Welcome to Tuesday!
I’m leaving work early today so I thought I would try and get this out as soon as I could.
Yesterday I literally wanted to die because of my allergies. My nose was all stuffed up and I was sneezing constantly and my head hurt from all the sinus pressure. I barely made it home. The only thing that makes me feel better is a bath and about 4 Benadryl. Of course that just knocked me right out and put me to sleep. I was going to work out with Seth and stay true to my commitments for this week, but alas, death and Benadryl got a hold of me and I slept thru the workout portion of the evening. But that’s okay because Seth looked really hot and sweaty and I know I would have been miserable.
Things are a little better today, but it really did hit me out of nowhere yesterday and got bad real fast, so I imagine it could happen again today because the weather is about the same and the wind is blowing just as hard.
Carrie Carrie quite contrary…
My garden is GROWING! The cucumbers are poised to make a comeback. The new plants, oh wait, I forgot to tell you about the new plants! Okay so we decided since we have a metric ton of onion and tomato plants we are going to make salsa for everyone this year. I have to ask Janet to teach me how to can, I’m sure she has all the stuff. So we went to Walmart to get a new watermelon plant and we also picked up jalapenos and sweet banana peppers. We planted them by the other bush plants (the cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and red cabbage) and they seemed to have taken up well. Seth got some Miracle Grow sticks that you put next to the plant and it looks like they are really helping. I was worried about our soil because it wasn’t the greatest, next year we are going to have to mix in some fertilizer or something.
Anywhoo-yay for gardens!
She’s rockin’ that thing like…
Have I mentioned SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE starts this week? If not, it is. And you should DVR it, fall in love, come here and talk about it with me. Because it’s awesome. And the first live show is going to be choreographed by Shane Sparks, Mia Michaels, and Wade Robinson. Who are like my top three choreographers-so it’s going to be great. The audition rounds happen first, then they go to Vegas, and then the live show starts. I don’t really like audition rounds on any show, mostly because I like people and then they get cut Vegas week. One of my favorite dancers though, Joshua, I loved from the moment I saw him in auditions. Anyway-I could ramble for hours, because I haven’t even mentioned my love of the host, Cat Deely, a British lady who is beautiful, and sometimes wears the most hilarious outfits. Pam and I have had a marathon of fun with that. But I have to warn you, if you watch it with me, and I get sauced, I may attempt to reenact routines with you. Ask Pam about the time we pulled off a running lift from the Ivan and Allison days. It was magical. So watch, and rock your thang like…oooo ooo ooo ooo. (Seriously have you heard that song? It’s a good one)
And I’m out.
Alright peeps. I’m going to catch up on my blogs and tv news and help L’ara plan a Country Themed Wedding for her friend.
Love (for this day to be better than yesterday),
my allergies have been really bad too; i hate it. i keep sneezing and my throat is sore. no bueno.