Friday, January 30, 2009

Weekend of Love T minus 7 hours!

Happy Friday all! Whew! It took long enough to get here-didn’t it? I have a sneaking suspicion that today is going to eek by at the speed of smell.

I actually do NOT have a busy weekend lined up. At all. Hooray! Minus Sunday, and I’m just doing simple dips for that. And trying NOT to eat my weight in the delicious sounding bean and cheese dip I’m going to make.

So last night we went to Walmart and apparently Kevin Costner was there signing autographs because his band was in town. We walked ALL around that Walmart and never saw boo of him. Or the gigantic line they were talking about. Pam called me and I missed the call because my big fat rear was smothering my phone, but when I called her back she was like-did you see Kevin Costner and I was like, why would I see Kevin Costner-I’m at Walmart-and she was like I know!! So she filled me in, but at that point I was crabby that Walmart charged Seth 61 bucks to change his OIL in his truck. SIXTY-ONE BUCKS! And Pam sensed the angry and got off the phone with me pretty quick. And then this morning on the radio they were talking about what a big event it was and I was like, actually, Walmart seemed deserted last night…Weird, I don’t even know what I would have said IF I had met Kevin Costner. Probably-I loved your wedding pictures and you made my little brother cry once and I laughed at him and got grounded for it. That is all true. Also announced today in Omaha-George Clooney is coming to film a movie! Look at Omaha, up and coming! Big 'O', what-what??

So after much discussion, I have finally decided what kind of party March 13th (Friday the 13th) is going to be. It’s going to be a PAINTING/GAME PARTY!!! *cue wild cheers*

Here’s the details:
Friday March 13th, Seth and I are going to be painting our living room and dining room. We have 9 foot ceilings, it’s going to be a task to say the least. We are inviting you all, to show up and help us slap some paint on the walls, eat some pizza and drink some beer, and when we get it all done, play some games. I think that the more people we have the quicker it’s going to go. So if your interested let me know so I can get a head count for pizza, beer, and paint rollers. We are going to be doing a light blue toned tan in the living room, like an earthy tan, not a yellow tan. A dark chocolate on our three smaller pillared walls on the left side of the room, and a burgundy on the wall in the dining room that is smaller and shared with the kitchen. SO! We have big dreams! And we need your help! J If you want to participate! Let us know! We would love to feed you pizza and paint with you! Also when all is said and done we will have a plethora of games to play! Or if you just want to show up and tape off walls or eat pizza, that would be great too!

So that’s all the exciting news I have for you all today. So far anyway. I’m going off the grid this weekend until Sunday, I’m going to try and see how posting pictures goes here because I have pictures from cooking last weekend and will probably have pictures from this weekend too.
Hope you all have a weekend of Love like I am too!

Love, (always)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Things I did after I blogged a second ago

In my cube, in my quiet NPP office where you can only hear the roar of the turbines and the occasional copy machine.
Leona Lewis.
During the high-long part.
The one you have to take a deep breath for.
Two breaths, it's that long.
NHG turned around in his cube and looked at me.
It was that loud.
I promptly turned off my radio and died.
This is why I hate listening to female singers-I think I can do it too.


Things that have happened to me in the last hour:

I got a paper cut, promptly spilled lemon juice in it, cried, got some super glue from my boss, and went about my day.

I learned paper cut is two words.

I stopped going to the water cooler because it’s about time for the water bottle to be changed out and I hate doing that because I have this inane fear based on a television commercial from years ago that I’ll be trying to put the heavy bottle on and it will slip and I will end up dumping most of the water on myself and the floor. Plus there is a really big guy who sits right there and he can handle it. So now I’m dying of thirst and constantly listening to see if SOMEONE has replaced the water bottle yet.

I got an email from my Pam-someone I have known since COLLEGE and Outlook told me I had an email from “Pam Maiden Name” and I went-who is that? And it took me like 10 minutes to figure out it was “Pam Married Name”. I’ve known her for YEARS. I was in her wedding! I used to pout about having to call her by her married name because I liked her last name so much. And yet I sat there all confused trying to figure out who “Pam Maiden Name” was and if I should open the email. Apparently I have grown, or am starting to get Alzheimer’s.

I did some work.

I checked Amazon Gold Box. Nothing special. All though there is a tempting lighting deal coming up in a couple of minutes…

I’ve been keeping my eye on airline fares to Orlando for my Mom, for some reason they are 174 bucks now, but then when we want to go in June they rocket up to almost 400 dollars. I’m hoping it’s because the summer sales haven’t been released yet.

I recycled my paper box.

I wondered if I could talk Seth into eating French fries for dinner tonite.

I pouted about having to go to Wally World after work tonite.

I glared at the giant clock to my left 100 times.

I turned off the radio when Akon came on-I can’t STAND his voice.

I got bored and decided to blog. I considered talking about Seth and I’s new love of yoga but about how Seth won’t do the spiritual part of yoga like the hand poses and the cleansing breaths and the “Namaste”, he treats it like football stretching, but got distracted by list making instead.

I posted this blog.

What did you do?

Whachu Bloggin' bout Willis?

Happy Thursday All!
One more day until the Weekend of ROMANCE begins. Although from what I can tell, it should really just be retitled-the weekend of ALONE TIME. Because that’s all we are really shooting for. And since we are having that Stupid Bowl Party on Sunday-maybe it should just be retitled the weekend of LOVE. Because we are doing things we love. Like being alone together, watching football (Seth) and feeding our friends (me). So let’s just call it the weekend of LOVE.
I brought one of our many alarm clocks to work (we recently stopped using our alarm clocks in favor of our cell phones due to a power outage that almost had me sleeping thru an entire day. So now we have a grave yard of alarm clocks. I went thru this phrase where every clock was too bright and I couldn’t sleep so we went thru a lot of them) So I brought it to work so I could hear the radio and to apparently MOCK myself on how slow the day is going, except now its BIGGER and BRIGHTER, instead of small and tiny in the bottom of my screen. Not my best idea…
I started a new TV show last night, “Trust Me” on TNT-it comes on after “The Closer” which I like, I think purely for Kira Sedwick’s accent. Anyway “Trust Me” has Eric McCormick (formally Will from Will and Grace) and Tom Cavanagh (formally of Eli Stone as the Dad and some other show where he ran a bowling alley and he was a lawyer, I think it was called “Ed” or something) and it’s like the modern day Mad Men, I think is the best way to describe it. The fast pacing of the show reminds me a lot of Gilmore Girls. So far, I’m a fan. But I usually follow the three episodes and you’re out rule. So I’ll check back with you on this show after three episodes.
So a couple people asked me what blogs I am reading at work, I am a fan of a couple blogs so I thought I would share them here:
My first favorite one is one for cooking (I’m throwing this out there for you Karie!) she is a lady who you have to read the stories on the size but she tries to cook really yummy dishes healthy. Seth loves her chicken strip recipe.
She used to be a vegiterian but then got married and had to cook meat for her husband so a lot of her recipes are great for Seth and I because she tries to make it so vegetarians can eat it too, you just have to remove the meat. Also she has a lot of great sides. One of my favorite things (I WISH I had this skill) is that she can go to a restaurant, try a dish and then come home and make it. So a lot of times she has really good recipes from your favorite restaurants! Plus she is fun and cute and I want to be her so bad.

Another one I read daily is by my favorite author Joshilyn Jackson. I love reading her daily adventures of motherhood, writing, and living in Georgia. Plus she is also married to a nerd. And she loves a lot of the same stuff I do that no one has ever loved like I do, like Joss Whedon’s work, or Firefly, or even some of the books I read…and she’s funny, side splitting funny.

Carrie R recommended this blog which I’ve just started and is pretty cute:

And this is one is a friend from Joshilyn’s site:

I always check this site’s forums for spoilers about my favorite shows: and I also read the recaps they post there on shows.

Well I think that is it for today! I hope that tomorrow goes by super fast, and that GIANT INFERNAL CLOCK NEXT TO ME-reads 4:30 sooner rather than later.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hi my name is Carrie and I'm an obsessive eye brow plucker...

Happy Hump Day everyone!
Traffic was SO BAD this morning it was UNREAL. I think that’s the worst traffic I’ve ever sat in.
Last night I watched “Intervention” off the DVR and it was this guy who was an alcoholic and he got put in the hospital for alcohol poisoning, which wasn’t shocking since he drank a GALLON OF PLASTIC BOTTLE VODKA, but the most disturbing part of the episode was when he DRANK HAND SANITIZER in the hospital because it was 62% alcohol and he needed it. HAND SANITIZER. Grossest thing EVER. And he acted like it was water. It was the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. He was all dead behind the eyes and crying all the time. I feel sadistic just watching the show. And then I don’t even watch the “intervention” part of it, I fast forward thru it because I don’t like to hear families blame shift. I just want to see the end. By the way Anthony has been sober since Sept. 22, 2008 which I find VERY HARD TO BELIEVE since he DRANK HAND SANTIZER.
He was almost as disturbing as the lady who drank mouth wash. Probably more disturbing because at least mouth wash is minty.
The Amazon Gold box is going to ruin my marriage. Amazon entirely is on track to ruin my entire bank account. Why do they have to have such good deals? Jerks.
I’m sad to report that the economy crisis is starting to effect the Midwest and people I know. My brother is looking for a job and a lot of my friends are too. I feel so bad! I know a lot of other people who are beginning to receive threats that layoffs. I really hope things pick up soon for our nation.
A radio DJ this morning said something that really struck me, she was talking about how the media is going crazy because Jessica Simpson went from a size 2 to a size 8 (by the way there is NOTHING wrong with that at all, I applaud her) and she said “It’s so sad to think that just last week our country was full of optimism and hope and love when we were rallying behind a new President, and now we are back to this petty crap.” And it’s so true. I also read a quote from Actor Daniel Radcliffe that really summed up how I feel about Obama right now or at least on inauguration day-He expressed his happiness for America in having elected Obama, describing him as a combination of Martin Luther King and JFK, saying he represents “everything the rest of the world liked about America and now likes again.” I think I really feel that sentiment because I’ve seen America thru the eyes of the rest of the world when I lived overseas on military bases.

