Friday, May 29, 2009
Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at.
Weekend Plans
This week in the exciting life of the Hellbusch’s-we are going to MOVIE IT UP HARDCORE! We have to (and I mean this, my marriage depends on me not backing out of this) watch the Terminator movies and then going to the Terminator movie and Angels and Demons. Since it will be 90+ degrees I’m secretly congratulating myself on this brilliant plan to stay cool.
Other than that we are just trying to finish up the doors and working on the garden, which is starting to be the new succubus of my LIFE. Does anyone know about any Organic Co-ops in Omaha? I read on Joshilyn Jackson’s blog that she joined one in Atlanta and it sounds divine. Clue me in, because it would be totally worth it to pay 30 bucks and get fresh veggies every week. Or I could just go to my mom’s church because they do a veggie exchange.
Willow-bird hunter
Yesterday Willow caught a bird. I mean really caught it. A couple weeks ago she took a flying leap off the deck and caught one mid air, but it spooked her and was gone by the time she hit the ground. Yesterday this stupid bird didn’t fly away fast enough, even though Willow was clearly coming for it (Willow is the worst hunter ever, she squawks the entire time she is trying to sneak up on her prey) and Seth was trying to shoo it away. It just sat there and Willow caught it. And then I screamed and the bird screamed and crapped everywhere and Willow was covered in bird crap. Seth got her off the bird and it flew away, but it was the third time the cats have traumatized me with their stupid “natural instincts” and the nature in the yard. I’m okay if they get big bunnies, but when they get those baby bunnies I turn into a big pile of screaming goo.
And I’m gross
So there is a tootsie roll wedged under my wall of my cubicle. I have no idea how long it has been there (it was there when I came) and everyday it sits there and mocks me and makes me want a tootsie roll so bad I almost reach under the wall and get it out and eat it. That is like the sickest thing ever-right?
God I wish Auditions were over already. I got so mad last night because they had this guy I just LOVED and they didn’t put him thru because he was too young. He was 17! Allison Iraheta was 16 on American Idol, so WTF people? He was stunning! Last night’s guest judges were Adam Shankman-who after reading his wiki article (I linked it for you) I learned that my preconceived notion of him being a washed up Broadway choreographer like he was in my head. Actually he has directed some movies I really loved! Also was the lovely Mia Michaels, who I used to hate, but who has really grown on me the past couple of years. She won an Emmy for the bench routine (Calling You) with Travis and Heidi-did you know that? Her stuff always makes me cry.
So I’m watching house, and reading the episode descriptions on Wikipedia. It’s a great show, don’t get me wrong, but I’m watching like the end of season 3, and I’ve already missed so much. But I agree with Pam, even if I know the whole plot line-the quips by House himself are worth continuing to watch it. Unlike Lost, which after I read all the episodes on Wiki, I quit watching.
New Book!
So I’m reading this book: Dark Angels and I LOVE it. I am now no longer scheming to get Seth to not go to Bachelor’s Camp (Cheeto’s camping weekend bachelor’s party) because I’m going to stay in bed all weekend and read that book!
I’m outtie
I miss that phrase…sigh. Alright I’m off to try and trudge thru the workday.
Love (good new books!),
Thursday, May 28, 2009
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.
I’ll be back…eventually…I swear…I’m just going to the bathroom
So the Terminator Blu-Ray’s came yesterday. I really want to be excited about watching them with Seth and be all into it like he is, but I just can’t. Remind me of this when I force him to watch all the Harry Potter’s before the new one comes out in July and I’m mad that he won’t be excited about our marathon.
And she said GROW! And it was so
The garden is chugging along. I think these couple days of wet cooler weather have really done it some good. My mom came over last night to give me some suggestions and reassure me on a couple of plants I was worried about. So far the only thing that didn’t come up is the celery and the carrots and the asparagus beans (I think I planted two kinds of beans next to each other (dumb) and only one came up.) We replanted the carrot seeds and Seth is germinating cucumber, watermelon, and pumpkin because those plants aren’t doing so hot, so we might have late summer crop on that.
It’s time for our first weekly installment of my thoughts on SYTYCD. First off Lil C? Yeah I don’t really have much need for him, and granted, its hard act to follow Tyce as a guest judge, but he was so SNOOOZE. Even Shane Sparks manages to get animated and opinionated about the dancers. The only one he managed to connect on was the girl whose Dad killed himself. I like the big animated judges who really feel like they have a passion for dance. In fact I can’t think of one other judge, besides him, who is so boring and indifferent about judging. Anywhoo. I seriously can’t wait for auditions and Vegas to get over so I can start falling in love with some dance routines.
Spread ‘em
So I had to take ANOTHER drug test yesterday because my sample was “too diluted”. I drink a lot of water, what can I say? I mean really. I’m waiting for them to call me back because the nurse who made me pull down my pants to my ankles and put up my shirt and turn and bend over told me it still looked too light. I’m secretly hoping I do anyway because I rather like getting to go home from work early. And I have to go to the grocery store today, which I hate doing alone, so if I could have more time to do that, it wouldn’t be a bad thing. I’m not sure they would let me take another, I’m sure at some point here they are going to make me not drink water all day and hold it until I die so they can confirm I’m not on drugs. I mean, wouldn’t you think the fact that I have shown an old lady my vag lips and wizzed in front of her is evidence enough that I’m not trying to falsify my results? The accusation though led me to think all the rest of the day about how one does that. Like, if I had a tampon in, would they have made me pull it and show them? Could I fit a bag of pee into my cooter? Or in my ass? How exactly does one go about trying to fool pee tests? I thought all that was chemical I didn’t know people actually smuggled bags of pee into the testing place and tried to pass it off. SO MANY QUESTIONS and not enough answers.
Back to my random blog searches
Alright, I’m off to find some more randomly witty people to blogstalk. Hope you all have a great day, and if you have suggestions, send them my way!
Love (for it to be friggin Friday already),
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.
Did you miss me? I missed you. I thought of you randomly throughout the weekend and the day yesterday. Yesterday I was in training and then I had to go pee in a cup and get fingerprinted. Such are the things that can happen to you randomly when you work at a nuclear power plant.
SO! The weekend. The holiday weekend. It seems so long ago that I hardly want to talk about it. So here’s the short version: Friday-Chet, Cheeto and Whit came over and watched a movie, I practically passed out in my seat I was so tired. Saturday we slept in (yay!) and then I cooked up a STORM, my grandparents stopped by, I made 12 pans of enchi’s, 5 lbs of potato salad, and pasta salad. Sunday we went to Target and Lowe’s and to my Mom’s picnic. I made a cherry pie that morning. We had a lovely time at my mom’s picnic. Monday Seth worked on sanding doors and I worked on cleaning the closets and dressers. I got 4 bags for the Vets! Yay me! Monday night I pouted about having to go back to work. The end.
This weekend I am seeing Wicked at the Orpheum and I am SO EXCITED! We are also waiting for our Terminator Blu-Ray’s from Amazon so that we can watch those and go see Terminator the movie. Since it’s supposed to be NINETY FRIGGIN DEGREES here this weekend, I am planning on seeing Angels and Demons and Terminator and spending as much time as possible in air conditioning that I don’t have to pay for.
