Friday, May 28, 2010

Internets, meet my new love, Nero the Netbook

Yes I give inanimate things names, I blame Gilmore Girls. Yes I will probably teach the same wonderful habit to my daughter.
I am writing to you from my shiny new netbook, which I have named Nero.
Now I'm sure it does all sorts of super cool things, but my husband hogged it all last night, so I really can't tell you what yet. However I got skype to work on both of our machines last night and I'm pretty excited about that. Seth has a few business trips coming up and I didn't want him to miss important things in the life of Evelynn.
Like her persistent drooling. Man it's gross, especially when it is mixed with spit up. I really want to attach a sponge underneath her chin. Pretty sure Nurse Carol would beat me for that though.
She also has taken to snorting when she cries, which is hard not to laugh at.
She also cries when you aren't paying enough attention to her. Which is what she is doing right now, so I'm typing and not looking at the screen. I hope there aren't too many typos.
She also is becoming much more vocal, mimicking the noises we make. It's pretty fun and cute.
I can't wait until she starts mimicking the inappropriate songs I play for her all the time.
My Mom comes home tomorrow and I'm pretty excited about it.
I finally watched Dhani and I loved it. My favorite part was when he was trying to toss the caber. I just watched him on NFL Live and he really is that educated and funny, even live.
The Criminal Minds season finale was a little meh. Tim Curry just isn't that scary of a dude to me. Plus, why didn't he kill Morgan? Not that I wanted him to, but come on, he killed everyone else with no remorse, why leave behind a new enemy?
I totally made fun of this new show on TLC called "Mall Cops" about the the mall cops at Mall of America on Facebook, and then I watched it and it was actually really interesting and kind of humorous. So foot meet mouth, indeed.
I have taught Evelynn the art of not wearing pants. Lately we both have just been sporting t-shirts on the days we know we aren't going to see anyone. Plus my friend Jenny M got her some really cute shirts that she looks adorable in with a diaper.
So remember when I was bragging about being back down to my pre pregnancy weight? Well yeah, I still am, but apparently my fat has redistributed itself in places because NONE of my pants fit. I found this out when I went to break into my summer wardrobe since we decided to go from winter to summer here in Nebraska. Sad news indeed.
Alright the lady of the house needs attention. Hope you all have a lovely holiday weekend!
Love (Nero),

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be.

I should totally go to the grocery store right now. But I got deodorant all over my shirt and I don't want to change it. Plus I feel a little plus sized today and really don't want to put on pants.
Did you know there are different sizes of pacifiers? I didn't. Apparently my daughter has moved on to a smaller size and doesn't like the binx we got from the NICU anymore, the nipple is too long and she makes a gagging noise and spits it out when we give it to her. Luckily someone gave my mom some smaller sized ones. She likes that one a lot, God forbid if we lose it. Also, I bought her a bunch from Walmart before she was born, but apparently those are for 6 months or older because the nipple is super small on that. So, passing the life lesson on to you at home. And if you knew that already, well then bully to you.
It's crazy, but if you had told me I could sit and watch my daughter do nothing but drool for hours at a time, I would have laughed in your face, but I totally could. In fact, anymore I only like to watch TV when she is sleeping. In case I miss something cute. I also get this crazy idea in my head that I wish I could document everyday of her life in video, because I know I'm going to need to remember my unpolluted love for her when she sasses back at me the first time.
I was going to go on this whole diatribe about how the first emotion babies experience is joy and it's all they know for so long but then I realized that's wrong. The first emotion they probably feel is terror. That was a really really small hole she got shot out of.
I wonder if I will ever get over the guilt I feel about not being able to hold her and look at her first thing when she came out. Probably not.
Evelynn broke ten pounds yesterday! It only took her about three months to do it. Nurse Carol said she would be worried but Evelynn apparently is really long (almost 25 inches) and lean and developmentally ahead of schedule. Also she has consistently gained since she was born. Carol just says she will probably be long and lean. Some babies are.
Seth is almost done with grad school for the summer and I can't wait. Not that he won't be super busy with work all summer, but he won't be coming home at ten two nights a week.
So excitement starting this week, So You Think You Can Dance, a Carrie-on Baggage favorite show starts this week, and this season they are bringing back some of my favorite dancers! Hooray! Tune in and lets talk about it, it starts tomorrow on Fox.
I still haven't seen the new Dhani, but I can't wait, it sounds like another great episode.
I'm sad some shows are ending, like Castle, Parenthood, Chuck, ect. I'll miss them for the summer.
Burn Notice starts next week-wooo-hoo!
Ugh well I'd better go get the trash together to take out. Hope you all have a great day!