So here are the foods I think we will be having at the STUPID bowl party-greek dip, sausages, beef and cheese dip and bean and cheese dip. And I might get some veggies. Small snacks, it’s a small party from our guest list so far. I’m trying to find a good bean and cheese dip recipe. One that you can dip tortilla chips in. Nothing that involves VELVEETA. Please for the love of pete. Maybe something with cream cheese instead? Throw your recopies my way! Ooo! And if I can put it in the crockpot you will be my hero and you may stay at our party until 10:10!
Okay well I’d better get on with the day since I was a half an hour late to work.
Also, can we just cancel the audition part of American Idol? PLEASE? They didnt' even SHOW the people who got thru really, just weirdness, that episode wasn't even worth the 15 minutes I spent fast forwarding thru it. I'm over it, can we just get to the elimination rounds so you can break my heart already and kill all the people I like? I'm starting to think David Cook was a fluke. Last seasons auditions were a little more bearable then the crap they are putting out right now...Anyone feeling me on this??
Once again it’s a day where NO ONE is emailing me. I’m starting to wonder if my friends are still alive or if their email isn’t getting thru or if MY email’s aren’t getting thru. Either way I’m very worried about my lack of emails.
One Love!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Baby Come Back! Any kind of fool could see...THAT YOU SHOULD NOT LEAVE CARRIE ALONE FOR THE DAY.

The clock is making me crabby.
It has seemingly stopped and is holding me hostage here at work when all I want to do is go home, take off my bad idea outfit for the day and watch tv and eat some enchi’s.
I am very bored, and lonely. My usual entertainment (my friends who email me all day) have seemingly DROPPED OFF THE FACE OF THE PLANET OR BROKEN THEIR FINGERS IN A TRAGIC CAR DOOR ACCIDENT. Or forgotten about me. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve gotten a couple of responses, sporadically here and there. Some are forgiven, they have actual jobs, but ONE OF YOU I know is HOME and is all comfy on your couch watching TV and is ABOUT TO GET A PHONE CALL begging you to come back and chat with me. FOR THE SAKE OF THE WORLD. Or my sanity, which ever is more important to you-PAMELA. Even my husband is giving me the one to three word responses today. And I am sending long heart-filled rambly emails blubbering over my apparently lack in email popularity today. (Carrie is needy and paranoid-for those of you who do NOT know her that well…)
Kathy is getting a dog-I learned that from email. He is cute as can be and he is from Kansas. They get him in three weeks. The name is still being debated. I did get that news today. L’ara is getting new carpet (jealous!) and Pam and I are planning a party (that stopped being planned at 10 am this morning…)
Oh? What’s that? You want to hear about the bad idea outfit?? Sure, I’ve got nothing BETTER to do…
So today-in a coup de triumph of bad outfits, I wore a fake white fur lined cuffs and hood sweater my GRANDMA got me because I saw it in the back of my closet and thought-“Yesterday I sweat to death because my sweater was to thick, I will wear this sweater because it is thinner and I can take it off it gets too hot. And I will be smart enough NOT to wear an inappropriate tee shirt underneath it.” HAHA! Then I wore some pants I found on the floor. And my pink “BOOTS WIT DA FUR” hoping the whole NPP would be looking ME. Well I got to work and noticed that the fur was making me sneezy, but then I took off the sweater-as brilliantly planned and my dark blue tee shirt underneath looked like what can only be described as “Carrie lost a fight with a polar bear who had just rolled in a lint trap”. And the pants. Lo, friends, the pants. This is where I go into a digression.
I have recently lost a little weight. Okay a lot of weight, considering I was 140 in Sioux Falls. I’m not sure where the logic is in it. Seth says I learned portion control (which was NOT APPARENT LAST NIGHT WITH THE ALL YOU CAN EAT FRIES). I was exercising in Sioux Falls-REGULARLY!! No really-ask my personal trainer-he MADE me go, and if I did not he gave me this HUGE guilt trip and then would be gone from the apartment long enough that I would get lonely and bored. It was an evil trick because the next time he offered I said YES because I could not stand the lonely and bored and scary apartment noises. And then he made promises about my wedding dress and me looking stunning in it and him crying when I came down the aisle because I was so stunning (he did and I was-I have video proof). Tricky personal trainer/husband.
Anyway I continued to gain weight even while working out regularly. And controlling portions. Still tipping at 140.
Then I moved back to Omaha, promptly stopped working out and started a high stress job that brought me lunch from divine places sometimes (thanks Annie!) and planning a HIGHER THEN ON RECORD STRESS wedding. And magically-I lost 20 pounds. I’m pretty sure it was overnight.
In fat times, I had to upgrade all my jeans. I’m a jean FREAK, I own tons, ask my Dad or brother or Seth, they’ve carried the boxes. I bought cool chic jeans to make me feel better about my ever expanding backside. I thought, well its 2 sizes bigger-BUT IT’S SPARKLY!!!
I’m still wearing the Fat Jeans. (end digression)
And these jeans are the ones I picked up this morning from the floor.
I don’t know why I don’t get new jeans (*little voice* yes you do, because you want cooler things like flat screen tv’s and a steam cleaner and to EAT OUT and have your car paid off AND you feel good when your jeans aren’t strangling your Lady Parts) and I know why I don’t go back to the old ones-they are outdated and childish-some of them are LACE UP and have FLAME stitching and words like “Angel” stitched across my then tiny rear (*little voice* and you are afraid that you won’t fit back into them and the jeans you are wearing now are just stretched out and you are lying to yourself about your dramatic weight loss with no diet or exercise and you secretly suspect Seth of breaking the scale because he leaves his HEAVY FITNESS MAGAZINES (90% ads) on it all the time). So I’m constantly pulling my jeans up or trying to cover my exposed crack from hanging out the backside. Today I stepped on them and almost pulled them down to my thighs, thank GOD I was in the bathroom. I’m walking VERY carefully right now…
OH AND! AND! The jeans have a salt snow stain on them because they are the ones I wore last night to eat dinner with Pam and Jason. I noticed, as hurriedly tried not to fall into a bathroom stall. So that makes the bad idea outfit even better.
End story.
Have I mentioned that I’m bored and lonely today?
I actually did do lots of work, but I tend to have this pattern of work, email, work, email work. It gives me a nice flow. But when the email is cut out, I stare at the little icon at the bottom of the screen longingly and try and will an email to come to me. I think of witty things to say to people and by the time they do email me, I’ve forgotten it. I hate that. I take prolonged bathroom breaks because my mom has this theory that if your food takes forever in a restaurant just take a bathroom break and it will come, and it usually WORKS, so I applied that to emailing only to rush back to my computer after moseying around the office to see NO EMAILS or one email from Seth that says “Are you sure we need this now?” in reference to my MASSIVE research project of the best steam cleaner on the market.
*deep sigh*
I guess I’ll go spend the next 45 minutes reading Joshilyn Jackson’s blog…
Oh wait, first I will be horribly embarrassed when someone tells me that a patch of my underwear keeps creeping up...GREAT thanks for STALKING MY UNDERWEAR LINE TODAY. Okay it's official, I need to dig those jeans out...
Hope tomorrow goes faster!!
Love to you all!

PS-The sweater my grandma got me is actually really nice, it's very Russian, but I forgot it makes me sneezy which is why it was at the back of my closet...not because it was unbearably ugly or anything...

A blog in which I try to plan random things...

Happy Tuesday everyone!
I seriously cannot believe that it is only Tuesday. It feels like it should be Wednesday at the very least. Like I said, I’m sure this week is going to last FOREVER for me.
Our “Band of Brothers” came yesterday-Hooray! We got a nasty MUD bill *angry fist shake at raising natural gas prices* so I left it for Seth to open so he would feel better.
One of the first things I want to talk today is a question for our usual party crowd-Pam and I have the winter blah’s and was wondering if anyone would like to get together on March 13th (it’s Friday the 13th.) We feel that we need something to look forward too since there isn’t really a holiday for the next couple of months. We were thinking of either a scary movie viewing party, where we watch two or three scary movies and have like pizza or something (it’s less scary to watch them in groups I think) or a game night where we have lots of dipping snacks so people can get up and snack quick and get back to the game. What do you guys have more interest in? Any better ideas? Let me know what you think in the comments section below…
Speaking of parties, I have begrudgingly been forced into a STUPID bowl party. But I’m throwing this out there to everyone who is coming now-after the end you gotsa to home. I’ve got to be at work bright and early and if I am not in bed by 10 o’clock I get NASTY and could possibly crash on my way to work, and Seth and my family will blame you for keeping me up too late. No really, they will. Judge-y stares will happen at my funeral or hospital visitation. SO if you come, you must go home before 10. FYI. So far I know I will be serving a Greek dip from the parade section of the paper with toasted flat bread and sausages with fixings. BYOB. Seth is very excited. I’m very happy to feed people.
Let me know if you plan on coming AND LEAVING AT TEN!!! We would love to see you (and tell you goodbye at 10).
Let’s see what else? We had a LOVELY dinner with Pam and Jason last night at Ruby Tuesday’s, but we spent the first 10 minutes trying to find the “all you can eat fries” on the menu, which it was not, so Jason asked for me and they do have it!! But they do not advertise it! SNEAKY!!! In fact, I’m pretty sure if we had any other server they would have told me I was full of it. So anyway I got all you can eat fries and immediately regretted it on my third plate. And what’s with the tiny servings of ketchup? Why can’t you just give me a bottle? I’m pretty sure I’m over Ruby Tuesday’s for a really long time. It was REALLY expensive and they are sneaky ketchup withholding people. Plus Seth says he’s had better steak that he has paid less for. BUT! BUT! The company was great. We heard all about Pam and Jason’s vacation to Hawaii and they brought us PRESENTS!! So sweet. I’ve decided that they must be very fun on vacation because they do really cool stuff like climb mountains and go to arcades. And they take the BEST vacation pictures. I suspect that has something to do with Jason’s art background…I’ve decided that when Seth gets around to planning my secret vacation to Atlantis in the Bahamas (where he will send ahead my wedding dress and a tux and invite the entire wedding party for a 15 year reunion where THEY will bring their wedding attire) that Jason should take some of my wedding pictures renewal. It’s like a wedding vow renewal-but for the pictures, because I’m jealous of everyone’s tropical wedding pictures. So I want some of my own, and come on, when am I EVER going to get to wear my dress again? I think this is the PERFECT excuse to wear it again, go on vacation, and take lots of beautiful pictures that I really want. But Seth has to set it up in secret, so he will need Pam to be there anyway so she can take me on a beauty day and sneak in my crown and veil and tell the people how my hair has to look. She’s key in this. As is Jason now for his picture taking skills. Seth are you reading this and remembering!??! Better log this one away because this single handedly would make you the BEST husband ever. Just FYI.