The garden is still coming along. I spent about 2 hours in it Sunday hacking out all the errant grass that was trying to take over. I’m coming to resent all the work I’m putting into this stupid garden in the heat with the bugs, it better start producing soon or we are going to have words. Things are perking up, the cloudy cool rainy days these past two days seem to be doing them well.
I know this is a short week but man it feels like it is taking FOREVER. I’ve purposely tried to keep our next couple of weekends free and on the fly so that we can get some of our house work done before summer sets in. Next weekend though it looks like Seth is going 3 hours away for Cheeto’s bachelor party at a cabin in the woods with some dudes, which really, sounds like the lamest and not bachelor party-ish thing ever, but whatever, at least they are doing hookers and blow, right?
I tried to watch House last night on USA because nothing else was on and I LOVED all the snarkiness and the quips, but I have no idea whose doing or done who and why there is tension where there is tension and it’s really annoying. It’s taking everything in my not to wiki it and just read all the plot lines I’ve missed to catch up.
I’ve also DVR’d (for lack of anything on my DVR-yay summer) “Strong Men”, “Obsessed” and “Top Chef: Masters”. I watched Obsessed last night and it’s from the same people who do Intervention and it’s all about people with extreme OCD and anxiety and MAN. I loved it. There was this lady who lost her dad in a horrific bus vs car accident on the freeway and she wore the clothes he died in all the time and it was just like, WHOA. She got better though, so that’s good and they burned the clothes. It left you with more of a happy feeling than Intervention does, and you don’t have to listen to that infuriating Intervention theme song written by some druggie either. AND you don’t feel like half of the people are faking it for attention. Like really, if you are fucked up enough to wear your dead Dad’s clothes that are all covered in dried blood and guts, you need help. And they actually show you the whole therapy process so that was cool too, I’m looking forward to next week’s show.
So You Think You Can Dance is on tonite-did anyone watch last week? I’m excited for tonite’s, like I am every week for SYTYCD. Tonite is Miami and Houston I think…
Alright well I still have a little more training to do today, so I’d better get to that. Hopefully I will have TONS to talk about tomorrow and will just enthrall you all with my wondrous wordplay on dancing.
Love (to watch SYTYCD),
Friday, May 22, 2009
A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.
Hey Hey all!
So you think you can watch?
So did you watch SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE last night?
Seth and I had this conversation last night:
C: Hey, so I’m going to watch SYTYCD without you tonite, and you can watch it later.
S: What? Why?
C: Because I can’t wait. And all your shows got cancelled so you need something to watch by yourself anyway.
S: *pouts* well only the audition rounds, not the live show
C: Fine, but don’t hold me to that.
Hee hee. Some things have priorities people! So one of my favorite things to do after I watch a show is to read the recap of it, and catch things I might have missed. My favorite recaps are on because they snark and as we all know I love the snark. Here is this episodes blog:
I know it is under the American Idol show for some reason right now. I think that is because the guy who recaps American Idol also recaps SYTYCD. Another great site, I’ve just discovered for SYTYCD info is
Anywhoo-if you watched the show you will know all about what I’m talking about in the next couple paragraphs, if you are crazy and NOT watching this show then I bite my thumb at you and you can skip down to the next bolded titleheader.
First off, I love the contemporary stuff, it grows on me more every year, to the point that I’m excited to see Mia Michaels. I love it more when they take a hip-hop dancer or a hardcore dancer in a different craft and make them do something beautiful and powerful like contemporary. Like when they made Joshua do it last year. The first year it really affected me is when they made Ivan, this white red headed hard core thug kid do it and I just BAWLED. I have that dance clip on my phone and ipod now. And just recently on I saw him do a contemporary routine with Travis Wall to Howie Day’s “Collide” which was Seth and I’s first dance song so of course I get all weepy just hearing it.
I really liked that Pete tap dancer guy, but I know he won’t make it far, and that could be because he was cute. Natalie Reid (at the very end) face really bothers me. She looks like she was rode hard and put away wet. I do like her dancing though. And I like when Sonya gets all into it, that lady is growing on me! I don’t get what teared Mary up about Brandon Boyd because I thought his song choice kind of sucked. But I’m always glad to see people I know in Vegas week. The other “moving” story I remember from last night is the girl whose Mom was in the circus and she had some horrible disease and she danced like a bird. But I’m biased because I secretly hate and fear circus people. Also I think she looks like Sabra who won Season 2 and no one ever heard from her again.
Oh and there is that guy with the umbrella. He made me cry…even though he ugly cried like an SOB. So excited this show is back! What did you everyone think? I can't wait for you newbies to get into the competitive rounds because they are the best part!
I will remember you…
So it’s Memorial Day weekend. Hopefully I will get come good pictures in this weekend and can update you all. My plans are up in the air at the moment so I’m waiting for them to fall into place. I made a lot of open ended commitments and hopefully I don’t do them all or it may not be much of a weekend for me. Tonite I’m going to do the prep work on the Enchi’s in case my family comes over after the track meet and if they don’t come, then I’ll just have lots of Enchi’s. Pam said she would help out with assembly, but she either has to work tonite or tomorrow and I was thinking assembly would happen tomorrow in the morning, since my family would hypothetically come over around 1. But then last night I was talking to my Pop and I mentioned that we were going to see Angels and Demons on Monday if he wanted to tag along and he said that he really wanted to see it but he was busy on Monday, so I volunteered Saturday, since we were open then too. So if we go to the movies, I have to assemble cheese tonite for sure and make the Mexican Coleslaw (that’s right bitches, you may not like it but I LOVE it so I’m making it.) Also Chet asked us what we were doing tonite because he’s in town this weekend to work at Hy-vee and he gets lonely and loves to hang out with the kid-tens. So I told him he could come over after Seth gets back from golf and watch a movie. Then this morning Cheeto and Whit emailed and wondered what we were up to. Man! I didn’t know we were so fun to hang around. All we do is watch tv and talk about our cats.
Sunday we have the picnic which I’ve finally pieced together (with the help of Pam and my Pop) the recipe for my potato salad. I need Seth to do the math because it calls for 3 lbs of potatoes and I have 5 lbs.
Monday depending on when we see the movie we will either see the movie or I will work on my closest and hopefully help Seth finish doors. And remember people on Memorial Day, especially our troops.
TV news!!
Last night when I was watching Make Me a Supermodel (poor Salome-I hate Montahua, I wish she would have went home-Salmone was the only halfway normal looking girl on the show. And then they almost cut Sandhurst, the comic relief-WTF!!?!) I saw an ad for a show starting in June on Bravo called Top Chef Masters. If I had started this blog a couple months earlier, you would have been submerged with reading about my love for Top Chef. So I’m super excited! Here is the website! If you watch it, let me know! It starts on June 10th!
Be safe!
Have a good weekend all! Be safe! Drive careful and buckle up and all that good jazz and most importantly, enjoy your loved ones and the time you are spending together this weekend-I know I will!
Love (a holiday weekend),
Thursday, May 21, 2009
To err is human; to forgive, infrequent.
American Idol/SYTYCD
Okay so I know I said I wasn’t going to be upset at whoever won, but I was sad that Adam didn’t get to run his mascara. However I was glad that Kris Allen finally acknowledged that he has a wife. More importantly-OH DAVID COOK! Have I mentioned I LOVE David Cook. And I BAWLED thru his song “Permanent” which if you didn’t know, is about his brother, who just a couple weeks ago died of brain cancer. So do something good like I’m going to do when I get home and go download the song from the evil empire that is ITUNES and give some money to his cancer foundation. It will get you some karma points and you will now own an amazing song.
