Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Let pleasure expand your perspective.
Comments from yesterday
Hey Laura! Thanks for answering my questions! Yes the kids are fixed, Bags immediately stopped his assault on my relationship with Seth as soon as we did and we went back to having relations in our bed. We did check the content of the Meow Mix and it was the cheapest brand with the highest protein and least amount of fillers. In all honestly, they don’t eat it that much, I’m secretly guilty of feeding them lunch meat. We have to buy them a separate brand and everything. So they eat way more lunch meat then they do dry food. They only result to the dry food when I’m feeling particularly guilty about feeding my cats 3 dollar for 3.5 oz meat. And I did notice last night Bags let me rub on his gums so I might try at least on him to brush his teeth when he’s relaxed. Thanks for the tips! And I’m super excited to know that I was right, they aren’t nurses, and now we all know they are Vet Techs, which sounds way cooler.
You all didn’t see this, but frequent reader Melissa sent me an answer about the bottles. Apparently a kid can go thru 6-7 bottles a DAY depending on how much they eat, and Melissa, pointed out, that unless you want to be doing dishes all day-you might as well get a dozen or so of them. The ladies at my work also said I needed to get smaller bottles at first. Melissa also pointed out that until the baby is mobile, I can chillax with the freaking about proofing and just do the basic outlet and chemical cabinet stuff. Thanks Mel!
Last night
Last night I went home early and chugged myself to bed to try and catch up on the sleep I missed, but Seth came home almost shockingly after I did, so I didn’t get to sleep that deep because he came in and talked to me. By the time I had fallen asleep he was waking me up to go to dinner with Jesse and Ellyn. Right before we left though, I remembered the new AFI (one of Seth’s favorite bands and one that has really grown on me from his musical tastes) came out yesterday so I hurried and downloaded it (thanks Amazon!) and uploaded onto his TwignBerries to surprise him. He was really happy about it. We had a GREAT dinner with Jesse and Ellyn. It was so nice to see her and they were so cute. She rubbed my belly (between my mom and her they are the only people who have so far) and her and Jesse were so cute. I miss her a lot. She gave me advice on the baby’s room, since she is on her way to being a kick ass interior designer. I hope that she can come over this weekend and give me a little more help.
Then we headed home and Seth remembered that he had big wig meetings tomorrow and he was out of underpants and his power black pants were dirty. So did the laundry for him, since my new goal in life, apparently, is to do as little of the laundry as possible. While I was doing that I folded last week’s laundry (I told you I was behind) and watched So You Think You Can Dance. There were a couple of people in there that really impressed me. The first guy, who was blond and got thru and the guy who was growing up in Drugtown Georgia and wanted to get out. And there were a couple people who put me on the express train to hell, like the one armed lady.
Baby Blog
The Bean is coming along. According to it’s as big as an avocado (although last week it was a navel orange, so I don’t know where the bump is getting their avocados but it’s not Omaha Nebraska) and the baby has fur and is starting to hear things. Which means Seth is going to ride my ass about my sailor mouth. And not in a fun sexy way. In a incessant nagging and concerned looks way. Because I taught him that DAMN ME!!
Let’s see what else? I still apparently have a faucet installed in my underpants.
I love the chocolate cake I (my mom) made and mentioned it three times on three separate occasions to Jesse and Ellyn last night at dinner AND then came home and ate a piece of it heated up in the microwave *drools*.
I still don’t have an appetite. I’m not sure where it went but it ain’t here. Forcing yourself to eat is no fun. I’m not going to make fun of that HBO Documentary “Thin” anymore when the eating disorder girls can’t get up from the table until they’ve eaten their muffin and the cry and thrash around like they are three.
I pee. A lot. Like a horse.
I love the incoming fall weather because I can wear big bulky sweaters until my bump decides to show up for the freaking party.
I’ve changed my mind AGAIN on names I think are cool. Seth will bring me back to the ones we decided three years ago.
I wish I could go back and hold my cousin’s kid again and get over my fear of the wiggles.
Bored but needs to get busy
Alright kiddos, sorry I’m not overly prolific in my post today, I still hit 1000 words, but it’s not all that interesting. My brain is in the bored zone and I have busy work to accomplish. Boo. I hope you all get a chance to enjoy the fall weather and since my nap has been nixed today, I might take the kittens out and check out how our pumpkins are coming along in the garden.
Love (sleeping in but not staying late),
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
When we get caught up in calorie counting, we miss the point of eating.
Baby Blog
So I’ve had my first bout with insomnia. It occurred last night and I hate it. I’m waiting for the crash to come. I had a stuffy nose, which apparently is a common side effect you can’t do boo about in second trimester pregnancy, something about increased blood flow or something, and I toss and turned with that all night. Then when that went away, I woke up every 45 minutes to pee. And not like a little squeak it out pee, like full range horse pee. And I didn’t even drink that much water yesterday! I remember thinking that before I went to bed. The cafeteria here is full of people testing now and I don’t particularly like being ogled when I go to get ice for my water.
So then I tossed and turned over and over and ended up giving up around 5:45 and getting ready and coming into work. So I’m sure the crash is going to come and I’m totally leaving on time today so that I can get a good nap in before I have dinner with my brother and Ellyn tonite.
I don’t even want to go into the scary article I read about child proofing your house. Where do I get mesh netting for my stair banister and railing??
The Vet thinks I’m crazy-for sure
Ahh another year, another Vet visit. Now theoretically we don’t have to come back for three years (by that time my Vet will be working one day a week for an hour), but we are supposed to go back for a wellness checkup next year. What that means is they don’t need any shots, legally for three years. But they are illegal in Omaha now anyway so I mean, I’m already in the red.
Anyway, so the story starts here, some truck driver headed to Columbus with a truck full of liquid fertilizer crashed on the interstate right in front of my exit off the highway on to the interstate. So they rerouted us through corn fields and gravel roads and my detour took me like an extra half hour. I fly in and Seth comes in after me and I’m trying to get the cats paperwork together and stuff them in their bags. Of course Willow is no where to be found and won’t come when we call her. Seth had a bad day so he’s in a hella foul mood and is being impossible. Bagheera is the only one who was being nice to me, he got in his bag no problem and was a peach at the Vet (well mostly he just wanted to huddle on my lap and hide and he kept trying to get back to me when the Vet was examining him). We finally found Willow and took off. Then we did the stupid ½ hour wait in the waiting room. I swear, can we write into the healthcare bill that this can’t happen anymore? Any sort of doctor I go to it happens. It’s the most ridiculous thing ever. And it was hot in that tiny little room and it smelled and I thought I was going to faint. Seth tried valiantly to keep Willow off of the top of cabinets and out of drawers and I just held Bags.
*Sidebar* for those of you who don’t know, when I get nervous, my tact goes even further down the window. And I ask a lot of questions, and talk a lot. Seth says I make our baby doctor uncomfortable. *end sidebar*
So the Vet comes in and starts his exam, and I made the mistake of telling him that we feed the cats Meow Mix, but I was all flustered and sick from waiting in that little room. Usually I lie and tell them they have the expensive stuff and they leave me alone. Instead he spends the rest of the exam chastising me and trying to sell me expensive food. I think because we have “designer” cats, he thinks we are willing to spend gagillions of dollars on them. Uh…no. Dude sometimes Bagheera eats flies, I’m pretty sure he’s cool with eating Meow Mix. In fact, I explained thoroughly, as noted in their records from our last visit, they have very sensitive stomachs and we went thru three different kinds of cat food (including the expensive stuff) because they constantly had the runs or were barfing from what we were feeding them.
Then I start making inappropriate comments and asking weird questions. But in my defense, he started it. He kept telling me about how much poo the cats had in their bowls or how full their bladders were.
And Willow was TERRIBLE which was making me even more nervous. And then the Vet started bleeding, but not because of Willow, because he decided to pick his shaving scab on his face, so before I know it there is blood running down his freaking face while he’s trying to sell me a cat tooth brush, all while Willow is making weird growling noises I’ve never heard and flipping out because he has his fingers NEAR her mouth. Fat chance dude.
So this goes on for a while. Bagheera like I said didn’t want to get out of my lap and then when I did set him on the table he buried his head in the crook of my elbow. I felt like the worse cat mom ever. I was pretty sure Bags was NEVER going to forgive me or cuddle with me again.
He stuck them both with needles and Bags did fine but Willow HOWLED and it literally sounded like she said “OWWWWWWWW” when he stuck the needle in. And then she squirmed. And my Vet was still bleeding.