So I found out that Kathy and Dan are not eating out for one month, I told you about this right? Well I found out more information from Dan that at the END of one month, they will have SAVED ENOUGH MONEY FOR A NEW FLAT SCREEN TV. I’m officially in. Starting February I think Seth and I are going to try and not eat out for a month. (Minus Valentine’s Day-where Seth is doing something romatical) and then at the end buy a TV for the bedroom, since officially our left speaker (my side) is out, and our TV on DVD that we get from Showtime is like anti-deaf people or something and refuses to caption their shows. Seriously Showtime? Seriously? Do you know how hard it is to understand mush mouth Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Henry the Eighth sometimes? I feel sorry for people who actually have to USE closed captioning, The Tudors is lost on them, which is sad because it’s a great show.
So anyway, back to the no eating out for TV-that is going to be SO hard. BUT-my cooking skills are improving and I’m confident that we can do it, as long as we plan ahead and make a lot of freezable meals. (Like lasagna or enchi’s or pot roast) I can eat a bean burrito everyday for the rest of my life and be perfectly happy. Seth on the other hand needs meat and variety. So I’ll let you know how we do with that!

In crazy cat lady news-Willow has officially become a Bengal. Seth called this morning to tell me she clean jumped onto the shower door and pulled herself up and commenced with helping him shower. Apparently she played with the water stream and chatted with him while he showered. I imagine the noise of our 13+ pound kitten jumping onto the shower door scared the crap out of him. It would me. Seth had to help her down, in typical cat fashion, she can get up but she can’t get down. This new skill comes on the heels of the drawer opening skills which are DRIVING ME CRAZY as Willow is a notorious hair tie thief and Bagheera is a notorious hair tie DESTORYER. They work in tandem. It’s like the Italian Job up in my house or something. You see them plotting and planning together in the hall and then Willow comes dashing into the room and lays on the bed. Then Bagheera distracts you with the rare cuteness/loveiness that he rarely displays. Willow commences with working her paws around the seam where the drawer and the stand meet and uses all of her body weight to swing it open. She jumps up quickly and grabs as many hair ties as she can out of the drawer and runs. Bagheera sees the plan has worked and chases her down the hall. Before you know it there is a sad little graveyard of eaten hair ties in the living room. I wish they would start eating something of Seth’s so he would CARE that they can open drawers now instead of thinking it was the coolest thing ever. Willow is currently perfecting her door opening skills by pulling on whatever we might have hanging from the door in hopes that it didn’t latch all the way. If she doesn’t get it open, she has successfully shredded whatever towel was on the back of the door.

Speaking of doors-I’ve been thinking of the doors in our house. Seth wants to redo the trim since it is this beat up ghastly blond wood color. Dad suggested painting it instead of buying all new (it’s not really worth the investment since hopefully we will be out of the house in 2-2.5 years) and I know when my Dad did that to his house he repainted a lot of the doors, which I want to do since they are looking a little rough, but I don’t know what color. White seems to clean for our house and won’t match all of our colors well. Maybe a darker brown stain? We have to make sure it covers the scratches and shoe bumps and furniture dents. Hopefully we get a nice refund back from the taxes and can afford to do the painting that we want. But I’m not sure about the trim and doors. I’ll have to talk to my Dad about that…
Well I’ve successfully rambled enough this morning. Remember to let me know what you think about the March 13th party and if you will be coming to the STUPID bowl party (and leaving at 10!) that we are throwing on Sunday.
Its drill day here at work which means you can only eat, drink, and use the bathrooms at designated times in the drill (the bathroom thing is KILLING me). So I’d better get ready for lunch!
Have a great day everyone!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hooray for SETH!!

Everyone guess what!?!? Seth got into COLLEGE!! Okay he's already been but he got into a super great program for his masters degree at the University of California-Santa Cruz. He will be in the UCSC Master’s Program Specializing in Network Engineering. Here is the first class that he is taking that makes my ears bleed just thinking about it:
Mathematical Methods of System Analysis: Stochastic
Introduction to fundamental tools of stochastic analysis. Probability, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, random variables, independence, Poisson processes, Bernnoulli trials, and Markov chains. Instructor's choice of additional topics, most likely drawn from confidence measures, difference equations, transform methods, stability issues, applications to reliability, queues, and hidden Markov models. Students cannot receive credit for this course and Applied Mathematics and Statistics 131.
Seth also got his next level of security clearance! So we have a lot to celebrate today!!!
Please take a moment to give Seth congratulations!!!

PS I've obviously married a genius and you should be jealous.
PPS Making up my dream life with Pam and L'ara today was HILARIOUS-thanks guys!!

Love for my husband,

Weekend of Cars, Cooking, and Cuddling...

Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I had a great one.
On Friday I went out on a date with my Dad. We went to Margarita’s Mexican restaurant and to the car show. I swear we have never had as much fun at the car show as we did this year. We have gone every year since we moved to Omaha. This year, we went by ourselves as Seth had to work and Mom had officially given up on the car show experience (she tries so hard every year to get into it but just can’t-at least she tried!). I think I had more fun this year just because I got a chance to hang out with my Dad. We had a lot of good laughs.
On Saturday I woke up around 11 and started cooking. I got EVERYTHING made and was done cooking by about 6. Pam came over and helped around 3. Seth randomly stopped by and helped reach bowls or cut onions, mostly though he cleaned and worked on computers. Dan and Kathy came by around 7 and ate some enchi’s and my parents stopped by around 8 and finished up the “guest pans” (pans that I had made because I knew people were coming over). Everything turned out REALLY good with only one tray of cookies as causality. Here are the lessons I learned this weekend:
Move up the bottom oven rack off the bottom of the oven-then your cookies won’t have black bottoms and soft tops.
Vanilla pudding in your chocolate chip cookie dough really does make them soft!
Cleaning up (like all the way up, washing pans and running the dishwasher, wiping down counters) BEFORE you start the next dish really helps you refocus on what you are doing.
Kittens are decidedly NOT good kitchen helpers.
Pam and Seth are decidedly VERY good kitchen helpers.

I’m still waiting on reviews of the food that was tasted, but all and all I think it was a success, everyone cleaned their plates. I think the Black Bean/Corn/Cheese enchi’s need a little something more, but I haven’t figured out what. Maybe more cheese? I also learned that Seth loves the cheese mix and wants it on his chicken enchi’s next time-but I think he just loves cheese.
On Sunday we just relaxed, Seth worked a little and fixed some more stuff on the computers. I gave my DVR the much needing cleaning off that it desired! I took an early bath and read a huge chunk of my book and finally finished “Even After All this time” which I think ended kind of meh. It was such a good book up until this part. Since it was an autobiography, it felt like she hadn’t’ gotten far enough in her life to write a good ending, you know? The last couple of chapters seemed like a blog where you tell the world about your weekend.-when the first part of the book was very indepth about her struggle trying to live in America and fleeing Iran, it just didn’t seem like it fit. Still a very good and informative book. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.
Tonite we are having dinner with Pam and Jason at Ruby Tuesday’s. I’m pretty excited about it. We are FINALLY going to hear all about their great trip to Hawaii and eat some awesome food.
This weekend is the WEEKEND OF ROMANCE at the Hellbusch household so that’s pretty exciting. So far we plan on eating the food from the WEEKEND OF COOKING (this weekend) and watching our Band of Brother’s DVD that we just ordered. I know it’s not romantic in the true sense of the word. But its romance to us to just spend time together uninterrupted. We are even shutting off one of the cell phones, or at least leaving it upstairs. Which is going to be SO HARD FOR ME! But it’s going to be a really good time.
Hope that you all are having a GREAT Monday and you are being safe in the snow (if you are reading this from Nebraska where it is currently snowing like crazy)!!
Love to you all!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

*insert title here* or blogging with bloggers block

What do you do when you have blog block?

I’ve been trying to think of topics all morning to inspire me to write, but nothing is coming.
I’m teetering on the edge of crabby and perfectly pleasant. It’s a thin ledge.

Plenty of things have happened to me today to illicit the crabby. I have made a list of thus so far:

1) Bagheera, in a desperate move to receive the affection he is so greatly STARVED of in the morning jumped into my lap and tried to reenact a 6 year old African tribal girl’s worst nightmare while I was trying to pee. Needless to say I have a pretty unexplainable scratch in my lady parts.
2) I couldn’t figure out what to wear so I after minutes of hemming and hawing I grabbed a shirt that now almost five hours into wearing it is decidedly TOO SMALL for me. I’ve spent half the day pulling it down from around my boobs and holding the sleeves over my wrists while the buttons hang on for dear life.
3) Bagheera got mad that Seth didn’t clean the cat pan last night after his squirt fest so he decided since we took the cat pan out of our bedroom, the pile of Seth’s gym clothes and shoes in the corner was the PERFECT place to pop a squat. Seth caught him mid stream.
4) Now I have to do laundry tonite.
5) And clean the carpet.
6) Today is “Chili Feed” at lunch today and I brought a beautiful perfect cornbread Johnny cake that Seth was SO MAD I wasn’t leaving at home because it came out that perfect. Which means no lunch for Carrie-I had bread and cheese and some olives.
7) The day is going SO SLOW it’s unreal.
8) I have about 300 things on the DVR and it is making me a nervous WRECK because last time we had this much on the DVR the thing seized up and refused to tape anything and wouldn’t delete anything and Cox had to reset our DVR and I almost had a meltdown about the lost shows. So now I am ANAL RETENTIVE about getting our DVR cleaned out. Joss Whedon’s “Dollhouse” is starting soon people! I need to be prepared for Joss’s return into television! My life will finally feel WHOLE again. Or George Clooney coming back to ER!?!? THESE ARE MOMENTS THAT I CANNOT MISS!! (I need therapy-or two DVR’s)
9) It’s supposed to SHIT STORM on Sunday, right before I have to drive to work. And the snow is supposed to continue on for a lovely 7 inches through Tuesday. And barely double digit temps means it’s going to be icy. Why can’t it snow tonite?!!? So I can be trapped in my house all weekend.
10) Seth will not be coming to dinner or the car show tonite because work is trying to steal my husband!
11) Have I mentioned my shirt is too small? I feel like its SQUEEZING ME TO DEATH!!