Love (big goofy baby smiles),

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.

Hey ya blog readers!
It's Tuesday so we are waiting for Nurse Carol to show up. Hopefully Senorita Chunky Butt breaks ten pounds. I'm hopeful because she grew out of a bunch of stuff this week. And surprise! Uncle Jesse just showed up to mow the lawn. Hooray!
Did you all watch Dhani Tackles the Globe last night? We haven't gotten to it yet, but I can't wait. I watched Law and Order last night. It's all I really had time for. I spent most of the night at my parents picking spinach and watching Jesse play the new Prince of Persia game. My Dad rocked the baby so it was a really nice break. I like watching Jesse play video games. I wish I could convince him to come over here and do it.
So I have probably two pounds of spinach and no idea what to do with it besides make spinach dip. I'm currently hunting the net for recipes. Hopefully ones I can freeze. I started looking and came across a creamy grilled corn recipe that sounds way better, so maybe if Seth grills this weekend I will try that!
This weekend we went to Zum Biergarten in Omaha again and they have their liquor license now! That means my Dad will go! Hopefully we can go for Father's Day or something. I finally have the perfect father's day gift for Seth. I'm going to have my parents watch the baby and take him to see a movie, with the free tickets we still have from before I got pregnant. That way it's his favorite thing, a gift that's free. And my Dad will love being able to watch the baby. Now I just need to find something perfect for my Dad, because he has been a really great Dad this year. How many Dad's do you know will watch their daughters give birth and sit in the NICU with your baby when you can't? Not many, I'll tell you that.
My daughter is currently crapping her pants, right before the nurse gets here, great. That will throw off her weight.
Saturday Seth's parents stopped by after cleaning Seth's brother's dorm room. Evelynn was in a terrible mood, as predicted. There was something wrong with her eye and it was her first experience with real Nebraska heat. I ended up taking her to her room and rocking her for almost two hours because she got so worked up. Seth's parents left a bit dejected I think.
This is Seth's last week of Masters class for the summer! I'm so excited! I would be more excited if he wasn't going out of town next week but what can you do?
Alright I need to change the Birdie's shorts before Nurse Carol comes!

Love (brother's who show up to do nice things unexpectedly),

Monday, May 24, 2010

I wish people who have trouble communicating would just shut up.

Hello blog world. It's hot. And humid. Exactly the weather that makes me want to crawl into a dark hole and not come out until winter. I'm a summer hibernator, is there such a thing? Anyway, I'm pretty sure my daughter hates the heat too because every time we took her out in in she became unbearable. Screaming and kicking and making herself hotter really.
Anywhoo I have lots to tell you and no time to do it since I have to go to my parents to pick a ton of spinach from my Mom's garden. And then I have to work on finding photos of her for her campaign. Good thing Grandpa is around to entertain Evelynn, lets hope he has his air on or it will be a hellish couple of hours for him.
Here are some cute pictures of Birdie from this weekend:

Love (that Gap kids dress),

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Yep, I'm a Mommy

The video proves it...

Love (tiny baby bellies),

Friday, May 21, 2010

Dhani Tackles the Globe or TV awesomeness you should be watching

So a super cool thing happened to me, someone from the production team of "Dhani Tackles the Globe" on Travel Channel contacted me to say he appreciated me blogging about the show on my post of what was on my DVR this week.
And I was floored. On top of that he sent some links for behind the scenes stuff, video, and blogs. One of the cool things I like about the show is that the production team, directly after the show, blogs about the episode. Sometimes it's Dhani himself, sometimes it's the translator for the show, sometimes it is the producer, but they all tell fun stories that didn't make it to air.
So here is what I like about the show and why you should watch it. First off, the concept is great. Dhani Jones is a NFL linebacker for the Cincinnati Bengals. Last year on Hard Knocks the Bengals were featured as the team that the show followed, so I knew vaguely of him then and from the NFL season when the Bengals became one of my favorite teams and they would be some of the forced football watching I actually enjoyed. So anyway Dhani had this concept, that you can learn about a culture by it's sports, so he goes to different countries (so far I have seen Italy, Iceland, Jamaica, and Senegal) where he participates in the most popular sport in the country or region. For Italy it was biking, Iceland was Strongman, Jamaica was cricket, and Senegal was lutte a form of wrestling. So the concept is pretty awesome, he takes a week and gets trained by some of the best in the region at the sport. It's fun to watch him fail and succeed at the sport. The impressive part is that he succeeds a lot. Seth says it's a testament to how well rounded playing football can make you. He just uses any excuse he can to make football look more awesome than it is. The best part though is Dhani himself. He's hilarious, and works so hard at what he does. It's crazy insane. There are so many times that I would be like peace out, but he just makes a joke and soldiers on.
It's a great show, and you should be watching it, and you should come back here and talk to me about it.
And because they are super awesome, and you, dear readers are no slouches, they gave me a bunch of links and a episode description for next week's episode to post on the blog! And I don't care that it is a plug because A. it's my first "business plug" and B. the show is awesome.

