Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

This is how my day went yesterday after I wrote. The cats were starved for attention and Evie was starving and wanted her Boppy back.

Then my awesome husband came home and took over and I got my hair done and this is how the rest of the night went:

I by the way love my new hairstylist, so much so that I may follow her out of Capitol Hair School if the price is right and she has a place to go. If any of you were thinking of going, her name at Capitol is Scout, and she is fantastic, and you should go see her. She knows what she is talking about. She talked me out of bangs, siting the facts that I would have to come in more regularly for upkeep on them and I probably wouldn't have that kind of time with Evelynn. By the way, she totally remembered me and Evelynn's name from our frequent trips to Zum Biergarten where she is usually our waitress. I should call her our "weight"tress though because I swear that German food is the reason I have gained seven pounds, or Pioneer Woman's new cookbook. I think it is about time I start cooking from Rocco DiSpirto's cookbook.

Its late at night and I can't sleep, which is why I decided to write. I finished Dead Like Me so I wasn't really into starting a whole other movie. I miss sleeping with Evelynn. In fact, lately I have been waking up and my hips hurt from sleeping on them or sleeping in other positions I'm not used to sleeping in. All the more reason I need a memory foam topper! I missed my chance to get a whole memory foam mattress for cheap from Woot because Seth was too angry to try to convince to spend that kind of money on July Fourth. But the point is, I miss sleeping with my baby, even if she doesn't miss sleeping with me.

Evelynn has been almost disgustingly cute lately. Like you can't get mad at her for anything. She has the most illuminating smile. It was such a good feeling when I came home from the hair salon and she had been crying and as soon as she saw me she stopped crying, her eyes lit up, and she smiled this huge smile. I love that feeling. Once someone had said to me that I wouldn't feel like a "Mom" until Evelynn actually called me "Mom" but I tell you what, her reaction when I walk in the door, that makes me feel like a Mom. And better yet, it makes me want to be a Mom. After I got home she wouldn't let go of me, but she kept having to lean over and chat with Seth. She has been super chatty lately and loves when you give her sounds and noises to imitate. And yesterday, I couldn't believe it she actually laid on the floor, propped up by the boppy and watched a Baby Einstein video, like actually watched it and was focused on it. I was impressed. Eventually she got restless though and I had to lay on the floor with her and be subjected to mundane torture. I can't wait until she is into more interesting shows.

Well I'd better attempt to go to bed. If I can I will write tomorrow, but hopefully I get some sleep and will get the grocery shopping done!

Love (knowing I'm a Mom),

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