Monday, November 30, 2009
The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way.
Wednesday I got off work later than I had wanted. So I pulled into my house and my dad was there picking up the painting totes (we have totes of painting supplies that we pass around my family) so it was nice to see him before I left. Seth and I packed up and headed out, we got to Columbus around 5/6. As soon as we got there I crashed, my back and abs hurt from working for a full 8 hours and sitting in the car for about another 2. I went back into our bedroom and crashed and rested for a little while. When I got up we had dinner and hung out and caught up. I mostly laid on the couch like a beached whale and asked for random things so I didn’t have to get up. Janet let me use her Jacuzzi bathtub and I went to bed around 11. Everyone else stayed up until like 3.
Thursday we woke up around 11 (yeah, I slept a lot this weekend…) and helped get ready for Thanksgiving lunch. It took a while for the boys to get their butts in gear and showered so I about starved to death. We ate around 1 and I promptly fell into a food coma. I thought Seth would come wake me up in an hour but it turns out he didn’t and I woke up around 4 and was really confused. We celebrated our birthday’s (because Seth and I’s are close to holidays, we generally celebrate them with his family at the same time) and then took off back to Omaha. We got into Omaha around 7 and we proceeded to unpack and work on the game plan for Black Friday. Seth went out “scouting” around 9:30. Then he decided that he needed to go to bed. So he went to bed, and I sure tried but I had pretty much slept all day. So I finished my book “Prep” and tried to sleep. Seth got up at 2:30 and I got up with him. He left pretty quick. I didn’t have to leave until 3:30, but then he called and said there were already people at Target so I’d better go. I got to Target about 3.
Black Friday
Wow. That is something I don’t ever need to experience again. I don’t need to. That was a lifetime enough for me. First off, when I get there, I am alone. It’s cold. I’m totally unprepared for the fact that I’m going to be standing in line for 2 hours, and as the pregnant woman, trying not to think of what is going to happen when I have to pee. I park in front of the store and the line has already curved around the side. As I walk up, America’s finest high school students ever show up drunk and get in line right in front of me. Great. They are even less prepared than I. They are wearing t-shirts and pants with holes. They are cussing up a storm, (which I’m usually okay with, but when the topics include slutty girls in high school, I get a little prude) spitting constantly making a lovely ice sheet of spit on the ground (it’s 25 degrees) and calling everyone they know to come bring them blankets and coats and they will let them cut in line. Oh and smoking. Behind me is a guy who shows up and gets dressed while standing in line. He goes full out hunting gear on me. Even with a face mask and proceeds to read a book on his phone. Luckily, the teenagers from hell had moved up and I got a spot on a bench. Behind cameo guy was 2 Latina ladies and a 1 or 2 year old girl. They brought their daughter, in 25 degree weather, to stand in line for 2 hours. They plied her with Shakira “She Wolf” videos on their phones. I wondered what weird time warp I had stepped into. The hooligan kids were already talking about how much ass they were going to kick once they opened the doors and I started to fear for my child and I’s life. Seth called around 3:30 to tell me he had already failed out of his mission. (Turns out he was trying to get a laptop at Best Buy or Walmart for me, both which had lines forming at 9:30 the night before so I’m not sure what he was smoking.) He showed up at Target around 3:45 and I was SO HAPPY. I almost cried. I seriously thought about it for sure, but I was pretty cold. We sat on the bench and commented on the teenage wasteland ahead of us. The crowd got rowdy when they let three more stinky teenagers cut in front of them. I wasn’t worried because I was pretty sure those kids did not have enough money to buy a 450 dollar tv. Target people came out around 4:30 and gave us cute little shopping bags (which the teen nightmares promptly stuffed into some carts and declared “fucking gay”, so I got like 6 of them). Then people must have started standing up because the line started moving, amping everyone up. A lady came out and warned everyone about running and pushing and the brilliant youth of tomorrow pointed out she didn’t say anything about kicking or biting. So of course Seth goes into strong man mode. Long story short, we got the TV. In fact we got two of them. One for Cheeto and Whitney who showed up around 5 and realized the line was ungodly long and they may not get one. Of course though, we got them a lemon that they had to take back, and Seth still feels uber guilty about. So much so he went over there Saturday night and boxed it up and took it back for them. After we got the TV’s and split up with our coupons, we caused all of the machines to crash and had to wait forever for someone to ring us out while they tried to find a cash register that worked. We loaded the TV’s and I went back in for the board game I wanted. Then I waited in a super long line, which was completely unnecessary because it turned out it was a line that formed for one register and not the 20 others they had open. I jumped the line and we got out of there about 6. We dropped Seth’s truck off at my parents since we knew we would be there the next day and we went to the Menards in Bellevue, which opened at 6.
After trying to park for about 20 minutes (and ended up parking in a Famous Dave’s parking lot like a block away) we went into that madness. Menards, by far, was the craziest place we went. They had run out of carts and were giving people garbage cans (new ones) to put their stuff in. They had guys carrying the “hot items” around on their heads up and down the line (that went down the main aisle and curved back into the lumber section). I, thank God, brought my shopping bag in so we didn’t need a cart. I grabbed our little items and then stood in line because I knew it was going to be a wait. We got a mouse for my computer, a body pillow, some flashlight Seth wanted, and some presents for Seth’s family. Then Seth went off and got the soundbar we wanted and the DVD shelf. We waited in line about 1 ½ to 2 hours. There were some crazy scary people up in Menards. Gun cases and dog beds were on sale and people were FIGHTING over them. After that terror seen we went over to Walmart. This was around 8. By then everything was pretty much gone. We got the frames we wanted for Evie’s room, but not the sheets, or the Blu-ray’s. I got electronic catchphrase. We got out of there and I was starving. Seth decided that we needed to go to Toys R Us and get a present for Cody that was on sale. Lying Garmin told us there was one only 8 miles away. It did not account for 72nd and Dodge street traffic. An hour later I was at the scariest Toys R Us ever. Then because were near one, Seth wanted to go into Best Buy and tease me. I found like 600 Blu-Ray’s I wanted. But Seth was out of shopping mode so I pouted all the way home. We went home, around 10, got all the stuff in the house, ate something and I promptly passed out until 3. Seth wondered in around 11 after messing with his football stuff and slept with me.
Hold up
Okay I actually have to work this morning, so I’m going to postpone the rest of the weekend update until later today or tomorrow!
Love (to be back on holiday),
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.
I’m so glad its fake Friday and I don’t have to come to work the rest of the week. I know I don’t have much to complain about since I haven’t been at work that much as it is, but any uninterrupted time with family and friends I’ll take.
Last night
Last night Seth actually beat me home! When I got home I rested for a bit and watched Law and Order from last week and worked on Evie’s blanket (which because I’m using a smaller gauge hook it is taking FOREVER) then I came upstairs and made dinner because Seth was watching a video of the class he missed last week so he could do his homework.
A side story for you all. When I was in like…eleventh grade? Maybe…yeah it was eleventh grade. My parents went out of town back to the states for my grandparents 50th anniversary party. They took my brother. I didn’t go because I was a giant brat. So my parents arranged to have the youth group leaders stay with me. We decided to have a couple kids come over, and me, being the budding hostess, decided I would cook a lovely meal for everyone. It was after school and the people who were watching me weren’t home yet. They weren’t really watching me, more like checking in. Anyway I decided to make hamburgers, for the first time ever, on the grill. Now, you should know, that in Europe, we didn’t have a gas grill, oh no, we had a charcoal grill. So I called my Dad, long distance mind you, to ask how one operates a charcoal grill. He didn’t answer, so I went from memory. I knew my dad put the coals in, squirted lighter fluid, and then they flamed up. Usually at this point I went back into the house. So I get all frustrated because I can’t get the flame to stay up, it keeps going out. I went thru two bottles of lighter fluid. Finally my Dad called back and told me that I was a dork and what I was doing wrong. But in my defense, no one ever explained to me that the coals still put off heat without the fire. Next I went inside and worked with the hamburger, putting in the spices my dad told me to, and then shaping the hamburgers into little balls like I saw my dad do, putting them on a platter and taking them out to the grill and putting them on. And then I waited. My dad called back to see how I was doing and if I had burned the house down yet. I told him I was fine, but I didn’t know how to tell if the hamburgers were done. He said, if you flip them over you can tell. I was like, what are you talking about? They are balls. See in my vegetarian mind, hamburgers were like cookies. You shaped them into balls and they melted into their patty shape. Needless to say, the hamburgers weren’t very good and my family still makes fun of me to this day about it.
So knowing all that, I attempted to make Seth hamburgers in the frying pan like I’ve seen my mom and aunt do 100 times. It went just as bad. I officially cannot make hamburgers to save my life. However I do make a mean batch of baked French fries, which let’s face it, is way more important.
I watched So You Think You Can Dance. Here are my reactions.
Legacy & Kathryn: (Jazz: Sonya, Waltz: Jean Marc) loved them tonite. Legacy is really growing on me. Plus I love when Bboy’s cry, it is what made me fall in love with Joshua from season 4.
Ellenore & Ryan: (Lindy Hop: Karla Heiniey, Broadway: Spencer Liff) Both of these were okay, they didn’t really stand out for me, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were in the bottom 3.
Victor & Karen: (Argentine Tango: Tony Meredith & Melanie LaPatin, Hip Hop: Laurieann Gibson) another couple I didn’t care for. Again, wouldn’t surprise me if they were in the bottom 3.
Nathan & Mollee: (Can Can: Tyce, Hip Hop: Jamal Sims) I know these two have a huge tween following, but they seriously belong in the bottom 3. There was nothing redeeming about their dances, besides that the Can-Can was fun to see and learn about.