So instead of just packing them up and leaving (RUNNING) when we were done, I made the mistake of asking him if there was anything we need to know about Bengal Cats (because, we were told, he is a SPECIALIST in the breed and one of the only Vets in Omaha who will treat them) since we were having a baby. Now if I was smart, I would have just asked our blog friend and commenter Laura because she works with animals every day (I’m not sure if she is a Vet or not, but I think she is, I know she does animal surgery-but I don’t want to label her incorrectly) but instead, I asked the guy who last time I was here, gave me karma sutra positions to keep Bagheera from marking his territory on the bed. I’m sure he thinks his suggestions helped knocked me up. I could see that gleam in his eye. Anyway first he says something about an old wives tell about cats stealing baby’s breath that I’ve NEVER heard but freaked me out. Then he starts trying to sell me LASERS. LASERS for around my crib that will shoot off a unpleasant citronella scent to scare the cats away if they cross the line. Really, fucking LASERS.
The worst part is I could see Seth’s eyes light up at the thought of going home and making his own CAT LASERS for the crib. I was like-WHAT HAVE I DONE???
I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. FUCKING LASERS. My Vet tried to sell me crib LASERS.
So we paid our 140 bucks to the nice pretty nurse (? Do Vet clinics have nurses? I’m not sure?) and run out.
No seriously…crib LASERS. Like I don’t have a hard enough time trying to figure out what crib to get-now I have to decide if I want to attach LASERS to keep the cats away??
Stupid songs that are growing on me thanks to XM
That ridiculous Shakira “She-Wolf” song-it got better after I saw the video, but the crappy howling in the chorus still drives me crazy.
Miley Cyrus’s “Party in the USA” I’m so ashamed to catch myself singing this song. It feels wrong, like I should be hauled into the station and not allowed within 200 feet of schools.
Sean Kingston’s “911”-I blame RedOne, who is a producer I love. The lyrics for this song blow though.
Songs I like that I heard again thanks to XM
Lifehouse “Broken” *sigh*
About every single Backstreet Boys song from the 90’s-DON’T JUDGE ME, at least I own up to it.
Seal’s “Kiss from a Rose makes me miss Val Kilmer as Batman.
Crash and Burn
Alright lovers, I’d better get some work done before the insomnia catches up with me and I crash and burn. Head over to darling jenifriend ‘s website to see some great new pictures that she put up of a newborn. Just to get a taste of the awesomeness she will be doing for the bean and I one day. You will also notice that I’ve turned into a scary groupie stalker on her comment page. It’s how I roll.
Love (the new sweaters my mom got me),
Monday, September 28, 2009
• Style has less to do with what you wear and more to do with who you are.
Weekend Review
This weekend we had grand plans and little follow thru. Such is the case when you are pregnant and only get bursts of energy that fizzle out about 2 hours later. Friday I was supposed to go over and hang out at Ty and Holly’s while Seth helped them move into their new house. But I got home from work later than I wanted and by the time Seth could get out of work and head over there I was passed out sleeping on the couch under a comfy duvet with my Dan Brown book, 52 ounces of ice water, and 2 adorable sleeping kitties. I wasn’t going anywhere. About 8 am I got up and made myself some dinner and watched Ghost Whisperer and Law and Order (when did this get pushed to Friday nights? Lame) and started Psych but decided my Dan Brown book was beckoning. Seth came home around 9:30 with a Frostie and French Fries from Wendy’s because he is the best husband ever. We watched the rest of Grey’s Anatomy.
*sidebar* I kept WANTING to cry during Grey’s for George, but just couldn’t do it, I kept like getting interrupted by other stories. But I liked how they didn’t drop the ball on the past storylines (Izzie laughs at funerals) and I liked the 40 day progression of time and how they marked it. Here’s what I didn’t like, the “ceviche” storyline, the Arizona storyline, whatever is going on with the Chief being a douche to Derek, and while I appreciate the range they are giving Chandra Wilson to display her acting skills-Bailey’s whole reaction and storyline sucks. I’m excited for next week. *end sidebar*
Saturday we woke up late (love that) and got ready and my Mom and Jesse picked us up for lunch at Mimi’s CafĂ©. My Dad met us there. It was nice to see everyone and Jesse was feeling good so we were all having a good laugh. The food was pretty decent too. A little pricey but-eh, this market, what can you do? Then Mom and I went shopping (she bought us three fantastic sweaters that I love, new best thing ever, I can buy bigger sizes and then when I’m done with them a month later, Mom can wear them), Dad went to run other errands, and Jesse and Seth walked around the mall and looked bored. Then we met Jesse and Seth in the sporting goods store where Mom bought them cool sports shirts. Then we went over to Tara’s to meet her new baby. It was the first time in a LONG time I have ever held a baby that small. While I found it comforting that the baby was 2 weeks old and still that small (not as huge of a thing I imagined pushing out of my lady bits) but she was wiggly, like super squirmy and would turn bright red like she was going to scream her head off and I felt constantly like I was going to drop her. The finding out babies are wiggly part was pretty terrifying. On the other hand, Seth was like an old German Grandmother with her, just scooped her up in his arms and palmed the back of her head with his big hands and handled the squirmies and bounced her around and talked to her and it was pretty much the most comforting awesomest thing ever. The end. Then Mom and Jesse took us home and we went over to Target to pick up Seth’s new glasses (first since 6th grade!) and some other random things. Then we went to Home Depot to get touch up paint and new light bulbs and some other random things we needed to finish some of our ongoing home improvement projects. We went home and I crashed and slept until like 8. I had lunch leftovers for dinner and we watched Castle (LOVE LOVE LOVE-so glad this show is back, Nathan Fillon you are a comedic timing genius), Criminal Minds (LOVE LOVE LOVE), Destination Truth (seriously, King Tut’s tomb FREAKED ME OUT), and a couple other things that I really can’t remember. We were supposed to go to Pam and Jason’s to play games, but because I was so tired by the time I woke up I was pretty worthless.
So Sunday when we woke up we went over there and delivered some stuff and chatted for awhile. Then we went over to Baby Depot where I THINK we found the crib we like, or at least the style, I don’t like the color so much but they don’t make any other color. Here is the crib. Except the one we found was cheaper and I have a coupon to the Baby Depot where we would get it. Seth is still perusing the net for a better deal. We have a couple things we need to get done before we purchase the crib so I have time. Also strollers were on sale there and I found a couple Evenflo ones I liked that were like 25 bucks off.
Then we went grocery shopping and while we were checking out my Mom called and asked if we were home but not answering our door. I told her we would be home in 15 minutes. They stayed and my mom and I made a AMAZING chocolate cake (from scratch!!!) and Seth and Dad worked on stuff around the house and Dad gave us suggestions on some of our out of control remodeling ideas. Then we ordered pizza (VAL’S!!) and talked. Dad fell asleep on the couch watching Extreme Home Makeover and Mom and I read and laughed. They went home around 8 and Seth and I finished the trim and put out the fall decorations. (Yay the trim is done in the entryway!!) Then I took a bath and Seth dinked around with football and computer stuff. Then we ate that amazing chocolate cake and watched Mad Men in bed (WTF PEGGY!!??! GROSS!) and went to bed. What a lovely end to the weekend.
This week
This week Seth starts class tonite, but he has to come home before it starts because the Kidtens have to go to the vet (poor things) and then Tuesday we are going to dinner with Jesse and Ellyn, Wednesday Seth has class, Thursday I think Chet is coming over to watch a movie, but what he doesn’t know is that it’s Grey’s night so fat chance, and Friday is the weekend-yay! Let’s hope it goes by that quick!
The last time I took the cats to the vet
You may be asking yourself why I have to have help taking my cats to the vet. Well first off, they are 20 pounds each of pure muscle, and the pregnant lady is not supposed to lift that much. Second requires a story about the LAST time I took the cats to the vet.
The last time I took the cats to the vet was the day of Seth’s Bachelor Party. This was back when our vet had Saturday hours. It’s been a year since then and apparently our vet decided to be a huge slacker and only work MWF. Jerk. Anyway so I had to take them by myself, but at that time they were about 12 pounds each and they loved car rides. (Now Willow loves them and Bags hates them) It was hotter than HELL and I had to keep the windows up and the air on. Some how, the little shits always escape their bags (they are really smart) now everything went okay in the vets office minus the nail clipping, and the vet telling me to stop having sex on my bed and start doing it standing up so Baggy stopped peeing on the bed (he went thru a male domination phase, we’ve worked thru it, but there’s nothing like a 60 year old male vet telling you about how to have your sex life) and I got in trouble for letting Willow chew on Bagheera’s nuts-LIKE THAT IS MY FAULT. Oh and then there was that whole sticking thermometers in butts that we don’t speak of. So I pack them up, happy they are healthy and head out. I’m driving Seth’s truck because he needed to ferry a bunch of dudes around so he took my Vue (aww Sucky-miss you!). I don’t drive Seth’s truck much. It’s hard to drive and it’s a pain. The cats were in the front seat when that whole incident of which we do not speak caused Willow to get explosive diarrhea. At the time they were small enough to both fit in one bag (even though thankfully I brought two). So Willow craps in the bag and Bags flips out and runs out of the bag, and when Willow is done she runs out of the bag too, covered in poo and climbing the seats of Seth’s truck. GREAT. I pull over and throw the shit bag in the bed of the truck and wipe the cats and seats off the best I can and head over to my parents (where I was staying) to clean up the rest of it. So yeah. I’m not excited to go BACK to the vet after that.
