Jenifriend from tagged me to do this on the blog, and since I'm waiting for a meeting to start I did it!
My instructions were to type my name and the word “needs” in the Google search and then list the first ten responses that make sense. Don’t forget to put your name and the word ‘need’ in quotations, like this: “Carrie needs”
Carrie needs help...please (Hahahahah-SO TRUE)
Carrie needs to examine life choices that she has, or has not, made in the past. (That's deep)
Carrie needs her Vitamin Water (I've never even had it-I must need it!
Carrie needs our support! (Yes she does, send money soon!)
Carrie needs more than deep breathing exercises (yes she needs a week in Cancun or to win the lotto)
Carrie needs therapy (Had it.)
Carrie Needs Some Love Too! (Yeah!)
Carrie needs no makeover to shine. (that's right!)
Carrie needs to be told to shut the hell up, because all she does is whine about men. (Oooo Snap!)
Carrie needs someone who is going to stick by her (I got that!)
That was fun-Thanks Jeni!!
I would tag other people, but that would revel how many people I blogstalk that I don't know!
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