Russell & Noelle: (Contemporary: Tyce, Samba: Tony & Melanie) While you all know Russell is my favorite, I will be glad when he gets rid of Noelle. I think she is bringing him down. If they make it to the top 10. I have a feeling they will be in the bottom 3 because of Nathan and Molle’s tween following.
Ashleigh & Jakob (Cha Cha: Jean-Marc, Lyrical Jazz: Sonya) This couple has grown on me so much. I really loved them tonite too.
New Black Friday Plan
So last night Seth comes down the stairs and informs me that we are splitting up for Black Friday because my gift is a “hot item” and he thinks he needs to be at the store parking lot at 3:30 waiting to line up. This makes me crabby, but I really want that damn tv so I’m going to do it, but not without a lot of complaining. This means I have to get the TV and sucker someone into loading it into my car for me. I’m trying to decide if I can just walk up to the register and buy it and have someone bring it up and load it, or if I have to go all the way back to electronics. I’m sure I have to go all the way back. Yuck. Whatever my Christmas present is it better be freaking awesome because I would have just been satisfied with the dang TV.
Our holiday plans
So here’s how we are doing things in the Hellbusch household. Tonite when I get off work, I am going home. Seth will have all our stuff by the door and will load up the CRV and we will head to Columbus. Usually we have dinner with the family of pizza or something and celebrate my birthday. Janet makes me this amazing torte that I dream about. Then we will probably stay up late watching a movie or football and go to bed. Thursday morning we will wake up late and the boys will probably work out and I’ll keep Janet company in the kitchen and then we will have a Thanksgiving lunch. Then I will rudely lapse into a food coma instead of helping clean up like I do every year. I blame Janet, she makes food coma inducing food. Also I have the extra excuse of carrying the grandbaby this year. After that sometime before it gets dark, Seth and I will head home. We will either stay up all night (which would be fun but I’m not sure I could do it and not kill someone at Target) or we will go to bed early and wake up around 3. I will go to Target and Seth will go to whatever secret place he is going. I will hopefully get the TV and then maybe go back into Target if I am waiting for Seth and pick up these two board games I want that Target has for cheap. And look at their baby stuff. Or I will head over to Walmart with Seth’s list and get that over with so we can meet up and go to Menards.
Then we will come home and crash.
Saturday around noon we are having Soupsgiving at my Parents house and a birthday party for me. The soups that are being served are Mom’sGarlic (YUM), Jesse’s Tomato Basil (Yum), and Dad’s Chili. Dan and Kathy are bringing Chicken Noodle. I’m bringing Fat Potato Fat Fat I have frozen in bulk and some kind of dessert, maybe. Oh and my mom is making her famous Yankee Oatmeal Bread, which is the best. Then hopefully we will play one of my new games and open presents and head home.
Sunday I’m hoping we can put the Christmas stuff up and get that over with. And relax because trust, it will be a busy weekend. Seth has Monday off and I’m trying to convince him to take Tuesday off too because he’s at work right now and his vacation was supposed to start yesterday at noon. He needs to be done with that school project so that he can finish my bathroom!!
Oh did I mention?
Sunday is also my birthday. So I’m sure we will go out to dinner or something. Last year I had a big celebration and this year I just want to keep it low key.
My birthday present from my mom
My mom got me a “spa day” for my birthday and she scheduled my pregnancy massage at Lotus Massage Therapy. Which was one of the only places I could find that actively advertised their pregnancy massage services AND displayed their qualifications. And they gave me a coupon. So I’m pretty jazzed about that. My appointment is on the 12th of Dec. the day after Seth’s birthday. My mom and I are also getting our nails done and I’m getting a haircut, since I’m terrible at getting that done.
Have a lovely holiday weekend all!
I will try to update when I can, hopefully with pictures of me and my successful Black Friday experience and of my holidays. I hope you all are blessed with family and friends to celebrate with.
Love (Thanksgiving excitement),
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Most people would like to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch.
I’m a little late on the uptake this morning because I had some ab pain so I had to wait until it subsided and I could do my stretches and sit up right.
But I’m here now!
Last night
Last night on my way home Seth called in a blind panic because he couldn’t find his wallet. He was headed home because he thought maybe he didn’t put it in his pocket in the morning (which I found really hard to believe because it’s part of his morning routine). Of course it wasn’t there. Which meant that he lost it somewhere at work. I started trying to figure out what was in his wallet and what we would need to cancel. I was all sad because it probably meant that we couldn’t go Black Friday shopping because we wouldn’t get our cards in time. So then I was trying to figure out how much money I could take out before our cards got cancelled. Luckily, someone had found it that he was working with and had thought it was his own wallet but then at the end of the day noticed it wasn’t and returned it. Phew!
After that fiasco I ate dinner and watched repeats of Grey’s because it was early. Then I laid flat on my back. Around 7:30 I decided to take a bath and get ready for bed. Seth came home around 9:30 and we went to bed. He should be getting out of work early today and starting his vacation, so I’m really excited for him. Even if his vacation will be spent working on his project.
Evelynn’s Blog
This is kind of a funny story. This morning while I was lying in bed watching Seth get ready, I was singing “Dancing Queen” to Evie because she was jamming around. Bagheera was on the bed with me and he would meow at me at certain parts of the song. Seth and I laughed that he was signing along with me and we were all singing to Evie. Then all of the sudden, around the third time I sang it, Bagheera ran up into my face and bopped my mouth. Like SHUT UP. Apparently he wasn’t singing, he was saying “Ow that hurts my ears”. Seth started laughing so hard he was crying. I was just sitting there in shock. Baggy went back down to his little nest on the bed and went back to sleep. He showed me. Haha.
Other than that, she has just been squirming like crazy. Last night she got the hiccups, and for the first time I felt them and knew what they were. Even Seth felt them and we laughed about it. When I used to read about how that could happen I was like how would you know? I know now, it’s a distinct feeling.
Black Friday
I’m starting to get nervous about Black Friday. I really want my TV! I’m all like excited and nervous about it. I had a nightmare about it last night. That I was waiting in line to pay and some kids got in a fight and came back and shot the clerk and other people and I just ran, but with the TV. That’s strange right? It gets weirder. I came back to pay for the TV and they had the suspects there and one of them was deaf and couldn’t understand what the officers were saying to her so I signed for her (I totally don’t know how to sign in real life) and then I was like her advocate and stuff. Crazy dreams.
Hmmm what else can I bore you with?
Oh I know! Pictures of my cats!
This is them cuddling yesterday
And this is Willow and Seth cuddling.
Shut up they are cute.
And she’s off!
Alright I’m going to plow thru some of this work. I’ll talk to you all later!
Love (dreary rainy days),
Monday, November 23, 2009
There's no secret about success. Did you ever know a successful man who didn't tell you about it?
I made it back to work today. I’m so proud of myself. It almost didn’t happen. I woke up at 4 with pain but took so Tylenol and told myself to relax and Seth held my hand and I did my stretches my mom sent me. So by 6 I was ready to go.
Then I almost hit a deer. When I called Seth to tell him I said it was like “Jersey deer” all over again, and then I smiled that I made a reference to our last vacation and he got it.
But I made it in and have been spending the morning catching up.
This weekend
Mostly this weekend I rested and stretched and tried to build up my stamina to work. I am blessed that it’s a short work week, but it is still a long work day. I found out that if I don’t come to work on Wednesday then I won’t get paid for the holidays at the end of the week, so I really need to be able to make that day for sure.
Friday Seth came home super late and I told him I needed a little time out of the house so we ran to the grocery store where I had to go lay in the car instead of helping him check out. Then he went and got Old Chicago nachos for us and it was delicious. Saturday I was determined to see my Grandpa since I had not seen him since all that stuff went down with him in the hospital (he is in hospice care now) I couldn’t see him because I didn’t have my H1N1, but I got it so I knew I needed to go. I also knew, that no matter how much pain I was in, I couldn’t postpone it another week. So Seth and I woke up early on Saturday, got in the car (with my mom) and drove down to Syracuse. We spent about an hour with my Mom’s parents before heading over to visit with Grandpa. Then we ate lunch with him (well we ate, sadistically we ate in front of him at his favorite place to eat, since he can’t eat anymore-awkward…) and then Seth and I took Mom to the thrift shop to see Grandma (who was at work) and then we headed home. I was in a lot of pain by the time we got home, so I laid in bed and Seth came and took a little nap with me and then worked on his project the rest of the night. I had mac and cheese for dinner. Seth had the ham that we got at a great price grocery shopping and that we had been cooking since 4. Sunday we woke up late and Seth got his football stuff together and took out the cat pan, we clipped the cats death talons and then we rested. Around 12 we went to Walmart so Seth could get a haircut. Seth picked out the yarn for Evelynn’s blanket that he wanted me to crotchet and when we got home I got started on that. It is so cute and soft! I can’t wait to wrap her up in it.
We watched football and Seth worked on school and I crotched, read the book Mom gave me called Prep: A Novel by Curtis Sittenfeld which is super good, and napped. I watched the AMA’s which was boring pretty much. They don’t give a lot of awards away at that, for being the “American Music Awards” it’s mostly about the performances, which weren’t anything breathtaking. I was excited to see Timbaland but then sad because he seemed drunk or something. I liked the new girl he was singing with though. I also have no words to describe what exactly happened with Adam Lambert or Lady GaGa. They should tour together.
Seth made me some pizza. Then I took a bath and we went to bed. We tried to get to bed early so I wouldn’t be tired and whiney in the morning, that tends to make my ab pain worse. We read the booklet about Labor and Delivery at UNMC that they sent us and had some good laughs about that.