Watching all of this made me even more excited for a REAL reality show that deserves the awesomeness and respect that Idol gets- SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE, which starts tonite. I cannot say it enough-please watch and fall in love, or at least start watching once they pick the top 20 dancers. I get if you don’t like auditions shows, I don’t even like watching them.
Work Bathroom
You are hearby forewarned that I’m going to spend the next section talking about my bathroom at work. I’ve been using it for almost 5 years now, so I have a lot of opinions on it.
First the layout. You can enter the bathroom from two sides. Think of the bathroom like a giant rectangle. I usually walk in from the left hand side of the rectangle. The order goes like this right when you walk in:
Handicap Toilet Splash back Toilet Safe/Overused Toilet, Uneven Floor Toilet, Toilet with the wobbly butt pinching seat.
Following that is the sinks:
Safe sink, Sink whose water gets really hot, sink whose knobs turn the wrong way, Sink near the tampon mountain.
Now here’s how the bathroom choice usually goes for me-I tend to beeline straight for the Safe/Overused Toilet. It used to be the safe toilet, but I’ve recently found that it is really overused. It’s the safe toilet because it’s essentially the one in the middle and if you go in there, you give other people who come in enough space to not go in the stall next to you.
Now if I’m not alone in the bathroom, I have to do the decision dance.
If the Safe/Overused Toilet is not available, I do the Uneven Floor Toilet even though it makes me feel off balance the entire time I’m peeing. Following that I pick the Splash Back Toilet, because for some reason, people rarely use it, and it’s closest to the door so I don’t have to make that hemming and hawing decision when I walk in.
No one ever uses the Handicap Toilet, the only people I’ve ever seen use it are visitors to the plant. Most of the time it’s lid is up because no one ever goes in there, even though I’m sure it’s the cleanest toilet. (Here, when the bathrooms are cleaned they leave the toilet seat up so you know).
I’ve had my butt pinched by the wobbly seat and I will never do it again. If you ever had your butt pinched by a toilet seat, you will know the pain I’m talking about here.
So that’s my daily bathroom drama. And I go about 20 times a day. We generally follow the one space rule here, even with the sinks. But even so, when things get crowded, I have to sing to myself in my head to be able to go. Usually Hilary Duff’s Rain song from Laguna Beach. I have no idea why. If that doesn’t work then usually Water Runs Dry by Boyz II Men. I’m different, I accept and love this, you should too.
So Long Lovelies!
I’m hungry and I’m going to get lunch. I’m not going to josh you here-food is way more important to me than finishing this blog post eloquently.
Love (food in most of its forms)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
My 2009 TV watching Schedule
Hellbusch TV Schedule Fall Season 2009
7- HIMYM/Heroes/Lie to Me
8- Trauma*/(:30)Big Bang Theory
7-Shark Tank*/ So You Think You Can Dance
8-The Forgotten*/ So You Think You Can Dance
9- So You Think You Can Dance
7-So You Think You Can Dance
8-Criminal Minds/So You Think You Can Dance
7-Flash Forward*
8-Grey’s Anatomy/Bones
9- (:30) Community
7-Ghost Whisperer/ Law and Order
8- Southland
9-Numb3rs/Ugly Betty
7-College Football
7- Football
8- Football
TV Schedule Midseason 2009
7- Chuck/HIMYM/Lie to Me
8-Day One*
7- American Idol
8- American Idol
9- Past Life*
7-Mercy*/ American Idol
8-Law and Order: SVU/ American Idol
9- Human Target* and Glee
8- Grey’s Anatomy/(:30) Community/Bones
7-Ghost Whisperer/Law and Order
9-Numb3rs/ Ugly Betty
Lie to me I can live without
Community may be cancelled by then…I hope not
The ones marked with * are new shows that I'm going to check out.
I'm aware I have a sickness.
Love (the person who invented the DVR),
People find life entirely too time-consuming.
8 p.m. How I Met Your Mother (BEST SHOW EVER)
8:30 p.m. Accidentally on Purpose (new, I have no idea)
9 p.m. Two and A Half Men (My parents love this)
9:30 p.m. The Big Bang Theory (Hilarious!)
10 p.m. CSI: Miami (Don’t watch)
8 p.m. NCIS (Don’t watch)
9 p.m. NCIS: Los Angeles (New, won’t watch)
10 p.m. The Good Wife (new, I have no idea)
8 p.m. The New Adventures of Old Christine (Don’t watch)
8:30 p.m. Gary Unmarried (Don’t watch)
9 p.m. Criminal Minds (Hands down one of my favorite crime drama’s, I love all the characters! Seth watches it with me)
10 p.m. CSI: NY (Don’t watch)
8 p.m. Survivor: Samoa (Don’t watch)
9 p.m. CSI (Don’t watch, used to, but don’t anymore)
10 p.m. The Mentalist (Don’t watch, Pam loves)
8 p.m. Ghost Whisperer (I watch, but I’m not sure why, I think it’s for Jennifer Love Hewitt’s cute outfits and her hot husband)
9 p.m. Medium (Don’t watch, but my parents do and love it)
10 p.m. Numb3rs (Good show, we watch because it’s about math and Seth likes it-well likes to argue with it)
7 p.m. 60 Minutes (Don’t watch)
8 p.m. The Amazing Race (Don’t watch, Pam does and likes it)
9 p.m. Three Rivers (New, don’t know)
10 p.m. Cold Case (watch occasionally on reruns)
8-9 p.m. Heroes (YAYAY!!! Love this show)
9-10 p.m. Trauma (New, sounds interesting)
10-11 p.m. The Jay Leno Show (Will never watch, this show is single handedly ruining my 9 o’clock drama hour)
8-10 p.m. The Biggest Loser (Don’t watch)
10-11 p.m. The Jay Leno Show (BOOO)
8-9 p.m. Parenthood (Don’t watch)
9-10 p.m. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Watch and LOVE)
10-11 p.m. The Jay Leno Show (Hiss)
8-8:30 p.m. SNL Weekend Update Thursday (multi-episode run) (Don’t watch)
8:30-9 p.m. Parks and Recreation (Don’t watch)
9-9:30 p.m. The Office (Don’t watch)
9:30-10 p.m. Community (moves to Thursdays 8-8:30 p.m. after 30 Rock returns) (WILL WATCH! New and it has my favorite guy ever, Joel McHale in it, he writes and created it!)
10-11 p.m. The Jay Leno Show (GO HOME JAY)
8-9 p.m. Law & Order (Watch, the two new detectives are doing a good job this year.)
9-10 p.m. Southland (Actually I’m liking this show a lot, anyone have any other opinions?)
10-11 p.m. The Jay Leno Show (RETIRE!)
7-8:20 p.m. Football Night in America (I will be forced to watch this)
8:20-11 p.m. NBC Sunday Night Football (And this)
2010 WINTER OLYMPICS preempt regularly scheduled programming from February 12-28, 2010 (I am a sucker for the Olympics!)
8-9 p.m. Chuck (season premiere) (YAY CHUCK!!!)