Love (Dhani Tackles the Globe),

Video clips:
Dhani playing pickup cricket with local kids:

Scotland Photo Journal:

Scotland Travel Guide:

Next week's episode is Scotland!
Episode Description:
Scotland is a country very based in tradition. You can see it in the way the Scottish people dress and hear it in their music. The same goes for their national past time: the Highland Games. The Highland Games are series of strength events that require great strength and solidified technique. Some of the events, like the caber toss, take years of practice before they can be mastered.

Dhani is told that if you are only going to see the Highland Games once in a lifetime, you do it in Braemar Stadium. For Dhani, it is a great honor to just visit the stadium.

The events in the Highland Games take years to master, and Dhani has to get prepared in a few short days. He definitely has his share of work ahead of him, but he will give 110% just like it is any other challenge.

Also here is the show's website to learn more:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Things I forgot to say

Holy bananas! I have 19 followers! Okay one of those is me, so really I have 18, but still! Thank you and welcome to my random ramblings! Leave comments if you would like!

Evie is 9 lbs 12 oz. Damn! So close! I blame the giant dump she took before Carol showed up.

Okay I think that is all I have! Talk to you all tomorrow!

Love (new followers),

I can't understand it. I can't even understand the people who can understand it.

Hello blog world! We are late with the post today because I'm a slug. But hey! At least we got a post up-score one for the lazy people.

I've had a random thought...women can spend most of their lives in diaper like devices. I just recently noticed that my daughters diapers are made from those same gel absorption things as what is in my pads. I know they are the same because I cut giant pads in half and use them as breast milk explosion guards. They work because they stick to the inside of my shirt and they are super absorbent. Except in the cases when I'm particularly productive with the milk making and I soak them thru. Then all these little squares of gel come out of where I cut. When I was in the hospital recovering from giving birth, the nurses used to tear open the tops of diapers and fill them with ice and then it would fit to your sore lady bits perfectly. But once the ice started melting those little gel things came gushing out the tear. So same material. I would bet that depends are the same damn things too. But I read a hilarious book excerpt in my Parents magazine this month that speaks to the same concept, (you can read it here) about the awesomeness of diapers. Its from a book by Jay Mohr.

I read an inspirational blog post today at the blog its about making things in your life, even your job, "value added" now she realized this when she had a baby and realized that doing a job that was taking up so much of her time and so much of her time from her baby should be value added. Even her hobbies and passions need to be that way. I think everyone can take something from this, even if you don't have a new baby. I think it's important to make sure everything in you life is bringing joy to it and not sucking the happiness from it.

So Seth agreed the other day that we won't be able to stay in this house much longer with Evelynn and two cats. Which gave me the green light to start looking. Then I fell in love with a house I want really bad. Then he told me he meant we could start looking at the first of the year. Then I wanted to scream, but he's right, there is way to much to do around here to get the house ready to be sold. The master bath needs to be redone, the trim needs to be finished, including painting the trim in our bathroom and bedroom. It makes me sad, but if I could move soon, I would move into this house. I think it's perfect for us. It would be even more perfect if it stayed on the market until the end of the year and then dropped in price.

I miss my Mom. We've gotten two quick emails from Ireland, but that's it. I hope she is having a good time.

I hope it rains today. Like starts raining now. Or I hope my brother mowed for my dad. Because if it does my Dad won't have to mow and then he can come over and set up the new mobile he got Evelynn and I can have him play with her while I get stuff done before Seth comes home tonite. Hopefully Seth can work from home tomorrow afternoon so we can go to the grocery store. I'm super pumped to watch the Grey's season finale! It's driving me crazy not knowing what is going to happen, because as we all know, I'm a spoiler whore.

