Happy Hump Day blog. I don't have anything solid or concrete thoughts to share today-so here comes a whole lotta randomness…
What am I going to have for dinner tonite?
Seth has had class, for the last couple of weeks, until 10 Monday-Wednesday. Which leaves me to fend for myself for dinner. It's been a pretty steady diet of burritos, French fries, and asparagus. Last night I had left over Old Chicago from when my Mom brought it for the sick house. It was so strange not eating one of the staples on that night. I'll bet money tonite I eat a burrito.
Our weekend is shaping up to be uber busy. Kathy's birthday party dinner is Friday night, of course Seth can't go because of his project deadline getting pushed until Friday night at 2 am. I'm trying to hitch a ride with my parents, because I want to go, I don't want to sit around and watch Seth code all Friday night. I have to find the time to get her present too. Saturday we have to go to the grocery store and then later that night Seth's parents are coming into town for a wedding and staying the night with us. Sunday is for resting and maybe seeing a movie since Kathy said last night she has some free tickets to the theater near us she won't use. I'm kinda jonesing to see that District 9 movie, but Inglorious Bastards looks good too…
Why are my cats insane?
I might have the cutest cats in the world, but they are the most mentally ill cats in the world, I've decided. They've started doing these crazy laps, on the spur of the moment around the house. They could just be sitting there on the couch dead asleep and then all of the sudden they are up and off tearing around. Then they go back to sitting and look at me like, what? Like I'm the crazy one for not participating in the crazy cat race.
Over it
I'm kind of over facebook at the moment. I feel like I 'm too old for it and I should be focusing on other grown up things. While I like being able to be connect with old friends and to see their pictures, I feel more of my energy and desire to share going into my blog. I'm sure I'll keep my facebook just for the ability to see what everyone is up to (come on, I'm nosy) but I think I'll try to cut back on the status updates and the facebook stalking. I have to start reprioritizing my time these days, I only got to take a hour and a half nap yesterday! I think I'll use it more like I use twitter, I just refresh to see what everyone is up to, but beyond that, if people want to see what I'm up to, they can come here. If blogger made it easier to add a photo album or to add more than four photos, I would probably stop updating my facebook all together.
So I start my new job next Monday, and it's my last week with my old group. I love this group. This is the group I always start out with at NPP and they are always so good to me and such great people. I'm going to miss them a lot. Hopefully one day, I might be able to get back to being with this group, although I think that will be harder now that I'm officially an NPP employee. I can't just be farmed out like I usually am as a contractor. But needless to say, it’s a sad week for me and every day I have to talk myself into coming to work because I'm just so sad to leave my group and I don't want it to end. *Sniff and pout*
I need some new blogs to follow. Most of the blogs I follow haven't been updating because they are enjoying the summer. And I noticed a lot of the blogs I follow are cooking blogs, and while I find them interesting, usually I just glance to see if I would like the recipe and if not I move on and don't even open the update. I've been checking out the "Blogs of Note" on blogger every day, but seriously, who picks those? The last like four were terrible. There's only one that was remotely entertaining and interesting, but not enough to follow.
Can we fall out of summer already?
I'm ready for autumn. I'm ready for cooler days and jackets and sweaters and the leaves turning pretty colors. I'm ready for my Halloween decorations and Thanksgiving and starting to stress over Christmas presents. I'm ready to be able to take walks with my honey (right now walking with me is so unpleasant with my whining about the heat, Seth just pretends he's going to do a quick run and it's not worth me tagging along). I'm ready for overcast days and nights when I can sleep with the windows open and start layering the duvets back on the bed. I'm ready for the days to get shorter. Anytime now, fall can show up.
Downtown Omaha-BAH!
So I have to go downtown in Omaha on Monday to do "orientation" for my new job at NPP headquarters. I'm so pissy pants about it. I HATE downtown. Hate it, I never know where I'm going. I can't get around and usually end up in tears on the phone with my dad. And late. Last time I had to go to NPP headquarters was YEARS ago. It's really putting a sour start on my new job. Plus, after I spend all morning there, I still have to drive all the way out here and start my job. I find the whole thing ridiculous. I should just get a day of orientation and start the next day. Boo NPP for poor planning.
