries. Or something to that effect. I also thought it was funny when they were trying to find engaged WestPoint Cadets to get “crowd shots” of. At one point the cut to a girl starting to fall asleep and quickly cut away. You know she’s doing pushups right now.
After that I watched SYTYCD. Here are my reactions:
Ryan and Noelle: Hip Hop – Tabitha & Napolean
I didn’t see this one, the President was speaking
Legacy and Ashleigh: Contemporary – Gary Stuart
I didn’t’ see this one either, the President was shaking cadets hands and Katie Couric was arguing with an old guy about war time tax.
Nathan and Kathryn: Broadway – Spencer Liff
I saw the tail end of this one, but I really think that Nathan was bad. I know he has a huge tween fan base and I feel it’s the only thing keeping him alive.
Jakob and Ellenore: Quickstep – Tony and Meredith
This was okay. I was doing the dishes at this point and not paying much attention
Russell and Molle: Lyrical Jazz – Mandy Moore
This was great, because you know I love Russell, but even Molle was tolerable!! The song selection sucked though. Really there wasn’t any other 80’s power ballad you could have used?
Ryan and Noelle: Waltz – JT Thomas and Tomas Mielnicki
At this point I was over all the ballroom stuff
Legacy and Ashleigh: Hip Hop – Dave Scott
What the heck with that cape? It was such a waste of Legacy’s talent. Bring back Shane Sparks!!!
Nathan and Kathryn: Rhumba – Tony and Meredith
Yeah I didn’t really watch this one either.
Jakob and Ellenore: Contemporary – Sonya Tayeh
Wow. Just Wow. I don’t even miss Mia Michaels anymore. This routine was AWESOME.
Russell and Mollee: Jive – Anya and Pasha
When I heard what they were doing I was like UGGGG but then I watched it because you know, Russell and WOW. It’s hard to follow that Sonya routine but they knocked it out of the park!
Mollee Solo: I didn’t see this one.
Russell Solo: This was AWESOME. I had almost forgotten that he was a krumper!!!
Noelle Solo: Meh, I don’t think I watched this one very close.
Ryan Solo: What the hell was with that song? And he just skeeves me out these days. I’m sure he will go home.
Kathryn Solo: I didn’t really watch this one either.
Nathan Solo: Lord that was beautiful, I almost changed my mind about him.
Ellenore Solo: This was fun and quirky, what you would expect form Ellenore.
Legacy Solo: WOW. I was blown away by this, I had never really seen him solo before, only in Vegas and this was AMAZING.
Ashleigh Solo: How does one person move that fast? Honestly? It was really, really good though.
Jakob Solo: This was perfect. I could watch him dance solos forever. I almost want him to be in the bottom 3 to see him do it again.
I’m not a big fan of Christmas. At least not these days. I think I will be next year when Evelynn is here. Mostly we travel around a lot at Christmas. I was super jazzed our first year in the house for Christmas, but then after we spent hours putting up everything up only to spend 2 seconds of Christmas to “ourselves” (we opened our presents to each other like 2 days after Christmas and like as an afterthought in between family visits) I kind of lost the spirit. But next year we will be spending Christmas at home for Evie’s first Christmas. So I’ll get excited then. So yeah, I don’t have any Christmas stuff up. I have a good feeling I won’t have anything up. We will be in Columbus Christmas Eve and Day and then at my parents the rest of the holiday weekend so it wouldn’t be worth it. Plus Christmas is like three weeks away and I would just have to take them down again in four weeks anyway and these days, I try to keep my house upkeep at a minimum since I get out of breath wiping down the counters and have lost the ability to bend a the waste.
Who knows though, we are still doing our cookie extravaganza this year, so maybe the spirit will catch me then. Until then-bah humbug.