Speaking of TV, its upfronts time in TV land which means I need to make my schedule for next fall. I don't think I will be taking on too many new shows this year, but it's nice to know where my shows are going to fall and if I'm going to have to cut some because of conflicts.
I thought you all might like to know what my DVR looks like this week, so you can be in awe of my gross television obsession.
Monday: How I Met Your Mother, Chuck, The Big Bang Theory, Law & Order, Dhani Tackles the Globe.
Tuesday: Glee, Parenthood, Law & Order: CI, 9 by Design
Wednesday: Criminal Minds, Law & Order: SVU, Top Chef Masters
Thursday: Tiny & Toya, Bones, Grey's Anatomy
Friday: Friday Night Lights, The Soup
Sunday: America the Story of Us, Kendra

And that isn't even the half of what I watch, most of them are on hiatus or the summer seasons are waiting to begin.

Alright I'm off to do a rain dance. Hope you all are having a good hump day!

Love (television),

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The trouble with jogging is that the ice falls out of your glass.

Yay the internet works today-hooray! Now we are waiting for our weekly Nurse Carol appointment. I'm hoping my awesome milk, as Carol calls it, helps Evie break 10 pounds today. Fingers crossed everyone!

My Mom made it to Ireland, finally, she was stuck in Chicago for two days. Don't feel too sorry for her though, the airline put her up in a Hilton and she got massages and mani-pedi's. She said that if they had to wait one more day they were scraping their European vacation and going to Jamaica. At first I was like, um, you didn't even pack shorts, but then I realized in Jamaica you probably just need a swimsuit. If I were her I would have went to Brazil or something. If I was on my dream vacation that someone else was paying for.

Seth and I have tentatively started looking at real estate. Seth finally accepted that we have already outgrown this house and by the time Evie is walking we will be in hella trouble. He used to say we could put two kids in the spare room, but both he and I are starting to feel the weight of Evie's baby stuff crushing us these days. I haven't even seen the basement since before she was born because that is where everything went that baby stuff replaced. In theory we were supposed to store it in the storage room or the shed but that is a monster in itself at the moment. So anyway we started looking. I forgot how lamesauce looking for real estate is. And I remembered what a horrible agent we had last time and how I had to do all the work. We want about 1800 or more square feet this time, three or more bedroom, and two or more baths, and we want to be in Sarpy County, close as possible to Seth's work. And we'd like that all for 150,000 or under, which is a pipe dream at best. What I really want is to live in my Mom's neighborhood because that would help me out, the houses are gorgeous, and it's a closed street so I know Evie would be safe to play around there, plus you get a lot of land with the houses. But we don't have THAT much money for a house! Selling this house is going to be such a bitch though because we have a ton of projects in limbo that need to be finished or started to up the value of the house enough to get what we want out of it. So anyway, hopefully by the time Seth finds out if we are staying in Omaha for a long time (next January) we can be prepared to look at houses, for now we are just looking to make sure we don't miss the deal of a lifetime. Another nice thing about looking this early-if their are bank owned homes or short sales, those usually take forever to close, and we have that time. Plus we have a bonus of being able to live with my parents for a short time (they are like across the street from Seth's work) if we sale the house before we buy.

I secretly think I would be an awesome real estate agent. Maybe when my kids get older that will be a profession I look into. I know a lot about houses, I've lived in over 10 of them, and thanks to my Dad I know what work would need to be done in a house. But I know that those tests are hellish and you have to do a lot of studying and it's a lot of off hours.

It looks like it's going to start to get hot and sticky around here and not in a fun sexy way. I bleeping hate summer. So bad. I hate being hot and sweaty and sticky. Blech. At least now I have an excuse to get Seth to turn the air on. The baby and all.

Looks like a weekend with the in-laws coming up. Which kind of makes me sad because we had nothing on the schedule and the fly by the seat of your pants thing was so relaxing last weekend. Seth's parents want to come up Saturday afternoon and Seth's brother wants to come up Saturday night. Hopefully Evelynn has enough patience in her for both of them. She usually doesn't. She usually only does well with one set of visitors in a day. But we will see, maybe she will have enough time in between them to get a good nap.