I would stab someone right now for a meal at Biaggi's. Their big house salad and some tomato sherry soup. Holy Mary Mother of GOD that sounds divine right now. I convinced Seth to let us go for our one year anniversary, but I just realized that is over a month. What is the first year anniversary present? Paper? I should look that up.
Has anyone used the Bing search engine yet? My Rolling Stone just raved about it, but honestly, I'm hesitant. I've already added the world "googled" to my vocabulary and life. It doesn't sound right to say "Binged", it makes me sound like an old lady who is confused about bling.
Names fonts? I want that job. I just recently started loving one called "Poor Richard".
Names cars? That job also sounds fun. I think there should be a car named The Dominator. You know you could sell that to any dude.
Can get me and Seth jobs at Disneyworld that don't suck so we can be there forever? I just watched our vacation video again and missed it so much I cried.
Is writing for Tiny and Toya, because that is some inspirational stuff. You are missing out if you aren't watching the show, I swear twice a show they give these little speeches and I want to like get up and hug everyone and congratulate myself on being the best person I can be. And cut the negativity out of my life (which I seriously am working on).
Told skinny white dudes it was cool to pierce their ears? It's not. I can't think of one instance where I've been like, oh man, that guy is so much hotter because he's wearing diamond studs. The first thing I think of is gross trailer trash.
Even more random then me
My Mom told me she and my Dad are going to Wyoming Saturday until next Thursday to see friends we have that are out there. They are driving. It just seems so spur of the moment I'm all put out and haven't figured out what I'm going to do without them!
Speaking of my Dad
I have a ever growing list of things I need my dad to do around my house before I tear my eyes out with anxiety, but he's been so busy at work and he needs this vacation so I've been holding off asking, but in case I forget-I need the tile done and my bathrooms recaulked. I even bought the caulking for it. I just am pretty sure if I attempt it myself someone will die.
And then I ate them
I'm starving. Coming in early is throwing everything out of wack for me. It's only nine and I want to eat my way thru a fridge. I keep forgetting my crackers (which are literally right by the garage door, they just haven't made it all the way to my car) and so my string cheese snack at 10:00 isn't as filling as it once one. *sad face*
He's all romantical, that's why I married him
Last night, because we were up so late, Seth and I decided to see if we could catch any of the meteor shower that Jim Flowers was touting on the news. We went out and laid on a sheet in the grass and held hands and only saw two meteors. Granted we were only out there about ten minutes after the allotted begin time, but I was being eaten alive by bugs (I literally have a bug bite on my ass) and laying in the grass made my allergies over joyous with sinus pressure and snot. But the ten minutes we spent out there was super romantic and sweet. I just wish Jim Flowers wasn't a liar and there were more meteors.
Be jealous
I have work to do. I have to get this audit done before I leave. And trust, this audit has got a lot going on. Seven pages of a lot. So I'd better get on that.
Hope you all have a marvelous day!
Love (for the ability to take a nap without anyone noticing I was sleeping),
I wanted to recommend a blog, but at least 90% are food...so I don't know if this is what you might like but threecheersforbabies.blogspot.com is about triplets that were born too early and is pretty interesting to me...let me know what you think!
ReplyDeleteI also wanted to second the thoughts about your job. Making you go downtown, then to your job sounds stupid: do training for a day, then start the job the next. Makes sense to me!
ReplyDeleteOkay you have to admit, those pictures are terrifying, there is nothing cute about pictures of babies in the NICU with tubes coming out of their little wrinkly bodies.
Do you know the people? It's really well written!
I know! But it's pretty interesting, and they update it every day. Did you see today's yet? Awww! :)
ReplyDeleteI don't know the people. She has/had a food blog but stopped blogging that and started the baby blog when she was stuck at home, not able to do anything.