Tuesday, November 17, 2009

If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk?

Hi all, sorry about the delay in posting, I had a rough sleeping night, so I slept in. It’s crazy that now when I don’t sleep enough, it manifests itself to feel like I have the world’s worst cold. Pregnancy I guess.

Last night
I was so boring last night I don’t even want to tell you guys about it. I literally came home, lysoled the heck out of the bedroom, changed the sheets, and collapsed on the couch and slept until like 8 or 9. Then I took a bath and went to bed. Seriously, I’m a rockstar.

Evelynn’s Blog
Evelynn spent all of yesterday dancing with herself ala 80’s. She was pretty active. She’s been quiet most of the day, but I’ve only been awake for like 2 hours so…
I read yesterday that I should start being able to see her kick visibly on my stomach. So last night on our way to bed, after my bath, Seth and I both laid and watched my stomach for her kicks. Seth thinks it looks more like my stomach reacting to her kicks, like twitching, but it was still cool to watch and share that moment with Seth.

Thanks Google Reader Recommendations?
So Google has this new “recommendations” section in their google reader. It’s been pretty good and I’ve added some fun new blogs. But yesterday’s recommendations were all people with dead babies. What the hell google reader? Then on top of that, my cousin started a blog about being a surrogate and the family she is carrying for told a story about how she delivered at 28 weeks and how horrible it was but at least the baby survived in that story. The freaking internet is out to get me and up my anxiety meds dosage.

I was going to tell you a story
About the first time I got drunk, but age combined with pregnancy brain, I honestly can’t remember. I can tell you the last time I got drunk. July 4th, 2009. Why do I know this? Because a day later, I found out I was pregnant. Have I told this story? Well I need to fill space so here you go.
Seth and I were at the last chance saloon as far as conceiving naturally. As soon as I got my period this month, we would start the IUI process. I was pretty down about it. We decided to throw a super huge July 4th party. Complete with my over abundance of food, Seth’s second foray into rib making, and lots of fireworks. I also decided to drink, which is REALLY REALLY rare for me. But like I said, I was little depressed, and waiting on my impending period that was due to show up any second that weekend. In weeks earlier, Seth and I made several practice runs at rib making. I invited people from work to come to our party. Seth and I spent a completely sick amount of money on food and fireworks. I also bought special plates and cups and had my Dad bring our fest table over so everyone had a place to eat. We had YARD GAMES people.
The day of the party came and my parents, my brother, and my cousin showed up. We had invited pretty much everyone we knew. Later in the evening one person from work and his girlfriend showed up, and brought “River water”. I declared the party an utter failure and proceeded to get canned. I woke up the next morning with a torn shirt (that I had bought special for the party) and firework burns on my back (apparently I challenged my brother to a dance off in the middle of the street. My performance involved cartwheels with fireworks), and a wicked hangover. But no period. I was officially late. There wasn’t even the tale tale signs. Seth and I went to Walgreens and got a test. We knew from experience that the best time to take a pregnancy test is with your morning pee. So we waited until Monday morning at 6 am. We seriously couldn’t believe it. In fact I don’t think we did. We called our fertility clinic and arranged to have blood work done to confirm. Meanwhile, on my way to work I called my parents (at 6:30 am) and my mom started crying and my dad said “It’s a girl”. (how fortuitous is it that he was right?) I about burst with happiness. Seth remained cautious until about the third blood test. But anyway there is the story about how we found out we were pregnant and the last time I got drunk. The end.

So You Think You Can Dance
Hey! I’ll bet you would like some spoilers!! Here you go!
Kevin & Karen – Broadway – Spencer Liff
Ryan & Ellenore – Contemporary – Travis Wall
Nathan & Mollee – Pop Jazz – Laurieann Gibson
Russell & Noelle – Fox Trot – Eddie Simon
Legacy & Kathryn – Paso – Tony Meredith
Victor & Channing – Jazz – Tyce Diorio
Jakob & Ashleigh – Hip Hop – NappyTabs

Okay friends, I’d better work. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Love (to get paid to sleep and watch tv),


  1. Hey Carrie,

    I didn't know you had a blog! Where have I been all these years? Loved reading what I could today and thanks for the link to pocketbebe in your post. Adding you to my reader asap!

  2. Thanks! I think it's really great what you are doing, since I have dealt in the infertility world myself! Luckily we were blessed to make little Evelynn Ann all on our own, but who knows in the future! We can't wait to meet her! Hope all is well with you and yours!!

  3. All is well with ours and so very happy for you and bebe Evelynn to be. Your mom told me the news when she was down last time. I am excited to get to know you better through your blog! Our birthday is coming up hugh, any plans? Much love always. xoxoxo


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