Friday, January 23, 2009

*insert title here* or blogging with bloggers block

What do you do when you have blog block?

I’ve been trying to think of topics all morning to inspire me to write, but nothing is coming.
I’m teetering on the edge of crabby and perfectly pleasant. It’s a thin ledge.

Plenty of things have happened to me today to illicit the crabby. I have made a list of thus so far:

1) Bagheera, in a desperate move to receive the affection he is so greatly STARVED of in the morning jumped into my lap and tried to reenact a 6 year old African tribal girl’s worst nightmare while I was trying to pee. Needless to say I have a pretty unexplainable scratch in my lady parts.
2) I couldn’t figure out what to wear so I after minutes of hemming and hawing I grabbed a shirt that now almost five hours into wearing it is decidedly TOO SMALL for me. I’ve spent half the day pulling it down from around my boobs and holding the sleeves over my wrists while the buttons hang on for dear life.
3) Bagheera got mad that Seth didn’t clean the cat pan last night after his squirt fest so he decided since we took the cat pan out of our bedroom, the pile of Seth’s gym clothes and shoes in the corner was the PERFECT place to pop a squat. Seth caught him mid stream.
4) Now I have to do laundry tonite.
5) And clean the carpet.
6) Today is “Chili Feed” at lunch today and I brought a beautiful perfect cornbread Johnny cake that Seth was SO MAD I wasn’t leaving at home because it came out that perfect. Which means no lunch for Carrie-I had bread and cheese and some olives.
7) The day is going SO SLOW it’s unreal.
8) I have about 300 things on the DVR and it is making me a nervous WRECK because last time we had this much on the DVR the thing seized up and refused to tape anything and wouldn’t delete anything and Cox had to reset our DVR and I almost had a meltdown about the lost shows. So now I am ANAL RETENTIVE about getting our DVR cleaned out. Joss Whedon’s “Dollhouse” is starting soon people! I need to be prepared for Joss’s return into television! My life will finally feel WHOLE again. Or George Clooney coming back to ER!?!? THESE ARE MOMENTS THAT I CANNOT MISS!! (I need therapy-or two DVR’s)
9) It’s supposed to SHIT STORM on Sunday, right before I have to drive to work. And the snow is supposed to continue on for a lovely 7 inches through Tuesday. And barely double digit temps means it’s going to be icy. Why can’t it snow tonite?!!? So I can be trapped in my house all weekend.
10) Seth will not be coming to dinner or the car show tonite because work is trying to steal my husband!
11) Have I mentioned my shirt is too small? I feel like its SQUEEZING ME TO DEATH!!

Now here are a list of things keeping me relatively sane and NOT crabby:
1) It’s Friday!
2) Grey’s Anatomy was really good last night.
3) I get to go out to eat with my family and to the car show with my Dad tonite!
4) I am going to be cooking up a storm on Saturday and if as a sign from GOD everything for lasagna was on sale at the grocery store last night. Also I have had multiple requests from people asking if they can stop by and have some chicken enchi’s which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that people like my chicken enchi’s. I will also be trying a new enchi-Black bean and cheese enchi’s so if you are feeling adventurous-stop by and try them. Saturday Night for dinner.
5) I am making chocolate chip cookies this weekend from a new recipe that is supposed to make them super soft.
6) My “Band of Brothers” on Blu-Ray DVD shipped today!!
7) I got Seth’s Valentine’s Day gift all planned and ordered. Way ahead of schedule!
8) My house is relatively clean so I won’t have to do MUCH cleaning this weekend.
9) I’m on the downward slope of the workday.
10) It is not snowing yet.
11) The Meatball Muffin’s I made Seth last night were a success and the perfect thing to stick in his lunch! I think I need to make mashed taters with them though. But anyway-SUCCESS! Even if Seth now calls them Meat Muffin’s which makes them sound like the dirtiest thing EVER.

So as you can see, I’m balanced, but barely.
Last night I finished “People of the Book” and got a good chunk into “The Russian Concubine” and also I am thisclose to finishing “Even After All this time” I sorta hate when this happens because then I have to start new books all at once and sometimes the stories get muddled. Usually I like to phase in and out.

I thought People of the Book was really good. My only qualms with it were that the story kind of went al screwy at the end. The “main” storyline felt forced and like the “plot drama” was just kind of shoved in there at the end. When I heard the author talk about that character-I remember she said that she was kind of like that friend that shows up and sleeps on your couch and suddenly she was part of your everyday life and wouldn’t leave. That’s exactly how her storyline felt. I wish she would have saved all the weirdness in the main storyline and just had it been about finding out about the different parts of the books history instead of creating this weird forced plot device. I swear she stole the entire relationship of Meredith and her mom from Grey’s Anatomy and stuck it in the book for giggles.
But still! Still the background stories were the ones I liked the best. And they made this whole book worth it. So I give it 3 out of 5 stars. I liked it, but probably wouldn’t read it again and probably wouldn’t pass it on to my friends unless they were interested.
Ooo that reminds me I need to ask Ellyn if she’s read any Gregory Maguire's and if not give her my collection. He’s the guy who wrote Wicked, but he wrote tons of other books that I like to call “F’d up Fairy Tales.” They are lovely. Like the true story of Cinderella and Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Granted the Wicked series is the best by far, but these are pretty great too.
OH MY GOODNESS-I just went to his website and he has a new book out! Must buy now!!!
FYI-if you EVER love a author, go to their website, some of them have the BEST websites and you can learn the COOLEST things about them. Or sometimes they blog and it’s the greatest thing ever.
DOUBLE OMG!!! I just saw that today’s Friday Five special on Amazon is Ludacris’s new cd!!! Just FYI for all you ITUNES users out there, I just discovered that Amazon has the EXACT same thing, except their prices are cheaper and they have way more selection and awesome deals, such as this Luda deal that I will RUSH HOME and take advantage of-because I already love 3 of the songs on the album, which totally justify it’s purchase. Now I just have to figure out how to get that BOOK since I used up all my BOOK credits this month already with Seth. *goes off to ponder*
I hope you all have a LOVELY weekend!

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