Evelynn’s blog
Evelynn has been super active all weekend. She loves when I’m laying down. I also noticed that she has seemed to have developed a sense of balance or orientation in the past couple of days, because I’m a side switcher hardcore at night. If I get up to pee I have to change the side I’m sleeping on and I noticed when I do that she gets all squirmy and wiggle and feels like she’s flipping sides too.
Yesterday she was taking my breath away with her kicks. I told Seth that she was dancing to the music on the AMA’s.
Other than that, in an effort to make her room look a little better, I’ve started some crocheting blankets for her. Seth picked out the yarn because I was bedridden but the first blanket I’m doing in super small stitches is a corrugated pink and white yarn and the second one I’m doing is going to be two yarns together, pink and brown. He bought the baby yarn too. So I’ve been jazzed about working on those.
Black Friday
So it sounds like we will be mounting up the troops and tackling Black Friday this year. Bright and early. I’m doing it for a TV ya’ll. Seriously. I might have to throw some weight around, but I’ll be at Target at 4 am to stand in line for my upstairs TV. Seth has to drop me off because he has to go to a different store to get my Christmas present. We also want to go to Walmart and Menards for sure. I might take pictures for you all and document the trauma I expirence.
You have a pretty vagina.
Seth’s muscle magazine gave the advice in the “sex” section to readers that if they told a woman that she had a “pretty vagina” then women would have sex with them. Really? REALLY.
When Seth told me this I launched into a diatribe about how completely ridiculous that was and it was seriously like 45 minutes worth before he stopped me and told me he knew that and he told me to make me laugh. Obviously he should have lead with that statement.
Better catch up!
Okay friends, I’m going to catch up with the gobs of work I have, but I will try to be back later with more observations on being bed ridden and our holiday plans, if not today, then tomorrow for sure!
Love (to be a productive member of society again),
Friday, November 20, 2009
A taste for irony has kept more hearts from breaking than a sense of humor, for it takes irony to appreciate the joke which is on oneself.
I can't decide if I liked Grey's Anatomy last night. I did like the whole "holiday" vibe. It actually got me kind of excited for the holidays. But I'm not sure how to feel about some of the storyline developments. It was nice to see Hunt give Yang one of those hard core kisses that he gave her the first time we met him though!!
I've been wondering if Evelynn dreams when she sleeps. I asked Seth and he asked me what she would be dreaming about. I couldn't come up with anything good. What I do hope though, is that she isn't having some of the same strange dreams that I'm having. Good Lord. Two nights ago I dreamed a wildly inappropriate dream about Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap. And last night I dreamed that I was cooking this huge meal with Kathy in Home Depot and I would get mad when people would come by and try to eat from it. Also for some reason Willow was there and was making a ruckus and the Home Depot lady said if we didn't take her home then we had to go. And I was trying to figure out how to get all this food out of there. Strange.
I've been watching a lot of "True Life" on my bed rest. So far I've watched one about Steroids, one about homeless people, one about people who can't leave their boyfriends, and one about people with poor parents.
I also watched this really great HBO documentary on the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. (I'm not sure if I spelled that right...spell check has no idea what I'm talking about...) How did I not know this happened? It was really enlightening.
I also watched the X-files 2 movie which was strange and terrible. I thought I missed something. I wasn't sure what was going on. All of the sudden Mulder and Scully are sleeping together talking about their dead kid (again with the dead kids-Oy!) and then the case wasn't really X-file-y. Lame.
Basically I'm waiting for the Criminal Minds marathon to start. I mostly spend the first part of the day searching for marathons. I have yet to stumble across another Gangland marathon, which is probably a good thing.
Last night Seth went thru all the black friday ads I had found on the net and made a list of what he wants to get. I'm pretty excited that he's excited about it. I think we may get a new TV for upstairs-finally!
SYTYCD is ruining commercials for me. I just found myself watching that weird GAP commercial and wondering if any of the people were SYTYCD contestants and if any of the choreographers I know from the show may have choreographed it.
I officially want those reebok shoes that are supposed to make your butt and thighs look better. Since I have to wear tennis shoes everyday anyway, and I haven't gotten a new nice pair my sophomore year in college, I think it's time. Plus they are cute and pink. I'm sure they are hundreds of dollars though.
The kidtens are driving me cuckoo bananas today. They are fighting and whining and meowing at the top of their lungs for water. It's cute though, they have been trading off who has to sit with me all day. And they bring me cat toys. Old scary ones I haven't seen in forever. Like Willow's original favorite toy "mousey" that Bagheera ate the face off of. So it's like the scariest toy ever, especially when you take a little nap and wake up and right next to your face or in your hand.
This weekend Seth and I are going up to see my Grandpa since we finally had our flu shots. The car ride isn't too long and I can lay back for most of it. Also I need to start building my stamina up so I can go back to work on Monday. Other than that its another weekend of letting Seth work on his Masters project. I want to go to the thrift stores and look to see if there is anything that we can use for a armoire/closet for Evelynn's room. There is this store called Thrift America that usually has lots of furniture. We have been watching the baby consignment stores, but so far the most they in furniture are saucers and high chairs.
Okay friends, that's all the randomness that I have for today. Maybe I'll have more later, but I've hit my limit on sitting up for now!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Love (that Thanksgiving is almost here!),
Thursday, November 19, 2009
When dealing with the insane, the best method is to pretend to be sane.
I'm home again. Seth and I decided that it is better that I stay home and rest for the rest of the week. I kind of got a little worked up last night about the pain. Plus I can't really sit up straight. I can do it for about 20 minutes before the burning pain starts again.
Evelynn is doing great though, she is squirming around. Next to the cats, she is some of the best company I've had to today, I can't wait until she gets here.
I'm not surprised at all with who went home. Between Russell, Kevin, and Legacy one of the hip hoppers had to go. It's kind of like the tappers, it's time to start picking off the hip hoppers.
Castle was really great the other night. I really enjoyed it. That show has never let up.
Law and Order SVU
This show was also really great. It's scary to think that they could fabricate DNA evidence now.
Hmm what else?
What else can I talk about? Christmas is coming, that's stressful. Only because of the gift buying. I was talking to my mom about it and she told me that Jesus was the reason for the season. Ha. Touche Ma. Touche.
Okay well I'm sorry I'm boring at the moment. But I wanted to give the blog world a heads up and let you all know what was going on. Plus I've hit my sitting upright limit. I'll try to lay here and try to think about other witty things to tell you and sit up again visit you all.
Love (resting, but not daytime TV),
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I am the worst pregnant lady ever
I feel like a loser. Seth was having a super stressful running late morning. I was really trying to work a full week this week! But hopefully I can make up for some of it later this week. When it comes down to it though, I'm not willing to risk her health...
So's just me and the cats hanging out. My mom is supposed to stop by tonite and hang out and look closer at Evelynn's room.
FYI most of day time tv sucks.
Although the ads for the shoes that make your butt and thighs look better I've seen so many times I'm almost sold.
Other than that...I don't have much to report. Hopefully tomorrow I will be back on my game!
Love (to have a normal day in pregnancy),
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk?
Last night
I was so boring last night I don’t even want to tell you guys about it. I literally came home, lysoled the heck out of the bedroom, changed the sheets, and collapsed on the couch and slept until like 8 or 9. Then I took a bath and went to bed. Seriously, I’m a rockstar.
Evelynn’s Blog
Evelynn spent all of yesterday dancing with herself ala 80’s. She was pretty active. She’s been quiet most of the day, but I’ve only been awake for like 2 hours so…
I read yesterday that I should start being able to see her kick visibly on my stomach. So last night on our way to bed, after my bath, Seth and I both laid and watched my stomach for her kicks. Seth thinks it looks more like my stomach reacting to her kicks, like twitching, but it was still cool to watch and share that moment with Seth.
Thanks Google Reader Recommendations?
So Google has this new “recommendations” section in their google reader. It’s been pretty good and I’ve added some fun new blogs. But yesterday’s recommendations were all people with dead babies. What the hell google reader? Then on top of that, my cousin started a blog about being a surrogate and the family she is carrying for told a story about how she delivered at 28 weeks and how horrible it was but at least the baby survived in that story. The freaking internet is out to get me and up my anxiety meds dosage.
I was going to tell you a story
About the first time I got drunk, but age combined with pregnancy brain, I honestly can’t remember. I can tell you the last time I got drunk. July 4th, 2009. Why do I know this? Because a day later, I found out I was pregnant. Have I told this story? Well I need to fill space so here you go.
Seth and I were at the last chance saloon as far as conceiving naturally. As soon as I got my period this month, we would start the IUI process. I was pretty down about it. We decided to throw a super huge July 4th party. Complete with my over abundance of food, Seth’s second foray into rib making, and lots of fireworks. I also decided to drink, which is REALLY REALLY rare for me. But like I said, I was little depressed, and waiting on my impending period that was due to show up any second that weekend. In weeks earlier, Seth and I made several practice runs at rib making. I invited people from work to come to our party. Seth and I spent a completely sick amount of money on food and fireworks. I also bought special plates and cups and had my Dad bring our fest table over so everyone had a place to eat. We had YARD GAMES people.