9-10 p.m. Day One (New don’t know)
10-11 p.m. The Jay Leno Show (Hopefully by now you will be cancelled)
8-9:30 p.m. The Biggest Loser (Don’t watch)
9:30-10 p.m. 100 Questions (New don’t know)
10-11 p.m. The Jay Leno Show (I’m done commenting on you Jay)
8-9 p.m. Mercy (New, sounds good)
9-10 p.m. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Love)
10-11 p.m. The Jay Leno Show
8- 8:30 p.m. Community (Like I said, Joel McHale you can’t go wrong!)
8:30-9 p.m. Parks and Recreation
9- 9:30 p.m. The Office
9:30-10 p.m. 30 Rock
10-11 p.m. The Jay Leno Show
Same as fall season
7-8 p.m. Dateline NBC (I actually watch this sometimes if nothing else is on, it's well done.)
8-9 p.m. The Marriage Ref (new, don’t know)
9-11 p.m. The Celebrity Apprentice (season premiere) (don’t watch Pam does though)
8:00 p.m. Dancing With the Stars (Don’t watch)
10:00 p.m. Castle (really, do you even have to ask!? SQUEEEE!!!!)
8:00 p.m. Shark Tank (New, Don’t know)
9:00 p.m. Dancing With the Stars the Results Show (Don’t watch)
10:00 p.m. The Forgotten (New, don’t know)
WEDNESDAY (All of these are new and I don’t know)
8:00 p.m. Hank
8:30 p.m. The Middle
9:00 p.m. Modern Family
9:30 p.m. Cougar Town
10:00 p.m. Eastwick
8:00 p.m. Flash Forward (new, don’t know)
9:00 p.m. Grey's Anatomy (Will Izzie and George die!?!?)
10:00 p.m. Private Practice (Don’t watch, I want Addison to come back to Grey's so I boycott her show.)
8:00 p.m. Supernanny (Don’t watch)
9:00 p.m. Ugly Betty (Poor Ugly Betty, it is a good show, try it out! Remember its a spoof on a Spanish Soap Opera though!)
10:00 p.m. 20/20
8:00 p.m. Saturday Night College Football (Will be forced to watch)
7:00 p.m. America's Funniest Home Videos (Don’t watch)
8:00 p.m. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (Only watch if I’m feeling weepy)
9:00 p.m. Desperate Housewives (Kathy watches)
10:00 p.m. Brothers & Sisters (My mom and Pam watches)
The Bachelor (Don’t watch) will air Monday nights from 8:00-10:00 p.m. following the run of Dancing With the Stars, and Scrubs and Better Off Ted (don’t watch) will air at 9:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., respectively, following the run of Dancing with the Stars The Results Show.
8:00-9:00 PM House (Pam and L’ara watch, I don’t)
9:00-10:00 PM Lie to Me (I catch this in passing, it’s not a priority)
8:00-10:00 PM So You Think You Can Dance (Really do you have to ask!?!?! I'm so excited it's coming back right away in the fall!!!)
8:00-9:00 PM So You Think You Can Dance (results show) (SQUEEE!!!)
9:00-10:00 PM Glee (Did you catch this last night? I’m in LOVE! See below)
8:00-9:00 PM Bones (LOVE)
9:00-10:00 PM Fringe (Don’t watch)
8:00-8:30 PM Brothers (New, don’t know)
8:30-9:00 PM Til Death (Don’t watch, I think Pam does)
9:00-10:00 PM Dollhouse (Yay Dollhouse! I love you Joss!)
Sunday (don’t watch any of these)
7:00-8:00 PM The OT (NFL post-game)
8:00-8:30 PM The Simpsons
8:30-9:00 PM The Cleveland Show
9:00-9:30 PM Family Guy
9:30-10:00 PM American Dad
FOX Midseason 2010
8:00-9:00 PM House
9:00-10:00 PM 24 (don’t watch, tried, but didn’t catch)
8:00-9:00 PM American Idol (watch obviously)
9:00-10:00 PM Past Life (new, don’t know)
8:00-9:00 PM American Idol (Watch)
9:00-10:00 PM Human Target (January) (New don’t know)/Glee (spring) (hooray!)
The rest is the same as above in the fall season.
Now if you want to know more about the new shows, go here and they have preview clips of the shows:
What do you watch? What do you love? What will you be looking forward to? Hit up the comments below!
I haven’t even tapped into the cable, non major network shows like everything I watch on Bravo and USA!
Channel Surfing
Let’s talk about TV last night, shall we? First off-American Idol. I can honestly say that I don’t care who wins, I like them both, but I voted for Adam because I am secretly hoping he is super gay and takes the crown and bedazzles the shit out of it. And BroHugs Ryan Seacrest inappropriately and then Joel McHale talks about it on “The Soup” on Friday.
And GLEE! Oh GLEE! I’m so mad that this was just a teaser episode! But it was so great! I secretly wanted to be in Glee Club or Show Choir (it was called a lot of things at the many different schools I went to growing up) but was never really brave enough to try. Since I was always fighting the new kid thing-I only managed one battle at a time, I’m not a real big multitasker in the life drama department. But I loved it and if you missed it, you can go here all summer long, and watch it over and over and fall in love: I strongly urge you to do so. Plus any show that turn Gold Digger and Journey songs into Glee songs makes me all squishy with the happy.
Excessive word count!
Alrighty well Word 2007 is indicating I’m on page 5 of my blog entry and I’ve capped out around 1400 words, so I’ll give your eyes a break, I know how you love to read my hot pink posts at work and try not to get caught!
Love (TV in an almost obsessive manor),
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
I’m leaving work early today so I thought I would try and get this out as soon as I could.
Yesterday I literally wanted to die because of my allergies. My nose was all stuffed up and I was sneezing constantly and my head hurt from all the sinus pressure. I barely made it home. The only thing that makes me feel better is a bath and about 4 Benadryl. Of course that just knocked me right out and put me to sleep. I was going to work out with Seth and stay true to my commitments for this week, but alas, death and Benadryl got a hold of me and I slept thru the workout portion of the evening. But that’s okay because Seth looked really hot and sweaty and I know I would have been miserable.
Things are a little better today, but it really did hit me out of nowhere yesterday and got bad real fast, so I imagine it could happen again today because the weather is about the same and the wind is blowing just as hard.
Carrie Carrie quite contrary…
My garden is GROWING! The cucumbers are poised to make a comeback. The new plants, oh wait, I forgot to tell you about the new plants! Okay so we decided since we have a metric ton of onion and tomato plants we are going to make salsa for everyone this year. I have to ask Janet to teach me how to can, I’m sure she has all the stuff. So we went to Walmart to get a new watermelon plant and we also picked up jalapenos and sweet banana peppers. We planted them by the other bush plants (the cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and red cabbage) and they seemed to have taken up well. Seth got some Miracle Grow sticks that you put next to the plant and it looks like they are really helping. I was worried about our soil because it wasn’t the greatest, next year we are going to have to mix in some fertilizer or something.
Anywhoo-yay for gardens!