Seth is still obsessed with having a garden this year even though we are grossly behind the planting schedule. He wants to go get tomato plants after he gets off work. Ugh. I might be more into it if he would let me get that upside down tomato planter thing. And then I wouldn't have to deal with weeds and bug gross and rotten tomatoes and climbing over his non effective rabbit fence.

My Dad bought Evelynn a new mobile that is supposed to make her more engaged. I'm hoping he brings it over tomorrow and assembles it for her because man-oh-man baby stuff is hard to assemble. I'm secretly hoping she loves it so much that she will want to lay on her back in her crib and then eventually feel comfortable enough to fall asleep there. I don't think she will last the summer sleeping with us because she will wake up complaining if she is hot and it will be super hot this summer and her father is a butane heater in bed. Co-sleeping is going well though. She will sleep as long as we let her. As long as around 7 she gets a diaper change and some food. She usually falls back asleep for a good while after that. We really lucked out, she is such a good sleeper. I credit co-sleeping. My touchpoints book says that is because when she sleeps with us she syncs herself to our breathing patterns and our heartbeats and our temperature, so she sleeps like an adult and not like a baby. Plus if she wakes up she is instantly comforted that we are there. My touchpoints book also says that this will create MAJOR problems later on with her never wanting to sleep by herself. I think I'll just get a bigger bed. Apparently co-sleeping is common in most cultures, just not the US. So if every other kid in the world can handle it, we can. I've always thought of myself as more worldly anyway. The book does say that most other cultures kick the kid out when a new kid comes along, but not until then.

Alright Carol is here! Hope you all are having a great week!

Love (sleeping babies),

Monday, May 17, 2010

As promised a age or two ago!

Darling Friend jenifriend's etsy sight:

And a video of Evelynn and her daddy:

Love (watching Evie and her Daddy),

Oh of course

So I get a chance to sit down and write you a lovely diatribe on life and the stupid internet and cable go out. Lame. I hope they come back before TV tonite.
Anywho we had a lovely weekend and I hope to tell you about it of Cox gets it shit together.
Here are some super cute baby pictures for you.
Love (for the cable to work),
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Weekend post

I finally got a minute to myself...okay that's a lie. I may be feeding a child while I do this, but anyway it's kind of to myself and I wrestled the new laptop away from Seth. Also a lie, my father distracted him with fixing my parent's laptop, which apparently has the virus from hell on it. My husband is over in the corner muttering "what the hell is this thing?" under his breath over and over. So it's safe to assume I have the new laptop for as long as the battery will hold out.

My mom left for Europe today. I'm insanely jealous, but Seth says we are taking a family vacation to Europe next summer. I wonder who he thinks is going to plan that, probably the lady that stays at home with the kiddos. If I'm lucky my Mom will help. Seth really wants to see Europe and I really want a vacation. I also want my honeymoon but he just laughs and changes the subject.

I'm proud to announce that as of tomorrow, I did one week of meal planning and keeping my Mother's Day resolution. It was relatively easy, but I did spend a lot of money in groceries it seems this week, plus a trip to Sam's Club to get the cheese for Lasagna. It really helps that two nights a week I can give Seth leftovers and plan for myself. We will see how next week goes though, and in two weeks he doesn't have class for the rest of the summer. He has a lot of deadlines at work though so who knows when he will get home. I'll keep you posted on my progress. This week I had leftovers on Monday, Tuesday we had my Mom's election party, Wednesday I had leftovers, Thursday we had nachos, Friday we had Chicken and ricotta gnocchi with homemade ricotta and gnocchi thanks to Holly who came over and held the baby while I cooked the ricotta and went shopping with me (thanks Holly!). I made the food at my Mom's house while random people there held Evie and we gave my Mom a send off. Tonite we are having hamburgers and fries and broccoli. And tomorrow I'm going make lasagna with the rest of the ricotta and hopefully a yellow cake with buttercream frosting from a recipe in the paper. And by me I mean Seth. He's really the baker in this family.

When my grandpa died the church had a luncheon after the church service for all of the mourners. I was sitting there and noticed all the old church ladies were the ones who prepared and served the food. I wondered, is this a dying art? I don't know anyone my age who does this. This week I'm pleased as punch to say that I signed up for my Mom's "Member Care" program at her church. They send out an email requesting meal help for members and you email back if you can make something. Then you deliver it to the church and they take care of the rest. My Mom's church even delivers meals for people who got out of the hospital or are sick. When my Mom had her surgery they brought by meals, it was nice. So anyway I'm excited to cook for that when I get a chance. I figure how hard is it to make a pasta salad or some rolls or a main course? We shall see.