Dan Brown book
The Dan Brown book was AMAZING and I was so sad to finish it. I won’t go into detail because I still have friends reading it, but I will say, it felt like, after he was accused of attacking the whole God thing, he tried really hard this whole book to be like “hey look, I’m down with the G-O-D! Really!” That’s my only complaint. That and it was too short and it will probably be another six years before we get a book again. Boo.
Baby Blog
This weekend I was bloated and tired a lot, but I got some cravings and I made an effort to eat as soon as I woke up and snack most of the day. Other than that not much. Pam found where my uterus was at for me since the other night I couldn’t find it and panicked that my baby was dead inside me. (SHUT UP I’M IRRATIONAL. IT’S A WELL ESTABLISHED FACT.) Also, and this is so much TMI, my underwear is soaked all the time either from me peeing a little when I sneeze or cough or laugh too hard or it might be the fact that someone turned on a freaking faucet in my lady bits region, which my book says is to help ward off bacteria-whatever, I just thought my days of pad wearing were over for a while. LAMESAUCE.
Random baby question-how many bottles does a baby need? Do I register for those? What kind are the best? There’s like 300!! Bless you who can answer this.
You’ve had enough
Okay I have to act like I work here (I mean go read my Google Reader and catch up on gossip) and you got close to 2000 words today you lucky little loos. Have a great Monday! I hope it goes quickly for you!!
Love (having the winter duvet on the bed),
PS-Mad props to Jeni Friend who sent me a three page document full of quotes! For the next couple months, quotes are on her!
Friday, September 25, 2009
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.
Really that’s all the excitement I can muster. I still have to work today and all.
So last night I had to wait for Seth to get home to watch Grey’s. Since he didn’t’ get home until 9 I only watched the first hour (Crazy pregnant people have an established bedtime these days since it has been proven that they are crazier if they don’t get a lot of sleep), so until I watch the second hour, I won’t put my thoughts. Plus I promised Jeni I wouldn’t since she’s on vacation and won’t get to watch it until later.
While I was waiting for Seth to come home, I did watch Law and Order:SVU. Love. Love Wentworth Miller as a mean ole detective with a soft heart even more. And Ice-T being the authority on all things to do with racial witness issues. The end was devastating. Poor Stabler-that dude cannot catch a break. The new ADA has sucky hair and every time she is on screen all I can think is HAIR DEPARTMENT GET IT TOGETHER!
Then I watched (fast forwarded) thru SYTYCD Auditions. Apparently, according to there were a lot of people who make it far in Vegas featured in that episode, but honestly, I could care less, lets just get to Vegas already. Plus I read online Tyce D’Orio (Tasty Oreo) farted. On national television. So I was just making sure no one died, I could hardly watch it I was so embarrassed for him. Obviously he wasn’t all that embarrassed himself since he PUT HIS LEG UP IN THE AIR TO DO IT. (Again, I witnessed this thru fast forward). My brother did that, in the 5th grade. Now he has funny quips about stepping on ducks and barking spiders when he rips one. Maybe you never grow up.
Then I watched Bones and it was a really cute episode and I was almost devastated that they were going to cut Wendell, but then they didn’t and there was lots of mushy Bones and Booth stuff that I liked. However the crime portion of the story kind of sucked. There has been major holes in their crime story telling this season, like last episode when they totally dropped the question of why did that guy get shot? But I’m okay with it if it means we are going to focus more on the personal relationships. Also, it’s never cool to show cats eating a dead body. Especially when there is a 20 pound Bengal sitting in your lap.
A phone conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Hellbusch:
Mr. H: I hope I don’t have to take a drug test tomorrow.
Mrs. H: Why? What were you doing at Ty’s tonite, I thought you were moving stuff!!?
Mr. H: Yeah but these two guys showed up and one of them was this skinny little drug addict looking guy-I’m not kidding, he was obviously on drugs.
Mrs. H: What and he gave you some and you took them?
Mr. H: No, he kept farting in the moving van while we were loading stuff in and they were rank and bad and probably full of drugs. Druggie farts are bad man, and I’m probably going to fail a drug test just for smelling them and being in the cloud of fart for an hour.
Mrs. H: *dissolves in hysterical laughter so hard Mr. H hangs up after five minutes*
Baby Blog
Dear Friends, I am sane today. Only because it’s Friday, I don’t have much work, and I’m leaving at 3:30. And I had Jimmy Johns last night and now I think we have to get GIANT PICKLES because THE PICKLE QUEEN IS BACK!! Thank God, I missed pickles. Also it looks completely sane right now for me to be eating peanut butter and pickle sandwiches , which I have been eating my whole life, but now I don’t get the judgey looks with them.
The baby feels squished today. Apparently it’s the size of a navel orange and Lord it feels like pumpkin. My ribs hurt on my right side and I’m all bloated and have given up and unbuttoned my pants at work.
I’m currently wishing to lapse into a small coma until the end of the day so that I can stop sitting here bored thinking about how uncomfortable I am.
Mommy TLC
My mom came over last night and hung out for an hour and just talked. She said I needed some TLC. At first I was miffed because I was napping when she called but then we had a really good time and ate left over nachos and just caught up. Since I’m still ruminating over supper on Sunday for Family Dinner-it was nice to bounce ideas off someone. I think some Fat Potato Fat Fat is in this baby’s future.
Duct Tape Cat/Bong Kitten
I don’t even want to talk about this-I just want you to know that it would NOT GO AWAY OFF MY GOOGLE NEWS READER and I cried all day about it. People are sick. I still get choked up about it thinking about it. How could they name that poor duct tape cat “Sticky”? And the best line in the story of Bong Kitten was the guy who did it being quoted saying “They are saying I’m an animal abuser, dude if I hated that cat so much, why would I waste good pot on it?” People suck. And seriously Google News Reader, stop posting stories like that.
Amazon is psychic
So after my rant yesterday my Dan Brown book came! And it took everything in me not to hole myself up and take today off to stay in bed and read it. And then there were 2 DVD specials in the Gold Box too. They both sucked, but it's nice to know Amazon is reading my mind.
I don’t really know what we are doing this weekend, I was just trying to chill and not do anything. Seth is helping Ty and Holly move tonite and I’m supposed to go over there later for supper, so we will see. It depends on how much napping gets done between 4 and then. Saturday we were invited to play Wii at Pam and Jason’s, but I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to Seth about that so I don’t know what he has up his sleeve. My mom wants me to have lunch with her and go see my cousins’ baby, which honestly, the whole idea of freaks me out. I just trying to get thru this pregnancy, I haven’t held a tiny newer baby in YEARS. Probably since we went to visit my mom’s friend Janine in Boston and she had a new baby and mom took my picture of me holding it in the window and then framed that picture and put it on the mantel YEARS later and all of my friends started to think I had a baby and it died or I gave it away or something. Sunday like I said, I have family dinner so I have to schedule about 4 meltdowns about the state of our house and what I’m going to cook. But Ellyn might be there-so YAY!
Live, Laugh, and Love
I hope you all find some of these this weekend. I’m off to visit the happy place in my head while I suffer thru the next 6 ½ hours.
Love (having interesting things to ramble about),
Thursday, September 24, 2009
If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.
Thursday! Thursday! Grey Day! Grey Day!
Okay so I probably won’t be watching it tonite since Seth volunteered to go help our friends Ty and Holly move, and he got all bent out of shape when I was watching the 7 sneak peeks on Eonline! last night and he was freaking out that I was watching it without him.
Last night we watched How I Met Your Mother (hilarious) and Mad Men. We should have watched Castle but Seth started this bad habit where we watched the oldest stuff first. I also watched the first five minutes of So You Think You Can Dance. And saw Tasty Oreo (Tyce Dioreo) was on there-he can either be a great judge or make you fast forward quicker than Mary.
Mad Men was good but super shocking!!! I need to know how Joan is going to return though! I love her!
Baby Blog
I promise everyone, I’m a little saner today than I was yesterday. Well sort of. The worst part is when I have regained my sanity and decided not to live in my car to spare my husband and I’m recounting my breakdown for people and they go-you just need to stop that and snap out of it. Yes, I’m actually doing this all on purpose because I LOVE to make my husband want to run away screaming with his hands over his head. In fact, I love crying all the time and being tired and being hopelessly irrational. It’s fun. I love not wanting to get out of bed in the morning and not making any money for my family. A plus awesome right there. Jebus. A hormone induced imbalance is not something you can just snap out of, it’s not something you choose to live in. It just happens. I wish it didn’t, trust me. I don’t like being sad.