She’s rockin’ that thing like…
Have I mentioned SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE starts this week? If not, it is. And you should DVR it, fall in love, come here and talk about it with me. Because it’s awesome. And the first live show is going to be choreographed by Shane Sparks, Mia Michaels, and Wade Robinson. Who are like my top three choreographers-so it’s going to be great. The audition rounds happen first, then they go to Vegas, and then the live show starts. I don’t really like audition rounds on any show, mostly because I like people and then they get cut Vegas week. One of my favorite dancers though, Joshua, I loved from the moment I saw him in auditions. Anyway-I could ramble for hours, because I haven’t even mentioned my love of the host, Cat Deely, a British lady who is beautiful, and sometimes wears the most hilarious outfits. Pam and I have had a marathon of fun with that. But I have to warn you, if you watch it with me, and I get sauced, I may attempt to reenact routines with you. Ask Pam about the time we pulled off a running lift from the Ivan and Allison days. It was magical. So watch, and rock your thang like…oooo ooo ooo ooo. (Seriously have you heard that song? It’s a good one)
And I’m out.
Alright peeps. I’m going to catch up on my blogs and tv news and help L’ara plan a Country Themed Wedding for her friend.
Love (for this day to be better than yesterday),
Monday, May 18, 2009
Just once, I wish we would encounter an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets.
Seth went to golf and I cleaned floors (and decided I needed a new mop) and organized things. Seth came home around 8 with Qudoba (YAY!) and we watched things on the DVR and stayed up entirely too late.
Saturday we woke up late (best thing ever) and Kathy called to give us their timeline on when they would pick us up for Dalton’s party. We hurried and got dressed and ran to Rotella’s for Dad (he ran out of time) and then over to Walmart to get Dalton a card and pick up some stuff for the garden. (and subsequently 93 dollars of other crap that I can’t even remember it was that important. Oh the mop, we got a new mop after fighting in the aisle for 3 minutes about why I couldn’t just get a swiffer wet jet)
We rushed home and got ready, it took me the better part of an hour to figure out what I was going to wear. I got some new black leggings and Seth’s favorite thing to do is sing “She’s a Maniac!” when I walk by because he thinks he’s funny (he’s not). Around 3:30 Kathy called to say they got a new puppy at dog training class so to go on without them. We drove to Palmyra by way of Waverly because GARMIN IS RETARDED. Halfway there I discovered I remembered the back road way but by then it was too late. To Waverly we went and then literally drove back to Palmyra. (for those of you unaware of the geography, we literally drove 25 minutes past Palmyra and then exited and drove back to Palmyra, all because Garmin apparenlty loves the interstate and hates back roads).
The party was SUPER FUN and my aunt had pizza there which is the best idea ever if you are doing a graduation party. People LOVE pizza. I myself ate three slices. I think Seth had 5 and two pieces of cake. The cake was really good. Dalton was a gracious host, way better than I was, walking up to every person as soon as they came in and shaking their hand or hugging them and thanking them whole heartedly for coming. He was all grown up and it was almost tear inducing. I visited with my cousin’s and family and we headed home around 8:40 ish.
When we got home we watched Resident Evil 3 which I really liked! We bought the series on Blu-Ray because it was on special and I’m glad we did because I remembered how much I liked those movies. Although now when I see a crow, I get a little jumpy.
We woke up Sunday and went to see Star Trek-which was AWESOME. I loved it. And now have a new crush on Chris Pine (Captain Kirk) and a renewed (because of Heroes) crush on Zachary Quinto (Spock) and I want them to make 10 more with both of those guys in it. The writing was phenomenal and I didn’t even notice I was watching a sci-fi cult classic. Even the throwbacks to the classic sayings were gracefully done.
After the movie we went home and I started the laundry, washed/vaccuumed the car, pulled erroneous grass out of the flowerbeds, and made lunches for today. Seth weed whacked, watered the lawn and garden, played with the kittens, and helped me clean up the kitchen. We had picked up some pizza dough from Rotella’s when we stopped for Dad, so we made pizzas and calzones for dinner. We had a good time making them. I love cooking with my husband. Then we watched SNL Digital Shorts while we snuggled on the couch. D*ck in a box might be the greatest digital short ever. Just FYI.
Coming soon to a weekend near you!
So here is what we have on tap for this weekend. Friday Seth has golf league, he might get off early to do some sanding, hopefully we will get the doors done and finish up the last bit of trim. Either Friday or Sunday my mom is having a Memorial Day BBQ where I am going to make Potato Salad and something light with corn. I haven’t gotten past that just the ingredient and style I know I want to use. I really want to make my Mexican coleslaw, but Seth says I’m the only person who likes that. So I think either Saturday or Monday I’m going to make enchi’s! Yay! I owe Pam a pan, so what better time than on a holiday weekend? Also this weekend I will purge at least 1 closet (part of my commitment to make more room in my closet by getting rid of things that are too small or frumpy or broken) and hopefully my garden will do something exciting so I can talk about that. So far the beans have come up and my grandpa made me an obelisk for them to climb, so maybe they will start climbing and look pretty and I will take a picture for you. We also are going to see Angels and Demons. It seems to be our new theme for summer is that we see movies a week late. If we get our Terminator Blu Ray’s in time (Seth says if he has to go see Harry Potter I have to go see Terminator so we are watching all of them so I know what’s going on and don’t ruin Seth’s movie experience by asking questions-which is, I agree, the most annoying thing ever...does this mean he has to watch all the Harry Potter’s? I hope!) and we can see Terminator Monday…maybe…they aren’t due to ship until tomorrow, and I highly doubt they will make it here before Saturday.
This week’s goals
So I’m trying to be accountable. This week I’m trying to do some form of exercise every night. Also I’m going to try to limit myself to one pop a day-only at night. That way if I get all bloaty, Seth will be the only one who knows. Check back with me in a week to see if I did it.
Exciting TV news!
Dollhouse is renewed!
Chuck is renewed!
Castle is renewed!
To keep up with the renewals and see if your favorite shows made it-go where I do-here:
Also-SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE STARTS THIS WEEK!!! And best news ever, they are doing the sixth season immediately following this season so this fall you can watch it too! AND Shane Sparks, my favorite choreographer is back! SO EXCITED!
Live long and prosper!
I’m out kids-have a great day, talk to you tomorrow!!
Love (to be in Star Trek with the new cast),
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Friday Fockers Golf League
Team 1 Seth, Dan, Kathy, and Jack
Better picture of Team 1
Team 2 (Age before Beauty)
Dad, Jason, Chad, and my Mom
The Friday Fockers Golf League!
Garden part 2
Our flowers and herb garden
Our potatoes and white pumpkins
Our full garden shot
Stow and go seating! Okay I know it doesn't have anything to do with our garden, but I thought it was a pretty cool part of our rental car
Our tomatoes and peppers and beans
Our garlic and cucumber and watermelon
Our artichokes, celery, peas, cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli, and brussel sprouts
Our radishes, carrots, spinich, lettuce, shallots, onions and corn
Hollywood Studios pictures
Mom and I at the entrace
The Aerosmith Rock n Rollercoaster!
Seth was the test person who they based the wait time on!
What this country needs is more free speech worth listening to.
I'm still reeling from the Grey's Anatomy season finale. I knew George was going to enlist but I didn't know what happened was going to happen to him!
I have friends on this blog who are WOEFULLY behind in their Grey's Anatomy watching, so I won't spoil much more than that-other than to say-WTF Shonda Rhimes, WTF.
