Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A father carries pictures where his money used to be.

When I first got pregnant, and we were discussing me leaving work to stay home with Evelynn, we were also in the midst of making a huge decision regarding our communication.  We were trying to decide if it was finally time for us to move up to smartphones.  My brother had a smart phone for about a year, and I thought it was pretty dang cool.  Plus, we were finally going to qualify to use Seth's work discount on our phone bill.  So I thought it was about time for us to jump into the smartphone world.  Seth wasn't so sure.  He made the argument, that since I was going to be a stay at home Mom, all I would really need is a phone to make calls.  If I needed the computer, I could just walk over and use it.
Man was he ever wrong.
My entire existence revolves around my smartphone.  In fact, I rarely use the computer anymore, unless I need to print coupons, or blog.  And I can blog from my phone (although, it is a pain).  I email my family and friends, check my social networking sites, browse the net, and I use a ton of apps.  I have an app to keep Evelynn busy, I have an app that is a pedometer for our long walks, I have a fertility tracker app, I have an app that finds ANYTHING I need in any town.
I can use my smartphone while Evelynn is napping on me, playing outside eating rabbit turds, on a walk, out at the zoo, out at the stores, and while everyone is finally asleep at night- I catch up on my twitter and facebook stalking.
I take videos and pictures of Evelynn and upload them to facebook or email them to family.  I can send a friend a thank you for their gift to Evelynn by shooting a quick picture or video of her using the gift and emailing them.
I use my smartphone to coupon too.  I keep my lists on my phone.  I double check prices and posts about what coupons to use.  I also get up to date couponing site posts sent to my phone.
I get recipes sent to my phone so its super easy to keep them at the forefront of my mind while I whip up something yummy.
I blackberry message with Seth while he is in class.
So needless to say, my phone helps me be a better Mommy, and I think its about time we upgraded.  I wonder if I can get one that is construction grade to keep up with my destructive baby...

This just may be me, but man, I love watching Seth with Evelynn.  Lately, since he hasn't had class (spring break) he has been around a lot more and he has been really really good about helping out with Evelynn.  When he get home, we take a family walk, and play/work in the yard.  With it staying lighter longer, it has really helped out.  He helps make dinner and clean up afterwards.  And he's getting things done around the house.  I can't tell you how amazing it has been.  I can't wait for his school to get over!!
This week he switched Evie's bed over to a toddler bed (*heartbreaks*) and we have been trying (unsuccessfully) to get her to sleep in it.  Now usually, Seth is pretty bad at getting Evelynn to sleep, or even putting her back to bed if she wakes up and realizes we aren't there or she wasn't wear she was when she went to sleep.  If I'm in the shower, he will bring her in and wake her up even more and I have to get out and put her back to bed and pray she doesn't wake her up so much she thinks she needs to stay up until three am.  But last night, I rocked her to sleep, and put her in the toddler bed and then skipped to the bathroom planning on a long lovely bath.  As soon as I settled in with my new book from I heard her crying.  Then I cried.  I started to get out and I heard Seth go in.  I peeked out of the door to give him a list of suggestions to calm her down until I could wash my hair and face and dry off.  But he had her, calmly even though she was SCREAMING, rocking back and forth.  He was saying "Its okay, Daddy can take care of it, Daddy can make it okay too."  So I decided to leave them and see how it would play out.  He actually got her calmed down and almost back to sleep, until I turned the hall light off.  I was so proud of him!  And my heart got all melty and my ovaries tingled and I realized I had one good Dad on my hands.  I think with warmer weather on the horizon and Evelynn growing up a little more and being able to communicate with Seth a little more, I might get more time off then I realized!  What am I going to do with myself???
Maybe I'll get back in the kitchen, I'm pretty dead set on making my own butter with my kitchen aid-butter prices are ridiculous!!

Love (Daddies who give me smartphones),

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. It was a wonderful thing to read, all my children are grown now. Enjoy your time together


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