Thursday, April 29, 2010


Random thoughts I've had recently for you today:

Babies are born with tear ducts so small they can't produce tears. I
wonder when she starts to produce tears is when I really will have the
ability to make her sad and someone will be able to break her heart.

Speaking of breaking her heart, I go back and forth about if I want
her to go thru the pain of heartbreak. I know the pain heartbreak
caused me, but I also know the lessons it taught me and where it has
brought me in life. But man, those were painful lessons to learn and
like all parents, I want to spare her as much pain as possible.

My dad reads my blog everyday, he even gets it delivered to his phone
as soon as it is up. I love that. It reminds me of this time when I
was twelve and I told him I wanted to be a writer and write a great
novel and he told me he looked forward to reading it. While its not a
novel, I know he looks forward to reading my blog.

I hate pacifiers. I hate using them. I hate that we call it a
"binky". But I'll be damned if they aren't useful and effective at
soothing Birdie.

Spring is here and I find myself enjoying it more than ever this year.
Unless its over 75 degrees. Then I'm none to happy about it.

I need to find a better one handed of upping my water intake. A cup
with a straw isn't cutting it. Maybe a squeeze bottle?

Pictures of my kid are cute. Get used to it.

One of our readers is in Germany preparing to move her family over
there. I'm jealous.

Do you guys Etsy? If you do I'll get you the info on darling friend
jenifriend's etsy shop. Then you should all to there and buy things.

Seriously does anyone have the desire to start a baby clothing company
because I have ideas, I just lack the skill.

I'm currently loving 9 by design on Bravo.

I am trying to convince my husband to take me on our honeymoon in
November. By then it will be three years late.

I think I'm going to go to Kmart today. I think the one by our house
is still open.

Speaking of stores closing, the Old Navy by my house closed. I and
brother Jesse went. I bought every single maxi dress they had.
Everything was 97 cents. Booya. I'm pretty sure the best part was
coming home and freaking Seth out with the bags of clothes and then
telling him I spent twelve dollars and watching him try to figure that
out. Then watching the elation on his face when he figured out I
wasn't lying.

By the way, my summer look will be maxi dresses. Now I have to figure
out how to rock my breastfeeding leakguard pads with them.

Uncle Jesse is here to help me go to the grocery store!

Love (Jack Johnson and open windows with a breeze),

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

"If you can't speak well of someone, come sit by me." -Alice Roosevelt Longworth

Perfectly acceptable to insult someone in private, they might even
thank you for it afterwards. But when you insult someone in public,
they tend to think you're serious.

~Benjamin Franklin

~If you can't be kind, at least be vague ~ Joshilyn Jackson

1 comment:

  1. I have always refused to call a pacifier a binky, but pacifier is such a long word. We always just used paci, worked well for us, and I didn't have to say the word "binky." You, Seth and Evie are more than welcome to come stay with us if you want to explore Hamburg for a while! We will actually probably have an extra room which is weird for Europe! Just buy the plane ticket and you will have free lodging, and the train goes from the airport to a station close by!


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