We have a busy weekend ahead. Seth has golf league tonite and I have a ton of TV to watch. We might go to my Uncle's birthday party out in a barn somewhere, but most likely not since my floors are in desperate need of vacuuming and my feet stuck to my kitchen floor this morning. So I have to do that before I have a complete meltdown of epic proportions.
Saturday my cousin Dalton is having a graduation party-which is going to be really fun, we are riding with Dan and Kathy so are getting there a little late, but its okay, we can help clean up.
Sunday we are going to see the Star Trek movie and I am VERY excited!
Okay well I'm swamped again so I'm going to skedaddle.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Love (weekends),
Thursday, May 14, 2009
We are the people our parents warned us about.
Vacation recap
I’ll keep it short for you:
Thursday-got off work early (thanks boss!) and finished packing and errands and watching the DVR, went to bed uber late
Friday-woke up super early, flew to Orlando, Ellyn missed her flight, went to a grocery store, waited for Ellyn’s new flight to arrive, went to the pool with Mom and took a nap (BEST NAP EVER) with Seth, went shopping, and went to Texas De Brazil with the family where Seth died and went to meat heaven.
Saturday-Went to the Magic Kingdom, it was awesome, had to wring my pants out after Splash Mountain, cried during the Parade when Mary Poppins went by, ate Giridonos pizza and went shopping.
Sunday-Went to Epcot, got sick on Mission Space and cried, went on a dozen other rides, cried at the World Showcase of Germany because it was so realistic and like my childhood, ate at a Biergarten and cried because it was just like home for me and my family, got to watch the fireworks from a SPECIAL place on the boat dock and cried because I love my family and fireworks.
Monday- Went to Hollywood Studios, rode a lot of rides, the Aerosmith Rollercoaster and Tower of Terror were my favorites, Star Wars made me sick and then I cried, we watched the Muppets in 3D which was awesome, and then we went to the airport where it rained for the first time in 3 weeks, lightning hit the tarmac, we were delayed , we finally got home at 11 where Seth missed our turn on the interstate, we got gas and Jimmy Johns and went home and watched Castle and cuddled with the furbabies. They missed us very much.
Best Vacation ever, even though I cried a lot, but it was happy crying, The End.
How does your garden grow?
My garden is taking off! I have pictures, but they are waiting to be posted. The radish’s, beans, spinach and lettuce are up. I should rake the weeds tonite in between the rows, but I’ll probably take a nap when I get home instead. The tomatoes are still looking iffy, but my mom says they are fine. It was really exciting to come home and see that things are starting to come up! Hopefully one of the watermelon plants makes it, right now it is not looking good. The two plants doing the best are cucumbers and peppers.
Pomp and Circumstance
My cousin Dalton is graduating this weekend, which is like THE WIERDEST THING EVER, because in my head, he’s still the little kid with the squeaky voice that follows my brother around and looks to him like he’s a god. It is so weird that he’s all OLD and college age and has a goatee. *sidebar* on Big Bang Theory (great show) this week I learned that a goatee without a mustache is called a Van Dyke. *end sidebar*
American Idol thoughts
JESUS LOVES US!!! He booted Danny Gokey. Smarmy Danny GEWkey with all of his ickiness and slimeiness.
Heavy Baggage Blogger L’ara totally called Kris Allen WAY back, but that’s because she’s in love with him. If he wins this whole thing I might start placing bets on who she likes for So You Think You Can Dance.
Upcoming TV
Glee-watch the premiere on May 19th on Fox and tell me what you think, it’s getting RAVE reviews, plus it has singing which I like.
So You Think You Can Dance- BEST SHOW EVER. Starts May 21st on Fox and just know, this blog will be FULL of SYTYCD thoughts. That’s the acronym, just FYI.
Burn Notice-hot and sexy and fun and innovative, starts June 5th on USA
Exciting TV news
Castle has been picked up for a second season!
Back to the grind
Alright I’d better act like I work here. I hope you have a great day-leave your comments below!!!
Love (to be a professional blogger),
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Back at work!
I got swamped with a lot of work while I was gone, so I'm going to try and catch up today and blog to you all as soon as I can!
Hope you miss me!
Love (to not hit birds on the way to work),
Monday, May 11, 2009
Magic Kingdom Pictures
On the ferry
My three Goofies
The kids in front of Cinderella's Castle
The family in front of Cinderella's Castle
Love (to be on vacation forever),
More Vacation Pictures! (Epcot)
Me and Spaceship Earth
Ellyn and I at the character gardens
Seth and I with Spaceship Earth
Ellyn and I making our meanest Viking faces as we get ready for Maelstrom!
We are having a great time!
Love (to work at Disney),
Friday, May 8, 2009
Before dinner
All the meat you can eat on a stick-Seth is in love...
Did I mention I'm enjoying the salad bar with 60+ items? You can tell in this picture!
Nom Nom Nom...
Loving vacation!!
Made it!
Love to you all!
Made it!
Love to you all!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A vacation should be just long enough that you're boss misses you, and not long enough for him to discover how well he can get along without you.
As if this day wasn’t going to be long enough waiting to go on VACATION!
What what? What what? That’s right-VACATION! To DISNEYWORLD in ORLANDO.
Pretty friggin exciting. If only I didn’t have a mountain of laundry to do, suitcases to pack and a house to prepare for our furbabies sitter!
Mom and I are going to get our nails done tonite at 5, then I’m picking up pizza for Seth’s master’s class since it is on the way home. Then I’m going to go home and try to get the chemical party of cleaning done (yesterday I straightened up).
I’m so excited to watch Grey’s tonite even though I totally know what’s going to happen and NO ONE wants to hear it! So I’m exploding with anticipation and discussion points.
Well it’s going to take me a long time to figure out how to get this from Word to my blogger page. It requires me finding the cut and paste function!
I will try to update from vacation if I can, we are taking the laptop so at least I’ll put up some pictures.
Pray for good weather, our house to be standing when we get back, our kittens to be alive and safe journey’s!
Love (my parents for doing this),
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
Let’s bring in the “Hate it when Wednesday’s!”
-I hate it when your friends’ hearts get broken. Not only does it flash you back to all the times you had a broken heart, you know there is really nothing you can do.
-I hate it when you are going on vacation at the end of the week and you have to try and feign interest in the work week until then.
-I hate it when you have to wait for things to happen, like I have to wait until Thursday to do the laundry and pack the suitcases.
-I hate it when you get all amped up for gardening and then nothing happens besides plants getting burned out and dying-even though you watered them.
-I hate it when I know something is going to happen on a tv show (a really shitty something) and no one else wants to know the spoilers and I want to discuss all the angst that is going to come!
-I hate it when I don’t like the lunch I packed. Then I’m not excited about lunch all day, and usually that’s the best part of my work day.
-I hate it when I’m hungry at 9:05-thanks granola bar for totally sucking at your job.
-I hate it when I have to nag my husband to do simple things like figure out what he is doing for mother’s day, but I know I have to nag him because his mind is 1000 miles ahead of everyone else in math land and he won’t do it otherwise.
-I hate it when the online flower places lie about their prices and stick you with a huge service charge when you check out. Could we just get the real price please?
-I hate it when I have a bajillion things to do before I can relax on my vacation and no time to do them.
-I hate it when I have to leave the furbabies for an extended period of time. I miss them.