The day of the party came and my parents, my brother, and my cousin showed up. We had invited pretty much everyone we knew. Later in the evening one person from work and his girlfriend showed up, and brought “River water”. I declared the party an utter failure and proceeded to get canned. I woke up the next morning with a torn shirt (that I had bought special for the party) and firework burns on my back (apparently I challenged my brother to a dance off in the middle of the street. My performance involved cartwheels with fireworks), and a wicked hangover. But no period. I was officially late. There wasn’t even the tale tale signs. Seth and I went to Walgreens and got a test. We knew from experience that the best time to take a pregnancy test is with your morning pee. So we waited until Monday morning at 6 am. We seriously couldn’t believe it. In fact I don’t think we did. We called our fertility clinic and arranged to have blood work done to confirm. Meanwhile, on my way to work I called my parents (at 6:30 am) and my mom started crying and my dad said “It’s a girl”. (how fortuitous is it that he was right?) I about burst with happiness. Seth remained cautious until about the third blood test. But anyway there is the story about how we found out we were pregnant and the last time I got drunk. The end.
So You Think You Can Dance
Hey! I’ll bet you would like some spoilers!! Here you go!
Kevin & Karen – Broadway – Spencer Liff
Ryan & Ellenore – Contemporary – Travis Wall
Nathan & Mollee – Pop Jazz – Laurieann Gibson
Russell & Noelle – Fox Trot – Eddie Simon
Legacy & Kathryn – Paso – Tony Meredith
Victor & Channing – Jazz – Tyce Diorio
Jakob & Ashleigh – Hip Hop – NappyTabs
Okay friends, I’d better work. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Love (to get paid to sleep and watch tv),
Monday, November 16, 2009
They certainly give very strange names to diseases.
Evelynn’s blog
I’m leading with this because by far the most exciting/revolting part of my weekend was the development of two new pregnancy symptoms. I guess I should tell you first that the H1N1 flu shot is trying to kill me and I feel pretty sick and run down. I also made the mistake of cleaning my house this weekend and flared up mine and Seth’s allergies by dusting. I’ll bet you money we have sinus infections right now. Anyway, the fun part of being sick is the constant sneezing I’ve been doing. And the new pregnancy symptom is that I pee my pants when I sneeze, unless I cross my legs and squeeze before I sneeze. But let’s face it, sometimes sneezes catch you off guard, like when you are squatting trying to find a pan in the back of the dark hole that is your pan cabinet. (seriously, whose stupid idea was it to put a really long dark scary cabinet for pans, in this day and age that is the best pan storage technology we can come up with? Bar hanging it from the ceiling, Ikea hasn’t come up with anything more revolutionary either) So I’m back to wearing pads, and now live in mortal fear of sneezing.
The second pregnancy symptom is night sweats. There is nothing like waking up soaking wet. And when you’re pregnant, you have to pee, a lot, all night. And with the induction of temperatures in the lower 30’s this weekend, that means I come back to a cold wet spot in bed, and I’m usually freezing from sitting on the toilet to pee. Pregnancy is fun everyone!
I was ranting at work this morning about all this and the lady at work looked at me and goes “Aww Evelynn is going to be an only child!”. She may be right.
In happier Evelynn news, we went to Walmart to get various things, it was one of those Walmart trips where you unintentionally buy half the store but it’s all stuff you always needed and got a great deal on (like my new bathroom hardware), and they were also trying to clear everything out for Christmas so everything that was on clearance was a dollar. Including cute little baby clothes, so I bought Evie four adorable little outfits. Even Seth was picking some out for her and telling me to put the other ones back, even when I was like “BUT THEY’RE A DOLLAR!” I’m pretty excited about them. And I don’t even care that she will probably fit into them for five seconds.
Seth and I finally got her room put totally together on Saturday night, my computer is back up (but not running, I didn’t have time or energy to try it) and the “office” portion of her room is organized and put away. I hung her new little outfits from a screen that I had and am putting in her room to block the office from Evelynn’s room. (Those of you who knew me in college, this is the Chinese cherry wood and paper screen that used to be behind my TV)
Kathy brought her an adorable pink hat with a metallic lip print on it yesterday. I kind of love those little hats. And Pam emailed to tell me she bought her a gift too. Evelynn is a spoiled girl already!
Weekend review
Let’s see what did we do this weekend? Friday I got my H1N1 shot, I came home and Seth was already home because he hit his 40 hours at work and got the heck out of there to work on his project. I think basically I let him work on that all night and I watched TV and stayed out of his hair. I wasn’t feeling so hot so we went to bed around 12, which is unusual for us on a weekend.
Saturday we woke up late and I knew I had to get Seth to run errands before he hunkered down with his project. Kathy was supposed to stop by sometime and I wanted to get them done before that. Then my Mom called and she needed help picking out a suit for work and I was starving so I changed all my plans and went out with her. I called Kathy and arranged for her and Dan to come to family dinner I was throwing Sunday instead and let Seth work on his project and watch football. Mom and I went to the California Pizza Kitchen which was really good and we had a great lunch. Then we picked out some suits for her at Talbots and she took me home. When I got home Seth and I went out and did our errands as quick as we could, we went to Sam’s, got gas, went to Walmart, and went to Target to get our prescriptions. Then I came home and made chocolate chip cookies and spinach artichoke dip. Around 9 we went and got Taco Bell (Cheesy Gordita Crunch’s are on sale-whooo hooo!!!) and a Diet Cherry Limeade from Sonic (Evelynn literally danced when I drank it) and we watched some TV. Seth and I opened the new crockpot (ours broke so we had to buy a new and now bigger one) and we made the Tex Mex Chicken for family dinner on Sunday.
Sunday we woke up and I finished cleaning the house and Seth took care of the cat pan in our dining room (I’m so grossed out with myself that I have to do this, but there is literally nowhere else to put it. I’m not putting in my bedroom and I’m definitely not putting it in Evie’s room. We have one downstairs, but my handicat never uses it because it’s a hassle for him to get down the stairs with his bum leg) and I started getting all the condiments put in fancy bowls. I had a nice thought while I was preparing this meal that Seth and I have such nice things and we were so lucky that people loved us so much at our wedding to give them to us. Everyone had shown up around 1 and we had a lovely meal. By 2:30 everyone had left and Seth and I cleaned up the kitchen and watched the end of the Bengals/Steelers game (GO BENGALS!! WOOO! I only love them because I watched “Hard Knocks” on HBO so I know all their sob stories) and decided a little nap was in order because I was starting to feel run down again. Then we accidently slept until 6. Whoops.
We woke up and Seth was feeling awful. So we vegged in front of the TV and I ate some dinner (Seth didn’t feel like it) and basically I took a bath and we went back to bed.
This morning I was terrified there was going to be snow and ice on the ground but the local area weathermen were right and it stayed south of us. I’m a terrible snow/ice driver. I love winter and all that snow and bad weather when I can stay home snuggled up with my man and kidtens and TV. So I was relieved that it hadn’t started yet, although I need to keep an eye on it because it’s supposed to. I also woke up and felt terrible and it’s getting worse as I sit here at work. If the pee sneezing starts I’m totally going home. I am trying to actually work a full week of work (I know, I know) but that flu shot weakened my immune system and I think a sinus infection creeped in.
Kathy bought me a bunch of fleece scarves at Old Navy and I’m wearing one today and I’m very glad for it because it is my official sneeze guard when I’m around people.
Off to catch up on blogs…I mean work
Okay I’m off to do…things. I hope you all have a Monday that flies by (at least that’s what I’m hoping for) and you are doing wonderful. Evelynn just did a little pirouette for you.
Love (to be feeling a little less deathy right now),
Friday, November 13, 2009
A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling.
H1N1 Vaccinated!
The ladies at the clinic were super super nice. They even gave Seth a shot. He was considered high risk too because he almost died of the flu four years ago, has asthma, and is living with a pregnant lady. We were talking to the nurses and we learned about a free program that our county does that has a registered nurse and breastfeeding specialist come into your home before and after the baby is born to help you out and make sure everything is going okay. I met the nurse who would come and she is really great and I kind of love her. I was pretty excited about it because I have like 6000 questions about breastfeeding and pumping. Pays to check out the free county services in your area!
This weekend
We really don’t have much on tap this weekend. Kathy is going to swing by to drop off some scarves she got me and see Evelynn’s room. My parents might be coming over Sunday for lunch. Mostly Seth is going to be working hard on his project and I’m going to be working hard on relaxing. Just the way it should be!
Last night
I was a good wife last night and stopped on my way home at Target to get our prescriptions filled. I also got a vat of coco butter lotion, the new Disney movie UP (with my 20 dollar gift card from Target for opening a registry, technically the movie is for Evie, so I used it for her), a container for my food at work to keep the mice from getting at it, and a new collar for Willow since she lost hers. When I came back to pick up the prescriptions, there was a huge mess. Seth was out of refills for his ProAir (his inhaler) and he’s been having trouble with the increased allergens in the air so he was pretty much out. They couldn’t read my doctor’s handwriting on my Zoloft so they gave me five pills to tied me over until they could contact my doctor. They could fill the heartburn medication with no problem, and the gel was over the counter so they just gave me my prescription back. I have to go back today to get Seth’s inhaler and the Zoloft. Nuts to that.
Then I had to stop at the post office and get stamps. Our local post office is majorly creepy so stopping there sucked. I was just waiting for someone to walk in with a gun. The line was super long and I was hoping they just had one of those credit card machines to get the book of stamps, but of course they didn’t so I had to wait in line. I got home and Seth went running and I started French Fries. Then I went downstairs to wait for them to cook and to watch the rest of Law and Order:SVU. Seth came back and I was just drained. He brought me dinner downstairs and that was super sweet. Then we watched Top Chef while waiting to get ahead in Grey’s.
Grey’s was SUPER GOOD I thought. I thought the revelation about the Chief was shocking and perfect for the storyline. I love when you find out that for many episodes now, the writers have been setting you up and will explain the weirdness that has been happening and causing you to question a character.