The Annual Hellbusch Christmas Cookie Extravaganza
When Seth and I first started dating, he started a tradition where we make millions of cookies for the holidays for our family and friends. When we moved to Sioux Falls we began incorporating “special” cookies that were beyond the normal sugar cookies. The first year it was chocolate covered pretzels. Anyway cut to this year, we are trying to fit in the cookie making before Christmas (we give away plates for presents and take them to work). It looks like this year we are going to attempt peppermint bark and Italian Wedding cookies. I’m pretty excited but I hope with two special cookies this year, we can cut back on the Sugar cookies because decorating them is a pain in the ass and no one thinks my inappropriate cookies are funny.
I also gave up on chocolate covered pretzels the first year, but Seth bought this expensive double broiler and refuses to stop making the things because his “family loves them”. They are super labor intensive and messy and I hate them so hopefully they get vetoed out this year for peppermint bark, which looks super easy.
Anyway last year I tried to sucker people into coming over and decorating for me and I’ve already started pimping it on facebook again this year. After Seth’s Nazi like frosting instructions last year, I’m pretty sure no one will be back.
So sleepy…
I can’t believe I made it to work today. I had myself totally talked into staying in bed this morning. But Seth had to get up and go back to work this morning (big meetings) and I knew he would need breakfast and coffee so I got up and by the time I had gotten moving I had begrudgingly decided to suck it up and go to work. But I’m practically falling asleep right now at my desk.
So I better do some real work.
Hope you all have a great day!
Love (for it to be March already!),
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.
Okay finally caught up a bit…now where was I? Oh yes, Friday.
So Friday after shopping we were kind of slugs. I don’t remember what we did, really. I think we watched a movie and went to bed. For the rest of the weekend I sleeping schedule was kind of off whack because of Black Friday.
Saturday I woke up around 9 and started getting ready for Soupsgiving at my parents. I brought Fat Potato Fat Fat and my birthday torte from Seth’s mom. Dinner and company were really good. We had to stop at Rotella’s on the way over there so that was no fun. I just can’t believe how busy that place is sometimes. We headed over to my parents and my mom had appetizers. I ate my weight in raw cauliflower. Seth is still regretting not taking it from me. People at work might be too.
Mom made her famous Garlic Soup and Yankee Oatmeal Bread. Dad made Chili. Jesse made Tomato Soup (which was delicious) and Kathy made Chicken Noodle Soup. Promptly after I stuffed myself Evelynn started kicking the holy heck out of me because she had no space, so she moved upward, destroying my abs again. On top of that I had heartburn. So I went and laid down in the sitting room and eventually people came over and talked to me. It was really nice.
Then I opened birthday presents. My parents got me that pregnancy massage and a cute sweater. Kathy and Dan got me a notebook, the Jewel Lullaby CD, and a making baby food cook book from Williams and Sonoma.
Side note here-I cannot believe how easy it is to make baby food. Seriously. This is one thing I really want to do when the time comes. Literally its steam veggies and blend the hell out them with breast milk, veggie water, or formula. Then you can freeze it in an ice cube tray for up to 3 months and each ice cube is enough for a kid for one day. Nice.
I hung around Mom and Dad’s until about 4:30, then they went to see a movie. Seth left to work on his project about 2. (But ended up not doing that because he had to help take Cheeto and Whitney’s TV back).
I left my parents and stopped by the mall on my way home to do some of my father in law’s Christmas shopping, to get something for my mom, and to get wrapping paper and tape and ribbon from the dollar store. I found the neatest frame for Evelynn’s room. The frame is a little banged up but I think I’m going to repaint it anyway. The matting is all I really care about, it’s a bunch of spaces for pictures and it says “A legacy of love” at the top and at the bottom it says “the women of our family” so I thought that was pretty cool. It hangs from a ribbon.
Saturday night we ate leftovers, I wrapped Christmas presents, and watched more old movies upstairs in bed. I think. I don’t really remember, our whole sleep cycle was jacked from getting up at 2 am for Black Friday.