-I hate it when I get stuck behind the crippled people in the narrow hallways at work, I have to try to walk behind them and not ride up on them and sigh about them going to slow.
Okay that’s enough for today!
Here’s hoping I get everything done tonite I need to! Cleaning here I come!
Love (for my vacation to friggin start already)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
She's British, and she's lovely and I want to be best friends with her.
Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind.
I thought I’d go ahead and finish up the review of my bookshelf for you all. I look forward to seeing yours!
Bottom Shelf
For books by an amazing author, David Macaulay, I read these books in high school and loved them, he does all the pen art too they are City: A Story of Roman Planning and Construction, Castle, Motel of the Mysteries, Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction, there are a lot of great other ones that he has.
Next is Atlas of World History by John Haywood and Barry Cunliffe, that’s from one of my college classes, but it comes in handy when I’m reading Historical Fiction.
Then you have Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, which I had to read for LARP (Liberal Arts Reading Program) in college, but ended up LOVING the book.
Following that is Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia by Jean Sasson which was a really good book, again, keeping with the theme that I liked to read about people’s life stories as it relates to history.
Next is Broken for You by Stephanie Kallos which I read the middle of over my mom’s shoulder on a airplane and haven’t started/finished.
Then there is one of my fitness magazines, I have no idea why that is there.
After that is Take Care Of Yourself: The Complete Illustrated Guide To Medical Self-care by James F. Fries and Donald M. Vickery which is something the military gives out so you can see if you need to go to the hospital/emergency room or if you can just ride it out. Both Seth and Pam agree that this book has made me a hypochondriac and have both tried, on occasion, to throw it away.
Next is The Wives of Henry VIII by Antonia Fraser is a companion book to a book on the first shelf, the Children of Henry VIII. If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m kind of obsessed with the Tudors.
A wonderful book is next, Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I love this author (100 years of Solitude is my favorite book of his, but its out on loan), I even wrote a thesis paper on how his work affected women in Latin America.
More on the Tudors The Wives of Henry VIII by Jean Plaidy, I mentioned her earlier on shelf 1, Katherine of Aragon. This is a compellation that I got at Barnes and Noble, but that link is the closest I can find, it’s like six books in one.
Then of course closing it out I have all the Harry Potter Books 1 - 7 by J. K. Rowling books in both paper back and hard back. Some of these are loaned out. And I have The Tales of Beedle the Bard, Standard Edition by J. K. Rowling
On the top I have two stupid books from TEKsystems that they made me read for training, I don’t know why I haven’t thrown those away yet.
In front of the books on the shelf I have on the left hand side: The Collectors by David Baldacci, The Used World: A Novel by Haven Kimmel (just started), and The Girl with No Shadow by Joanne Harris. These are part of a stack of my Valentine’s Day gift book shopping spree from Seth, I haven’t read these yet.
The right hand stack is: Shark Dialogues by Kiana Davenport, The Lost Diary of Don Juan: A Novel by Douglas Carlton Abrams, and Natives and Exotics by Jane Alison. More books that I haven’t read yet that I got from my sweetie on my VD spree.
Continuing the theme of books I haven’t read yet but have stacked up ready to read from my random bargain aisle shopping:
Fixing Shadows by Susan Barrett
God's Chinese Son: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan by Jonathan D. Spence
The one underneath I can’t read but I know it’s about a girl who loves NASA (like me!) Seth picked it out
This Human Season by Louise Dean
The Secrets of the Chess Machine by Robert L'Ohr
Dark Angels: A Novel by Karleen Koen
The Book of Air and Shadows: A Novel by Michael Gruber
That’s it! Whew! That was some project! Good thing I didn’t too my other book shelf, it has about 7 shelves and as many books as I can shove in it.
So! Three more days until Disney World! I’ve created this list (see below) of things we need to hit at Disney based on my research. Any of you been? Anything I need to add? And don’t say Space Mountain because I totally know, but it’s closed for renovation-rat bastards.
“Whitehead/Hellbusch/Biermann Disney World Outline
Disney’s Animal Kingdom
Main Ride/Fast Pass immediately: Expedition Everest
Things to see while waiting for Main Ride: Discovery Island, Africa Kilimanjaro Safaris, Maharajah Jungle Trek, Dino-Sue, DINOSAUR
Wet Rides: Kali River Rapids
Magic Kingdom
Main Ride/Fast Pass immediately: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Tomorrowland
Things to see while waiting for main ride: Cinderella Castle, Indiana Jones Adventure: The Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Jungle Cruise, The Hall of Presidents, Tomorrowland will be fun to walk thru
Main Ride/Fast Pass immediately: Test Track, Mission: SPACE
Things to see while waiting for main ride: Spaceship Earth, Innoventions, Universe of Energy, The Land, Imagination!, the World Showcase that has like Germany in it and stuff
Disney's Hollywood Studios
Main Ride/Fast Pass immediately: Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
Things to see while waiting for the main ride: Star Tours, Studio Backlot Tour, The Magic of Disney Animation
And of course, we have to see the parade!”
Alright that’s enough out of me today! Hope you all have a great day and pray this day goes by fast for you.
Love (for this week to hurry the heck up),
Monday, May 4, 2009
People who have no weaknesses are terrible; there is no way of taking advantage of them.
Hi all Happy Monday!
It’s the final countdown…
We leave for Orlando on Friday! Yay! It’s finally here-we had family dinner last night and talked about our jam packed schedule, basically every day is Disney Day! We are probably going to do the Animal Kingdom on Friday, DisneyWorld on Saturday, Epcot on Sunday, and the movie on Monday before we leave. I will spend all of Tuesday sleeping for sure.
To prep for the big trip I have a lot to do. At least 2 loads of laundry, packing suitcases, cleaning the house for our furbaby/house sitter (Chet), writing out detailed instructions for Chet, getting my nails done, and watching the DVR so it doesn’t explode!
Speaking of the DVR,
I didn’t get much watched this weekend because we spent the majority of the weekend putting the garden in (more on that in a second). But we did manage to get in a couple of shows. We watched Dollhouse, where my favorite “Firefly” character turned out to be the bad guy-WASH! (who I now must refer to as Alpha) so that episode was really good. Then I watched Ghost Whisperer and Grey’s and Criminal Minds. Joel McHale was in rare form on the Soup, he’s so funny…
If I plant it, it better grow…
So Saturday Seth worked really hard to put in the garden fence and till the garden. When he was done we realized we had a whole lotta garden to work with. We spent about 65 dollars on various seeds and plants. I’m hoping they all take. Here’s what I can recall planting off the top of my head, I took pictures of the garden I’m going to try and post later this week if I get a chance. Tomatoes (Roma and Beefers), Bell Peppers (Yellow and red), green bean, asparagus beans (these are an experiment), Cucumbers, watermelon, peas, garlic, shallots, artichokes, celery, corn, white pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, radishes, onions, red cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and broccoli (phew!) Fingers crossed at least half of those produce!
And then we were old.
We joined (that I completely forgot about) a golf league on Friday. I think that makes us old. Like, do we get to eat dinner at 4 now? It was fun though, a lot of our friends are in it. My mom organized it so it really turned out to be a good time.
