Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something.

Friends, Romans, Blogreaders!
Hello. It’s only Tuesday, sad right? I know I’m sad too.
This weekend I have to put in my new garden and I’m super excited about it. For REAL. I’m ready to eat fresh stuff and cook with it.

Doctor Doctor give me the news, I got a bad case of lovin’ you
My doctors appointment went well, I really like my doctor, but that will probably change the first time she tries to stick me with a needle. I really don’t like anyone much after that. But she was uber nice and I really liked the atmosphere. She joked with Seth and listened to him even though he wasn’t her patient. I’m hoping she goes to the other clinic though because I really don’t like hauling down to the hospital downtown every time I need to see her.

The best new show on tv that you are not watching
Ladies and Gentlemen-you should be watching “Castle” on ABC. It is HILARIOUS. You are seriously missing out. It is like a crime drama, but fun, like what Bones used to be, just not as gross. It has been compared to Moonlighting. I’ve never seen that show, but if it is as funny as this show is, I’d watch it. So you should too. It’s on Mondays at 9.

And I’m out
That’s all the steam I have today folks! I can barely get my brain to wake up!

Love (to be taking a nap right now)

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