I hate that they are messing with Owen and Christina. Lame.
The Alex and Izzie stuff was good, but I’m totally on Alex’s side.
And as always, I love Bailey.
Oh and I love Kim Raver too, I’ve loved her since Third Watch. I’m glad to have her on here, I hope she stays a while.
And on the way home from work, I thought, wouldn’t it be great it Jon Bon Jovi was some kind of guest star? I’m going to officially request it on Shonda Rhimes twitter.
Evelynn’s blog
Evelynn is jumping and jiving today! She’s been active since about 7. (I got to sleep in this morning-YIPEE!!) It’s so nice to have her moving around in there. I have a lot of questions about who she is going to be, but my biggest question, one I think about DAILY is what color are her eyes and hair going to be? It’s like I can look at her sonogram picture all day, but what would really make her a person for me, is knowing that. I hope she has blue eyes and strawberry blond hair. There is a chance for that since my mom has blue eyes and Seth has blue eyes and I think his mom has blue eyes. Red hair also runs on both sides of our family. But seriously, it something that I like can’t stop thinking about and want to know so bad!
Other than that, she is 23 weeks tomorrow and growing like a weed! Kathy ordered the invites for the Jill/Jack shower she is throwing for Seth and I and I’m so excited to see them! They kind of inspired the theme we went with in Evelynn’s room.
I hung up the sonogram pictures of Evelynn (not the lady bits ones) in my cube at work and whenever she kicks I look at them and smile. I’m starting to dig this Mommy thing, it’s becoming less and less daunting every day.
Nap…uh I mean Work time!
Alright friends! I hope you have a fantastic weekend. If I can think of anything exciting to take pictures of, I will post them for you this weekend. But other wise I will see you all Monday-fingers crossed this flu shot doesn’t put me on my back all weekend like the last one did!!
Love (days that just feel good),
Friday the 13th post coming!
So come back and see me then!
Love (late starts to the day),
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Hey! Afternoon Randomness from Carrie
They cancelled Dollhouse, which I’m sure is a surprise to no one, not me, I tried to dump it a couple weeks ago. I’m sad for Joss Whedon. Buffy and Angel were his only series Fox ever gave him a chance on. Why does he keep going back to Fox? He needs to take his talent to a cable network.
I didn’t get an H1N1 shot, they are completely out. I’m supposed to call every Monday and Friday now to see if they have them. Lame. I have a sneaking suspicion that Seth will make me go stand in line at the Civic Center this Saturday and get one. There is a clinic in Blair today, but really don’t want to go to Blair. I’ve had an aversion to it since I moved away. Too many bad memories there of ex boyfriends and bad decisions. I feel sick to my stomach if I have to drive thru it. My mom’s friend suggested we call Douglas County and get an appointment. The other thing is, I’m not in a big hurry to get another shot. Veto, so if Seth thinks it’s that important, he can find one for me.
I’ve been getting the itch to go redhead again. Seth says no. Apparently last time I went redhead and it started to fade and then the horrible process of switching back to blond, I told Seth to shoot me if I ever say I want to go red again. I need to get into the world of wigs.
That Carrie Prejean chick is starting to get on my nerves, or at least the media giving her more attention is. The worst part is Perez Hilton, an adamant hater of her, feed the fire the most. If he really wanted to hurt her, he’d stop talking about her. Did you guys hear about her on Larry King Live last night? Jebus. Girl needs to get go away, I’m adding her to my list of celebrities that need to be shipped to an island and left there.
Apparently the surviving real life “Band of Brothers” the men who the book and amazing HBO mini series was based on are having a charity dinner in Omaha where you can meet them. Because one of them lives in Omaha, or something. Anyway I’m such a huge nerd I want to go. But tickets are 100 bucks. Trying to convince my husband to spend 200 bucks (because I can’t go alone) to meet some old soldiers I’m mildly obsessed with. (Usually in the winter, I watch the entire Band of Brother’s series at least once, and cry like a baby)
People keep stealing books from my library that I have to update. It really pisses me off more than I let on. Who steals books? The real kicker is everything that is in the library is available online and is guaranteed to be the most updated version of the procedure. But these dinosaur people refuse to go and get it from the website and instead steal my books and it drives me CRAZY.
I have a toe thumb on my right hand. It’s a thumb that looks like a toe. Everyone makes fun of it. I’ve learned to live with it. Recently, my toe thumb grew its thumb nail much faster and stronger than the rest of my nails. (the rest of my nails broke off in the last week leaving my toe thumb to look even bigger than it was) in the waiting room yesterday Seth told me it was gross. I had it in my mind that it drew less attention to the toe thumb because it made the thumb look taller. Plus it was fun to pick at things with the super long nail. Anyway point is this morning I came in and trimmed it down and now my toe thumb looks like an angry Marine from a comic strip or something. It looks like it got a crew cut. A bad crew cut. And now I can’t pick off pieces of tape on paper anymore.
I’m excited to watch Top Chef when I get home tonite because I heard it was a really good elimination challenge.
I also am excited to finish Law and Order: SVU because I started it while waiting for Seth to finish talking to his Mom and the first 15 minutes were super good. Elliot’s son goes missing. Man that kid has grown up, if you watch L&O:SVU on USA in some episodes he’s like 2.
My mom says if Sarah Palin gets elected as president she will move to Europe. Is it wrong I’m secretly hoping she does now so I can have an excuse to go to Europe and visit my parents?
We were supposed to get “special outage gifts” today and so I walked to another building to get it, and it was a freaking pen and sticker. In years past we have gotten food days, ice scrapers, gifts for our car. But no, it’s a pen. I was so excited, for a pen. Budget cutbacks indeed.
I hate wearing my rubber fingers at work because they make my hands smell like condoms. Also sometimes I forget to take it off to go the bathroom and that is a shock, let me tell you.
My husband is all into Black Friday sales this year. He is talking about getting a paper and everything. I should see what Babies R Us and the Baby Depot are doing in case I need to go get a stroller cheap or something. I don’t like Target’s strollers so I’m not going to put one on my registry.
I keep forgetting to get stamps and its totally pissing me off.
I think tonite I’m going to have French fries and asparagus with my Grey’s.
Oh look! Lunch time!! I’m off to eat lasagna.
Love (food),
The greatest mistake is trying to be more agreeable than you can be.
Hey there blog world! Happy Grey Day! I hope your Thursday goes by fast so you can rush home, get a fantastic dinner, and settle in to watch Grey’s. Okay that’s what I hope for myself anyway.
Evelynn’s a pistol
So we went to the doctor’s appointment yesterday. My daughter is trouble already. First she wasn’t moving around much in the afternoon so I had a mild panic attack. Then we went to the doctor’s office and lo and behold, we had to wait FOREVER. I realized I had the worst Cheese-it breath in the history of the world and dug thru my purse to find anything to counteract it. All I found were gummy worms. So I ate some of those, and guess who decided to join the waiting party? That’s right, Evelynn Ann. We finally got around to being seen by our doctor (who is fantastic even though she makes me wait forever) and for the first time the doctor pulled out the measuring tape to measure me. Then she told me that I was carrying this pregnancy really well and she couldn’t believe how big I wasn’t. Also, I only gained the requisite four pounds required and admissible by the doctor’s office, so I did not get scolded or told my weight in a judgy voice. Huzzah. But anyway, for the first time I got to be “taped”. I have no idea what I was because I was distracted by the fact that my daughter, very obviously, kicked the doctor for poking her. The doctor even reacted. Next we went over our test results for the down’s/ spina bifida thing and I tested negative so that was super. Then she read over the results of my ultrasound and declared mine and Evelynn’s progress as GREAT! I was pretty pleased with my life creating capabilities. My doctor also noticed the complete change in me and my attitude, indicating that the Zoloft was really helping. We decided to stick with the small dosage I was on, since that seemed to be working fine. Next we went to hear her heartbeat with the Doppler thingy. Of course, of course, Evelynn was a stubborn mule. She wiggled away from the Doppler, repeatedly kicked the Doppler wand and the doctor, and made it all but impossible to find her heartbeat. The doctor commented again on us having our hands full. We finally found it and she let us listen for about half a second before she squirmed around again to get away. Our doctor was rolling, I was trying not to have a complete meltdown.
The doctor also gave me a gel to put in my nose for the nosebleeds, but unfortunately, can do nothing for the headaches since its inflammation and I can’t take anything, like ibuprofen to help the inflammation. That information is not going to go over well with my boss. Hopefully since most of the harvesting is done around here and the weather is starting to cool off they will taper off.
I also asked the doctor if the burning band of ow under my boobs was Evelynn starting to squish all my parts into my chest and she was like, “uh no, that’s heartburn”. Never having heartburn before I had no idea. So I also got whatever the prescription for heartburn medicine is. Zantac or something? It will be nice to have it in the house since Seth is the king of heartburn.
Speaking of my boobs-HOLY HELL. I thought they were done expanding. I’m about out of my new bras I bought. I’ve had to go down to the last latch. Even Seth commented on how much bigger they had gotten in the last week. I’m like all boobs right now. I bet if I went into Victoria’s Secret to get measure they would say I’m a D cup easy. I always wondered what this life was like. Although, with the baby belly, they aren’t as fun as I want them to be. Don’t worry, I’ve been slathering lotion on them like it’s my job.
So anyway, long story short, Evelynn is doing great-but she is already trouble. My mom and I were talking and she had a whole bunch of my old baby clothes cleaned and she was like, should I bring them to you? And I was like no, knowing my luck, she will hate wearing clothes and take them off all the time and be naked, so you should probably keep some at your house for her. Or she will be an exploding goo baby and we will need lots of clothing changes.