Math game domination
Pam and Jason came over Saturday night and we made a great meal (chicken and hamburgers on the grill, Seth made sweet potato slices on the grill, we had campfire potatoes and asparagus and chocolate cake). We played games after that. Pam brought Rumbis (I don’t know if that is the real name, its like 3D blockus) and I dominated all the math nerds who totally over thought everything. Pam came in second because we tag teamed the boys. Then we played Cranium Wow where Pam and I teamed up and the boys cheated to win. Stupid boys. Oh and Jason had Pam milk a cow which was hilarious.
Naked Hugh Jackman and family dinner
Sunday I saw Hugh Jackman naked and audibly squeed in the movie theater. I really liked the Wolverine movie, but Seth is a comic book nerd, so he had some issues with it because it didn’t’ follow the comic book. I have no issues with naked Hugh Jackman movies. After the movie we loaded up the tiller we borrowed from my parents and went and had family dinner. It was steaks and this AWESOME potato casserole that was just plain awesome. Then we went home and Seth fell asleep because he was exhausted.
So that’s about it for our clan. Four more days until Disney!
Love (for this work week to fly by!),
Friday, May 1, 2009
No man remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself.
Hi all! Happy FRRRRIIII-DAAAAYYY. (remember, we discussed how that was supposed to sound last week.
Theme continued!
As requested, I continue the bookshelf review theme. Today I’m doing shelf number 2 on my bookshelf in my bedroom.
The left hand side:
First up from the left-you can barely see it, but that’s one of those teach you how to do Japanese art books from Barnes and Noble and it taught me three of the four things I can draw that looks decent.
Next is Atonement by Ian McEwan and I got this from my mom after the movie came out with the full intention of reading it and then seeing the movie (I like to do that sort of thing) but haven’t gotten around to doing either.
After that is Abundance, A Novel of Marie Antoinette (P.S.) by Sena Jeter Naslund which is a really great book, another historical fiction based on a famous person in history. This one starts when Marie is very very young and goes to the end. It was the book that the movie with Kirsten Dunst was based on. The one Sophia Coppula did.
Next is Paradise by Toni Morrison GREAT book, this one has so many twists and turns you come out not know which was is up, but feeling very complete. This is one of the few Toni Morrison books I dig.
After that is a series of books by Ken Follett, my Dad’s favorite author. We have World Without End, The Pillars of the Earth (my families favorite, one year for his birthday I sent my dad’s first edition to Ken Follett and he signed it!), and up above The Key to Rebecca. I usually have a couple of these books around as detoxers because they are good reads when you just want something familiar and normal. I’ve been reading these books since high school.
Next is Drowning Ruth: A Novel by Christina Schwarz this was a very good book that my mom gave me, I think it was an Oprah book.
The Miss America Family by Julianna Baggott was a book I got because I thought it was going to be super funny, but it had a funny twist in it all of the sudden where it got really dark and stayed that way. Still, a good read.
Next is Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, Richard Pevear, and Larissa Volokhonsky which took me almost 2 years, on and off to read. It was one that I would get overwhelmed with and then have to come back to, but when I finally got it done it felt great (even thought the book is pretty depressing)
I’m mildly obessed with Anderson Cooper, so of course I have his book Dispatches from the Edge: A Memoir of War, Disasters, and Survival and it really is a great and inspiring read. The biggest affirmation I pull away from it is “Follow your bliss” which I try to do.
Next is The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand and I’m not going to lie to you, I’ve tried a bunch of times to read this book and it just doesn’t click. Its way over my head. I keep it there and randomly try to read it again every couple of years, but so far, fail.
I have no idea what that next book is…it’s from my mom…I can’t even read the title to link it for you all…
After that No Angel by Penny Vincenzi which is a really good book and I really enjoyed it until seemingly happily married people started cheating on each other, then I didn’t care for it so much, but it came together nicely in the end, I just don’t care for reading about cheaters.
Next is The Children of Henry VIII by Alison Weir and if you haven’t noticed by now, I love reading historical bibliographies that delve into fictional territory. This is another one of those.
After that is The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America by Erik Larson which I just realized I’ve never finished…my dad really enjoyed this one and passed it on, and I remember liking the first couple of chapters I read, I should finish that…
Along the bottom is L’ara’s copy of Eclipse (The Twilight Saga, Book 3) by Stephenie Meyer and I have no idea what that is doing there at all *rips off “Team Edward” t-shirt* What?
Oh and there is one of my favorite pictures of my brother and I at the zoo a bajillion years ago. I have red hair and he looks like a normal kid, pre his piercings.
The right hand side:
Starting in the middle with the red book that looks like an old book:
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón and Lucia Graves this is a really good book that had a really well written mystery that had me so wrapped up I jumped to the end to see who the killer was! I couldn’t stand it! It also paints a lovely picture of Spain.
Up next is Peony in Love: A Novel and Snow Flower and the Secret Fan: A Novel by Lisa See, I originally read Snow Flower which I picked up in the bargain bin, since reading Memoirs of a Geisha I’ve loved books about Historical Asia, I loved it so much I bought another one by the author, Peony in love. I couldn’t tell you which I like better, they are both REALLY good.
Two more of Seth’s books: Harvey Penick's Little Red Book: Lessons and Teachings from a Lifetime in Golf and And If You Play Golf, You're My Friend: Furthur Reflections of a Grown Caddie by Harvey Penick and Bud Shrake which are books my parents gave Seth.
Next up is Holy Blood, Holy Grail Illustrated Edition: The Secret History of Jesus, the Shocking Legacy of the Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln which was a book of contention because they say it is where Dan Brown got his idea for The DaVinci Code from, and I had to see what the hubbub was about which leads us to our next books-
Angels & Demons - Movie Tie-In: A Novel and The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown both great books, lots of amazing twist and turns and there is so much more to it, every time you read it you discover something new, like did you know there is a secret code on the covers? I haven’t figured them out, I just read that online on his website.
The last one I have no idea, I think it’s a text book, but I’ll distract you by telling you about my cute little reed diffuser that I got from Target for a dollar, the smell is apples and cinnamon, a classic favorite of mine.
I’m just theme-ing it up today!
Just to keep in line with last week, here is this week’s “I admit”
-I admit I woke up with a sore throat and bright yellow snot and still came to work, its Mexican Food day, I would be here if I woke up missing an arm people.
-I admit I seriously thought about staying home with my husband today, until I remembered it was Mexican Food day at work.
-I admit that I hated planning my wedding, it made me a stressed, oversensitive person, who I didn’t like.
-I admit that I had a really fun time at my wedding when all was said and done.
-I admit I’m still not washing my hands in the bathroom, I was further scared by some woman who came out and blatantly she announced that she had peed on her hand accidently (WTF???!) and then TOUCHED THE TAPS to turn the water on. Yay! I touched those taps later to turn the water on in a hand washing fake out. Yeah, so not doing that anymore.
-I admit I promised my husband I would at least use that antibacterial gel.
-I admit I let Bags sharpen his nails on the carpet because I’m just glad he isn’t doing it on the furniture and we are going to replace that carpet anyway.
-I admit that the garden is starting to feel like its more work than is worth it.
-I admit I am so glad to be done sanding and staining stupid house stuff until JUNE!
-I admit I totally quit the fruit diet after I almost shat my pants on the way to work.
-I admit I had a granola bar and Doritos for breakfast.
Alright all! I’m off to Mexican Food day! Have a nice weekend!!