Now here are a list of things keeping me relatively sane and NOT crabby:
1) It’s Friday!
2) Grey’s Anatomy was really good last night.
3) I get to go out to eat with my family and to the car show with my Dad tonite!
4) I am going to be cooking up a storm on Saturday and if as a sign from GOD everything for lasagna was on sale at the grocery store last night. Also I have had multiple requests from people asking if they can stop by and have some chicken enchi’s which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that people like my chicken enchi’s. I will also be trying a new enchi-Black bean and cheese enchi’s so if you are feeling adventurous-stop by and try them. Saturday Night for dinner.
5) I am making chocolate chip cookies this weekend from a new recipe that is supposed to make them super soft.
6) My “Band of Brothers” on Blu-Ray DVD shipped today!!
7) I got Seth’s Valentine’s Day gift all planned and ordered. Way ahead of schedule!
8) My house is relatively clean so I won’t have to do MUCH cleaning this weekend.
9) I’m on the downward slope of the workday.
10) It is not snowing yet.
11) The Meatball Muffin’s I made Seth last night were a success and the perfect thing to stick in his lunch! I think I need to make mashed taters with them though. But anyway-SUCCESS! Even if Seth now calls them Meat Muffin’s which makes them sound like the dirtiest thing EVER.

So as you can see, I’m balanced, but barely.
Last night I finished “People of the Book” and got a good chunk into “The Russian Concubine” and also I am thisclose to finishing “Even After All this time” I sorta hate when this happens because then I have to start new books all at once and sometimes the stories get muddled. Usually I like to phase in and out.

I thought People of the Book was really good. My only qualms with it were that the story kind of went al screwy at the end. The “main” storyline felt forced and like the “plot drama” was just kind of shoved in there at the end. When I heard the author talk about that character-I remember she said that she was kind of like that friend that shows up and sleeps on your couch and suddenly she was part of your everyday life and wouldn’t leave. That’s exactly how her storyline felt. I wish she would have saved all the weirdness in the main storyline and just had it been about finding out about the different parts of the books history instead of creating this weird forced plot device. I swear she stole the entire relationship of Meredith and her mom from Grey’s Anatomy and stuck it in the book for giggles.
But still! Still the background stories were the ones I liked the best. And they made this whole book worth it. So I give it 3 out of 5 stars. I liked it, but probably wouldn’t read it again and probably wouldn’t pass it on to my friends unless they were interested.
Ooo that reminds me I need to ask Ellyn if she’s read any Gregory Maguire's and if not give her my collection. He’s the guy who wrote Wicked, but he wrote tons of other books that I like to call “F’d up Fairy Tales.” They are lovely. Like the true story of Cinderella and Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Granted the Wicked series is the best by far, but these are pretty great too.
OH MY GOODNESS-I just went to his website and he has a new book out! Must buy now!!!
FYI-if you EVER love a author, go to their website, some of them have the BEST websites and you can learn the COOLEST things about them. Or sometimes they blog and it’s the greatest thing ever.
DOUBLE OMG!!! I just saw that today’s Friday Five special on Amazon is Ludacris’s new cd!!! Just FYI for all you ITUNES users out there, I just discovered that Amazon has the EXACT same thing, except their prices are cheaper and they have way more selection and awesome deals, such as this Luda deal that I will RUSH HOME and take advantage of-because I already love 3 of the songs on the album, which totally justify it’s purchase. Now I just have to figure out how to get that BOOK since I used up all my BOOK credits this month already with Seth. *goes off to ponder*
I hope you all have a LOVELY weekend!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Things I learned in an aiplane bathroom in .2 seconds...

Hello all, I’m sure you have been on the edge of your seats just waiting to read what I have to write. I will do my best to live up to all expectations set forth by Baggage Master Carrie. I will also do my best to use perfect spelling and grammar…this will almost never happen as all blogs will be written in haste while looking over my shoulder, praying my boss doesn’t catch me screwing off. Here we go…..

This blog was originally a PRIVATE email written to Carrie. It’s slightly disturbing, pretty gross, and quite embarrassing. Apparently I have no shame…Those of you who are particularly uncomfortable with “lady things” should stop reading now.

My friend Andrea and I took a trip to San Antonio last weekend. This is how it started off…

Our flight left at 2:00, so like any two Omahans who are ready get to business we decided to start our vacation at 11:00 at The Green Onion.

Now, while back in my prime, I could throw a few back with out a problem, age and responsibility have caught up with me and after two drinks at The Onion I stood up and started to pray that I didn't look as drunk as I felt!!

Holy-moly I hope they let me on the plane…

*Fast-forward through boring checking in and security stuff*

We board the plane and Andrea who is in Grad School and as I always put it is still "living the life" looks at me and says "what are you drinking?" Well I am not about to be out done so before I could stop myself I proclaim "Vodka, Cranberry" - a decision I at first regretted but then threw caution to the wind

Who cares? You’re on Vacation!

I'll spare you all the details but after a layover (and two shots) we were on our second flight. Andrea looks at me again and asks "whaddd yaa drrinkking" - I think you know how the rest of this part goes.

About half way into our 50 minute flight I have to pee (surprise!) I hate, hate, hate airplane bathrooms!!! Almost more than porta potties!! So after holding it for what seemed like an eternity (I'm sure it was actually about 45 seconds in sober time) I surrender to the urge and make my way to the back of the plane.

I get into what amounts to be, a small closet with a toilet, that I am sure sucks down small children, and finally am relieved of the ache in my stretching bladder. As I am wrapping things up I notice that I'm bleeding!!! For most this would be a normal occurrence that happens about once a month but I'm "lucky" enough to have this implant thingy that has, or so I thought, stopped my friend from visiting entirely. I stared in disbelief trying to connect dots that I was too drunk to see. I was startled into in a brief second of sobriety as the flight attendant knocked on the door and asked if I was OK...

How long have I been in here??? Ok L’ara, wrap it up before she comes barging in here and you are starring at toilet paper like you've never had a period before!!

I made it back to my seat and drunk whispered, aka practically yelled, to Andrea that I had just gotten my first period in six months and needed a lady product. She obliged and with tampon in hand I made my second journey back up the aisle to my personal closet of hell. Now the flight attendant is looking really worried.

What? Do you think I just pulled a bomb out of my vagina and am about to blow us all up?!! Haven’t you ever had a period before? *shoots flight attendant dirty looks*

So I get to the bathroom and realize that they are both "occupied"

Perfect...wait, what is that? Is something dripping down my leg? I think I remember something about alcohol thinning your blood......holly shit!!!! GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM OR I'LL KILL YOU!!

Why are you looking at me like that woman!!! I don't have any bombs!! Do I look like a terrorist!!! Finally!!!!


Wow this guy's enormous how did he even fit his large ass in there??

Apparently, I learned, that if a guy is too fat to see his member and can barely even fit in the bathroom then he just walks in there and pees all over the place.

Perfect! Now what?!?!

So trying my best to be a trooper I attempt to "insert" if you will, my lady product with out touching a single thing in the bathroom. Considering the fact that I was hammered, it was going pretty well....until we hit turbulence. I discovered that, despite what anyone may tell you, it is possible to skin your knee, stab yourself in the ovary, whack your head and land in a toilet seat covered in someone else piss in a mere .2 seconds.

So there you have it, my first guest blog.

More lists, weekend plans, a shout out to Kitty, and I'm going to DISNEYWORLD in JUNE!!

I’m going to Disneyworld!!!
In June-when it will be hot and crowded I have been informed.
My parents are taking the family to Disneyworld and I am SO VERY EXCITED. I just don’t know what to do! Besides start saving! :-) I have never been to Disneyworld-so any helpful suggestions or insider tips are greatly appreciated! We are looking at June 14th to go. And Ellyn will finally be legal and 21 for a vacation so we will have a GRAND time for sure! Hooray for family vacations-I can't TELL you how excited I am-especially since I have been whining to Seth about how everyone but us goes on vacation and how much fun we had at the Cancun family vacation two years ago!! Hooray!!
What else? We had a GREAT time at dinner last night with L’ara and JJ! Thanks guys! *waves* We had a fantastic meal, I learned they make DIPPING OIL for bread at Baker’s, so I have to go get some of THAT now. And I learned L’ara is a FANTASTIC painter and will be sweetly wooed into my next painting party FOR SURE.
So Seth caught up with the blog last night and he says that I don’t talk enough about our cats or him. So here is my list of 100 things I love about Seth and our cats. (50 each) because I’m totally into listing things right now.
Top 50 things I love about my husband:
1) He married me.
2) He accepts that I am crazy and loves it.
3) He is passionate about his work.
4) He loves our cats like children and talks to them that way too.
5) He loves to sleep as much as I do.
6) He works really hard.
7) He has great morals.
8) He treats me like a lady.
9) He still opens doors and pulls out chairs and puts my coat on for me.
10) He is really, really, really smart.
11) He does all the budgeting and bills.
12) When we go to the grocery store, he does all the “which is the better value” stuff.
13) He used to work at a grocery store so he knows the sale cycle of things.
14) He used to work at a Taco John’s so he makes the BEST burritos.
15) He used to work at a moving company so we can get a lot of stuff into a TINY van.
16) He likes to work out, even when I whine about it.
17) He likes to cook for me.
18) He can fix the computer when I break it.
19) He can pretty much fix anything when I break it.
20) He carries my bags in the airport.
21) He carries my bags when we go shopping.
22) He still holds my hand when we sleep at night.
23) He lets me have 1 million pillows on the bed and 5 duvets and two cats.
24) He indulges my obsessions and idiosyncrasies.
25) None of my 100 weird things about me list surprised him.
26) He’s trying to help me follow my passion.
27) He loves food as much as I do.
28) He watches hours of TV for me.
29) He plays video games still and picks the ones he knows I will like to watch him play.
30) He loves my family like his own.
31) He lets me listen to my rap music and my R&B but just not as loud as I usually do.
32) He loves punk music and heavy metal and it opens me up to a whole new world of music.
33) He encouraged me change jobs on a leap of faith when I was miserable at my perfectly good job.
34) He would do anything for his family.
35) Even when he is grumpy, he is tolerable.
36) He lets me whine CONSTANTLY if I need too.
37) He lets me cry if I need to.
38) He knows if I’m having a bad day and usually makes me dinner.
39) He likes to help clean the house so it isn’t all my job.
40)He likes to cuddle as long as my hair isn’t wet.
41) He gets me water every night before we go to bed.
42) He always gives me three kisses (past, present, and future) before we go to bed and when we leave each other and says I love you too.
43) He tells me he loves me, randomly and a lot.
44)He makes me laugh.
45) He loves to learn and try new things.
46)He will have lazy days with me.
47) He doesn’t mind that I don’t wear make up or wash my hair on the weekends, as long as I bathe and don’t wear the pirate shirts (THEY ARE FRENCH CHIC SETH!).
48)He knows that I don’t like to go anywhere alone and will go anywhere with me.
49)He forgives me and loves me when I’m crabby and wrong.
50) He wants to have babies with me.