What else I did last night
When we got home, I, in my glowing only four pounds glory, decided to go on a brisk walk with Seth before the sun went down. Holy Mac and Cheese. I about passed out. But I finished and I was super proud of myself. If it wasn’t getting colder I’d make a commitment to do that a lot. Since I can’t convince Seth to buy me a new TV in the living room, he’s promised to move my Denise Austin pregnancy workout video to the bedroom so I can do it. I finally find myself with enough energy to do things like that again.
After that Seth did some working from home and I watched Ghost Adventures, which is like the funniest creepiest ghost hunting show ever. Then we ate dinner and we watched HIMYM, Castle (OH LOVED) and Criminal Minds (I am really liking the new storyline of Morgan taking over for Hotch and last night’s episode/criminal mind squicked me out so much at one point I hid behind my blanket and vowed I would have nightmares).
While Seth was on the phone with his Mom, I fast forwarded thru SYTYCD to see who got kicked off. I have to say, I'm suprised at the guy. I was suprised at the bottom three, really. How were Mollee and Nathan not in that!?!?
When we started to shut down the basement for the night, I got an email from Amazon saying the new Bon Jovi CD was on sale (download only) for 4 bucks. So of course I ran upstairs and downloaded it and made copies for my friends. I mean, I made copies for my car.
Then I took a bath and we went to bed.
Now that is an evening worth talking about.
When you come to the end, stop.
Well since that’s about all I have for you at the moment, I’ll leave you to chew on this entry for a while. Maybe I’ll be back this afternoon if I get bored!
Love (when the weather gets colder),
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Reality is nothing but a collective hunch.
Doctor’s Appointment!
We have a doctor’s appointment today. I get to ask why my head explodes and my nose bleeds every other morning and then they will tell me its allergies. I also get to hear Evelynn’s heart beat-which is the best of all. The not fun part is peeing or “voiding” in a cup and getting weighed. I don’t mind gaining weight, but I mind the nurse and doctor’s judgey reaction to how much I have gained. Jerks. Seth says I’m imagining things. Whatever.
After the doctor’s appointment we have to go to the grocery store. Seth has today off of school because of Veteran’s day. I’m pretty excited about that. Partly because AGAIN last night Chet was over for homework help and hogged him all night. But also because it’s trash day and there is a TON of trash to drag to the curb, including Evelynn’s crib box, so I’m glad he will be home for that.
Last night
Last night like I said, Chet was over, so I basically hung out by myself. Willow escaped into the neighbor’s yard by clean jumping the fence and lost her collar so she’s not going out again for a while. She came right back when I called her and went hot tailed into the house because she knew she was in BIG TROUBLE. No one felt like cooking so Seth let me go get Jimmy John’s and fries from Runza. I messed up my sandwich because I NEVER go to Jimmy John’s, Seth always does it. So I pouted about that. I watched SYTYCD and here are my reactions:
Nathan & Mollee - Salsa – Terrible, they should be voted off, but probably won’t be because they have a huge fan base, if they were still letting they judges vote I bet Mollee for sure would be gone.
Ryan & Ellenore - Krump – Also terrible, I couldn’t even watch the whole thing. I fast forwarded. I don’t know if the outfits helped either. It made me sad because I love Ellenore.
Victor & Channing - Contemporary – I didn’t really like this either, something about Channing rubs me the wrong way. And her dress didn’t fit up top.
Peter & Pauline - Quickstep – I thought this was pretty good. I like Peter more than I liked Pauline. It kept me interested.
Russell & Noelle - Afro Jazz – Really good, but then, you know I love Russell
Kevin & Karen - Hustle – It was okay, I hate when they draw disco or hustle because it always seems so cheesy
Jakob & Ashleigh - Jazz – Really good, I really liked this one.
Legacy & Kathryn - Broadway – I liked Legacy a lot, but I agreed with the judges, Kathryn was kind of hard to watch.
After I watched that I came upstairs and helped Seth pay some bills online (including my hospital bill for the last blood test we had) and then got in the bath and went to bed. I was so excited to be going to bed early. Seth was all about it too. We are getting so old. Either that or we know the end of sleeping is coming.
Speaking of Evelynn Ann
Last night for the first time, I was wholly uncomfortable. And I noticed in the mirror, while getting into the bath, just how pregnant I’ve become. She is moving higher and higher and last night she was really testing her boundaries, pushing on the bottom of my lungs it felt like. I felt very round and huge. I’m pretty sure I waddled too. And my indigestion was a freaking nightmare. For some reason the only thing that helped was pressing my heating pad underneath my boobs. Then my heating pad died. Seth tried to fix it but I think I’m just going to have to suck it up and get a new one. She seems to understand that I’m a chronic worrier though, because every time I have a little panic in my head like, “is she okay in there?” she gives me a little movement and reassures me. Look she is already helping deal with her Mommy’s crazy.
Fairly Odd Mother
I just saw that as a comment on someone’s blog as their name and I want to steal it. Best Mommy name ever. It could be because I love the cartoon “Fairly Odd Parents”.
Speaking of cartoons
Do you remember the cartoon Doug? Or Rugrats? I can still sing the theme songs to those cartoons. They need a nick at night for old cartoons so I can watch them with my daughter. The new cartoons scare me. Especially the anime ones.
Last birthday
This year will be my last birthday as a not mommy. We are celebrating it with my family the day we celebrate Thanksgiving. We usually celebrate it with Seth’s family the day before we do Thanksgiving since we usually spend the night up there for that. I get a special cake and it is fantastic. Last year my DAD made me a birthday cake, which is pretty huge since I think it’s like the second time ever my Dad has made a cake. And he frosted it. And it was delicious.
I have no idea what anyone is getting me for my birthday or Christmas this year. I’ve requested some of the TV on DVD Seth wouldn’t let me buy like Heroes and Grey’s Anatomy, but I swear I put about 1000 DVD’s on my birthday/Christmas list ever year and the only person who gets me them are Pam and Jason because they understand deep down how ESTATIC it makes me to round out my TV on DVD collection. I’m hoping Seth’s family will get the hint as this is the fourth year I’ve had a list made up almost entirely of TV on DVD. I also figure this is the last year I will really get gifts of any substance. Next year all of people’s attention and gift giving majority will go to my daughter, which I’m totally fine with. I have NO idea what Seth is getting me. I thought he would let me go run wild at Books a million since I’ve been complaining that my stack of books is grossly depleted. But he seems to have something up his sleeve so I don’t know…
I complained earlier about how I didn’t want my last holiday season to be gifts for the baby, but since I’ve registered for her, I’ve changed my mind. I want to finish her room and sit in there and rock in her new chair and think about what it will be like when she’s here. Right now I have a empty crib which is kind of depressing.
What I’m reading
My mom just gave me this book to read, it is pretty good but a little wordy and quotes a lot of other books. A Year in the World: Journeys of A Passionate Traveller by Frances Mayes
I’ve also been reading some old Vanity Fairs that someone at work gave me, and I have to say, if I was going to get any magazine subscription these days, besides my Parenting magazines, I would totally get Vanity Fair. The articles are so well written and most of the magazine are these big articles that are really informative. Last week I read all about the terrorist attack on the Taj in India, which I knew nothing about. This was like their 9/11 and I was clueless about it.
Okay on with the show
I’m off to work! I’ll be back tomorrow with tales about the inappropriate things I said to my doctor and freaked her out with. Hopefully they will give me an H1N1 shot, otherwise I have a sneaking suspicion that Seth will make me stand in line at the Civic center all day Saturday to get one. Boo.
Have a great day all!
Love (hearing Evelynn’s little heartbeat),
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tuesday's blog part 2
Here are some things I forgot to tell you.
Evelynn and I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. I’m excited to hear our own doctor’s interpretation of the ultrasound.
I find the case of the serial rapist/killer in Cleveland absolutely fascinating. I check the news on it every day. I hope Criminal Minds does an episode based on it.
Speaking of Criminal Minds, this week Gavin Rossdale is on it as a goth guy and I’m super excited. Their guest stars always wow me. You should have seen Frankie Munz or Jason Alexander. *jaw drops*
I’m very saddened by what happened at Fort Hood. I have no words for it. As a military brat, you always thought and were told being on base was the safe place to be. It’s scary to think that’s not true anymore.
Lady GaGa’s videos scare me and enthrall me all at the same time. I can’t look away.
Is it wrong that I like football a little more now based on team uniforms and certain players? I’m going to be in a hell of a pickle next week when the Steelers play the Bengals. I like both of them, it will hard to root for someone.
Yesterday, while the new lady was delivering the issue, she asked me when I was due. That’s the first time that has happened, someone who didn’t really know me asked when I was due. When I told her she didn’t believe me because apparently I’m not showing that much. Sometimes I can hardly believe how far along I am myself, but for the opposite reasons. Early on, we could hardly believe each week we made it.
The new tire commercial were the Michelin Stay Puff Marshmallow Man pulls tires out of his stomach completely skeeves me out.
Here are some So You Think You Can Dance spoilers I’ve dug up from TWOP and SYTYCDISM:
Nathan & Mollee - Salsa - Gustavo Vargas?
Ryan & Ellenore - Krump - Lil' C
Victor & Channing - Contemporary - Stacey Tookey
Peter & Pauline - Quickstep - ?