Sunday was my one hundred and eleventyith birthday. Okay not really but it felt like that. It was actually my 28th. We woke up and Seth wanted me to pick a place to go for lunch or early dinner. The place I chose wasn’t open on Sunday’s and honestly, I didn’t feel like putting on the ritz or anything. We decided to go to Goodwill and hunt for an armoire for Evelynn’s room since that’s like the one thing left we have to find to complete the room and the only ones I could find at “The Mart” were like 2 grand. I was about to give up. See, the closet in her room is full to bursting, with my stuff. The closet in our bedroom is really, really small, so I overflow to that closet. I would clean it out but I’m waiting to see what fits after the baby. Some of those clothes I really like. I may never need 400 pair of black pants again, but I don’t want to get rid of the only pair that might fit. So anyway I decided to find her a little armoire that we could put a bar in and hang her clothes in. I think the idea originally came from one of those baby magazines in the doctor’s waiting room. But alas, months have gone by and I have found nothing.
Until Sunday. Sunday I found the PERFECT thing. It needs some work, but Seth’s mom offered to strip and stain it for us and hopefully my Dad can fix the minor bangs and bruises it has. Here are the pictures:
Doors closed

Doors opened

We will be putting bars for her clothes on the right hand side.
If it matched the theme of the room I would just leave it blue, but since it needs work done on the top and some of the wood needs to be replaced, it will have to be stripped and stained. Isn’t it just perfect? It’s not very tall so eventually when she is dressing herself, she can still use it. I’m kind of in love with it.
Let’s see, then I decided that I’d just like to grab some lunch while we were out because I was STARVING and Seth said he knew the perfect place and started driving everywhere and got me all confused. Then he suggested since we were on L (I have no idea how we ended up there) that we get my prescription from Target. Then he turned and stopped in the Books A Million parking lot and I screamed because that was the other half of my birthday present (the first being my nick and nora pajamas with owls, which Cody ruined by calling my “hooters”). So of course, the super awesome dollar book sale is going on and I start loading up. 20 minutes later we left and I had over 25 new books. I’m so excited. Last night I laid in the living thru and looked thru them all and separated them into stacks and read the jackets and peeled off the stickers. I’m a dork, I know. After that I was really exhausted and really hungry so we decided to grab some Pepperjax and stay in the rest of the night. It was delicious. We snuggled and I worked on Evie’s blanket and took a nap with a fully tummy of Pepperjax yummy.
For dinner Seth made me a super fancy grilled cheese and warmed up some of Jesse’s tomato soup for me. It was so good. The perfect birthday!
Yesterday was such struggle to come to work. I knew though, if I didn’t, I wouldn’t get paid for the holiday. So I trudged myself in. I was pouty all day because Seth was home on vacation (finally, for the next three days hopefully) and I was at work. Mel at work made me feel better though, she got me the Adam Lambert CD for my birthday and I jammed all the way home! It is kind of a strange cross between Britney Spears and Queen. Anyway so I got home and found out Chet had been at the house getting tutored in math most of the day. He left when Seth left for class. I got out my books and looked thru them. Took a bath, did the laundry cleaned up the kitchen, and promptly fell asleep on the couch (it was SO COMFY I have no idea why, but for some reason it supported all the right places and I was warm under a duvet) until Seth called on his way home from class. He took my car so he could get gas in it for me and then surprised me by washing it too. That made me super happy. (and him super happy because he got the car wash for free because the machine malfunctioned and didn’t print him a code)
Then we ate ice cream and watched the end of the football game and went to bed.
Evelynn’s Blog
She has been a squirming and jiving all thru the holidays. She really reacted to the sound of Seth’s family’s voices. I don’t know if it was all the deep male voices. I also was listening to the new Timbaland song on my CarrieBerry and had the phone near my stomach and she started jamming. She has been pretty active this morning. I’m currently at 25 weeks. Our next appointment is Dec. 9th and then two weeks after that on Dec. 23rd until she is born. I worked 9 hours yesterday and didn’t have any ab problems, a sore back a little bit but no ab problems so hopefully we’ve gotten over that hurdle. Other than that, we just love feeling her move and wish we had a fast forward button so she could be here already!