I totally meant to do my Denise Austin Pregnancy work out video because it’s relaxing and Denise makes me feel good about myself. But Seth and I got caught up trying to figure out how to access our Verizon bill. They kept texting the password to our cell phones. Well we have texting blocked, so that wasn’t going to work. Anyway so long story short I didn’t’ get it done. Maybe tonite since Seth will be gone and I will be trying not to watch Grey’s.
Speaking of my phone
I started to REALLY hate my phone yesterday. It took forever to do anything and I kept hanging up on people when I tried to answer my phone because every time I went to answer it, the screen went to the little “thinking” clock, which is just like your computer’s arrow going to the time turner and then you sit there and wait. Except this was happening when I was trying to answer calls, then I would hang up on people or miss the call. It was SUPER annoying. I finally showed Seth what was happening (of course by this time it was 11 and I was telling him I wanted to return my Carrieberry because it was a pain in the butt) and he gave me this lecture on how my Carrieberry is a mini computer and I have to close applications when I’m not using them and yada yada, whatever he fixed it. Now I can not answer phone calls because I’m jamming out to whatever your ringtone is. Except Seth’s, I don’t like Seth’s ringtone and I can’t figure out how I got ringtones on there in the first place so I’m still trying to figure out how to change it. Pam’s too.
Amazon, I quit you, until tomorrow.
First off, your gold box deals have sucked a fat one this week. How can you have “Video Game Discount Day!” once a week and can only manage a DVD/Blu-Ray discount day once a month? I find the fact that you label pet items under “Kitchen and Dining” disturbing and gross. Also, you have been holding my new Dan Brown book hostage. It was supposed to be sent out on the 15th. It didn’t go until the 21st. You think if you blew the date by that much you would send it priority mail, but no, you are just dragging it out while my father mocks me because he bought his at Sam’s Club and is almost thru it. Not cool Amazon not cool.
Television Without Pity, get it together.
Don’t advertise the fact that you have the Glee recap up only to have a blank screen with the episode title. That’s messed up. And not fair. Also can you please get the mean people off the boards? As discussed yesterday, I don’t much care for boards with judgey people who hate Grey’s and come on the boards to bitch about how bad it’s gotten. Okay just go away. Go murk on the Twilight boards or something.
You Crazy!
I was flipping thru the news yesterday and they had Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the news giving his speech at the UN meetings and dude just looked crazy. Like what is it about that guy that gives off the completely effing nuts vibe? Even the translator was like “Uh…he says that we should…um forget the Holocaust? And well HE thinks we should forget the Holocaust and the media needs to move on?” Like while she was translating him she was questioning everything he said as if she couldn’t believe it. At some points she would just stop translating and start paraphrasing the crazy. “…and now he’s going on about Israel and nuclear powers and dude seriously can I get another delegate to translate for, this bitch is crazy.” Okay she really didn’t say that but she wanted to, you could tell in her voice. I like that like half of the delegates walked out, even people that are allies with him, like “potty break! Dude you know it will be on the news tomorrow, let’s go to TGIFriday’s and get some wings, plus this translator sucks.”
Translating is probably really hard. I always secretly wanted to do it after I saw that Nicole Kidman movie, but then I realized I barely have a grasp of the English language so that career choice is probably not a wise one.
I don’t want to work, I just want to bang on the drum all day!
But alas, I have to. I’m actually doing interesting work right now, at least until this afternoon. I’m doing some word processing which I like doing, so that makes me super happy. So I’m off to do that and sit at my desk and check my blogger roll and google reader intermittently. And eat cheese. Type you all tomorrow! (I’m so clever)
Love (the changing seasons),
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A waist is a terrible thing to mind.
This is for me, uncontested, a hump day.
Dear Pregnancy, I’d like my sanity back. Thanks.
Ya’ll I’m seriously losing my ever loving mind. I totally blame pregnancy. I can’t go a day without having an epic meltdown because I’m so tired. This morning I went back to bed and Seth woke up angry and late for work because I usually wake him up. I feel like a terrible wife and I really don’t want to go back home. I feel like I am just making things worse. Oh and he has no underwear, because I haven’t done laundry in like a millennium. And I know you are all like-he can do his own damn laundry, well actually no he can’t, because he works 50+ hour weeks at work and goes to school 2 nights a week. And the other nights of the week are filled with my endless nagging to finish the projects I talked him into starting (we need to tile this entryway, it’s gross. We need to steam clean the baby’s room. We need to re caulk the bathtub.) It’s all starting to get overwhelming and the walls are closing in on me again. So yeah, would you come home to a lunatic crazy person? I wouldn’t. Did I mention last night I stubbed my toe and cried laid on the floor and cried about it so long the cats came and laid by me and started eating my hair because they thought I was dying? And Seth literally said to me, “Babe, I’m trying so hard to help you, but I don’t know what to do, please help me!” Your wife is insane, and I’m blaming the pregnancy hormones, because that’s all I can really think of it being. Either that or I’ve officially inherited the crazy gene and it’s starting to crack thru.
Don’t worry tomorrow I’ll be perfectly sane, and the next day I’ll be off my rocker again.
That is if I go home, at the moment I’m thinking of sleeping in my car so that Seth has one night of peace.
Last night we watched The Soup, Big Bang Theory, and Heroes and a 60 minutes special about a robotic hand (that was Seth’s request). Heroes has potential to not be freaking crap this season, but we will see in the next episode. I’m glad Claire has her real hair back. The wig from last season was starting to freak me out. Big Bang Theory was hilarious, per usual.
Tonite Criminal Minds (Will Hotch get shot?), Top Chef (will they finally kick off Ashley so I stop wanting to shoot myself in the head?), Law and Order SVU (um, I missed the season finale and am still pissed about it), So You Think You Can Dance (ugh auditions), and Glee (the episode is titled “Preggers). My poor DVR. At least I can watch two of those without Seth.
Tomorrow Community (still need to watch the first one), Grey’s (two hours!), Bones, and some more I can’t remember. Seriously Cox, can I get a bigger DVR box?
This weekend
I’m trying to keep this weekend low key since Seth needs a break and he needs to finish up some projects. I’ve talked to Pam about having a wii game night maybe Saturday night but I haven’t talked to Seth about it. And I just volunteered to have Sunday Family Dinner at my house because I need my Dad to give us some advice on some projects. At some point we have to drive our dang guest bed down to my grandparents storage unit so I can buy a crib. Maybe that will help with the crazy-mones.
Off to zone out
Okay friends, I’m going to do some mindless work and hope the stink of this funk lifts off me. I hope you all are having a great day!
Love (to not be crazy),
*Edited later in the day to add*
A little more crazy
Okay seriously, so darling friend Jeni Friend, who you all know I love, is going to be shooting my maternity and newborn photos because I'm lucky in life like that. So I was cruising around "The Bump" today and I left some posts about how great a photographer she is and how excited I am to have her do my maternity photos, mostly to get her a little business love, then I got the brillant idea to go to "The Knot" and tell some brides about her too. Okay it's a slow day at work. Anyway, some creepy person on the message boards totally started calling me out as a vendor and writing mean things about Jeni's work. WTF?? It made mad. And sad. It made me smad. I felt bad because now Jeni's fantastic work has some crazy smear campagin on two huge board communities. And also because message boards can be a scary place. I'll just stay here with you all, if that's okay? And if any of you come up wtih brilliant ideas about how I can brag about how much I love Jeni's work and not get a stalker, hit up the comments below.
Love (jenifriend photography),
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish.
Baby Blog
To answer Laura’s question yesterday about if my vegetarianism has affected my diet with my baby growing skills-so far the answer is no. But I say that with caution, because as I have learned every woman is VASTLY different (seriously those “what to expect” books and such are all just a list of about 100 women’s symptoms that could happen.) And I also say “so far” because at the moment, my doctor said that my being a vegetarian has nothing to do with my rapidly declining blood sugar issues. That could change of course, if I go in next month, still have only gained a pound, and am still having exhaustion and dizzy spells.
But it was one of our first questions and concerns when talking with our doctor. In fact, one of the vitamins that I am still taking, the B super complex, is because a lot of vegetarians don’t get the B6 vitamins that they need.
I sustain my baby’s need for protein by eating TONS of beans (maybe that correlates with my excessive gas?? Nah.) and nuts (Sam’s Club giant container of Almond on my desk to the left), peanut butter, and surprisingly-cheese. These were all recommended by my doctor.