Russell & Noelle - Afro Jazz - Sean Cheesman
Kevin & Karen - Hustle - Maria Torre
Jakob & Ashleigh - Jazz - Mandy Moore
Legacy & Kathryn - Broadway - Not Tyce Diorio
The GREAT routines (favorable marks by judges):
Russell & Noelle - Afro Jazz (Frog & Princess, sick!)
Jakob & Ashleigh - Jazz (Creative use of a cane prop, reminiscent of the mandy moore table routine)
The PRETTY GOOD routines:
Peter & Pauline - Quickstep (WWII soldier mesmorized by hula girl)
The OK routines:
Legacy & Kathryn - Broadway (they loved Legacy)
Victor & Channing - Contemporary (good technically, no chemistry)
Kevin & Karen - Hustle (he almost drops her at the end, haha)
The BAD routines (judges didn't like):
Nathan & Mollee - Salsa (they started off out of sync and it only got worse)
Ryan & Ellenore - Krump (neither could really let it all go & get dirty - I personally thought the routine was slow and boring as well)
I have a huge zit on the side of my head, right on my temple. I think it’s from my sleeping mask I wear at night. It hurts when I chew.
We have the show “V” on our DVR. We taped it as a Firefly fan shout out since Inara is the lead lady on V. We have yet to watch it. Seth sounds like he is in a stink mood so I’m sure he will just want to work out and work on his project for school.
Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day and I think it’s sad we don’t get it off. It seems wrong.
I stopped the madness that is watching Real World/Road Rules Challenge. I’m proud of myself.
I’m sad Destination Truth is on hiatus until January. That’s just mean. This whole midseason finale crap bugs. They did it with The Closer too. Jerks.
I asked for more work an hour ago and I’m still waiting. I’m not asking again.
Okay I’m going to go surf the web for Christmas presents for people. I wish I could do all my shopping online!
Love (for this day to be over already),
Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.
Last night
I came home from work late, because they didn’t get the issue out until like 3 and so updating took forever because it was a huge issue. I can’t remember if I’ve ever explained to you what I do so that sentence make sense, but I’m going to pretend I have so I don’t repeat myself, because I’m a chronic repeater.
Anyway, so I got home late and Chet was there because he did some yard work for us. And then he had some kind of math project. Seth was supposed to come home in between work and class and I was all excited to spend some quality time with him.
Except when I got home I was exhausted. And crabby. And Chet nagged me about the printer being out of paper. If you remember from yesterday, my office is in shambles and he wanted me to dig thru boxes to find him the printer paper. I finally relented because he went in there to do it himself and the thought of him tearing into things of mine almost put me in a mental breakdown so I begrudgingly went in there and sent him out to do stuff in the garden for Seth.
Then I did the dishes and started laundry-joy. Then Seth finally came home, but at that point I was laying in bed watching Grey’s Anatomy reruns on Lifetime. He decided to go for a run. So Seth went on a run and I laid in bed. When he came back we ate (I’m officially over nachos for a while by the way. I’ve eaten my fill of them.) and then he left for class.
I decided to take a bath and get in bed because I had nothing on the DVR to watch and I just brought laundry upstairs to fold. Chet was still working on his math project on the computer so I couldn’t dink around on the computer.
Then I fell asleep at 7:30. Because my life is that awesome. I woke up when Seth called on his way home from class about 9:15. Chet was gone. At some point he left, I’m not sure when, but I’m sure he came into the bedroom to tell me he was leaving and saw me assed out in bed-probably snoring. Nice of him not to wake me.
Seth came home and got me some ice cream and we watched the end of the Monday night football game-which was actually pretty entertaining and then went to bed.
Are you guys still reading? Because I know I fell asleep about halfway thru that.
Evelynn’s Blog
Evie loves the sound of Seth’s voice. It is the cutest thing ever. She does little dances while he is talking. Even if I put him on speaker phone. I’ve decided that she dances in there because if I say she’s kicking, it sounds so mean. Kicking is a violent act to do to someone. So I say she’s dancing. I’m excited to go to the doctor tomorrow and hear her heart and have her dance for the doctor when the doctor pushes on her WHICH SHE HATES.
Seth was cute last night and put his hand on her and talked to her and she would respond to him by wiggling or dancing or pushing up against his hand. Like it was a real conversation. It was fun. Little moments like that make this whole awful being pregnant thing worth it.
I’m at a standstill on her room until I have a shower. I do still need to get a crib mattress though. But that’s about as far as I can take it. Seth is talking about getting some wooden letter blocks that spell her name from Hobby Lobby and painting them and putting them up somewhere in her room. But he has about 300 projects ahead of that so we will see.
During Mad Men they were playing commercials for a show called “The Prisoner” with Ian McKellen among other famous people. It starts next Sunday where Mad Men was, so I’m excited to see if it is any good. I generally like things with Ian McKellen. He was HILARIOUS in Extras. I wish that show was still on. I might be able to persuade Seth to keep the HBO if it was!
Do you ever?
A lot of my old jobs have websites, and sometimes I stalk them to see what’s up with things. Am I the only person who does that?
I’ll end your misery now
Okay well I’d better get to work since I was late. I hope you all have a fantastic day. You probably all smell fantastic. I’m just guessing but you seem like people who would smell nice.
Love (for the weekend to be here already),
Monday, November 9, 2009
Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.
Return to the weekend
Friday I got off work and headed home. Seth was already at home because he got off at noon. He spent the afternoon in bed napping because he was so worn out from his stress week. He really needed it. Mom had called on my way home and asked if we wanted to come over for pizza, and of course I did. I got home and took a quick nap and then we headed over to their place. We had a lot of fun. Jesse was there too. We stayed there until about 9 I think and then went home and watched a little DVR.
Saturday morning Seth snuck out of bed and got me doughnuts and roses. It was the sweetest thing ever. It would have been sweeter if I hadn’t woken up before he came home and gotten upset that I didn’t know where he was. I woke up and it was just me and Bagheera in the bed. I asked him if Willow and Seth finally wised up and left us. Of course Seth forgot to take his phone so I had no way of figuring out where he was. But when he finally showed up with doughnuts I was pretty forgiving. And excited.
After that we worked on the house and finished up Evelynn’s room, as you saw, her crib is complete! My dad stopped by and got a DVD player we had for his shop and put on the bathroom cabinet doors and fixed some lights that were out. After he left Seth’s parents stopped by and stayed for a while and we caught up. Seth and his Dad rehung the closet doors in Evelynn’s room so now all Seth has to do is set back up the computers and I can put that room back together!
Seth’s parents left the same time that Justin and Whitney showed up to start our nacho/Nebraska night. We had a lot of fun, and delicious nachos. I crashed about midnight and they left around 2:30.
Sunday Seth spent most of the day in bed, I was there on and off. Around 4 my mom called and asked if we wanted to come over for dinner (again) and of course we did. We ran to Target to get cat litter and then headed over to their place. We ate and Jesse was there too so it was nice. We left around 7:30, got gas, went home, and watched Heroes on the DVR and then made lunches, watched Mad Men, and went to bed.
I miss the weekend already!
Evelynn’s blog
I was so excited to get Evelynn’s room done. But now I want all the stuff for her crib so that I can set it up!! Her crib is just lovely. It is bigger than I remembered, but it’s so nice to have it up-it makes me want her here like YESTERDAY.
She spent the weekend kicking, punching, turning and getting upset anytime she had to share space in my body with anything. Food, Urine, Gas-she hates it all and starts punching and kicking if there is too much of it and she’s getting squished.
Friday my mom brought out a bunch of our old baby clothes and we went thru them, and that was super fun. My grandma made me a lot of clothes when I was a kid, and my mom did too! My mom also sent us home with a bunch of my totes from my teenage years that gave me a mild panic attack about having a daughter. Most of the stuff, especially the notes, went into the garbage.
Mom and Jesse tried to feel Evelynn move. Seth felt her move in a new way, he swears, because I was laying on my side, that he could feel her spine and head pressed against his hand.
We have a doctor’s appointment Wednesday afternoon. This is our last monthly appointment. Next month we start the bi monthly appointments. Hopefully I get my H1N1 shot Wednesday and this weekend I might be able to go see my Grandpa at the nursing home and visit my other Grandparents.
Oh man oh man
I am dragging here. I’m super tired. It just hit me all of the sudden. That’s what sucks about coming back to work after a weekend, especially one like this where I spent the majority of the weekend cat napping. All of the sudden I get tired and I can’t curl up on the couch with a kidten or snuggle under the duvets in bed. The weather has been super “nice” here lately and people are all jazzed and I’m like, can we get some cold and snow so I have even more reason to stay in bed? How long until the Thanksgiving holiday? Why aren’t get getting Veteran’s Day off? That just seems wrong on so many levels.
Dear Google
Hasn’t it been Sesame Street’s 40th anniversary for like two weeks now? That doesn’t make sense. And I’m getting tired of seeing Sesame Street characters on my Google logo. It makes me miss being a kid.
Okay fine, I’m going to actually work now. But mark my words-I’m leaving on time today! Seth is supposed to come home in between work and class and I want to get a good nap in so I can be nice and pleasant when he’s home.
Love (cat napping on the weekend),
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Evelynn's Room so far!
And the new chair with the freaking fantastic cover!!



Love (getting things together),
Friday, November 6, 2009
You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself.
I’ve actually even watched some tv, when my head stopped feeling like it was cracking in two. I watched Grey’s, which I thought was great and it actually made me like Arizona a whole lot more and respect her a whole lot more. Also my favorite scene of the whole night was the one with the three couples (Callie and Arizona, Christina and Own, and Lexie and Mark) all in Callie and Christina’s apartment and Callie was making everyone special breakfast’s. It was super sweet. Great episode, all though what is it with all my TV shows trying to freak me out with the whole baby thing?