Speaking of my Mom, and I can't believe I didn't lead with this-but she won the primary! How exciting! Now it's kinda of a lull until August and they kick up for the general election. She is the leading democrat and she is running against a republican named Jim Smith. It's all very cool. I really wanted to take a picture of her name on the screen but Evie was pitching a fit of epic proportions so we had to take her home. But anyway its really cool and I'm very proud of her. I however, do not skate by in helping this next round, I got put in charge of her facebook page and in charge of finding old photos of her serving and getting those scanned and up.

Alright food is almost ready! Hope you all are having a relaxing wonderful weekend!!

Love (weekends of planned relaxation),

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A video of the birdie

Because you deserve it, internets...

Hooray for Ma!

Hi! I've been a little busy, my Ma won her first round of the campaign! Its getting exciting now. I am going to try and be more involved, maybe I will be her stylist. Ha.
Evelynn is doing really good. She had two nights of crying fits, last night and the night before. But she is sleeping thru the night like a champ, as long as it is with me.
Holly came over yesterday and went to the grocery store with us and played with Evie while I made ricotta. I'm going to make lasagna this weekend. Tomorrow I'm making ricotta gnocci and four cheese chicken for my family. My mom flies out to Europe Saturday for about two weeks. I'm totally jealous.
Okay well I'd better get back to the Birdie!
Love (to have more time to blog),
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, May 10, 2010

Time is that quality of nature which keeps events from happening all at once. Lately it doesn't seem to be working.

Hello Blog World!
Happy belated Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there. I had the best first Mother's Day ever. First we were up late watching Avatar, so at 12:01 Seth gave me a pendant shaped like a child with Evelynn's birthstone, aquamarine. Then the next morning he made me white chocolate chip pancakes and brought them to me in bed. Yum. After that we laid around and wallowed in bed together as a family. Around four we ran to Target and then dropped the baby off at Mom and Dad's and went to eat dinner at the new German restaurant in Bellevue called Zum Biergarten. It seriously had a little old lady in the back cooking and it was AMAZING. It was hilarious, Seth and I were such goofballs feeding each other from our plates and exclaiming over all the food. Everyone around us must have thought we were nuts. But it was so nice. Then we picked up the baby and came home and watched the season premiere of Friday Night Lights. Seth did such a good job. What a great husband I have. He even changed diapers all day without me nagging!

Evelynn's portion of the show
I don't have to tell the Mom's out there how amazing it is that this little baby I made because a person more and more everyday. My new favorite things about her is how grumpy she is when you try to wake her up when she is sleeping. She grumbles and grunts and cries and buries her head, and sometimes she farts, it's hilarious. She has been sleeping more on her own in the bed with us, but not on top of me. So I can leave her in the bed and get up and do everything I need to and come back and wake her up to change her and feed her. She's getting more and more independent. It's too fast already! I tried to leave her in her crib while we went downstairs to watch Avatar and I lasted about forty minutes. I'm so going to be one of those Mom's that she has to say "Cut the cord Mom..." My other new favorite thing she does is her big smile and giggling. It's too cute. She is thisclose to starting babbling and talking. I can't wait.

Mother's Day resolution
So I've decided to do a Mother's Day resolution. It's like a resolution of what I want to do better. So what I'm going to try is to plan meals at the beginning of the week. We've been eating out a lot because I can't seem to do dinner on the fly. Sometimes if Seth gets home super late I just give up and tel him to pick something up. If I know in advance what I need to prepare, then shopping might be quicker and easier. And I can start cooking it earlier in the day and preparing the meat (which always takes the longest) then dinner can be ready when he gets home. And we will save money too, I think, by not eating out so much and not overbuying at the store. See sometimes I just buy lots of stuff and most of it goes to waste because I can't decide when I want to eat it or cook it. I'm hoping that if I plan it more, then I can cook more, which will make me happy. Evelynn has been able to sit by herself more and more and entertain herself a little more than she has in the past, as long as we are in the same room, she doesn't mind not clinging to me like a monkey baby. Plus two nights a week I don't have to make anything because Seth has class!