It’s also super easy to find a vegetarian diet to adhere to during pregnancy on the net. I googled it once and came up with such an overwhelming number that I quickly decided I was doing well enough without weird casserole suggestions. Because really, that is all those diet websites are about, even that Kraft food one that I love to get, there are like 6 basic ingredients you can use, and you make a series of casseroles. I digress.
For those of you who don’t know me that well, a little background on my vegetarianism. I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 8. I was a very picky eater when I was a kid. I only liked eating things my Dad made me because I knew he would cut all the fat off the meat. Now a days I don’t remember what meat tastes like at all (although I do have vivid dreams of Arby’s roast beef sandwiches because it was all I can remember meat tasting like) and it’s kind of like how some people don’t like onions, I just don’t like meat. So a little background for you.
Um, what?
So last night I’m trying to pack up and sneak out and this guy comes in to congratulate me on having a baby. We get to talking because his wife is due in December. I tell him I’m 15 weeks and have a while to go and he says “Oh, really? That’s good. My wife and I lost our first baby at 16 weeks.” WHAT THE F*#&(*Q&? Who says that to a pregnant person? Especially one a WEEK BEHIND WHEN YOUR BABY died? Something you should know about me. (this is a very sharing kind of blog today) I am, and have been, a chronic worry wart. I’ve accepted it, I live with it. I hate when people tell me not to worry because that’s like telling me not to breath. I just do, its part of me. My husband knows this, he knows that even if he uses all the logic in the world, I still lift my ass off the seat when I drive over roadkill for fear that it might jump thru the bottom of the car and touch me. My manic irrationality is a subject for a completely different day. Anyway, the point is, I’ve spent the last 20 hours, since that guy told me that, in a constant state of terror that I’m going to lose my baby this week or next. I’m back to checking every wipe and thinking about every gas bubble that causes me a little bit of discomfort. Thanks dude.
Last night I was not able to watch any of the season premiers, but I will tell you what’s sitting on my DVR in hot anticipation- Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, The Antonio Project (Design Star winner’s challenge), and Castle. Be jealous. Also please help me find the time to watch them all. Since Thursday I have to get about 6 hours free for all of those season premiers. Flash Forward maybe sacrificed. And then Friday Ghost Whisperer, Dollhouse, Numbers, and on Wednesday Criminal Minds. AHHHHHHh *head explodes*
Anyway that’s on the agenda.
Pink Hard Hat
Mel at work gave me a pink hard hat. It’s been a hard week. I’ve been wearing it around the office as a sign to everyone about how on edge I am. Some people recognize it as a level of crazy and some people are just worried I’ll head butt them. Either way, I’m ready for battle, in a stylish pink hard hat. My new favorite thing is when things start to go south in a day, I put it on and Mel laughs. You know the rule, if you laugh at my jokes we are friends for life. End of story.
Random Rambling
I’ve been drinking orange juice instead of pop in the morning. I think it’s more dangerous. The orange juice glass comes out of a big space and I worry about spilling it everywhere and it blocks half of my vision. I know the answer is to just start drinking pop again (caffeine free of course-it’s shocking how many of my favorite soda’s are come in the caffeine free option). Sane rational people would say the answer is to get a straw. They are obviously well adjusted and really like drinking orange juice in the morning.
Alright friends, it’s late in the day and I still have a lot of work to catch up on. Tomorrow I don’t have any meetings or anything (that I know of yet) but I do have a meeting on Friday, that horrid one that lasts forever and like who has a meeting on Friday. So I will see you all tomorrow-on time!!
Love (taking care of business),
Monday, September 21, 2009
There is no greater importance in all the world like knowing you are right and that the wave of the world is wrong, yet the wave crashes upon you.
Baby Blog
10 weeks 5 days
We had our first doctor’s appointment with the doctor who will be delivering bean on Wednesday. I started a new job so I’m behind the ball on updating the baby blog.
Our doctor’s name is Dr. Karen Carlson. We are going thru the Women’s Olson Center which is located at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (serious medicine-ha) Kathy is the one who recommended this office and I LOVE them . I was super nervous for our appointment, just because I didn’t want any bad news. We talked with the doctor for about 45 minutes about everything and that was fun. I LOVE our doctor, she is fun, and she will explain things in math word to Seth and she remembers things about us and she was JUST SO EXCITED for us. She also told us that if the HCG test (the dye injected into my lady bits) was what got us pregnant this time, she can do it next time and we don’t have to go back to that awful clinic ever again.
Then I had a pap test and basically just an overall body exam. Which Seth for the first time had to stay in the room for and he almost died of embarrassment and uncomfortableness.
Then we heard the baby’s heartbeat and it was wonderful. We heard it with what just looked like a microphone and a speakerbox. It was going so fast, it sounded like marching. Seth thought maybe that was my heart beat so the doctor showed him what mine sounded like verses the baby’s and I swear he looked like he was going to cry. It was SO COOL.
Then we got a bunch of free stuff and we walked across the street to the cancer center building and got about 10 vials (I am not exaggerating here) of blood drawn.
Oh and I had to “void” in a cup. Which I thought was funny.
My doctor gave me flonase for when my allergies bother me again and said I could stop taking all my vitamins except the B series (because I’m a vegetarian) and the cranberry pill ( I had a UTI-kidney infection a couple years back that almost killed me, so I have to be careful not to get UTI’s again). My prenatal covers most everything else.
Other than that I learned that only the high risk doctors do the ultrasounds at UNMC, so I have to go see the high risk doctor to have an ultrasound at 20 weeks. I am trying to get both my parents to come to that appointment, just because it will be cool. That’s the next time we will get an ultrasound. My next appointment is the 16th of Sept. at 2:45. I have to decide if I want to do the scary tests that test for Cystic Fibrosis and Down’s, but the tests aren’t accurate and they can do them anytime, and I really don’t want to spend the next 6 months worrying about if my kid might have a genetic disorder, that they won’t be able to confirm until it comes out. But it was SO exciting! We so blessed!
So that’s the last entry I have from the first trimester. From here on out you are getting live action blogs that deal with my day to day. And because you were ever so patient while I was dying and no one complained about the picture posts, I’ll start today.
Here is my latest baby dilemma. The baby is SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF ME. For serious. Even my doctor said as much. See my baby loves food (go figure) so when I put normal food in my gullet my baby power sucks it down and gobbles up everything. Lately I’ve been feeling run down, exhausted, and just plain tired. I’ve lost the desire to do most things besides lay in my bed and sleep. Now everything I’ve read so far said this is the golden period. I’m supposed to be loving life. Instead I’m barely able to concentrate, get out of bed, even find the desire to eat, basic functions elude me. So I talked to my doctor about it and all my symptoms and she decided that I was having trouble with my blood sugar. Not so much that it was gestational diabetes or anything, but she called it “rapidly declining” meaning I have to eat a lot more food (I only gained a pound this month and I’m supposed to gain a pound a week) and she said over and over, very clearly, to listen to my body. So if I’m feeling weak, eat a little something and rest. Now that is hard at work. It’s also hard in the morning. My blood sugar is so low in the morning it’s like I have a lead butt. I also get this horrible headaches that make me just want to lay down and close my eyes. So I’m trying to do what my doctor said and listen to my body and lay down when it needs to lay down and always eat because apparently the headaches and exhaustion and dizziness are all signs of the “rapidly declining blood sugar”. At least this is what she thinks right now. The trouble is, I’m expected to put in a 40 hour week-heck, I’m expected to put in a 40+ hour week. And that’s pretty hard when you can’t get out of bed in the morning to save anything. So I thought about it on the way in this morning, and I’m going to talk to my boss today about everything and my supervisor and also Seth and see if it’s okay if I start working what I can and making up where I can. It’s just not worth risking the baby. Even if that means I get no Christmas presents and no one else does either (sorry).
Happy Anniversary!
One year ago yesterday, I married the greatest guy ever. You should be jealous. Yesterday he fed me old wedding cake in bed. We had the best day ever yesterday. It was peaceful and relaxing and just perfect for us. I wish we had taken the whole weekend to just close ourselves off and enjoy each other’s company. I love you sweetie! I can't wait for our next adventure this year!
Did anyone watch the Emmy’s last night? They were GREAT. Neil Patrick Harris was phenomenal and Kristin Chenoweth winning for Pushing Daises made me cry. And the dancers from So You Think You Can Dance did a dance number with Quest Crew! Joshua!! I was so excited. Seth even forwent football and watched it with me, it was THAT GOOD. Yay for better award shows. Neil Patrick Harris made all the difference, really he did. He even brought out Dr. Horrible and Captain Hammer showed up too!! Okay if you know what that is, you and me are best friends for life, no lie.
Other TV
I finally watched the season premiere of Bones and actually found myself missing the show and was glad it was back. I also watched Psych which was a pretty good episode. This week is going to be SO OVERWHELMING for my DVR. Heroes is a two hour premiere and so is Grey’s. And there is football and tons of house stuff to do. Oh DVR, Cox can’t you upgrade my size???
