Happy Monday all. Is it really that happy though? I mean how happy can a Monday be, unless it’s a holiday and you aren’t at work and you are home with your loved ones doing something great? Today is not one of those days. Today is one of those days where once again I’m stuck at work, tired because getting up early sucks, and in desperate need of something entertaining to do.
Last night we watched Mad Men and it was really good. I have a couple things on the DVR, but not much. Mostly Kings episodes. Anyway I’m not sure what the whole point or theme of Mad Men was, but it was an okay episode. Seth is thoroughly confused (he only watches it once in a while with me and that season 2 marathon when he was sick). I don’t know what is up with Peggy. And I thought for sure Don was going to sleep with his kids teacher. Anywhoo, did you watch? Any thoughts?
So I did get the ricotta made, but I’m not sure it’s going to be enough. Seth says once I blend it with the other cheeses it should be. We have to get back to work on noodles tonite. I just want to by box noodles and be done with it, but he is hell bent on making them. Seth had a nice time in Columbus and I spent a good chunk of the weekend with my family which was nice since I missed them when they were gone on vacation. I ate a lot of good food! On Sunday we ate a “Harvest meal” which was all food from my parents garden, and it was delicious. They planted Yukon gold potatoes this year and those things are like butter in your mouth. I ate three of them. I’m not kidding.
So in my new building for my job, there is less carpet and more tile flooring. I’ve fallen victim MANY TIMES to thinking I’m hearing a woman come down the hallway, only to find out it’s a dude. Usually they are wearing cowboy boots, but most of the time, its dress shoes with lifts. It’s kind of the funniest thing ever. I really want to make a comment, but I can’t think of anything witty at all, so I just snicker under my breath.
Shoo fly
I had to join Shutterfly to see my cousin’s pictures of her kids, and they sent me 25 free photos coupon or something like that. So I went to look at our pictures to get some printed, and I realized that I haven’t taken any pictures since Orlando. I think this means I need a vacation. Thanks Shutterfly for pointing that out.
Fantasy weekend!
Yay this weekend is fantasy weekend! Which sounds like I should be doing all sorts of romantical things, but for the most part, I’m busier then heck. Friday I’m going to start prepping lasagna stuff, like getting the meat cooked and the cheese filling mixed. I also plan on going to the store and getting all the rest of the supplies I need like the bread and the stuff for the salad. Then Saturday is the like third annual (I think??) Jazz on my parent’s Green. If you are local in the area and want info on this great FREE event, shoot me an email at carriehellbusch (at) gmail dot com and I will send you the flyer. Basically it’s just like Jazz on the Green downtown except it’s at my parents house and it’s a local band and they take donations for the church and my dad puts up tiki torches so the bugs aren’t bad and we pack a sweet picnic and sit on a blanket and enjoy a nice evening. I haven’t checked the weather yet, I wonder if it’s going to rain. It rained last year so they hauled everyone inside that stayed and partied all night. Anyway that will be fun! Then Sunday we have FANTASY FOOTBALL DRAFT 2009-2010. But I’m calling it Fantasy Lasagna day because that’s the part I care about. I totally forgot I had some tastefully simple spinach herb dip mix so I think I’m going to mix it with cream cheese and put it on one of the breads in case people don’t want garlic. I forget some people aren’t complete garlic freaks like me. I think that is starting around 1. I was trying to start it at 12, but then Seth said most people couldn’t show up for the draft part until like 2, so we had to push it back. All I know is once I fill my belly, I’m going to bed. So that’s my exciting weekend.
I have a bug bite on my ribs and it’s driving me crazy. Also to scratch it I have to lift my dang shirt clear up practically to my bra and show the whole world what I’m working with or not working with.
Looking forward
I’m living for the holiday weekend. Seriously. Labor Day snuck up on me and I totally swooped in and locked in my dad to come and do my entry way tile. I also made NO OTHER PLANS and I’m going to try hard as heck to keep it that way! I plan on spending the holiday weekend with no pants on, except for the part where my dad is doing the tile with Seth. Then I might put pants on, but that’s only if I plan on leaving my bedroom at all. Which I don’t. I wonder what it would take to get my meals served in bed…
Here’s hoping we make it!
Alright friends, I’m off to be busy. Hopefully it will make this God-awful workday move along a little faster. Although I’ll bet money it won’t. *le sigh* Hopefully later when I run out of stuff to do there is good things to read online. Have a great day all!
Love (the fall season coming in full force),
we are using labor day for a garage sale on the 5th and on the 4th and 6th i have photo sessions. so the 7th will be spent PASSED out!! i totally wish i could come up for lasagna with you this weekend