Morning blog world! Happy Friday! Or at least that’s what I’m trying to make it for you…
I actually watched Grey’s on time this week! So we can discuss it today! Yay! See I’m already making your day.
First off the stuff with Callie and Arizona and Callie’s Dad? Love. Ridiculously Love. Also in the love category-Christina’s breakdown, the new competitive edge to the show’s story, the firing of Izzie, and the two new pretty Mercy West Residents, who I know from other shows but can’t place and it’s driving me bananas (The girl with the giant eyes who looks like a Bratz Doll and the dude with the shockingly blue eyes).
Things I did not like: Lexie and her compeative residents storyline, Alex puts it all on the line to get stomped on by Izzie again (especially after the last two weeks of the lovey dovey stuff that made me squishy), fake George, Meredith’s weird position of team leader rally cry, not enough Bailey (all though what there was I enjoyed), and the rumor I heard that someone gets fired again next week too. I don’t like them breaking up the Fab Five (as they were originally called by Grey’s junkie’s until George died and now they are the Fab Four) and shifting things around. I want to go back to see them growing in their skills as a surgeon. I also fear they will bring back Burke and mess with Christina and Hunt.
What did you all think?
In other TV watching
We watched Big Bang Theory (hilarious, as always) and I watched Law and Order: SVU. It was a pretty decent episode and I’m glad they finally got rid of that evil DA who grated my nerves (and Stabler’s too). I thought the storyline with the “I was drunk” defense was a good one, I didn’t know that it really wasn’t a defense if you commit a crime and black out and don’t remember doing it. That’s one for the memory banks.
TV to be watched
We are still a week behind in Dollhouse and Numbers. We also have a Castle and a Criminal Minds that I’m dying to watch. Top Chef and Destination Truth both are on there too. Ugly Betty starts tonite but I’m kind of over that show and it’s a 2 hour premiere and I’m hoping they have it on MyPrimeTime because I don’t have the space for it. Friday is a super busy recording night for us.
Do you ever miss days of combo’s you like, like remember ages ago when NBC dominated Thursday nights with Friends, Will and Grace, and like two other comedy shows and then ER? Those were the days. There used to be a combo with Grey’s I liked, it was like Ugly Betty, something, Grey’s, but they dumped that a while ago and I can’t even remember what it was. And NBC used to do a Chuck, something, Heroes combo that was really good but they messed that all up.
This weekend
So I did some “Carrie Math” and decided that coming in Saturday wouldn’t outweigh the gas money I would spend getting out here and back. Just to make up some hours. I will see how I feel Saturday and might try to sleep in and come in, but right now I’m not feeling it. Somehow, I convinced Seth that my math was correct and he agrees that if I work overtime next week, when I’m already here for an 8 hour day, then it is smarter to not come in on Saturday. In his defense though-he did have a math fried brain from two days of math straight and he also did something weird to his elbow that he’s going to try and go to the doctor for today-but he’s in a lot of pain. So I got him at a weak moment when he didn’t really want to argue.
So tonite Jesse is coming back over to finish up the windows and the closet in the baby’s room and the cabinet in the bathroom so hopefully I can have my toilet put back on and reclaim my bathtub. I told Jesse that I would make steaks and mashed potatoes (his favorite) and he said he would bring the beer for Seth and himself. If we get that done we can clear out the baby’s room and steam clean it overnight and then go get the crib tomorrow afternoon. Fingers crossed!
That’s about all I have planned, I know the remodel is going to take up most of the weekend and I’ll just be trying to stay out of the way.
Seth had asked me what I was going to do INSTEAD of going to work on Saturday. And I was all, I have lots to do! “Sleep…um…” and then he laughed at me and told me he thought so. I don’t like to think I’m THAT predictable.
We haven’t talked about books in a while, that’s because I was all wrapped up in two books when my Dan Brown book came and then I dumped them like leftovers at a restaurant and gobbled up my Dan Brown book instead. I read a book called Matters of Chance which I thought was a lovely little life story of a family, I must have been in a mood because I passed it on to my mom with high praises and she was all like, why did you like this book? I finally finished The Saffron Kitchen, which was really good. Then I read this one called The Time it Takes to Fall, which was AMAZING because it was all about a girl growing up in Florida during the height of NASA’s space exploration (it starts with the beginning of the shuttle missions and ends with the Challenger mission) and her Dad works for NASA and it was just this really neat introspective into a lifestyle that I never knew existed, I mean sometimes I forget real people work at NASA. Real people build the rockets and have families and live lives. It’s kind of like nuclear power, most people just think Homer Simpsons sits up here (we do have a guy who looks scarily like Homer, and he’s about as dumb as him too) and pushes buttons, but there is an entire culture of people who go from plant to plant to work and do maintenance. Basically working at the nuclear power plant is like working on a bunch of repair or maintenance projects. And there is like this group of nomad people who live from traveling from plant to plant to work on these scheduled projects. Companies like NPP count on them to come around and help when certain projects are being done, usually we have to power down the reactor to do this repair work-hence why most nuclear power plants have a outage at least once a year. Then tons of “contractors” who specialize in whatever we are doing come on site for like a month, do the work, get paid an obscene amount of money and go away to the next plant. The people, like me who work here are just a basic almost skeleton crew who run the day to day operations of the plant.
Whoa I just went into a way off course tangent. There is more there then you every wanted to know about Nuclear Power. Are you still awake?
Anyway that book was good and now I’m reading The Other Queen, Blue Afternoon, and Peel my Love like an Onion. All I’m having a little trouble starting, which tends to happen after I read a really good book, other books don’t compare.
Bean Blog (or whine)
My back hurts. Already, and I’ve only been sitting in this chair for an hour and a half. Also, I’m peeing more than I care to. The bathroom’s kind of a hike and I don’t want to be in there all day. Other than that, on Saturday Bean will be 19 weeks old and I’m pretty darn proud of it. Way to go Bean! Even with a loony mama you hung around, I promise things will get better. Minus that whole part where you have to come out of your little hiding place out of my very little hidey hole (or if you want, just hang out and we will see about having someone cut you out) either way, it won’t be pleasant for either of us. But other than that, you have some pretty great people out here who are dying to meet you, so they are worth the trip.
Auschwitz is on facebook? Something about that feels very, very wrong.
Carrie Cube
It is FREEZING in my office today. How do they expect me to work? First of all, I can hardly move I’m so cold. Second, the shivering is making me have to pee every five minutes-which I can do because the only thing keeping me warm is my hot tea. I wish I had my little heating pad right now, even though they say you can’t have them here. It’s so cold here a couple years ago people started bringing those mini heaters in and putting them under their desks, then the circuit breakers exploded with all the little heaters so they banned all form of heaters. Now I just sit here under blankets and pout. How ironic, a place built to provide energy can’t handle heaters on their power grid…
But really I’m too cold to work, I’m almost too cold to type this or cruise the net. Almost.
The guy next to me says working will warm me up. I’ll give it a try. You all have a good week and maybe I’ll be back later today!
Love (for this day to fly by),
so they signed izzie on for another season, so i don't think she's done messing with alex's head yet. damn. as for burke - i doubt it. i just don't think the writers are willing to forego that kind of drama from their audiences who were so offended by his f-bomb slur back in the day.
ReplyDeletei agree - i love the callie/arizona moment. and i loved her defense - it was a powerful one for certain and it was made so evidently clear that as christians we are not always holy and we will all make mistakes and that was the point of Jesus dying for our sins.
i really hope they don't cut you open, especially when you don't need it. but that's another topic we can talk about in more personal-supposed-to-be-work e-mails. :)