This weekend was my grandfather's estate auction. It was pretty much the most depressing thing I've been at. Basically everything in his house, his spices, vitamins, blankets, all that stuff was packed into boxes and sold for like a dollar or higher of bidding. When they got to his tools I totally lost it and started crying because that was like his life blood. So yeah, not a fan of estate auctions of people I know.

Product review
I came across these "Lilypads" silicone nursing covers. They basically look like giant sticky pads that cover your breast and form a airtight seal to keep your breast from leaking, like giant stickers for your nips. I was pretty excited about it, because they were reusable and I wouldn't have to cut up and stuff period pads in my bra. And this summer I could go strapless. Oh and swimming too according to the package. I wore them last night, and apparently they could not contain my copious flow. Ah well, it would have been nice...maybe I need industrial strength ones, with like industrial adhesive.

Well I'd better get to it, while the getting is good!

Love (rainy days),

Friday, May 7, 2010

The trouble with jogging is that, by the time you realize you're not in shape for it, it's too far to walk back.

The new laptop is up and working! And boy is it super fancy. It's an HP and the mouse pad is flush with the keyboard and I keep hitting it and it's kind of annoying.
This weekend we have a couple of things going on. Tonite Dan and Kathy are coming over for pizza and salad. They haven't seen the baby since Easter, so I'm pretty excited for them to see how different she is. Or maybe it was Grandpa's I can't remember which was first. Anywhoo, that should be fun. Tomorrow we have Grandpa's auction which we have to go down to Syracuse for, then we are going to spend some time with my mom for mother's day. Sunday is my first Mother's Day ever and I'm super excited, I hope Seth has at least something planned, I've dropped enough hints so he can't forget it. His Mom came up yesterday so we got to see her then and then we had flowers delivered to her at work, something that we did last year that she really liked.
Seth is home today from work, he worked enough hours traveling that he was able to stay home today. We have some errands to run and he is enjoying spending time with Evie. He missed her a lot while he was gone and boy did we miss him!
I have to mail in my badge today to work which officially means I'm done. I'm kind of sad. If work wasn't forty five minutes away I would go back, but that is just to far a distance to be away from Evie if there is a problem at a daycare. Plus the shaken baby video and all the your kid is going to die from diseases and bad caretakers at daycare warnings that I get from the websites or doctors or hospital are enough to make you just stay in bed all day.
I can't wait to play around with the new laptop. Last night Seth said "don't break it" and I told him I wasn't the person who breaks laptops around here. He didn't think I was nearly as funny as I was.
Hopefully Seth will get our external drive shared and I can put up some more older pictures because those are fun.
My allergies are killing me today.
Okay we have to run to the store and our house is a pit, but I fixed the pictures for you so you don't have to break your neck to see how cute my kid is.
Hopefully I can get a chance to blog again this weekend since I owe you all, but no promises, Monday for sure, I've got to tell you all about my great Mother's Day (hopefully!)
Love (the new laptop),

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

God answers all prayers...sometimes you just have to admit the answer is no.

Hi all!
So bad news, not only did my husband leave town without setting up the laptop, he also broke my desktop before he left. I will forward all your hate mail to him.
Good news, he comes back Wednesday afternoon. So maybe by Friday I can post some cute baby videos and fix the pictures.
Although I don't have a very happy baby right now. Yesterday she got shots. She is pretty much miserable. When she is awake she lays there and whimpers and cries. I give her Tylenol and it puts her to sleep. Yesterday she was just breaking my heart so I called my Dad and he came over and rocked her for almost two hours while I hid in the bathroom and cried a little. I have such a great Dad and Evie has such a great Grandpa. She doesn't even know yet how great.
I couldn't watch her get the shots. Seth had to hold her. She did the holding breath scream so long it worried the nurse and Seth had to calm her down in between shots. She got three and something she had to swallow. She weighed nine pounds two ounces and promptly peed everywhere while we were taking her off the scale. She is super long, Dr. Vann called her amazon baby. 24 inches I think. She checked out perfect!
Then we dropped Seth off at the airport and I got her home, she was sleeping, but as soon as she woke up...the beast came out.
It was super hard sleeping without Seth last night. I decided since we had the whole bed to try and put her down next to me and give some space between us, but within five minutes she had found my warmth with her feet and scooted across the bed and up against me. I'm in so much trouble, we are going to have to get a bigger bed!
Alright have to get ready for Nurse Carol!

Love (my pops),
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Only in Nebraska...and maybe Florida

You must click to giggle at the picture.

Love (old lady strippers),