Happy Monday all! I hope you had good weekends. Mine was pretty good. I got to see everyone I loved and ate pizza and got my house pretty much done with the painting-at least the big bulky parts, there is still some touchups left to do.
Seth’s parents were painting machines. We thought we would only get the dining room walls and the living room walls done, but because Seth’s parents were so awesome, they got the entryway and the hallway done too! Now Seth just has to work on the trim work and we can put our house together as he gets those pieces done. I’ll admit, I’m over having all of my furniture pushed into the middle of rooms and all my décor in piles and baskets in the spare room!
Yesterday I got some kind of weird sinus infection thing going on. It was pretty bad. But I have a great husband who put up with my whining and demanding attitude all day long while touch up painting and putting the house back together. Then I was looking forward to eating out for the first time (fingers crossed) since we gave up eating out for a month, but the place I wanted to eat closes uber early on Sundays (3pm-WTF?!?) and so he drove to Pepperjax instead and got me that. I was such a slug and he is oh so very good to me. Love you Seth!
So I know you all are dying to hear about my Friday, though I’ve already told most people all about 100 times, since I was so excited and embarrassed. Basically I spent the entire day hallway stalking Bill Gates and Warren Buffett and Dave Sokal who were here to learn about Nuclear Power. They showed up around 11 and I spent the better portion of the day getting and returning files from our DEN library, that conveniently went right by the conference room hallway they were in. They had armed guards ( a guy who used to work with my mom is a guard out here so I totally knew him and he laughed at me every time I walked by). I finally gave up and decided to go to the bathroom and put my stuff back in the library around 3 (since I was going home at 4) and I came flying out of the bathroom, head down looking at my shoes (since I wore my maroon Kenneth Cole high heels-LOVE-how can you not look at those) and I turned the corner sharp, and of course ran right into Bill Gates coming out of the men’s bathroom. Like mowed right into him and didn’t even look. When I jumped back and realized it was him I almost died of embarrassment and apologized profusely, he was really nice about it. He just smiled and apologized too and said it was okay. I was MORTIFIED. I went back and went into my boss’s office and was like “you can go ahead and just fire me now because I just knocked over Bill Gates coming out of the bathroom.” He just laughed and then we made jokes about how clumsy I am (there is documentation of it here at NPP) and then we joked about how they will probably just take me out to the back field and shoot me in the head anyway. (Which is considerably not as funny now that I sit here…*looks over shoulder repeatedly*)
I got home Friday and there was a Kohl’s peel off coupon in the mail and we have been waiting to see if we could get a 30% off coupon because then we could do price matching and finally afford the super fancy steam cleaner we want. And as luck would have it, we ACTUALLY GOT THE COUPON, which I was assured by the Kohl’s people was really friggin rare. So I did a dance, and decided I had Bill Gates luck and went and bought a powerball ticket with Pam, so I’ll let you know if we won the lottery. Then you all would never visit this blog because it would be all about all the fabulous things I am doing with my lotto winnings, which would include, going to Cancun and buying a house in Nicaragua. And doing that thing where I redo my wedding in like Cancun or something with my whole wedding party and taking better pictures.
On my sick bed yesterday I started Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin, so far it is a little overly descriptive, but a good story line!
Alright well it is almost lunch time!
Have a great rest of your Monday everyone!!
Love (to have won the lotto),
Don't you love how every house is "meticulously kept"? Seriously. And our realtor asked us if we ever watched that channel. I said that I watched about once a week and the houses still don't change. She even said a lot of realtors leave the houses on there too long and she doesn't know why. She makes it a point to change hers out often and why don't they do the same. Either way, I do enjoy looking at the expensive ones too!