Off I go
To work. Boo. But tomorrow or later I will be back with stories about The Annual Hellbusch Cookie Extravaganza and weekend plans and why I don't want to put up my Christmas decorations, which are currently sitting in my living room-be excited about that.
Love (Evelynn’s new armoire),
Because I’m a crazy cat lady, here’s some pictures of the beeps that I took last night. They are in their cat tree, which they have obviously outgrown. They used to snuggle in their as kittens and they still try to as big ole kittes. Ahh Bengals...:


I like how bagy is snuggling with a mousey (the purple thing) and covering his eyes.
So Friday after shopping we were kind of slugs. I don’t remember what we did, really. I think we watched a movie and went to bed. For the rest of the weekend I sleeping schedule was kind of off whack because of Black Friday.
Saturday I woke up around 9 and started getting ready for Soupsgiving at my parents. I brought Fat Potato Fat Fat and my birthday torte from Seth’s mom. Dinner and company were really good. We had to stop at Rotella’s on the way over there so that was no fun. I just can’t believe how busy that place is sometimes. We headed over to my parents and my mom had appetizers. I ate my weight in raw cauliflower. Seth is still regretting not taking it from me. People at work might be too.
Mom made her famous Garlic Soup and Yankee Oatmeal Bread. Dad made Chili. Jesse made Tomato Soup (which was delicious) and Kathy made Chicken Noodle Soup. Promptly after I stuffed myself Evelynn started kicking the holy heck out of me because she had no space, so she moved upward, destroying my abs again. On top of that I had heartburn. So I went and laid down in the sitting room and eventually people came over and talked to me. It was really nice.
Then I opened birthday presents. My parents got me that pregnancy massage and a cute sweater. Kathy and Dan got me a notebook, the Jewel Lullaby CD, and a making baby food cook book from Williams and Sonoma.
Side note here-I cannot believe how easy it is to make baby food. Seriously. This is one thing I really want to do when the time comes. Literally its steam veggies and blend the hell out them with breast milk, veggie water, or formula. Then you can freeze it in an ice cube tray for up to 3 months and each ice cube is enough for a kid for one day. Nice.
I hung around Mom and Dad’s until about 4:30, then they went to see a movie. Seth left to work on his project about 2. (But ended up not doing that because he had to help take Cheeto and Whitney’s TV back).
I left my parents and stopped by the mall on my way home to do some of my father in law’s Christmas shopping, to get something for my mom, and to get wrapping paper and tape and ribbon from the dollar store. I found the neatest frame for Evelynn’s room. The frame is a little banged up but I think I’m going to repaint it anyway. The matting is all I really care about, it’s a bunch of spaces for pictures and it says “A legacy of love” at the top and at the bottom it says “the women of our family” so I thought that was pretty cool. It hangs from a ribbon.
Saturday night we ate leftovers, I wrapped Christmas presents, and watched more old movies upstairs in bed. I think. I don’t really remember, our whole sleep cycle was jacked from getting up at 2 am for Black Friday.
Sunday was my one hundred and eleventyith birthday. Okay not really but it felt like that. It was actually my 28th. We woke up and Seth wanted me to pick a place to go for lunch or early dinner. The place I chose wasn’t open on Sunday’s and honestly, I didn’t feel like putting on the ritz or anything. We decided to go to Goodwill and hunt for an armoire for Evelynn’s room since that’s like the one thing left we have to find to complete the room and the only ones I could find at “The Mart” were like 2 grand. I was about to give up. See, the closet in her room is full to bursting, with my stuff. The closet in our bedroom is really, really small, so I overflow to that closet. I would clean it out but I’m waiting to see what fits after the baby. Some of those clothes I really like. I may never need 400 pair of black pants again, but I don’t want to get rid of the only pair that might fit. So anyway I decided to find her a little armoire that we could put a bar in and hang her clothes in. I think the idea originally came from one of those baby magazines in the doctor’s waiting room. But alas, months have gone by and I have found nothing.
