Monday, April 14, 2014

May or May Not Monday

It's time for May or May Not Monday!  Visit my inspiration at her blog for her weekly confession.

I may or may not have been appalled when I saw the washer and dryer that came with our house.  It was circa 1995 at least.  They didn't match and they looked like the kind of washer and dryer that NEVER DIE.  Seth told me that until they died, we couldn't even consider getting new ones.  I may or may not have said "challenge accepted" on Facebook, but in reality I may or may not have really liked the damn things once I started using them.  They were big and I am notorious for overloading my washer and dryer.  I could fit my king sized comforters with room to spare.
The dryer may or may not have started to royally fuck up our clothes, something is happening and it makes our clothes smell like we stood in front of the grill at a BBQ.  I tried changing the settings so there was barely any heat and no dice, still unbearable.
I may or may not be disappointed.
I also may or may not be totally grumpy about having to deal with the home warranty baloney that we will have to deal with to get it fixed.   Although I am very grateful that we got one.  But I was more hoping that it would be for something vastly more catastrophic, not my dryer that I was planning to use in the basement once I got new ones a few years from now.

Its our last week in the hotel and I may or may not be getting a bit sentimental and starting to think I will miss it.  Of course the maid service and the free breakfast and free dinner three days a week, I'm going to miss my lackadaisical attitude about spills, messes, and stains.  Yesterday Lukas may or may not have peed on the carpet while we were getting ready to go to the pool and I may or may not have shrugged my shoulders and walked away.  And I'm going to miss all that free hot water.

I may or may not be incredibly sad that we are missing Easter at my parents.  I may or may not have tried every possible way to try and make it work, but with our goods being delivered on Friday and Saturday there is just no way I can make it there and back.
I may or may not be able to tell my mom how sad it makes me because I'm so tired of making her sad about us not being there.

I may or may not get incredibly jealous when my friends and family do things together and then post pictures or talk about it on facebook.  I may or may not hope this passes, because it is completely not fair and I don't want everyone to mope around for years.  But I may or may not have wished people would just get together and talk about how much they missed me.

I may or may not have spent so much at Ikea that I'm afraid to ever go back there.  There person who actually spent so  much at Ikea may or may not have been my husband just throwing random things in the cart.  I may or may not be taking the blame because he has to keep up his Ikea hatred.  I think it comes with his man card.

I may or may not really dislike my son's attitude most of the time.  Where my daughter would just pout if we told her no, my son may throw epic fits complete with foot stomps, throwing things, flopping on the floor, screaming, and swinging fists.  He is also suffering from "if my sister can do it so can I".  I may or may not find this incredibly frustrating.  I may or may not be pretending that his sister never acted like this but I may or may not be mentally blocking it.  Like the pain of labor.

I may or may not have found an age spot under my eye and I may or may not be totally freaking out about it.  Especially since someone on facebook suggested that my joke that it may be cancer may actually not be a joke.

Love (hotel living),

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