Well I’m WAY behind at work, like overwhelmingly behind, so I’m going to catch up. Hope you all have a lovely start to your week!
Love (to have just a little more energy),
Friday, September 18, 2009
The flu shot has done me in
Remember how much I said I thought the flu shot was the stupidest thing in the world and I wasn't getting one? And then remember how everyone hounded me because I'm having a baby and it was like endangering my fetus to not get one?
So then we went to the doctor and I got gulilted into getting one?
Well now I have some form of death. I blame Seth, and my doctor, and that hacky guy with six kids in training yesterday. My doctor said to stay away from public places and rest because my immune system would be weak, so I went into a small tiny room with no windows and freezing air conditioning and four very sick looking people.
Anywhoo, keeping in tradition of me not being able to write much without my head exploding-here is some pictures of what I'm dealing with today cat wise-
Willowis giving me the sorry you are dying but I'm still going to be naughty look:

Bags doesn't care, unless I have ham...

Alright here's hoping I'm in full form on Monday. My bank account and husband would sure appreciate it.
Love (to not have a head removing headache),
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Quick Post before Training
I'll be in training trying to play on my Carrieberry and not get noticed.
8 weeks 3 days
Hey Bean! I was mad at you last night. Lord almighty you made me sick last night. Seriously, I've never vomited that hard in my life. And unfortunately I spent the better part of the evening drinking tropical punch kool aid, so it was like, Technicolor fun.
I've been starting to think about doing a little more working out and moving around and see how you react. I know you didn't like it before with the spotting. But I'm starting to put on weight like a motherhonker and my pants are fitting anymore. And I don't like shaving my legs enough to try my skirts. Plus I don't think I can wear skirts here at work.
Speaking of work, I had an interview yesterday and I had to tell them that you existed because some of the job required heavy lifting. Since you seem to be having fun with my sciatic nerve and making that hurt if I'm not wearing tennis shoes 24/7, I had to tell them I couldn't do the lifting. It was nice though, being able to talk about you.
Seth tells you good night every night Bean, and he tells you to stop making me sick, but if making me sick means you are going to be healthy and perfect, then Seth is going to have to clean a lot of toilets. He cleaned his first one last night! I told him if I had to puke in that dirty toilet I might as well just puke in a bucket which would be more work for him. He's been super stressed lately with work, and school and family drama. I'm just trying super hard to keep him happy and hope he get thru this tough time without his head exploding.
9 weeks and 3 days
Oh Bean. I can't wait to see you next week! I hope you look a little less blobby and a little more baby. You supposedly have arms and legs and a weird shaped head. According to the thousands of web pages I read on the subject.
Daddy’s insurance has sent us “The Mayo Clinic’s Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy” and I love reading it. Now if I could just get your Daddy to read it and stop wondering why I smell so bad all the time or why my face looks like a 16 year old boys.
People have been so nice to me lately and they deserve mention-Aunt Pam and Uncle Jason brought over all the newborn diapers (hopefully) you will ever need (234!) and your first teddy bear. Grammy and Uncle Jesse came and cleaned our house when I was having an epic meltdown because I couldn't throw up in a dirty toilet anymore. It was making throwing up more violent because the thought of having my head thisclose to dried poo made me vomit harder. Aunt Kathy and Uncle Dan have been giving moral support and getting excited about buying you things and planning shower! Aunt Jeni has been giving amazing spiritual support via email and has promised to use her amazing talent that I adore to take pretty pretty pictures of you when you are born. Uncle Cody and Uncle Chet waited on me hand and foot at Cheeto and Whitney's wedding, getting me special drinks, food, and even things out of the car when I needed them. Uncle Chet also comes over and does the yard work since Daddy is too busy with everything else to do it. It helps out more than he knows. Even the people at my work have been so nice, listening to my litany of whining and panic attacks about random pains and weird body changes. Your Daddy has been the best of all, and he always tells you good night and to be good every night. Even when we had the death plague at the beginning of the week. Your Grammy brought us dinner so that we didn’t starve to death. I just thought you should know Bean, that people love you so much already. And there are so many people praying for you, it's unreal.
And I can't wait for the first trimester to be over-3 weeks and 4 days! I can't wait to start showing and telling people and most of all I can't wait to put this stinking blog up and be able to tell everyone on the blog why I am brain dead and tired all the time. I'm pretty sure the blogsphere things I have mono.
In not fun Bean news, I almost puked in my car again, but I lost my plastic bag under the seat and had to pull over. Also my mandatory 4:30 to 6:30 nap is starting to make it hard to fall asleep at night. I may have to start cutting back to just an hour nap and that makes me sad. Mostly because our naps are probably some of the best naps I have ever had in my life. Bar that time your Dad and I were in Mexico and we spent all day in the sun at the pool and ate a huge buffet went back to the room and drew the heavy curtains and turned the air down to 50 and got under the covers in the huge bed and slept for two hours. That may have been the best nap I've ever taken. Close second goes to the fall naps after a hot bath during a thunderstorm on your Grammy and Gramps screened in porch bed. Allergies have kicked up since it decided to finally start being a hot summer (boo) and so I'm miserable. I can't take any medicine so I take steam baths with eucalyptus scented bubble bath and then try to fall asleep before my nose clogs up. Every time I start to get worn out and weepy about it, I remember that you are trying to grow your brain, lungs, heart, and dirty bits, and then I put the antihistamine down. I want you to have good strong parts, the best I can help you make.
Lately all I can do is think about food though. It's all I want. Tons of food, mostly food from my childhood that's impossible to get.
One thing I'm looking forward to is going to New York City to see Aunt Natalia in October and tell her all about you Bean, she will be so excited!! And Daddy will be excited to see the Giants play the Cardinals and Mommy will just be happy that Dad is happy and that there might be cheese fries. Mmmmm…
Love (to not be in training),
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I came home yesterday utterly exhausted, went to be early and I woke up utterly exhausted and unable to make the drive into work for 5 hours only to make it back again and head out to the doctors.
So I'm at home. In my jammies. Doing laundry (that I'm 2 weeks behind on and cleaning my kitchen and just trying to be relaxed and peaceful.
Guess what I got done though? I used my fancy new phone to take pictures of Super Husband Seth's fancy tiling job (with much help from Always Awesome Dad)
Here they are:

This is it uncovered.

This is the tile with the new rug and the redone trim laid against it.
So forgive the lack of post, I'm going in early tomorrow to try and get some stuff done before my all day training session starts at 7:30. Maybe if I get a wild hair and a fat man in front of me, I'll take more pictures for you and post them. I will for sure post 2 parts of the baby blog for you to make up for today.
Hope you all have a great day!
Love (to hear Bean's heartbeat already),
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Television is more interesting than people. If it were not, we would have people standing in the corners of our rooms.
Hello Tuesday. Tomorrow I go to see Dr. Karen and let her poke and prod (I’m assuming, I don’t really know, all I know is I am going to have to pee in a cup) me. So I’m kind of ready to get that part of the week over with and hear the Bean’s heart beat again and have a great anniversary weekend (which mostly sounds like we will be attending Seth’s co-worker’s football party and getting rid of a full size bed).
Another night in Verizon
So last night we had to go back to Verizon to get Seth’s Storm blackberry so he would stop stealing mine. On the way there he attempted to call Alltel from his old phone and cancel our service but they kept telling him their system was having “technical difficulties” and hung up on him. Finally he called from my new phone and got right thru. Those Alltel bastards. We did successfully get it turned off though AND got a refund on the money we already paid to finish out this month. I did check into it, and for our unlimited blackberry package it cost us 24 bucks, regularly 30 (we get a Lockheed Martin discount) not 50 like I thought. But it is per phone. So its 50 bucks total for us both to have blackberry access. But it would be 30 if you were doing it by yourself. But of course when we went there they had trouble with the refunds and the exchange and so it took forever, but they still laugh at my jokes, so they are okay to hang out with.
Football and Brother
After we got back Jesse was waiting for us at the house to watch Monday night football with Seth and we did that and I headed up for bed after the first game got over. I like when he comes over to watch football, I hope he does it again Thursday.
Baby Blog
Yay another good blog!
8 weeks!
You are eight weeks old today bean! We've started calling you bean, I'm not sure why, maybe because you make me fart like no one's business. Like bad, like wake Seth up out of a dead sleep bad. This weekend was the first real weekend where I made an active effort to do something other than sleep. Let me tell you, major mistake. I'm exhausted today. Like I would go home from work, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my eyes open that long. I'm hoping lunch will perk me up. Hoping.