Until Sunday. Sunday I found the PERFECT thing. It needs some work, but Seth’s mom offered to strip and stain it for us and hopefully my Dad can fix the minor bangs and bruises it has. Here are the pictures:
Doors closed

Doors opened

We will be putting bars for her clothes on the right hand side.
If it matched the theme of the room I would just leave it blue, but since it needs work done on the top and some of the wood needs to be replaced, it will have to be stripped and stained. Isn’t it just perfect? It’s not very tall so eventually when she is dressing herself, she can still use it. I’m kind of in love with it.
Let’s see, then I decided that I’d just like to grab some lunch while we were out because I was STARVING and Seth said he knew the perfect place and started driving everywhere and got me all confused. Then he suggested since we were on L (I have no idea how we ended up there) that we get my prescription from Target. Then he turned and stopped in the Books A Million parking lot and I screamed because that was the other half of my birthday present (the first being my nick and nora pajamas with owls, which Cody ruined by calling my “hooters”). So of course, the super awesome dollar book sale is going on and I start loading up. 20 minutes later we left and I had over 25 new books. I’m so excited. Last night I laid in the living thru and looked thru them all and separated them into stacks and read the jackets and peeled off the stickers. I’m a dork, I know. After that I was really exhausted and really hungry so we decided to grab some Pepperjax and stay in the rest of the night. It was delicious. We snuggled and I worked on Evie’s blanket and took a nap with a fully tummy of Pepperjax yummy.
For dinner Seth made me a super fancy grilled cheese and warmed up some of Jesse’s tomato soup for me. It was so good. The perfect birthday!
Yesterday was such struggle to come to work. I knew though, if I didn’t, I wouldn’t get paid for the holiday. So I trudged myself in. I was pouty all day because Seth was home on vacation (finally, for the next three days hopefully) and I was at work. Mel at work made me feel better though, she got me the Adam Lambert CD for my birthday and I jammed all the way home! It is kind of a strange cross between Britney Spears and Queen. Anyway so I got home and found out Chet had been at the house getting tutored in math most of the day. He left when Seth left for class. I got out my books and looked thru them. Took a bath, did the laundry cleaned up the kitchen, and promptly fell asleep on the couch (it was SO COMFY I have no idea why, but for some reason it supported all the right places and I was warm under a duvet) until Seth called on his way home from class. He took my car so he could get gas in it for me and then surprised me by washing it too. That made me super happy. (and him super happy because he got the car wash for free because the machine malfunctioned and didn’t print him a code)
Then we ate ice cream and watched the end of the football game and went to bed.
Evelynn’s Blog
She has been a squirming and jiving all thru the holidays. She really reacted to the sound of Seth’s family’s voices. I don’t know if it was all the deep male voices. I also was listening to the new Timbaland song on my CarrieBerry and had the phone near my stomach and she started jamming. She has been pretty active this morning. I’m currently at 25 weeks. Our next appointment is Dec. 9th and then two weeks after that on Dec. 23rd until she is born. I worked 9 hours yesterday and didn’t have any ab problems, a sore back a little bit but no ab problems so hopefully we’ve gotten over that hurdle. Other than that, we just love feeling her move and wish we had a fast forward button so she could be here already!
Off I go
To work. Boo. But tomorrow or later I will be back with stories about The Annual Hellbusch Cookie Extravaganza and weekend plans and why I don't want to put up my Christmas decorations, which are currently sitting in my living room-be excited about that.
Love (Evelynn’s new armoire),
Because I’m a crazy cat lady, here’s some pictures of the beeps that I took last night. They are in their cat tree, which they have obviously outgrown. They used to snuggle in their as kittens and they still try to as big ole kittes. Ahh Bengals...:


I like how bagy is snuggling with a mousey (the purple thing) and covering his eyes.
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