Top 50 things I love about my Bengal Cats
1) Their names are Bagheera and Willow
2) We never ever call them those names unless they are in trouble. Normally they are “Bags” and “Willowby”.
3) They are so unique.
4) Bags is HandiCAT and doesn’t let anyone put him in his place.
5) Willowby has a toy mousey that is her FAVORITE even though Bags ate the face off and she carries it around the house.
6) Bags destroys every cat toy we have eventually, except the football shaped hackeysack L’ara gave Seth. So I guess technically it doesn’t count as a cat toy.
7) They miss us when we are gone.
8) They talk to us, like have whole conversations with meow inflection tone changes.
9) They are eating us out of our home.
10) Bags is a cuddle MONSTER in the morning, but only in the morning-its like he missed your ugly face so he’s decided to show he needs you.
11) Willow does this thing called pretty kitty where she rubs her head on the ground and rolls over on her tummy when she is in trouble and it is SO HARD TO YELL AT HER.
12) They cuddle together when we sleep at night.
13) They sleep at the foot of the bed with us.
14) They are too smart for their own good-they’ve just learned how to open drawers-we are SCREWED.
15) They HAVE to be in the same room as you-no matter what and they cry if you lock them out.
16) They always come running and greet us at the door when we come home-even if we are gone five minutes.
17) They actually play with their cat toys.
18) They love Seth best of all and when they cuddle with him it’s the CUTEST THING EVER.
19) Because they love Seth best of all it means that they aren’t always under my feet and in my lap so I can love them when I want-on my terms.
20) Willow loves to sit on the edge of the bathtub and talk to me when I’m in the bath and she yells at Seth if he comes in.
21) Bags peeks his head over the edge of the tub and cries because all he can see is my floating head.
22) They are learning to drink out of the toilet.
23) We make them say please for their food or treats and sometimes they actually do it.
24) They like to have their picture taken.
25) Last weekend Willow sat on top of the tv and attacked the Arizona Cardinals every time they threw the ball. I think it helped the Steelers win.
26) They are getting to be BIG cats.
27) Bags has a rug we call the Bagheera rug that looks just like him and he likes to lay in the sun and sleep on it.
28) They are so pretty.
29) They have big ole ears.
30) They play fetch
31) When they play chase me catch me around the house it sounds like a herd of elephants.
32) They are curious like you wouldn’t believe.
33) They have ATTITUDE.
34) My friends treat them like our children and love them to death.
35) They have caused me to be a crazy cat lady and I don’t even care.
36) My parents call them the “grandkitties” and sometimes stop by just to see them and play wit them.
37) I miss them during the day.
38) Bags is like a grumpy teenager most of the time.
39) Willow is like a need prima donna most of the time.
40)They love to lay in laps.
41) They don’t shy away from strangers.
42) Willow thinks she is a parrot and Seth is a pirate.
43) I once had the vet yell at me for letting Willow chew on Bag’s man parts.
44)When Bags had his man parts fixed he hated Willow for like a WEEK. Wouldn’t let her come near her or anything. I guess he associated that pain with her.
45) They are NAUGHTY and we love it even though cleaning up 100 spilled toothpicks is no one’s idea of a good time.
46)They are sweet when they want to be.
47) They love to sleep as much as I do.
48)They are learning how to walk on leashes.
49)They make me feel better when I am sad.
50) They give each other hugs.

So there are my lists for the day.
I’d like to take this opportunity, in the spirit of loving your pets, to take a moment to remember Kathy’s cat Kitty, who passed away today. My heart is with you Kathy! Know that Kitty was one LOVED cat and she had a great life. She was lucky to have you. :-) Make sure you give Kirby and extra tight squeeze for me.

Also I have decided to go on a cooking RAMPAGE this weekend, on Saturday. Here is the list of things I will possibly be cooking: Chicken and Cheese Enchi’s, Cheesy Hashbrown Casserole, Mexican Meatloaf Muffins (new recipe to try), Chocolate Chip Cookies, and maybe lasagna since I was inspired last night by L’ara.

I hope you all have a great day!
Much love!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

100 unique things about me and a new Baggage Blogger!

Hello all!
First off, I’d like to introduce another Baggage Blogger to our little blog-her name is L’ara and she is my close friend. My senior year in high school we were best friends and we were college roommates my freshman year in college. Until I became psychotic about Cheez-its. Hahaha. She loves to cook, watch TV, have great theme parties, shop, and be generally witty and snarky. So I’m sure she will blog to that effect. Let’s give her a big welcome and hope she blogs soon for us!
So in lieu of an actual direction for this blog, I’m just going to my stalled writing stand-by and I’m going to make a list.
Today’s list is: 100 Things that make me different…
1) I can’t sleep if the closet doors are open.
2) I can’t drink a drink with ice if I don’t have a straw, I don’t like when it hits my teeth.
3) I can drink soda in a can warm-I grew up in Europe where ice is a luxury.
4) I change my underpants twice a day.
5) I have become that person who comes home from work and puts on sweats and LOVES IT.
6) I don’t wear make up on the weekends if I don’t have to.
7) I don’t wash my hair on the weekends if I don’t have to (I still take bubble baths).
8) I majored in History.
9) I love winter and snow, and bad weather.
10) I hate the sun, anything that causes me to sweat, and being outdoors.
11) I can kill a plant by looking at it (luckily my mom can save it by looking at it)
12) I hate talking on the phone.
13) I watch at least 3 hours of television a day (actually 6 hours if you count commercials which I fast forward thru)
14) I am usually reading at least 4 books at one time and I can remember all of them.
15) I love to share my books, but hate when people don’t give them back.
16) I miss characters of books when they are gone, I feel empty without them.
17) Once a month Seth lets me go to the bookstore and buy books out of the bargain section.
18) I usually buy 5-10 books.
19) I choose books that are long and thick and hard backed-because I like the story to last long and I like the way they look on my shelf.
20) My fourth favorite thing in the world is taking a bubble bath and reading my books.
21) I love to hang out with my family-especially if dinner is involved.
22) I like to cook, but I generally use the same flavors and tastes that I love, like garlic and balsamic vinegar and Dijon mustard.
23) Gordon Ramsey is my favorite chef.
24) I enjoy watching crime dramas most of all on tv. I feel it gives me the ability to solve crimes and give legal advice.
25) I’m starting to recognize dancers from watching all my reality dance shows. ßThis does not mean I watch too many reality dance shows.
26) I listen to rap music…LOUDLY and enjoy it greatly.
27) On overcast rainy days if I am driving I must listen to a man with a guitar.
28) If I’m pudding around the house, I like to listen to girl singers.
29) I make up my own dance moves and hand motions to songs in the car-and do them pretty often.
30) I’m pretty passive aggressive.
31) I’m so passive aggressive I will generally just complain about things until someone gets fed up and does something about it.
32) I am a hermit, I’ve been one since 9th grade.
33) I wish there was more places to order takeout in Omaha.
34) I like to go to bed early on the week nights.
35) On Saturdays I usually stay up until 2, catching up on tv or reading.
36) I have a pica disorder. I eat fuzz. At least I know why now.
37) I can’t sleep with socks on.
38) I can’t sleep unless I have 2 blankets weighing me down, even if that means turning the air down to 50.
39) I’m not really into sweets. I could live without them.
40)I could not however live without cheese, potatoes, or bean burritos with sour cream.
41) I can’t sleep unless it’s black as night dark-even if I’m wearing my mask.
42) I still sleep with my baby blankie in a pillow case and my teddy bear.
43) I’m 27.
44)The fuzz I eat comes from the baby blankie.
45) Yes I wash it. It’s barely holding on.
46)My mom is the only person in the world who can fix my teddy bear’s worn down appendages.
47) I usually send her an email scheduling surgery for him.
48)I’m 27.
49)I pee with the bathroom door open. I do everything with the bathroom door open.
50) I’m secretly claustrophobic in the bathroom.
51) I only eat pink and red starbursts.
52) I love going to the movies, but never go. <--Because I’d have to leave my house.
53) I don’t like driving.
54) I’m a Daddy’s girl.
55) My dad still picks me up to take me places. Because he knows I hate driving.
56) My parents are still the smartest people I know, and who I go to for 95% of my advice.
57) I first knew I loved my husband when I found out he drove a black pick up truck that was a stick shift.
58) Pam and I started planning my wedding and children with Seth the day after I met him.
59) I have always known he was the one. Because really, you just know.
60)I can only eat ice cream with a small spoon-everything else I need a large spoon.
61) I don’t use small forks, Seth doesn’t use the big ones.
62) I love my cats because they talk back to me.
63) I love to have my picture taken.
64)There are clearly not enough pictures taken of me when my friends and I get together, mostly because I’m taking them.
65) I don’t drink, only on special occasions, and even then I feel bad when I do it.
66)I’m a vegetarian.
67) I buy at least 2 things of sour cream every time we go to the store.
68)I crotchet.
69)I am crocheting the world’s biggest blanket. I refuse to stop crocheting it because I want to be like that lady in Like Water for Chocolate.
70) When I watch movies alone, I fast forward thru the stupid boring parts, like the fighting scenes or the will she won’t she scenes or the montage scenes.
71) I have a very British sense of humor.
72) Eddie Izzard is my favorite comedian.
73) I get sad when networks cancel my shows.
74) I went into a depression when they cancelled Gilmore Girls.
75) I’m still crabby about Eli Stone and Pushing Daises being cancelled.
76) I grew up in Europe and still live there in my mind.
77) I love to give advice.
78) I drink V8 warm.
79) I can suck the inside of a pickle out with a straw.
80)Peanut-butter and pickle sandwiches are my favorite sandwich in the whole world and I don’t know HOW I even first came to eat them because no one I know likes it.
81) I hate when I ask questions in a email and people don’t answer them or blatantly ignore them and answer the other questions in the email.
82) Seth hid my engagement ring in my jumper cables and I never found it because I am a bad Samaritan.
83) Seth hid my papers for my engagement ring in his math books and I never found it because I hate math.
84)I always try and wear an undershirt. My Dad taught me that.
85) I have to brush my teeth and put lotion on my feet and say my prayers before I go to bed, or I will literally lay there and wonder why I can’t fall asleep, it nags at me. My mom taught me that.
86)My brother is the funniest person I know. Even if most of his one liners are directed at me.
87) I love to email, I do it all day long, and won’t quit doing it until you tell me you are busy and have actual work to do.
88)I have an unnatural amount of bed sheets.
89)There is very rarely NOT a song being sung in my head.
90)In college I was an RA and pretty much the worst RA ever.
91) I social network stalk people. Not so much now that it’s blocked at work, but if I’m home and bored, chances are I’m stalking you.
92) I use chap stick obsessively. In fact I just ordered 10 tubes of my grandma’s Avon chap stick from her because Seth is starting to use chap stick obsessively too.
93) I always write a thank you-my mom taught me that.
94)I have grand ideas and little follow-thru.
95) I voted for Obama.
96)I don’t like to get my haircut and usually only do it once every 6 months when I go in for a color.
97) I go thru spurts where I can eat the same thing every day for a week and still want it.
98)I always worry when my friends are short with me or don’t talk to me like they normally do that they hate me <--I.E. I am a paranoid worry wart.
99)I sleep with one million pillows on the bed.
100) I have a toe thumb.

