Monday, May 12, 2014

May or May Not Monday

I may or may not have thrown a dinner party this weekend and came to several conclusions.  I failed to count for the need to have butts in chairs because I was serving spaghetti and meatballs.  I clearly need to find a better dining space for people when I throw parties.  Or serve shit on sticks so people don't have to sit down to eat. I also failed to properly maintain the kid factor.  I did nothing to entertain them and had not really thought of them eating.  I fed them first but few of them really ate, wanting to play more.  After that the children descended into mob mentality madness that has scarred the cats forever I'm afraid.

I may or may not have spent my entire Mother's Day in my bed.

I may or may not be planning to wash the sheets tomorrow.  After spending an entire day in them the are a little bit groady.

I may or may not be doing everything in my power to get a new car.  Scrimping and saving and begging my husband everyday.  We just need a bigger car, especially with visiting family and having to pick people up from the airport.  I may or may not have cancelled a vacation to save for this car, that's how badly I want it.  No NEED it.

I may or may not have a love hate relationship with TV from books. Like Game of Thrones.  I loved those books and to know what is going to happen next almost ruins the tv show for me.

I may or may not have cried during this week's episode of 16 & Pregnant.  Babies who have breathing problems and end up in the NICU hit way too close to home.

I may or may not also cringe when I watch 16 & Pregnant and see the parents go straight to formula.  I try really really hard not to be judgmental against Mom's who use formula, but something tells me these girls don't even try.

I may or may not need a nap.  Like lots of naps, successively.  I'm angry I wasted naps as a child.

I may or may not be getting VERY excited for my parents visit.

I may or may not be looking forward to the neighborhood GARBAGE sale this weekend.  UGH.  Hate GARBAGE sales.  And no, that is not a misspelling.

I may or may not have ended this post early to meet the "Monday" deadline.

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