Thursday, April 3, 2014

“Well, I know now. I know a little more how much a simple thing like a snowfall can mean to a person” ― Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

Today it is snowing.  And I mean it is SNOWING.  And it makes my heart incredibly happy.
You see because Colorado Springs totes that it gets 300 days of sunshine.  I was on week 2 of constant sunshine and my heart was starting to dry up.  Just shrivel.
Today it is snowing.  Sometimes so hard I can't see out the windows and across the street to the parking lot full of trucks and SUV's.  Usually that lot is full of corvettes and and other sports cars.

I've spent the day doing family paperwork.  Changing addresses, making new doctor's appointments, requesting medical records.  Normally this would make me a hot mess of frustrated and bored.  But today, every time I'm told I need to use my non existent since 1999 fax machine to return a form SOMEONE FUCKING EMAILED TO ME, I look up and out the window to the snow and the mountains and the quiet and I'm okay.  I don't need to mainline a shot of loreazepam to make my next phone call.

I just need to look up.

Because its snowing today.

Tomorrow we close on our house, and my anxiety was THRU THE ROOF and I was overwhelmed and undecided.

But today, today it snowed.

And now I know, its okay here.  In fact, it does one of my favorite things here at random times.  And there aren't many mosquitos in the summer, or so I hear.  And the sectional I picked out will fit in the space I picked out for it.  And the owners left behind paint so we don't have to guess at the color we are going to use to cover up the TEAL walls in Seth's office.  And the laundry room is right next to the kids bedrooms and on their way to the bathrooms so they can strip down and put clothes where I don't have to haul them.  And I still love IKEA and it still has reasonable decorating options.  If I can tear myself away from the duvet section.  And all the windows open in my house so I can get a good breeze moving thru the house.  And my walk in closet can be turned into a reading/couponing nook.

I can see the bright side today, because the sun stopped shining and it snowed.

Love (snow),


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