Friday, June 11, 2010

I'm kind of jealous of the life I'm supposedly leading.

Dear TLC, please change your name to "The Look-at-the-Freaks Channel" instead of The Learning Channel. Seriously, accept it. Last night while watching an episode on TLC of "Mall Cops" (by the way, a blogger I read, Ree of Pioneer Woman, was on the show!) I saw a commercial for a "special" about Extreme Poodle competitions. SERIOUSLY. It was people who dress up and dye their poodles outrageously. For a while now I've started to question TLC's programming. I mean they have a solid core of stuff that really is the stuff you can learn from, like a baby story and what not to wear and say yes to the dress. They've even had some specials like "Tree Man" and "Mermaid Girl" that I'll confess to watching. But somewhere along the line there they got obsessed with multiple families. And then fat people, and then little people. They have three shows featuring little people, and I can think of about four shows featuring giant families or families with multiples. What the hell is going on with TLC? Someone please tell me!!
So some thoughts on co-sleeping...
I've never been good at sleeping alone. Ask my parents. I think I slept n there room, after being traumatized by the movie ET, every night they would let me until I was 12. And the nights that they wouldn't let me, or after they finally kicked me out, I convinced my brother to sleep on the bottom bunk of my bed. Then my sister by another mister Kathy moved in with us and we shared a bed, so then I wasn't alone until she moved out. After that I had college where you get a roommate. Somewhere in college I got okay with sleeping alone and became an RA. Long after that I met Seth and I never had to sleep alone again. So because of all of this, I think I'm okay with co-sleeping. I like the idea of having everyone I love in bed. Even if it is hot. It's like I know if something bad happens, like the house starts on fire or something, everyone I need to protect is in that bed and easy to get out. I don't know when I will kick her out, or if I will. The reason I bring it up is the other day my Mother in Law made an off hand comment about it that really bristled my britches. I don't know if it was because I did that normal daughter in law "don't give me advice about raising my kid" thing or because I truly have finally come to accept that we are a co-sleeping family, and I'm ready to defend my decision to do it. I know there are a lot of different camps on it. But from my experience, it has really worked. When I was pregnant, like I said, you couldn't have paid me to co-sleep, I was terrified of it because of a news story about a lady rolling over on her grandkid. Here's something a lot of people can say though-my kid has been sleeping solidly through the night since her third week, which is when we figured out that she didn't want to sleep on her back and she loved to sleep on me. She has transitioned now to sleeping more on my stomach and then waking up for a snack and sleeping on my side, next to me, the rest of the morning. So while I don't recommend everyone does it, if you are out of options and haven't slept with your newborn, I can recommend it, for sure. And I'm not taking any crap about it anymore.

Well we have errands to run since Seth has to work again this weekend so I have to the errands by my lonesome. Luckily my brother is coming over to help me, because no one wants to navigate Sam's Club alone with a baby, trust me on this.
Hope you all have a great weekend!!

Love (my bro),

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