Hello all! Did you have a good weekend? We had a marvelous one, I wish it hadn’t ended so quickly!
Weekend recap
Friday Seth and I made more noodles, then went to Walmart and Bakers for final groceries. (of course I forgot something and Seth had to go back Saturday). We got home late and Seth made pizzas and I picked up the house in anticipation for the cleaning we would have to do tomorrow. We watched tv before I about passed out on the sofa and had to go to bed.
Saturday was a big day for us! I woke up around 9 and sent Seth to the store for what I forgot and then started assembling the lasagna. Seth worked on cleaning the house up and routinely helping me assemble. The white flour noodles turned out SO GOOD. I was estatic. We had tons of leftovers. They were hard to keep in the sheets we cut them in, so basically it was like a jigsaw puzzle of noodles. I have such a good husband, not only did he bring me back a diet cherry limeade from his errands, but he also scheduled me a nap before my parents “Jazz on our Green”. I finished up the bread and the dressing for the salad and wrapped everything up and Seth made room in the fridge. Then I took my nap which was like THE BEST NAP EVER. Seth woke me up and he had already packed up the truck and we were off. We stopped by Subway and McDonalds so that we would have something to eat. The night was perfect, cool enough to snuggle under a blanket, the music was good and we stayed until about 10. Food was good, company was great and we had a great time. My parents raised a lot of money for the Pioneer Kids Club and I got to spend some time with my brother, which is always nice.
Sunday I woke up early and put the lasagna in and promptly hit the snooze for another hour. Then I woke up and started cutting the salad while Seth finished the vacuuming. I threw the bread out and set everything up. People started showing up around 12:30 and we served at 1. It was SO GOOD. I’m not even lying, I almost ate my weight in lasagna and salad. I helped Seth do his draft (secretary again!) and then Kathy, blessed Kathy cleaned up my kitchen. (For this act of kindness-she SOLD HER HOUSE! Karma at it’s fullest!) I was so friggin exhausted after it was all over I couldn’t even nap, my brain was just on hum mode. I laid on the couch and watched random things while Seth frosted his cake and made me dinner (which was easy, all I wanted was more lasagna and salad!) and then football started so I lost the upstairs tv. I helped Seth enter the draft picks into the league (I’m a much faster typer) and then went and took a bath. Seth shut everything down and we made it in bed in time for Mad Men’s encore presentation.
What a lovely weekend. If I could have had an extra day of recovery sleep, I would have taken it wiling. In fact I seriously thought about it this morning. But I know there is a three day weekend coming up-so I’m hanging in there!
Hey a random survey
On my way into work I thought, it would be fun to do a survey this morning-and lo and behold one of the blogs I follow had one-SIGN! So here is my survey for you-
1. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
Um, not since I was like, 15. And I think it was like 15 minutes because we lived in Europe and it was hard to get an internet connection and even more expensive to stay on, so I’m sure at some point my father came by and laid the smack down and I had to get off. He also employed this method with phone calls. In Europe you have to pay for outgoing phone calls, so if I wanted to call a boy it basically took an act of GOD. And if boys called me my Dad said I didn’t live there and feigned a really scary accent.
2. How do you eat oreos?
Rarely, my staring longingly at the oreos aisle seems to be the only look my husband can resist.
3. Are you cocky?
Nah not so much, unless you mess with my family or friends, or question my work.
4. Did you have an imaginary friend as a kid?
Not that I remember, I know I used to make up having one because I didn’t want to be left out and I thought that it was totally normal to have one so I used to pretend I could see someone just for the sake of fitting in.
5. What t.v. station do you watch the most?
It is completely impossible for me to pick one channel. No seriously, it is. The closest I come is the channel on Cox where they repeat the current news cast over and over so I can see what the weather is every night.
6. Have you ever seen the ocean?
Yes, and occasionally I miss it, and then I remember the ocean in Puerto Vallarta and the nasty things floating in there and then I try to think about the swimming pools in Cancun and how much more I miss them.
7. Have you ever been hospitalized?
Yes, but not like overnight, at the most 15 hours. I had to be hospitalized for my nose job and for the kidney infection that almost killed me. (at least it felt that way)
8. What’s your favorite brand of rootbeer?
You know, I’m a fan of the Upstream’s Rootbeer. My dad used to get little jugs of it for the house, he doesn’t do that anymore, but when he did it was good.
9. Could you live without a computer?
Who would ever want that? I mean I guess I could, but then I’d have to imagine the rest of the world was dead and like go live in Amish country.
New blog I follow
I thought I’d update you on some blogs I’ve added to my roll in the last couple of weeks. This one is about a woman from South Carolina who moved to Japan with her family. It is really fun to learn about all the different culture shock they are experiencing and all the new things they are learning. She hasn’t been keeping it TOO long, so it’s easy to catch up. It’s called Ramblings from Life. She has lots of pictures and I like the pictures.
I’ve also started following a local (to me) gal. I like getting the perspective of my hometown from different eyes. Her name is Courtney Rae and she blogs at The Weiffenbachs.
The sky’s the limit!
Alright friends! Hopefully you are having a good Monday. Mine isn’t going well but there is only up to go from here, right!? Let’s make it a quick week so we can enjoy the holiday weekend!!!
Love (Labor Day weekend),
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