Monday, October 4, 2010

I hope that when I die, people say about me, 'Boy, that guy sure owed me a lot of money.'

Way-hey there world!
We had a lovely weekend with friends and family. Even though I can't say it's "back to the work week" since my job is 24/7 (Evelynn is screaming, clinging to my leg as we speak) it will always still feel like Monday is the start of a LONG journey.

Maybe she will be a hairdresser
Evelynn is currently obsessed with hair. Her own (which I can't decide what color it is, sometimes it looks dark brown, sometimes red, sometimes reddish blond), her father's (which apparently doesn't taste very good at all), and mine. Mine is the worse. She pulls it all the time and it takes everything in me not to have that gut reaction to elbow her in the face when she does it. It is awful. I would cut all my hair off if I wasn't afraid I would look exactly like my mom.

Book news
I just got in the mail Ken Follett's new book "Fall of Giants". It's like a billion pages long. I'm so excited. I can't wait to start it. Of course I need someone to be calm and/or take a nap to do that. But I swear she will be dead asleep and hear me turn the page and shoot up as if to say "What are yo doing? Is it fun? Can I do it?" and then she finds out its not something she can shove in her mouth or squish to death in her pincher like grasp and then the whining cry starts. So hopefully I can start that soon and be reading that forever, because Ken Follett books take a lot of concentration to read and this one is HUGE!

Seven Months
Evelynn has been on this earth seven months as of Sunday. I can't believe how much she has changed since when she was born, and how much more changing she has to do yet. She already likes or dislikes things then when she was born. For example, she used to HATE having a bath, now she loves it. She hated her stroller, loves it now. She used to love just laying and cuddling, and now it is just torture. She used to not mind getting her pants changed at all, and now it is equivalent to being held down by the man. She honestly gets smarter and has more personality everyday, its unreal. We have some friends having a baby and trying to have a baby right now and I just want to call them up everyday and say, IT IS SO WORTH IT. Even on the days it is a little more challenging than most.

I have had grand plans to review my second week of TV viewing sometime this week. I wanted to do it today but someone is requesting that I take a nap with them. And Momma never misses a nap!

Love (growing up, but not too fast),

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