I also watched Law and Order SVU which was really good. How I Met Your Mother, which was, as usual, hilarious. And last but not least, we watched the season finale of Destination Truth, which is seriously like one of my favorite guilty pleasures. I just want to listen to Josh Gates travel the world and make hilarious pop culture references.
Evelynn’s Blog
Evelynn’s registry is coming along at Target. (if you get bored, you can find it here: ) Last night Kathy told me she was jealous of my daughter’s room. I thought that was sweet. Many thanks to Melissa and L’ara who have been helping me put it together. I was seriously overwhelmed by it all, and I’m so blessed to have people in my life to guide me. Although they keyed me into the “exploding baby” factor, where your cute baby can just randomly vomit or crap all over everything and nothing can hold it in, and that scares me. In fact, I hope that only happens when Seth is holding the baby.
Evie has been practicing her dance moves with her sweet little dancer legs. She must really like the bass in Chet’s voice because EVERY TIME he spoke yesterday (he was over for math help and advice on changing his degree) she went bananas. It was crazy. We were trying to get thru the grocery store and I kept having to stop because she was knocking the wind out of me. It was pretty cool. Also, for the first time ever, I sat downstairs to watch TV and the kidtens came down and surrounded her in this little cocoon of purrs which she LOVED. Bagheera was on the left and top side of my belly and Willow was on the right and bottom of my belly. It was strange because usually I have to hold one of them down to get them to sit with me downstairs.
Besides the headaches and drainage which I think are totally sinus related since the weather here has turned freakishly warm and nice (like 70’s), we’ve been doing pretty good. We get a little run down in the afternoons and late evenings and usually do okay if we just spend an hour or two on our backs in bed.
I wonder at what point I have to stop laying on my back. Don’t I have to stop doing that?
But anyway…that’s all that’s really going on in Evie’s world.
This weekend
I’ve expanded our nacho football party to include two more couples. Pam and Jason and Kathy and Dan. I don’t know if they are actually going to come, I invited them. Plus I stipulated they might have to bring extra nacho supplies so I’m not sure if they are actually going to come. I hope they do though, because it would be fun. Other than that I was going to try to get up the gumption to come to work, but we all know how that goes. I should stop trying to stress myself out and just do what I can and take advantage of rest when I can.
Seth said he would put together Evelynn’s crib this weekend, which is exciting, even if she won’t be in it for a while. Hopefully once we get that put back together we can get the rest of the room straightened out and get my computer back up and running. Ideally I’d like this all done before Saturday so I can show off her room, but if I really think that is going to happen, I should probably put the crack pipe down before I write my blog.
I’ve been trying to convince Seth to wake up early and sneak out to Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and get me a glazed with chocolate one day this weekend, but I’m sure he won’t remember my request. See I’ve never had a Krispy Kreme, and I’m pretty sure now is the time to do it. How lovely does that seem?
I just want to bang on the drum all day
Alright friends, I have to act like I work here. Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Love (kidtens who purr),
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Okay fine, because I really owe my readers
Love (you guys, obviously),
Seriously, this is the last time, promise
So tomorrow I will be back, and we will do a bonus post on Saturday. Promise.
Love (to get to work from home),
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless.
So I don’t know what the third ultrasound pictures malfunction is, but I will try to upload it again later.
Did you watch SYTYCD last night? I read the spoilers and knew who they were kicking off. I was impressed a lot this round. Here are my thoughts.
Noelle and Russell-Russell you know I love you and you deserved much better choreography. Seriously. Could we get a hard hitting hip-hop choreographer? Can Shane Sparks come back? PLEASE? All and all though, it was okay.
Jakob and Ashleigh-Ashleigh really impressed me, and I kind of don’t like her at all, so that’s saying a lot.
Victor and Bianca- yeah…I fast forwarded.
Mollee and Nathan-No one can beat Joshua and Katee’s Bollywood for me, like ever, but that came pretty dang close.
Channing and Phillip-Fast Forward, Channing looked awkward and I don’t even remember anything about that Philip guy.
Karen and Kevin-WOW. Yeah. Kudos to them, that was amazing. Who knew Nappy Tabs could choreograph something sexy?
Kathryn and Legacy- Whoa. This routine riveled my favorite Ivan and Allison routine, “Why”. Legacy really stood out for me. And I could even stand Kathryn. Bravo.
Peter and Pauline-it’s hit or miss with Wade, while I didn’t get the concept, I agree, Peter really hit it out of the park and committed to it. It would have been more effective if their costumes had actually matched the painting I think. Also-WOW to the set dressers on that one.
Ellenore and Ryan- Again, shocking. I am back and for on Ryan and I love Ellenore, and they really knocked it out of the park with this. Although Ellenore’s costume sucked.
Seth found out last night that Evelynn means “little bird” which is kind of the cutest thing ever. I added some bird stuff to her registry at Target.
I am putting off taking Seth’s watch back to the store and going to the grocery store. I used up all my awesome wife credits Monday night. Plus I’m pouting that stupid watch doesn’t work. What the heck? I did have a dream it worked though. So I woke up this morning all confused about if it worked or not.
Speaking of marriage credits, Seth got quite a few in last night, even though I was trying to be supportive and stay at out of his way and not nag him. He was supposed to come home early and didn’t but got Qudoba on his way home. So that was awesome, then he scanned the ultrasound pictures for me, and he put the new Surefit slip cover on Evelynn’s recliner from her Uncle Jesse for me.
A word about those surefit slip covers. WOW. I grew up with slip covers on furniture and let me tell you, they were a PAIN. A major pain. This thing is amazing. It looks like a whole new chair. The slip cover hugs it and it is super soft, it is just perfect. I seriously thought we were going to have to dump the chair, even after its extensive cleaning because the fabric of the chair was rough and still had some questionable patches of weird on it. As soon as this cover went on, I was in love with the chair and it felt like it belonged in the nursery. We got a chocolate brown cover to match the drapes. Love it. I got it from Bed Bath and Beyond, and while I scoffed at the price, the 20% off coupon helped and once we got it on the chair, it was worth every stinking penny. Plus when Evelynn explodes on that chair (as I have been informed she will at some point) I can just take the cover off and wash it and then nag Seth to put it back on, because it’s a little labor intensive.
More Seth husband points-after we got the slip cover on he sat in the chair and pretended to be holding Evelynn and practiced rocking in the chair. It might have made me heart melt into a million pieces. Then he promised me he would put her crib up this weekend and my heart exploded like the Grinch’s.
I just ate some fake Doritos and Hershey’s chocolate bar pieces. That’s weird, right?
I lost three fingernails out of boredom last night. Just clipped them off and filed them down. They were making it hard for me to play on my CarrieBerry.
I ironed roughly 10 of Seth’s shirts last night, including the new ones for his suit and big meeting tomorrow and Friday. I still have 10 more to go and two pairs of pants. It’s been a while since I’ve ironed. I used to love to do it, but not so much anymore.
I just realized its November 4th and I haven’t changed my desktop wallpaper calendar. I should probably do that…I realized when I was criticizing the out of date bulletin board in my head when I went to go get more hot water for my tea. Whoops.
Evelynn is as big as a banana this week. Ick, I hate bananas. I wonder if she will like them. I hope not, I can’t even stand the smell of them.
Speaking of the future Miss Evelynn Hellbusch, Seth asked me what I thought she was going to look like last night. I hope she has his blue eyes. And she will either have blond or red hair. Both Seth and I were blond babies but red hair does run in both of our families. And apparently, according to her ultrasound photos, she is going to have some amazing legs. I hope she and the kidtens get along well too. Bags is already super protective of her and stands guard at night over her. Both cats love to lay right on top of her and purr. Then she kicks them. Then they purr some more. I’m hoping it’s secret code and not, get off me you stinking cats!
The Mayo clinic book said that this week starts when she will be able to start tasting things. So I’ve been trying to eat all my favorite foods so she will love them like I do. I wish I could drink all my favorite sodas, but I have a hard enough time with her being amped up and having a dance party in my womb. I can’t even imagine what caffeine would do to her.
It’s November! That means my birthday is roughly in 25 days. I think. You know me and numbers. I will be 28 years old…yeesh. That’s hard to say.
Many thanks to blog reader/contributor L’ara who has been helping me out with my registry; I’ve learned so much in the past two days. Apparently my cute little girl will be an exploding bundle of goo. And that takes lots of burp clothes, blankets, and outfits to manage. Also sheets and changer covers. Who knew? She is a wealth of knowledge. Bless you.
I’m seriously considering eating the cheese stick next to me. But I’m still kind of full from the fake Doritos.
I miss my XM, like bad. I’m secretly hoping my brother in law Cody reactivates it for me for Christmas. He’s pretty much the only person who would do that. So my choices are old CD’s I’ve made (because I haven’t gotten around to making the new ones, although they are on my phone) and the radio. Silence is not an option because, well, then I hear the engine and spend the entire ride wondering if that noise is normal or new. Anyway, I flipped around in the morning and noticed that the radio DJ’s from Star 104.5 are gone-Glennboy and Glo? My mom worked with Glo on a production of Chicago years ago and she was really nice. So I’m all sorts of confused, I even checked the website and yup, no trace of them. Omaha area, any insider info as to what happened? I’m in the dark. I’ve been in a magical place called XM where I can listen to BBC and CNN and feel informed and smart all day.
Okay lovelies, they actually have real work for me to do. Scroll down and gaze at my sweet baby girl some more. My “little bird”.
Love (to have listened to my head and stayed at home all day today),