Hi Blog Readers!
Sorry I missed you yesterday, but I GOT A NEW CAR!!! Yay!!! *does dance* It's a Honda CRV 2007 EX-L. Fully loaded. It's white. I kind of love it a whole lot right now. I have XM radio for 2 months and I'm am awed and overwhelmed all at the same time. There are too many stations! Around 250!
Oh and there is a sun roof. Now let me tell you about sun roofs-I'm terrified of them. I'm afraid I'm going to be caught in the middle of a horrible hail storm and have it the glass above me shatter and cut into my brains. Luckily Kathy and Seth convinced me I could pull that little protective cover over to keep my brains from being shredded. The only time I like it now though is on cloudy days because it gets too hot when the sun is out. But I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. The best part is that Seth did all the leg work and I just showed up and signed papers. It was lovely and I have the best husband ever.
Yay Space!
This week (day?) is the 40th anniversary of the MOON LANDING! How friggin exciting is that? Also if you live in the Omaha area tonite something special is happing where you can see the space station…or something, I'm not sure, I heard the end of it on the radio this morning while I was switching around the XM and the radio.
Not too much to report here, we watched Burn Notice, Design Star, Kendra, Law and Order: CI, The Closer, and lots of Kings. I loved all of them. I'm especially excited that Design Star is back, I forgot what a clusterfuck this show can be. Did anyone else watch it? I don’t have any front runners yet, but it is early.
I'm excited because I have lots of good stuff on my DVR for tonite, the Torchwood mini series, Intervention and Obessesed. Yay!
Sorry this is so short, but I missed work yesterday so I have to catch up today! Maybe more tomorrow!
Love (rainy cloudy days off),
SYTYCD is coming to the Qwest! Tickets go on sale Saturday!