Thanks to everyone who helped me write that list, I petered out around 89.
Okay well, I think that’s it for this morning at least!
If you want me to expand on any of my nuances, comment below!
Love to you all!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome PRESIDENT Obama!! Yay for days where history happens!


I am going to have a stunted blog today because I have not yet quite processed all of my feelings on the Inauguration today. Besides just ecstatic and excited and wordless about it.
I hope all of you got a chance to watch. I finally got up and working after a few failed attempts! I actually missed the first part of the inauguration waiting for the video to load. UGH! Good thing I DVR’d it!
It’s just all so very very exciting, and hopeful. I am very hopeful. Especially since my children will be born while Barack is president
L’ara (whose house we are going to tomorrow for what sounds like a Top Chef inspired dinner!) would like to recommend the book “I hope they serve beer in hell” to our Heavy Baggage Book Club. Here is the description and cover from
My name is Tucker Max, and I am an asshole. I get excessively drunk at inappropriate times, disregard social norms, indulge every whim, ignore the consequences of my actions, mock idiots and posers, sleep with more women than is safe or reasonable, and just generally act like a raging dickhead. But, I do contribute to humanity in one very important way: I share my adventures with the world. —from the Introduction Actual reader feedback:
"I am completely baffled as to how you can congratulate yourself for being a womanizer and a raging drunk, or think anyone cares about an idiot like you. Do you really think that exploiting the insecurities of others while getting wasted is a legitimate thing to offer?"
"Thank you, thank you, thank you—for sharing with us your wonderful tales of drunken revelry, for teaching me what it means to be a man, for just existing so I know that there is another option; I too can say ‘screw the system’ and be myself and have fun. My life truly began when I finished reading your stories. Now, when faced with a quandary about what course of action I should take, I just ask myself, ‘What Would Tucker Do?’—and I do it, and I am a better man for it."
"I find it truly appalling that there are people in the world like you. You are a disgusting, vile, repulsive, repugnant, foul creature. Because of you, I don’t believe in God anymore. No just God would allow someone like you to exist."
"I’ll stay with God as my lord, but you are my savior. I just finished reading your brilliant stories, and I laughed so hard I almost vomited. I want to bring that kind of joy to people. You’re an artist of the highest order and a true humanitarian to boot. I'm in both shock and awe at how much I want to be you."
"You are the coolest person I can even imagine existing. If you slept with my girlfriend, it'd make me love her more."

Let me know if you are interested in reading it or picking it up so we can post your reviews!!

Okay I’m off to watch PRESIDENT Obama do random things thru out the day! As a history major, I could watch this for the next three days without stop. Ask how many days I was in my room after Sept. 11th happened…anyway-needless to say-ADDICTED!

God Bless you all and God Bless the UNITED States of America!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy MLK Day or my weekend recap...

Happy Monday everyone!
I know most of you aren’t having the best Monday ever-because Monday’s in general are not all that great.
This may be my only blog of the day because my trainer is back (but not in yet) so I’m banging this out really quick until she shows up.
I’m starting to wish I worked for the government-they get today, and some of them get tomorrow off! I think of all the federal holidays-Inauguration Day should definitely be one! I mean, come on, this is the start of our new government. If Obama’s ceremony is blocked from streaming on our internet here-I might just go home. Seth says I can DVR it. But it’s 6 hours long! I don’t have that kind of space!! :-)
But I may have to, because my boss isn’t in today-so I can spend hours nagging him that I should get it off.
So here is what we did this weekend. Friday my Dad (who is the best) came and picked me up after work and took me over to my Mom’s for her party. I had a really nice time meeting people from her work that I hadn’t met before. Seth showed up about 8:30 because his project at work broke, but by then the party had wound down to the regulars. We left around 11:30 and got Taco Bell on the way home. Which means we completely broke Kathy and Dan’s, no eating out for a month rule! Dang! We were like 2 days in! :-)
Saturday we went to Sam’s Club and Wal-mart. Nothing exciting there. Then we got some dinner and went home (does it count Kathy if you use a gift card??) Seth spent most of the weekend fixing Chet’s computer and breaking and re-fixing ours. So he spent most of the weekend in the office. I read and did the laundry and watched some tv and movies. I watched “Invasion” which wasn’t bad, and “Revolution Road” I think it was called, but I was only like 6 minutes into that, but it was REALLY good from what I saw before I had to get ready to go see Geraldine Brooks speak.
Sunday I woke up and made my first “big breakfast” which is huge for me because I HATE breakfast and I’m never up that early for it. I made pancakes, bacon, and eggs and here is what I learned:

1. I need a new flat griddle pan-mine is gross and bowed and the pancakes pool in the corners.
2. Making bacon in a pan is HARD and MESSY and GROSS. It is easier made in the microwave.
3. Kittens+syrup does not end well
4. Kittens+bacon does.
5. Seth loves big breakfasts
6. I need more practice at making big breakfast’s

I LOVED hearing Geraldine Brooks speak. She spoke about how she writes and what she does is find a topic that is mostly truthful, and where the truth ends-she starts her fiction. She waits until she hears a voice-the voice of the main character or one of the characters and then goes from there, just listening to the voice. That really stuck with me because I’ve heard that from time to time, the made up person in my head telling a story and I didn’t know what to do with it, now I do (write it down!). She also talked about how the people in her books are like real people to her and she misses them when they are gone. I’ve heard J.K. Rowling talk like that too about her characters. So that really helped me a lot. Thanks for taking me Mom!
I got home and Chet was there waiting for Cheeto to call him to study and watching football with Seth (Yay-go Steelers! I’m so excited for Mike T the coach-I love his back story-and that’s what I love about football-the stories, so YAY HIM and his team!) and Seth had like massively cleaned the house and the kitchen which was SO NICE. He mopped and everything. What a good husband.
I unloaded the dishwasher and reloaded it. And then went to take a bath and finish my book. I had a lovely bath and then went to get ready for bed when I started to feel BAD. Like super bad. I started to get the WORST sinus headache and hot and cold flashes. Then I felt really queasy. I took some IB and a pepto pill for my tummy and tried to go to sleep. I woke up a couple hours later and the queasiness was gone but it was the strangest thing. I fell fine now, but I’m pretty sure I had death-or at least it felt that way for 4 hours last night.
There are a lot of people out sick today! Yikes! I hope I don’t have what they have (unless I have it tomorrow, so I can stay home and watch O.B. get it done!)
On another note, the radio show I listen to played Tupac’s “Changes” on the way to work this morning and he had this line “And although it seems heaven sent, We ain't ready, to see a black President” and I thought-wow, look how far we’ve come. Even Tupac’s dreams are coming true. And then I bawled, and the security gate guards have officially labeled me the CRAZY girl because I was listening to Tupac and crying.
On that note-If I’m not back today-I’ll talk to you all tomorrow on Inauguration day! Hooray!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Inappropriate emailing on caffeine high or what I did today at work

So in an effort to continue my pity party and hide from the feelings I should be expelling and getting out instead keeping in-I have lead a wild and crazy life today at work...

I think it started last night...first off, last night-I took an Ambien, which is the GREATEST SLEEPING PILL OF ALL TIME. Everyone should take them, if I loved you all enough to give them away I would, but I don’t even love Seth enough to give him one, that’s how much I love these things.
So I woke up from my refreshing Ambien induced coma this morning-LATE because sleeping feels SO GOOD on Ambien, that I rushed around my room and picked up whatever wayfare of clothing that was at the top of the laundry basket the big strong husband man carried up last night from the basement.
Unfortunately on a high from my decision to take an Ambien, I threw my lounging fleece (that the cats sleep on) on the top of the basket.
Some not yet quite awake part of my brain this morning said-“Ooo wear THAT to work-you will be COMFY all day and you will SMELL like CAT BUTT and it will be divine! Best Friday EVER! *fist pump*” and then it said “Also, put a really inappropriate shirt on underneath it so when you are dying of heat stroke because the heaters are on FULL BLAST you can’t take off the fleece!” and I said "I LOVE BEING COMFY" and promptly put them both on a skipped off in a happy daze to start Seth’s coffee. Then on my way out the door instead of putting on my normal sneakers or boots that same stupid part of my brain said “You know what would be way better than THOSE shoes? Your beat to hell comfy fur matted CLOGS that Seth won’t even let you wear to WALMART because they are so gross and embarassing-your feet will be so HAPPY all day-and NO you don’t need to change out of your hot pink fuzzy socks that you wear under boots even though your heels are sticking out!” and I said “GREAT!” and I slid them right on and bopped out the door.

*A sidebar here-this has happened to me before in life. The first time it happened was when I was in fifth grade. I remember it clearly, some part of my brain said-"you know what Carrie-you should take your blankie to school and then you will feel warm and comfy and happy ALL DAY and no one will notice that you've wrapped it around your midsection and pulled it through your armpit hole of your sleeve on your sweatshirt so you can rub it on your face all day like a crazy person-no of course they won't wonder why it looks like you gained 10 pounds and got elephantits of the arm over night!" After relentless teasing all day by the kids, the teacher made me put my blankie in my locker-that was the day I realized I was VERY different from most kids...end sidebar*

I got to work, and still on my pity party poor decision making quest I decided-you know what-screw giving up caffeine-I can drink as MUCH as I want *evil laughter* and I began my quest to drink NPP out of FREE ICE TEA. In fact I have drank so much Ice Tea today that 45% of my day has been in the bathroom and 20% of it downstairs getting free ice tea (Ice tea or Iced tea? Which is it?) and whatever percent is left over emailing and reading Joshilyn Jackson’s blog about being a writer-and I’m in the backlog of 2005 entries and she’s just getting her first book published in her journey of awesome authorness that I would like to be on myself-which one whole section made me cry hysterically in my cube because I was SO happy for her and I wanted to be on that journey so BAD-like yesterday, I want to be her. Period. At which point the engineers around me began to ogle each other with big concerned eyes like, “Why is the frumpy fleece-cat butt smelling-shoes from a trashcan girl CRYING? Loudly?” So I promptly ran off to the bathroom-like any sane person would do. Which later induced me to send this email to my friend Jenny who used to work at NPP with me:

“Okay I’ve got one for you: Do you remember the lady who looks like half of her face is melted or just stopped working? She is short and round and used to wear cool hip glasses and have short hair and dressed nice, but it was obvious that she was trying to detract the fact that SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH HER FACE? I see her in the bathroom like 20 times a day and she remembers me and makes convestion with me and I have to nagging in my head questions-what the heck is your name (I think, maybe Michelle?) and what in the world happened to your face (a dog ate it?)?? Help!!!”

