Friday, May 29, 2009

Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at.

Well hey there Friday! I’ve been waiting for you to get here FOREVER. Jebus, took your sweet friggin time, didn’t you?

Weekend Plans
This week in the exciting life of the Hellbusch’s-we are going to MOVIE IT UP HARDCORE! We have to (and I mean this, my marriage depends on me not backing out of this) watch the Terminator movies and then going to the Terminator movie and Angels and Demons. Since it will be 90+ degrees I’m secretly congratulating myself on this brilliant plan to stay cool.
Other than that we are just trying to finish up the doors and working on the garden, which is starting to be the new succubus of my LIFE. Does anyone know about any Organic Co-ops in Omaha? I read on Joshilyn Jackson’s blog that she joined one in Atlanta and it sounds divine. Clue me in, because it would be totally worth it to pay 30 bucks and get fresh veggies every week. Or I could just go to my mom’s church because they do a veggie exchange.

Willow-bird hunter
Yesterday Willow caught a bird. I mean really caught it. A couple weeks ago she took a flying leap off the deck and caught one mid air, but it spooked her and was gone by the time she hit the ground. Yesterday this stupid bird didn’t fly away fast enough, even though Willow was clearly coming for it (Willow is the worst hunter ever, she squawks the entire time she is trying to sneak up on her prey) and Seth was trying to shoo it away. It just sat there and Willow caught it. And then I screamed and the bird screamed and crapped everywhere and Willow was covered in bird crap. Seth got her off the bird and it flew away, but it was the third time the cats have traumatized me with their stupid “natural instincts” and the nature in the yard. I’m okay if they get big bunnies, but when they get those baby bunnies I turn into a big pile of screaming goo.

And I’m gross
So there is a tootsie roll wedged under my wall of my cubicle. I have no idea how long it has been there (it was there when I came) and everyday it sits there and mocks me and makes me want a tootsie roll so bad I almost reach under the wall and get it out and eat it. That is like the sickest thing ever-right?

God I wish Auditions were over already. I got so mad last night because they had this guy I just LOVED and they didn’t put him thru because he was too young. He was 17! Allison Iraheta was 16 on American Idol, so WTF people? He was stunning! Last night’s guest judges were Adam Shankman-who after reading his wiki article (I linked it for you) I learned that my preconceived notion of him being a washed up Broadway choreographer like he was in my head. Actually he has directed some movies I really loved! Also was the lovely Mia Michaels, who I used to hate, but who has really grown on me the past couple of years. She won an Emmy for the bench routine (Calling You) with Travis and Heidi-did you know that? Her stuff always makes me cry.

So I’m watching house, and reading the episode descriptions on Wikipedia. It’s a great show, don’t get me wrong, but I’m watching like the end of season 3, and I’ve already missed so much. But I agree with Pam, even if I know the whole plot line-the quips by House himself are worth continuing to watch it. Unlike Lost, which after I read all the episodes on Wiki, I quit watching.

New Book!
So I’m reading this book: Dark Angels and I LOVE it. I am now no longer scheming to get Seth to not go to Bachelor’s Camp (Cheeto’s camping weekend bachelor’s party) because I’m going to stay in bed all weekend and read that book!

I’m outtie
I miss that phrase…sigh. Alright I’m off to try and trudge thru the workday.

Love (good new books!),


  1. So are you going to go to one movie, then sneak into the next? Two for the price of one??

  2. Haha like I could EVER be brave enough to do that. I pee my pants if I even come close to running a red light!

  3. That must be my tootsie roll!! Always wondered what happened to it. : ) ~Jen


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