Wednesday…that's a fun one to spell. I always sound it out while I spell it Wed-nes -day. Too bad it isn't Thursday and this is my last day of work this week. Boo not owning a time machine…
Succubus Garden
I thought I'd start with a garden update, mostly because I spent an hour last night in it weeding with Seth. I say weeding but really I was pulling super tall grass, I don't think grass counts as a weed does it, more like a pain. And I say I was helping Seth but he did most of the work, I pulled the grass from in between plants rows, like the grass that sprung up in the row of garlic. But! Excitement all around because I got a handful of big long green beans and I saw the pepper plant has a pepper (okay Seth saw it first, I did the whole, Really? Where? I just looked!) and the cucumber has a big phallic fruit growing and a bunch of tiny ones getting ready to get big and phallic. Right now they are more pinky shaped. I'm SUPER excited for my tomatoes though, there are DOZENS of them. When will they turn red?? The roma ones are funny shaped and I kind of love them. Anyway that's what's up in garden land at the Hellbusch house.
Last night I didn't watch much off the DVR even though I said I really needed to. The Soup was a repeat, we watched an old Big Bang Theory (we are late to the game on this show, but it's hilarious) and I watched another 15 minutes of the Closer. Then Seth and I watched the Numb3rs season finale and that was really good but it was funny because a commercial came on for Terminator Salvation and we forgot the Numb3rs season finale taped way back in May so we were like "Huh?" Anyway it was a pretty good episode, but not really something monumental I would encourage you to watch unless you were into shows about math and the FBI, that's more of a personal thing. I also watched about 5 episodes of House. I have this thing, if I borrow your DVD's, I try to watch them and get them back to you as soon as I can, one because I like to be caught up so we can talk about them and two because I get anal retentive with people who borrow my DVD's and keep them forever. (I'm looking at you IN LAWS!!!) I should really chill out on that because it's not like I'm sitting at home watching them.
Fitness TV OnDemand
Is killing me. No really. I'm STILL sore from Bootylicious Buns and last night we did "rockstar abs" or something ridiculous titled program like that with Kendall the black guy who WOULD NOT CUT YOU A BREAK. He made us do crunches during our rest period! Jerk. And he said really condescending things like-You can't just get abs by crunches, you need to do cardio and diet too-you have to burn the fat that's over the abs you are building. Or NO EXCUSES! I hate that one, I do have an excuse Kendall-my excuse is ab works makes me have to fart, which my husband hates so I'm clenching here and Willow the Wunderkitten always seems to know when we are doing workout videos and comes RUNNING to latch onto my foot while I'm trying to raise it in the air for scissor kicks. She also lays on her back when we have to lay on ours and wiggles next to us to get her belly rubbed. It was cute at first when we would joke about her doing Pilates with us and now she will swipe at you if you ignore her or EAT YOUR FEET because you are obviously swinging them around just to tease her. And inevitably, Bagheera gets bored upstairs and moseys his way down and he thinks it's a fun game too and his teeth and claws are sharper and he bites harder. So Kendell with the rock hard abs who can't be bothered to do this 10 minute exercise video with his shirt off to prove to us his stupid program works-I’m FULL OF EXCUSES.
Making lists
I'm currently trying to make the grocery list for this week and having to try and add the menu items ingredients I need. I don't know why I do it, it's fruitless. I have no idea what I have in back stock in the freezer and I probably will just buy everything I need at the store even if I do have it just because I don't want to take the time to defrost it.
TV tonite
Okay so I HAVE to finish The Closer and I have HawthoRNe's final strike on my DVR, it taped last night. And OF COURSE I have So You Think You Can Dance tonite!! Here are this week's spoilers for everyone courtesy of a poster on Television Without Pity:
Janette/Brandon - cha cha by Jean-Marc & France to "Hush Hush" by the Pussycat Dolls
Melissa/Ade - pas de deux by Thordal Christensen to Romeo and Juliet
Kayla/Kupono - jazz by Sonya
Randi/Evan - broadway by Joey Dowling
Caitlin/Jason - pop jazz by Brian Friedman to "Creator" by Santogold
Jeanine/Phillip - hip hop by Napoleon and Tabitha to "Love Lockdown" by Kanye
Karla/Vitolio - quickstep by Jean-Mark & France to "Puttin' on the Ritz"
Mia Michaels is the guest judge-WATCH OUT BRANDON!!!
Make sure you come back tomorrow to tell me what you think!!!
Mama shout outs!
I'd like to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to my POOR Mother who has been reading my blog at work but not commenting. She told me a while ago she couldn't read it at work, but now she can and has been-Ma you need to comment! My mom has had a pretty rough month, she got poison ivy, a spider bite from hell, and an upper respiratory infection. Also she had to look after the farm of animals in our family and sadly one, Sammy got put down. Also she's very lonely lately so I should hang out with her more, but driving is such a pain when you do it so much in a day that when I go home I want to stay home, but I really should suck it up and be a better daughter. So it's a new month Mom! You can only go up from here!!! I love you!!
Also it's Seth's Mom's birthday today. Happy Birthday Janet! I don't think you or anyone you know besides Seth reads my blog to tell you I gave you a shout out, but none the less-Happy Birthday!!
I'm outtie!
Alright peeps, we just have to get thru this day and one more! We can do it!!! Maybe. Hopefully. Look really I need a crystal ball or time machine or something-anyone got one?
Love (to know what the future holds),
This has got to be the longest 4 day week ever!