Huzzah! It’s Friday!
It was so hard for me to get out of bed this morning! I really considered sleeping in and coming in late, but then I figured to just get it over with.
Since I was here late last night-I get to go home early today, so that’s a good incentive to get things started too.
Last night
Like I said, I was at work late and so was Seth. He stayed at work until 7. When I got home Chet was at the house and I was super grumpy and tired. I found out Willow had broken one of my favorite votives which I have no idea where I got it from, but it was destroyed and since it was a big heavy piece, on its way down it took out one of my inherited pumpkin decorations from my dead grandma. So that wasn’t exactly the best thing to come home to, and even though Chet cleaned it up-I was still pretty grumpy. I think he sensed that. I couldn’t take a nap since I missed my window (if I do it too late then I can’t sleep at night) and so I just stomped downstairs and watched Law and Order: SVU, Real World/Road Rules Challenge (WHY AM I WATCHING THIS!?!? Really, I don’t know), and Bones. Bones was pretty cute. Law and Order: SVU was a great episode. And again, I have no idea why I encourage those yahoo’s on RW/RR Challenge.
Seth came home and brought Qudoba so we ate that and watched Big Bang Theory. Then I turned on Grey’s and Chet left.
Grey’s was good, in my opinion, I liked the whole job scramble thing. But as a pregnant woman, I would appreciate not having storylines that scare the hell out of me. THEY CUT OFF A BABY’s ARM DURING A C-SECTION!?!?! I closed my eyes for all of that. And for the record, that totally would have been an Addison job if she was still there. Why can’t they bring Addison back? I hate that she left. Anyway that was horrible and I’m pretending it didn’t happen. I think that next week’s episode is what they are setting up for to write Ellen Pompeo out for her maternity leave, which is kind of clever. I’ve got to head over and read the writers blog at and see what the inside scoop is. I also loved the baseball scene and the scene where Alex bring Izzie her meds and a banana and water. I cried a litle because it was so cute. Also I loved the scene where Derek was going around telling people he was sorry and they would be okay-what the Chief SHOULD have been doing-mighty fine set up, no? What did you all think? Oh my favorite part was probably the interaction in the cafeteria. That was pretty great.
This weekend
This weekend I am doing NOTHING and I am so excited. It’s so great. Okay that’s a lie I’m doing five things: relaxing on my couch under the duvet, watching the DVR, smooching and cuddling with Seth, making Fat Potato Fat Fat, and picking out some paint colors. The end. It’s going to be grand.
Bean Blog
That weird under the ribs pain/uncomfortableness is still there all though it’s moved lower. Stretching helps. Yesterday I did child’s pose in the middle of my cube on the gross, gross floor just to stretch it out. It felt really good so I got over the fact that I was dangerously close to the infamous toenail.
My stomach is getting wider horizontally. I noticed it yesterday in the bathroom mirror. My belly button also looks like it’s about a sneeze away from ripping open and spilling my guts out everywhere. I peed about every 45 second yesterday. And other than that, not much new in the world of Bean. On Saturday Bean will be 17 weeks old. Can we just get to November 22nd already when I will know what Bean’s sex is and Bean will be viable outside the womb?
Seth is really worried because his mom called yesterday and they have been swamped at the pharmacy with orders of Tamiflu for confirmed cases of Swine Flu. I haven’t got the swine flu shot yet. He keeps reminding me to use hand sanitizer and to not be around people, which isn’t hard in this neck of my job. It’s cute that he’s worried. He stayed up last night (because I assed out at 10:15) and read the pages I dog eared for him in the Parenting magazines. We need to figure out when UNMC’s next parenting classes are and talk to our doctor about when we should take them…
Lovely weather
It’s overcast, dreary, cold, blustery, and rainy. My favorite. I wish I was at home with my hot tea, under the duvet, snuggling with a good book and a kidten. I love it. I plan on taking full advantage of it today when I leave early. Hopefully Seth can leave early too and we can have a little extra weekend. This is one of my favorite seasons. Listening to the wind shake the dried out leaves on the trees as they try to hang on for one last day. When they fail, hearing those leaves scrape across the concrete. Listening to Matt Nathanson, Howie Day, Ferras, Adele, Duffy, and my other dreary day mopey music on my way home from work. Not having to shut the blinds on my work windows and staring at the lovely full grey clouds. Oh I love it! Just wait until winter and hot chocolate season. I’m addicted to gas station hot chocolate. I can’t explain it. It just happens.
Carrie-on Baggage’s favorite writer (who we stalk relentlessly) has just gotten the cover design for her new book-Backseat Saints. Go HERE to revel in its glory I am so friggin excited I can’t even tell you. I may try to convince Seth to let me order a signed copy from the place she uses on her website. It’s a local bookstore. It will be more expensive but since I already have ONE signed copy in my collection now, I mean really, why neglect the others? I have no idea when it’s coming out, but it is NOT SOON ENOUGH!
Oh my Lover-lies
Okay so I have a lot of work to accomplish before 2:30. So I’m going to put my head down and do that. And occasionally check my Carrieberry to see if any of you have commented or to make sure Kathy is still alive. I also will be obsessively checking my work email, because that’s what I do. Oh and my blog roll. And google reader-did you know they cancelled the Lady GaGa and Kanye West tour?? No really I’m leaving now. Wait before I go, can we put reevaluate the concept of a separate island for annoying stupid people? Like Britain did with Australia? So far I have the Gossliens, the Hiltons, the Kardashians, Octo-mom, and everyone from MTV and the Hills on that list. Any others?
Love (Friday’s with perfect weather),
the part that made me cry was when izzie couldn't handle the wig anymore because she was sweating during surgery, so she sacrificed it to work on the patient longer. it humbled me substantially, and so i cried. i love alex and izzie - i've mentioned this. do you think they're going to cut lexie next round? she'll do something stupid like spill blood again??
ReplyDeleteI watch RW/RR too. It's the only MTV show I watch anymore. I don't know why either. It's infuriating how shallow and evil those people can be, and you know it's encouraged. But I think I've seen nearly every challenge. I guess it makes me feel better about myself knowing that those people may be hot, but they're total losers. :-p