To which she nicely remembered the person’s name-unlike the HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING I AM. To which I responded:

“I was going to ask you what she does because I’ve never seen her anywhere but the bathroom…maybe she lives there…maybe she is a ghost of the bathrooms. She has long hair now and contacts and even classier clothes but she is still screaming-I TRY TO HARD SO THAT YOU DON’T NOTICE MY FACE! She drives me bananas because I don’t know where to look in those situations, it’s hard to look her in the eye, I generally avoid making eye contact at all which probably makes me seem really shady.”

To which she sweetly told me she would find out what was wrong with her from one of her doctors to which CARRIE THE HORRIBLE CAFFINEE HIGH SHOULD HAVE HER EMAIL RIGHTS REVOKED WROTE:

“That makes you sound so smart. And please do, that way I will feel even worse for thinking all those times when I come out of the bathroom and it’s her and I go-“OH NO! Not awkward melty face!!! Anyone but her! Come on!”

To which she laughed and saintly explained to me about melty face to which the woman with OBVIOUSLY NO HUMANITY NAMED CARRIE writes:

I tried to wait her out once, it took her like 20 minutes to floss, finally I was like oh for petes sake and I sucked it up and went out there.

At some point everything gets a little hazy and the clock starts moving backwards and I begin to concoct a plan to smell this guy because I’m pretty sure he smells awesome. It takes me a backwards hour to concoct said plan because I make multiple segues, some which involve me taking my pants off. At some point I actually SMELLED the guy. And he smelled good. Then I sent this email string to Carrie R...

Me: I just got close enough to smell nuclear hot guy and he smelled like grease, and sweat and a number of other things that made my head go to funny places…
Carrie R.: That’s hot. LOL
Me: It has been the most exciting part of my day. That and my crack fueled caffeine binge I’ve been on. I drank at least a gallon of ice tea but had to cut myself off when the clock started going BACKWARDS (how is it only two pm!?!), I got a stomach ache, and in my boredom concocted a plan to smell NHG and it WORKED.
Carrie R.: You should blog that.
Me: I should!

Which is why I am here now. I also emailed a similar string to about 80 of my friends…and my Mom. Instead of encouraging me to blog she wrote: “Scary” to which I responded “…yeah, that’s what his face indicated mid sniff”

So here is the moral of the story…I don’t have one. But Kathy just emailed me this lovely email, and she is NOT on a caffeine high (I think) so I rest assured that I’m not the only one who sends random emails…
Kathy: Great iTunes thinks I am a lesbian... Download a few songs and then BAM! They suggest Gay Pride Girls.
Me: I’m using that in my blog about inappropriate emailing!
Kathy: Don't laugh too hard missy, these are songs WE used to listen to together. So, if I am going down you are going down with me. No wonder your family thought well... you know

HAHAHA She is referring to the story about my Grandma’s funeral which is HILARIOUS by the way. But I don’t have time or brain capacity to recount here. Maybe if some of you are NICE and actually COMMENT in the comments section-and ask to hear it I might tell it. Especially since sweet smart husband fixed my comments section last night so EVERYONE-even dirty spammy people can comment in my blog comment section. Instead of whatever whack-a-doodle setting I just had it set for.

PS-In one of my 30 trips to the bathroom while trying to write this blog, I passed my boss and he goes “In a hurry to get back to your desk?” which means I must be walking very very fast back and forth, and I said “Yes! Very excited! Very excited to be back working here and I promise on Monday I will wear REAL shoes that make me go faster back to my desk after I go the bathroom! By the way-do you know what the melty face girl does?”

My next blog will be about the wildly inappropriate things I’ve said to my boss and how he still employs me and likes me which makes him the BEST boss ever.

Have a GREAT weekend everyone!!!

A Friday blog, in which I ramble...

Happy Friday everyone!
I wish that I had a really good topic to focus on today-I thought about it all the way to work. I tried to will a topic to come to me. But alas, I could not find a single one to focus enough of my thoughts on.
So I thought I would just ramble and see what comes out...this could go really good, or really really bad.
How about Grey's Anatomy last night!?!? How about Kevin McKidd last night!?!? I have a lot of people who didn't watch it last night, so I won't ruin it, but I will say this-I'm rooting for Grey's. It hit a bit of a murky area a couple episodes back and everything was kind of twisted around and weird, but I have HOPE. I have so much hope, that this is going to pull thru and looking back you will go-oh okay-that's why we went on the weird journey. Tonite's episode help strengthen me in that. Some acting shout-outs-KEVIN FRIGGIN' MCKIDD-love him. I have loved him since HBO's Rome and his ill fated Journeyman on NBC, I think he's amazing, his intensity is perfection. Really it is. Jeffery Dean Morgan-I know Denny's dead and I know it's all weird, but I could watch that man stare at paint. As long as he was staring at something with a passion. I was so crabby when they killed him off the first time and bringing him back is just like a cruel trick. It would have been neat to see how someone had a relationship with someone who WASN'T a doctor and have it be successful. Like what it could have been with Izzie and Denny if he hadn't died and all. So anyway-love Grey's. My two favorite scenes were Kevin McKidd in the shower and Denny sitting next to Alex and saying they had to talk.

Moving on...merging to the right...
It's the weekend! Yay! Here are my plans for this weekend. Hopefully I shake this funk and want to be around people and will go to my mom's after work cocktail hour at her house tonite, but I'm not feeling optimistic about it. I still stink like funk. Its all over me, it's like when you drink too much and then next day, even though you laid in the bathtub an eternity, you can still smell the booze seeping thru the skin. Skin seeping funk. So anyway, I might go to that tonite, Seth is going on his way home. My other dilemma I am running on fumes due to the weather and everyone in Omaha on the interstate going 25 miles an hour and killing my gas mileage. So I would have to stop and get gas and that sounds like it would be no fun...we will see.
Saturday I don't want to do anything. I want to read my books. Because Sunday I am supposed to see Geraldine Brooks-who wrote a book called "People of the Book" and she won an Pulitzer Prize for it. I just got the book from my Grandma and it is really good so I want to get it all done before I see her speak so I can ask good questions.
The book is really good-here is the description if you have time to read it I highly recommend it, even though I'm only 100 some pages in...
“Inspired by the true story of a mysterious codex known as the Sarajevo Haggadah, People of the Book is a sweeping adventure through five centuries of history. From its creation in Muslim-ruled, medieval Spain, the illuminated manuscript makes a series of perilous journeys: through Inquisition-era Venice, fin-de-siecle Vienna, and the Nazi sacking of Sarajevo. In 1996, Hanna Heath, an Australian rare-book expert, is offered the job of a lifetime: analysis and conservation of the famed manuscript, which has been rescued once again from Serb shelling during the Bosnian war. Priceless and beautiful, the book is one of the earliest Jewish volumes ever to be illuminated with figurative paintings. When Hanna, a caustic loner with a passion for her work, discovers a series of tiny artifacts in its ancient binding—an insect wing fragment, wine stains, salt crystals, a white hair—she becomes determined to unlock the book’s mysteries. As she seeks the counsel of scientists and specialists, the reader is ushered into an exquisitely detailed and atmospheric past, tracing the book’s journey from its creation to its salvation. In Bosnia during World War II, a Muslim risks his life to protect it from the Nazis. In the hedonistic salons of Vienna in 1894, the book becomes a pawn in an emerging contest between the city’s cultured cosmopolitanism and its rising anti-Semitism. In Venice in 1609, a Catholic priest saves it from Inquisition book burnings. In Tarragona in 1492, the scribe who wrote the text has his family destroyed amid the agonies of enforced exile. And in Seville in 1480, the reason for the Haggadah’s extraordinary illuminations is finally disclosed. In Year of Wonders and March, Geraldine Brooks demonstrated an uncanny ability to hear and transmit the voices of a seventeenth century Derbyshire maid and an nineteenth century American abolitionist. People of the Book is filled with unforgettable voices from the past, but it is Hanna’s voice—edgy, contemporary—that makes People of the Book a compulsively readable adventure story that transcends the usual boundaries of historical fiction.”

In case you wondered-I love historical fiction.

Also this weekend I need to get everything off my DVR so that I can DVR the Inauguration! I'm so excited!!! I wish we had the day off-why don't we have the day off? It seems like of ALL the federal holidays-this should really be one. I've heard of companies just giving their people the day off. No one is giving anyone the day off here at NPP-people need power to watch the inauguration! So I will be DVRing it-which means I need to clean off my dvr!

Speaking of TV this weekend-FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS premieres tonite!! I'm so excited, I love this show-I missed this show! I find myself speaking in a Texas accent after watching this show for like three days. And The Soup is on tonite! Ryan Seacrest is about to get served! *rubs hands together evilly*

Well I think that's all my randomness for now!
Hopefully I will have a more unified topic for this afternoon for you!
Have a great day!

