Yo. I had another one of my thrilling headaches this morning followed by a hellacious nosebleed. I’m 99% sure it’s allergies or death. One of the two, but I’m pretty sure it’s allergies. So I’m late with this post. You’ll forgive me because sometimes I’m pretty funny and I post pictures at your request.
Last night
I came home from work late, because they didn’t get the issue out until like 3 and so updating took forever because it was a huge issue. I can’t remember if I’ve ever explained to you what I do so that sentence make sense, but I’m going to pretend I have so I don’t repeat myself, because I’m a chronic repeater.
Anyway, so I got home late and Chet was there because he did some yard work for us. And then he had some kind of math project. Seth was supposed to come home in between work and class and I was all excited to spend some quality time with him.
Except when I got home I was exhausted. And crabby. And Chet nagged me about the printer being out of paper. If you remember from yesterday, my office is in shambles and he wanted me to dig thru boxes to find him the printer paper. I finally relented because he went in there to do it himself and the thought of him tearing into things of mine almost put me in a mental breakdown so I begrudgingly went in there and sent him out to do stuff in the garden for Seth.
Then I did the dishes and started laundry-joy. Then Seth finally came home, but at that point I was laying in bed watching Grey’s Anatomy reruns on Lifetime. He decided to go for a run. So Seth went on a run and I laid in bed. When he came back we ate (I’m officially over nachos for a while by the way. I’ve eaten my fill of them.) and then he left for class.
I decided to take a bath and get in bed because I had nothing on the DVR to watch and I just brought laundry upstairs to fold. Chet was still working on his math project on the computer so I couldn’t dink around on the computer.
Then I fell asleep at 7:30. Because my life is that awesome. I woke up when Seth called on his way home from class about 9:15. Chet was gone. At some point he left, I’m not sure when, but I’m sure he came into the bedroom to tell me he was leaving and saw me assed out in bed-probably snoring. Nice of him not to wake me.
Seth came home and got me some ice cream and we watched the end of the Monday night football game-which was actually pretty entertaining and then went to bed.
Are you guys still reading? Because I know I fell asleep about halfway thru that.
Evelynn’s Blog
Evie loves the sound of Seth’s voice. It is the cutest thing ever. She does little dances while he is talking. Even if I put him on speaker phone. I’ve decided that she dances in there because if I say she’s kicking, it sounds so mean. Kicking is a violent act to do to someone. So I say she’s dancing. I’m excited to go to the doctor tomorrow and hear her heart and have her dance for the doctor when the doctor pushes on her WHICH SHE HATES.
Seth was cute last night and put his hand on her and talked to her and she would respond to him by wiggling or dancing or pushing up against his hand. Like it was a real conversation. It was fun. Little moments like that make this whole awful being pregnant thing worth it.
I’m at a standstill on her room until I have a shower. I do still need to get a crib mattress though. But that’s about as far as I can take it. Seth is talking about getting some wooden letter blocks that spell her name from Hobby Lobby and painting them and putting them up somewhere in her room. But he has about 300 projects ahead of that so we will see.
During Mad Men they were playing commercials for a show called “The Prisoner” with Ian McKellen among other famous people. It starts next Sunday where Mad Men was, so I’m excited to see if it is any good. I generally like things with Ian McKellen. He was HILARIOUS in Extras. I wish that show was still on. I might be able to persuade Seth to keep the HBO if it was!
Do you ever?
A lot of my old jobs have websites, and sometimes I stalk them to see what’s up with things. Am I the only person who does that?
I’ll end your misery now
Okay well I’d better get to work since I was late. I hope you all have a fantastic day. You probably all smell fantastic. I’m just guessing but you seem like people who would smell nice.
Love (for the weekend to be here already),
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