Somewhere along the way this blog went to being information about what everyone on my regular blog has been missing, to a personal blog to the bean. It must have happened somewhere around the time we thought there was no heartbeat because I needed to make you real bean, and you are! Trust you are. You did not like the dinner mints at Cheeto and Whitney's wedding so I had to throw up in the bathroom in my pretty pink dress. It seems like FOREVER until our next appointment, but I really liked Dr. Karen Carlson when we met her when we first started trying, and she's the one who sent us to the fertility clinic, so she's worth waiting for. She wasn't going to accept any new patients, but once she was reminded of our history she let us on. Who knew there might have been a waiting list for a doctor!?!? Our next appointment is August 19th at 2:30, but we've asked to go on a list in case there is a earlier one. At that point you should be around 10 weeks old and will look so different on the ultrasound. Hopefully they won't have to do the vaginal ultrasound because that one kind of sucks.
Random Baby making thoughts
I read last night in bed (on my Carrieberry) that the Bean is the size of a lemon this week and it starting to urinate inside me. And also growing hair. So I have a hairy pissing lemon inside me this week. Great.
My exhaustion is starting to creep back this week. But I go home and there is just so much to do and I always think I can catch a little nap before Seth gets home, but then I get distracted by the dishes or the cats or something. I’m seriously making napping a priority when I get home today.
My morning appetite is gone, which is strange. I know I need to eat too, or I’ll get that sick flu feeling. It happened again last night because we ate late after Verizon.
Sad things I’ve just read/done
Patrick Swayze is dead.
Jessica Simpson’s dog Daisy got eaten by coyotes.
My work is blocking all attempts to watch the first five minutes of Grey’s.
I forgot my cottage cheese at home.
Creepy things I’ve just read/done
They keep referring to Patrick Swayze’s career as “Sexy”
No seriously, did you hear about the hairy pissing lemon I’m growing?
Fantasized about eating cheese fries.
Amazon is selling a “mummy sleeping bag” as one of their hot deals today. That doesn’t seem right.
Craptacular things I’ve done/read today
There is five months of backlogged filing and the old mean lady asked me to do it and I told her I couldn’t because I can’t stand for more than 20 minutes at a time because of the baby. In reality, I just don’t want to do five months of filing. I’m sure she will be be back with a stool or something, I’m going to have to come up with a better excuse.
They won’t let Elton John adopt a kid because he’s old and gay.
Spent five minutes updating my facebook status (so hard to text!) during a meeting with a great Don Henley lyric only to accidently hit some button and delete/post it half way thru.
Great things I’ve read/done
White eye shadow and liner were the big styles at the MTV VMA’s. FINALLY years of wearing white eye liner pays off, I’m finally in style. Ha!
Even Obama thinks Kanye is a jackass.
Booked our flight to visit my Aunt Natalia in New Jersey and to go see a Giants game in October.
I didn't kill the cube guy next to me who's jaw pops when he chews or drinks or talks, do you know how maddening that is??
Enough out of me
Hope you all have a great day! I’ll talk to you later! Show a little love to the comments and keep me off my Carrieberry today!
Love (my new nickname for my phone),
Monday, September 14, 2009
In great affairs men show themselves as they wish to be seen; in small things they show themselves as they are.
Baby Blog
I’m going to start off with the baby blog today because this (after all that sad baby blogness) is a super happy great baby blog, and you all deserve that on a Monday morning:
7 weeks!
Joy, elation, terror, overwhelming love! Today-today tiny pea, we saw your heartbeat. We both cried (Seth swears he just welled up, no tears), it was the biggest relief. There it was, sounding like cat throw up beating away, at 128 bpm. So fast. I have never cried so happy in my whole life. Not even on my wedding day. And watching Seth get all weepy faced with his big smile put me over the edge. I'm so very very glad that everything is good and you are here and now I can start celebrating and being excited. We are so, so blessed. My heart aches at how truly blessed we are.
Yesterday I proved my theory that the baby hates pickles. Which is HORRIBLE NEWS because I love pickles with a passion. I ate ONE pickle yesterday and power vomited so hard toilet water splashed back up into my mouth. Gross. The weirdest part was once I got the pickle out, I was still hungry and went back and finished my dinner like nothing was wrong. It was strange. Today my lunch isn't sitting so hot either, but work waits for no baby-so I have to suck it up and finish the day. Especially since this weekend we are going to Cheeto and Whitney's wedding (eeeek! It's going to be SO HARD not to tell people!) I'm secretly hoping you are born on St. Patrick's Day because if you are a boy-then I will name you Kellen, in honor of your St. Patrick's birth.
Weekend Review
What a busy weekend we had. Dad came over on Friday (Seth had to work late) and he put down the durarock (actually it was called fiber rock, but Dad kept calling it durarock) onto the laminate flooring of our entryway, there by banishing it forever! Yay! Seth came home just in time to help him glue it down and screw it into the existing floor. Then Dad and I went home and Seth and I went to Walgreens where we spent a stupid amount of money to get a gender test (the same one Kendra and Hank Baskett took) and I’ll just tell you now, you must need a degree in Chemistry for that stupid thing. We couldn’t figure out what color it was, so we are just deciding it was inconclusive and now I’m crabby for wasting 30 bucks I could have spent on the Grey’s Season 5 DVD’s coming out this week. After that we literally went to 3 fast food restaurants to get random things (the baby wanted different flavors) and went home to watch football and some shows off the DVR (Destination Truth and Hard Knocks). Around 10:30 Chet came over after he got off work to spend the night so he could wake up early and help us clean out the guest part of the guest bedroom and rearrange the storage closet with me.
Saturday Dad showed up around 10 and he and Seth got started on the floor. This proved very difficult for Chet and I as they were blocking the main thoroughfare thru the house. But Chet and I worked it out and got the storage room totally rearranged and got the giant dresser I’ve had since I was 6 (it’s a BEAST, my brother has the matching one) into the storage room snugly and still had room leftover! Next week, I’m going to see if Seth wants to tackle under the stairs…
Chet left for work at noon and Seth and Dad finished laying the tile (it has to sit for 24 hours before you can grout with the spacers in) so we all went to lunch over at the “Beyond Golf” which was a super cool place, it’s basically virtual golf, where you can play an entire course indoors. I’ve linked it if you are interested. I’m pretty sure it got my dad’s wheels turning about starting a winter league. The Nebraska game was going on so they had it up on all the screens, even the virtual golf course screens. We had a nice lunch and then Seth and I went to run errands.
And so began our battle at Alltel and Verizon. If you remember, last weekend after hours of the run around, we were told by Alltel to comeback in a week and they would set us up. We went back to that same Alltel and it had turned into a Verizon. And they couldn’t help us. We decided to give up and go look at Nebraska Furniture Mart for baby furniture since I had gotten the room almost cleaned out. Seth decided to call Alltel and give them the what’s what. After 45 minutes on the phone they basically told us Verizon was lying and we needed to go to a Verizon store and have them check our account where Alltel made a note that said we could change over. The closest store (after the scary baby furniture store we happenstance across) was a “Premium” dealer, which is basically like a McDonalds franchise, it has the McDonalds name, but it’s owned by local people and you never know what you are going to get. Long story short, these guys were VERY helpful and 4 hours later with the right coaching, Seth got Alltel to terminate our contract fee-free upon setting up new Verizon ones. Now here’s the part where it gets hinky, the store only carried certain phones, and of course they were mostly blackberries and ugly crap phones. I decided a long time ago to get a blackberry but not get the service to it, just the ability to make phone calls and text. The people at the store laughed at me, apparently this isn’t possible. So Seth and I both ended up talked into blackberries with a much higher bill then we had with Alltel. While I like the blackberry and love the convenience of it (I just forwarded our ticket for our trip to New York to everyone and I wouldn’t have been able to do that until I got home) I just don’t know if it’s worth the money. Especially with a baby on the way. I’m trying to see if we can take them back to a different Verizon store so I don’t feel bad since those guys worked so hard and spent 4 hours helping us get out of our contract…
Saturday night we came home and basically played with our phones all night. Seth has a loaner phone since I took the last Storm, we went back yesterday to get his Storm and of course they didn’t deliver them because this NIGHTMARE WILL NEVER END. He’s going to try again today. We still have one more battle with Alltel-we have to call today and say, our Verizon accounts are activated, delete our account and charge us nothing! And hope they remember the epic battle from Saturday. If not I’m pretty sure Seth’s going to start cussing.
Cody also stopped by with a friend late Saturday night while they were making their party rounds. They were only there about an hour, and honestly I was the worst host ever because I was like totally into programming my ringtones.