PS to all my friends who decided to go on vacation to WARM places this week and last-WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE ME WITH YOU!!! You'd better bring me back something shiny or I'll send my snow juju your way... :-) Have fun! Travel safe!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pity Party for one...or why I am the dirtiest person you know

I am throwing a pity party for myself. You don’t need to know why, just know that I am here, pouting in my cube, and there is really nothing you can do or say to make me feel better, I just have to get over it. Which generally takes a while and at least 3 warm baths and 2 good books and 10+ hours of GOOD television.
But! Never fear. Those of you who know me well know that when I am in pity party funk mode-I tend to write fun angry ranty blogs.
So for your enjoyment, here is my blog-that I clearly wrote with a large dark stormy cloud over my head.
I have a confession. I do not wash my hands in the bathroom. I just don’t. You can’t make me, you can’t change me, I have a mother and a friend who is going to be a doctor and a resident germ-a-phobe in my life. They have not yet convinced me-you won’t win either, just be disgusted and keep reading.
I have a reason! I have a reason. I don’t know where the disconnect was from my parents teaching me to wash my hands after going the bathroom. I asked my mother-she says she did, even though I have no active memory of my mom going-“okay now wash your hands” even though I have seen her do this multiple times with other people’s kids. So it’s obvious she did her job, but somewhere along the way, I just fell off the wagon. At some point I went, nah I don’t want to wash my hands-I’m good.
But I have found some rationalization in it all. I suspect somewhere along the way the “hurry up and go” command from my parents on car trips led me to skip that part so I could run back to the car and resume the long car drive and resume my ultimate battle of "JESSE TOUCHED ME HE'S CROSSING THE LINNEEEEE". And also my immense claustrophobia of bathroom stalls in general doesn’t help. Ask any of the people who lived with me in college. I never shut the bathroom stall door. Not once. I’ve carried on entire conversations with people while sitting on the toilet. If I have an option, and it’s a bathroom I regularly go in, and I know the people who might cruise by, I’m not shutting the door.
A common joke at my parents house when I go into the bathroom is:
*people from the dining room: “Carrie can you hear us”
*me from the bathroom*: “Yes”.
*people from the dining room*: "Yeah-we can hear you too-good stream"

But like I said before-I have rationality, which last night, Seth informed me that I have the most irrational quirks of anyone he’s ever met. I tried to defend myself-No! No! I have rationality! *Verbalizes many examples of rationalities* and he said-nope those are just irrational explanations of your irrationality. He was obviously doing math in his head while I was talking.
Anyway here is my new excuse for not washing my hands. When I go into a bathroom-I only touch me. And they are my germs. I know them, we are friends, we all exist harmoniously on this pretty little thing God calls “me”. I don’t touch anything that isn’t “me” with my hands. I kick the toilet handle to flush. I kick the door open. And I’m not about to go over to that other people germy sink and pretend think I’m being clean-they give out free hand sanitizer for that.
A lot of times, for the sake of social acceptance, and also because NPP hangs big fat WASH YOUR HANDS signs, I fake was my hands or am forced too if people are in the bathroom with me, like waits you out dump lady or the person who talks on their phone in a public bathroom. Or if someone recognizes your shoes or goes in with you that you know is there and they would totally call you out on your not hand washing and you would be forced to explain in long prose paragraphs but still never be fully understood. So sometimes, I wash or fake wash. Fake washing involves getting a paper towel from the basket holder and turning on a faucet for the required number of seconds and then turning it off and leaving.
But today-today I’m having a pity party-so I don’t care. And I totally just karate kicked my toilet handle flushed and elbow bumped my door open and sauntered out of a full bathroom full of people I know. I DARE them to come ask my why I don’t wash my hands. One of them might never go into a bathroom with me again. Really.
There lies my pity party blog.
Hopefully I will be de-funked tomorrow!
Love to you all!

How I feel about American Idol and HBBC's First Book and Guest Bloggers get a new name! Or just Thursday...

Happy Thursday everyone!
I like Thursdays. At some point a long time ago some executive decided it would be the BEST night to put all my favorite type shows and for some reason, Thursday has been endeared to me forever. Except now-with the invention of DVR, I can watch all of those shows, so I love it even more. Especially since they moved Bones to Thursday night opposite Ugly Betty, and I just fell in love with Bones, thanks to Pam.
Speaking of television-I’m going to take a moment to rant about my love hate relationship with American Idol.
I started watching American Idol (henceforth known as AI in this entry) because Pam made me. Like most TV shows, she taped it and then we watched it and I fell in love with this guy named Chris Daughtry. Long story short, Chris got kicked off somewhere along the line and some stupid not as good other person won. (But the world remembers Chris so I was RIGHT) and I was CRUSHED. I stopped watching then and there. Then last year, when Seth and I were bored in Sioux Falls (as we often were) AI came on again, and this time, they were going to Omaha-so of course we had to watch. First of all, AI made a TRAVESTY of Omaha. They made us look like backward hee-haws. They kept flying over this “cornfield” (Seth says it was a soy bean field-and he used to farm, so I trust him) and finding these STRANGE STRANGE people. People with no friends, people who are down right CRAZY. But there was a shining light-David Cook. He sang Bon Jovi and I was all MELTY. And all over again, I loved AI. And then, oh then! He WON. OF course I voted like 80 billion times from every phone I had. But he won and I was SO SO happy.
So this year I sit down to watch AI again. But I’m not like most people in America. I HATE the audition shows. Hate them. I’m so embarrassed for people. I don’t understand. Do you have no friends, no family,who hates you enough to have you do this to yourself? I watch this show to see good talented singers, not goofballs in hot pants and a tube top. Or people insist they are SO good and everyone tells them so and they get up there and sing like a mountain goat. I hate it. I usually fast forward thru 95% of this part of the show.
Also you should know I religiously watch a show called “The Soup” on E! every Friday night. It’s basically a stand up comedian (Joel McHale) making fun of everything on TV. And it’s hilarious, and it makes me feel better about myself that I’m actually not the only person in America who watches this much tv. Joel McHale has a vendetta against Ryan Seacrest (the host of AI). So this week I am VERY excited to watch The Soup because THIS week on American Idol-Ryan tried to high five a blind guy. No really, he did. And Seth and I just looked at each other and he went-“The Soup is going to be SO good this week!” and I went-“I know I can’t wait-Joel is going to TEAR him a new one!” Here is a video that The Soup already has up on their website of the high-fiving!

A word about this blind guy-he was really really good. He is one of the people I WATCH this part of the show for. Show more people like him. Please. But here’s where I disconnect. DOES THE BLIND GUY HAVE NO FRIENDS?? No one who could have bothered to BRUSH this dudes hair before he came on national television. I get it-your blind, your arty, you like to dance-even though HOW you learned to dance is beyond me. But, really 30 people who screamed when he came out with his golden ticket, really dude who lead him around like a guide dog-none of you couldn’t brush this guys hair? REALLY?
(Ryan Seacrest high-fiving the blind guy who doesn't own a hairbrush or real friends...)

And once again-AI does another INJUSTICE to Nebraska. The producers must have stood outside and went-“EVERYONE FROM NEBRASKA-STAND OVER HERE” and then went thru one by one and picked out the most hideous people-one who I think was “touched” and let them go before the judges panel. Those were the only ones from Nebraska. In the interviews-they made sure to say-“HI! My name is CLEATUS and I’m from NORFOLK NEBRASKA and this here is a medal that I won in ELEMENTRY SCHOOL for being the BEST SINGER-and I taped a fortune from a fortune cookie ON THE BACK OF THE MEDAL and it says-something, I’m not sure the writin’s real tiny, but I can’t wait to prove my momma wrong because she says I’m not a singer but I’ll show her.” And then he goes out there and sings like someone repeatedly stepped on his throat as a child, which you probably assume was his MOTHER considering she is obviously EVIL and UNSUPPORTIVE to let her MENTALLY-ILL son go to Kansas City from NEBRASKA (Don’t for get-he was from NEBRASKA!-AI sure won't let you forget!) and make an ass out of himself on national television. That is how Nebraska is once again portrayed. Thanks American Idol…really, thanks..
And that’s my love/hate relationship with American Idol. Check back in 8 weeks when I have fallen in love with someone and demand you watch and vote for them and then when they get kicked off blame it on you and proclaim that I’m never watching this stupid show again. Although…I like the new judge…and there was a guy last night who was a music teacher whose wife died that made me cry...
You want to see me get REALLY crazy? Wait until “So you think you can dance” starts this summer. BEST.SHOW.EVER. No question. But we will come to that.

So moving on and merging to the left…
I (and my mother) have picked the first book for the “Heavy Baggage Book Club”! Oh wait, did I not tell you it has a name now? Oh it does. That’s it. There it is. “Heavy Baggage Book Club” I was going to throw the word “blog” in there too, but I couldn’t make it fit and sound okay. Anyway. Yay for witty names!
But the book! The book I am going to be reading and you can be reading too is “The Reader” by Bernhard Schlink.

(Book cover from
If you are reading it let me know, and I will give you a heads up when I am done so I can collect the reviews. Don’t worry, I still need to get the book from my mom, so we will give you a month to read it if you want. Bonus! This is the book that spawned a movie starring Kate Winslet (who I love, love, love)-in which last Sunday, she won a Golden Globe for-her first ever. So you could just watch the movie and tell me what you think if you are uber lazy like that. And I’m going to try and drag someone to the movie after I read it, so if you up for that, holla! Here is’s synopsis of the book:

“Originally published in Switzerland, and gracefully translated into English by Carol Brown Janeway, The Reader is a brief tale about sex, love, reading, and shame in postwar Germany. Michael Berg is 15 when he begins a long, obsessive affair with Hanna, an enigmatic older woman. He never learns very much about her, and when she disappears one day, he expects never to see her again. But, to his horror, he does. Hanna is a defendant in a trial related to Germany's Nazi past, and it soon becomes clear that she is guilty of an unspeakable crime. As Michael follows the trial, he struggles with an overwhelming question: What should his generation do with its knowledge of the Holocaust? "We should not believe we can comprehend the incomprehensible, we may not compare the incomparable.... Should we only fall silent in revulsion, shame, and guilt? To what purpose?"

The Reader, which won the Boston Book Review's Fisk Fiction Prize, wrestles with many more demons in its few, remarkably lucid pages. What does it mean to love those people--parents, grandparents, even lovers--who committed the worst atrocities the world has ever known? And is any atonement possible through literature? Schlink's prose is clean and pared down, stripped of unnecessary imagery, dialogue, and excess in any form. What remains is an austerely beautiful narrative of the attempt to breach the gap between Germany's pre- and postwar generations, between the guilty and the innocent, and between words and silence.”

Let me know if you’re in for this round of the “Heavy Baggage Book Club”!!

Well I think that is all I have for this morning. Maybe I will peruse the net and find something awesome to blog about or someone and I will have a witty conversation that I simply must blog. But I’m sure I’ll be back later today! Or maybe one of my guest bloggers will be on! Who knows? I think I’m changing their name. They are going to be my Baggage Bloggers-because they are part of my baggage, in a good way. :-)

Leave your love and comments below!!
Have a wonderful day!