Hello world! Happy Thursday!
Nothing too exciting here…lets see what randomness I can come up with for you today…
The Red Tent
You know that dude saying about not trusting anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn’t die? While as a woman I’m wholly offended by that comment, I have to admit, the fact that I bleed for 7 days and don’t die creeps me out too. I’m from the school of blood is supposed to stay in your body. I hate needles, I don’t give blood (coincidently-they won’t take my blood anyway because I lived in Europe when they had mad cow and the Chernobyl cloud was blowing over), and I get freaked out if I bleed even a little bit. So the whole I bleed extensively for 7 days really gives me the willies. I just thought I’d throw that out there-guys you have reason to be scared, women are obviously some form of superhero or mutant.
American Idol
Seriously-who is voting for Danny Gokey and Lil Rounds? You people need to stop. I mean it. And Anoop needs to go too. He has WAY too much attitude and he’s acting like every week is more painful for him. He was ready to go before Scott. Shoot he was ready to go when they kicked off Alexis Grace. Seriously. Can we just skip to when it’s Adam, Kris, Allison, and Matt. Although unless someone puts a hat on Matt or gets that WART removed from the smack middle of his forehead or puts some cover up on it or gets his some clip on bangs, I’m going to have to ask you to vote off Matt too. I cannot LOOK AT THAT THING another week. I had to switch off of HD last night it was bothering me so much. Blech *shivers* And am I the only one who didn’t know what the hell that song was that Kris sang or why it was so “good”? I think I am, because everyone is raving about it. Apparently it’s from the movie “Once” (?). Anyway those are my thoughts on AI this week.
Have I mentioned I love HBO’s documentaries and series? I’m watching this series right now called “Alice” and its only OnDemand and its shot in Brazil I think, and its all about this country girl who goes to city life and it has English subtitles but is originally shot in Brazilian (?) anyway its really good and I ‘m enjoying it. I watch it on the nights Seth has class. If you get HBO you should watch it.
Okay so-I’m setting a mini goal for myself. I’m going (in celebration of the fact that we have a brand new HUGE FREEZER in my storage room) to try and do this Once a Month Cooking (OAMC) thing. At least once, just to see if it’s worth the effort and money. So I’m looking for recipes, if anyone has any to share, or good blogs to peruse on tips and such. Hit up the comments if you got them. So far Pam has said she will help out with assembly if she can have a tray of Enchi’s. I know if I make a pot of ricotta I can use that to make ravioli and lasagna. I need a ravioli press though…So ruminating thoughts there. If you want to contribute some cash for me to make you some food (for the massive food bill I’m predicting) or help out with the cooking for your own tray of something, let me know!
Peace out!
That’s all the witty I got for today!!
Love (to be able to hang out at NASA for a day)
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