Sunday Dad came over and Seth and him finished the grouting work which took all of 10 minutes. Then I rode back with Dad to the house and spent some time with my mom who I hadn’t seen in like, forever. We went shopping and she bought me a beautiful dress (which I’m going to wear to our anniversary dinner on Sunday) and my favorite bubble bath from Bath and Body Works. (Black Currant Vanilla) We were going to get some fantastic sweaters from Ann Taylor loft that really helped my bloated pregnancy belly and would be nice for winter, but the saleslady told us the wrong ones were on sale and we weren’t about to pay 80 bucks for a sweater.
After that I came home and took a nap, then we tried to get Seth’s Storm and failed, then we went to the grocery store, I had a pregnancy meltdown because I was hungry and exhausted and I should have stayed in bed instead of getting up and wearing myself out. But Seth and my Dad talked me thru it (It included a lot of repetition of “I can’t do this, I just can’t, I’m just falling apart”) and then I ate some cottage cheese and made dinner and finished all of my stuff that I needed to do (apparently I COULD do it) and Seth helped. Then we watched Football and Mad Men and went to bed.
True story. The end.
Busy week ahead!
This week I have a meeting tomorrow morning (boo) and Wednesday we have our next checkup at the doctors (yay!) and then Thursday I have a full day of training so I won’t be blogging, but I’ll try to get some pictures up when I get home of the new tile, the new car, and other exciting stuff (not my baby lump).
Here are some things I can tell your right now about being pregnant that you won’t read in the books. One, everyone woman’s body is different, so what they tell you will happen in the books actually might ONLY happen, since it’s a compiled list of a bunch of woman’s experiences. For example, I could blow the cats out of bed with my butt, but I’m not constipated, everything I’ve read is like “So we know you are frustrated being constipated…”no actually, I’m frustrated because I can’t figure out how to fart quietly at work.
During weeks 9-13 I had a HORRIBLE back pain that left me almost motionless when it hit. Apparently, according to my doc, the baby before that was behind my pelvic bone, as it got bigger and pushed over my pelvic bone, it pushed right into my sciatic nerve. Thanks tilted uterus! You probably don’t have a tilted uterus, but I pretty much thought by the time this baby got huge, I would not be walking. Blessedly, this has passed since the baby got out from behind my pelvic bone.
These last couple weeks I have been plagued by intense oncoming hunger, that if not taken care of immediately, leaves me feeling like I have the flu. Weak, achy, headache, nausea. We are going to talk to the doctor about it, because it’s not right, it’s like I need to eat but don’t have the energy to get up and feed myself because all I know is I feel like crap and I need to lie down. I have also had crazy mood swings.
But perhaps, the worst part of all, that they don’t tell you in the books and I’ve never heard a third trimester woman say, but there is NOTHING glamorous yet (at least in the first part, as far as I’ve gotten) about the second trimester. My skin has broken out worse, I can’t wear make up at all and have to wash my face 4 times a day. I’m in a weird in between stage where I don’t have a baby bump, I have a baby lump, I just look fat, and everyone is like “no, no” but people, I’ve had this body for 27 years. I know what looking and feeling fat is like. I know when I can’t put on a large shirt and not look like I eat at Golden Corral three times a week. I know those judgey looks from people in the store-I used to give them! I don’t have a beautiful baby bump yet. I have a fat lump. And I’m not kidding at all. Which is why I don’t want to take pictures of it yet, right now it’s probably the WORST part of pregnancy, this awkward stage. It causes me a lot of strife. Like Saturday I was trying to find a shirt to wear for errands and lunch and I gave up and put on the Nebraska shirt Jesse got me when he went to UNL. Then after sitting in Verizon for four hours, I suddenly felt like the ugliest frumpiest woman alive. They didn’t know I was pregnant. They just knew there was this girl in a oversized t-shirt and jeans, no make up, not washed hair, silently weeping on their credenza because she wanted a new phone so badly.
But the fun parts are starting the nesting and finishing up old projects and starting to see super cute baby clothes at Kohl’s and being excited to dress something tiny and sweet in them.
Maybe next week I’ll have a real bump or feel it move. But this week, seriously, you can’t convince me otherwise. Thanks for trying though, ask Seth, he gave up too. He just gives me his old t-shirts and holds me when I weep in the mirror. He’s a good husband.
Whoa Nelly!
2,300+ words? You lucky people you. Maybe I’m feeling guilty for abandoning you on Thursday. Alright off to work and to track down Janet’s performance on the VMA’s because I heard all the SYTYCD choreographers were in it!
Love (to be in week 18 or something already),
Friday, September 11, 2009
A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward.
Last night during the football game they had a little tribute to the 9/11 tragedy. I cried like no one’s business. I think the Steelers coach was crying too, which is another reason I kind of love him. But seriously, that was 8 years ago!?!? Geez. It feels like yesterday. Moment of silence ya’ll.
Jesse ended up coming over last night and it was really fun. He kept calling Hines Ward “Steak Sauce” and Troy Polomalu “Palmolive”. Seth and I had a lot of fun before he showed up too, we made the chicken strips and went for a walk (me)/run (Seth) and had some good laughs about the Titans starting lineup (they all look like Mountain Men!) Jesse brought over my dead Grandma’s old Lazy Boy chair (I was admiring it when we were cleaning his trailer (FOR SALE HERE- !!) for the baby’s room, and that made me all squishy with happy inside. He stayed until the end of the game. I ended up crapping out at the overtime mark and going upstairs to get ready for bed. It was a good game though.
Weekend Ahead
So tonite my Dad is coming over to lay the durarock for the tile floor (YAYAYAYAYAYYA!!!!) and Chet is coming over at 10, after work, to stay the night. He’s going to wake up early and help Seth disassemble and move the guest bedroom downstairs before the tile is laid and move the new chair up the stairs. Then Dad will be over sometime to lay the tile and teach Seth how to do that. I will be steam cleaning the carpet in the “baby” portion of the guest bedroom and steam cleaning the chair Jesse gave the baby. I don’t know how long that will all take, but the only other thing I have to get done this weekend is to go to Alltel and get my new damn phone (jerks). Oh and sleep…a lot.
Random bathroom story
So yesterday, on my standard, pee before you get in the car and make a 45 minute drive, bathroom break before I left work-I went into the bathroom and for the first time in my short history in this building there was actually someone in one of the stalls (I go to a small out of the way bathroom and have never seen anyone in there which is why I like it). I started to suck it up and go into the stall next to it and there was a big huge mothertrucking spider right on the toilet seat. I panicked and ran out of the bathroom. I HATE spiders. That woman must have thought I was a nervous pee-er. Which I'm totally not. I just really hate spiders.
I was once trapped in my bedroom for like 6 hours before Jason and Pam came home because there was a spider in on the ceiling above the doorway and I was sure that it was going to slide down and bite me and kill me if I tried to leave. That experience gave me a bladder infection. Anyway so this morning, I get to work to do my standard, pee after you have made a 45 minute drive, and I go into the bathroom and the big huge mothertrucking spider has somehow fallen into the toilet and died. I went into the other stall. I could have just flushed it, but I’m pretty sure that spider is faking it and just waiting for me to come in there so he can eat my face off. I just went again (yay pregnancy) and that sneaky sucker is still there. It’s going to be a long day…
Random pregnancy complaints
What in the FLIP is happening to my belly button? It’s freaking me out. I always used to have this cute little belly button, it was rare, and it went vertically instead of horizontally like most peoples. But now it’s turning into a GIANT BLACK HOLE. I swear you could park a Cadillac in my belly button. Comfortably. It’s huge and it’s disturbing me. Two nights ago Seth made me cry because he told me it’s going to pop out like a turkey timer and the thought of that makes me even more upset because I HATE those belly buttons, they scare me. I’m not comfortable with them. So when that time decides to come (which I’m denying it ever will) I will be taping my belly button back down.
Also my stomach is making REALLY loud noises today. Not the “you’re starving to death” noises like it usually does, but the you are trying really hard not to fart and freak out your cube mate noises. I’m trying really hard but I'm full of gas!
See yesterday when the air conditioning crapped out and it started to get hot, I got REALLY crabby and started telling everyone that I was going to take off my pants because I was dying of heat stroke. My cube partner just looked at me in holy terror. I tried to reassure him by telling him that I would stay in my chair with my legs under my desk, but he just looked even more scared. So I’m trying to be nice to him since clearly I traumatized him yesterday and he can’t look me in the eye anymore. But in my defense, I’ve always said, being hot makes me the most miserable person to be around.
*sidebar* I also have to be nice to him since yesterday I stuck my big giant foot in my mouth around him. There is this trial going on for a CSI guy who they say tampered with evidence. Yesterday my news thingy popped up and said he got off and so I said aloud “Oh that CSI guy was found not guilty”. Cube guy looked like he was going to cry with happiness and said “Oh good, that means they won’t have to retry Christmas Eagle.”
*even futher side bar* Because I made SUCH an ass of myself yesterday, I’m trying to protect the details of this story by changing the name of the criminals and the crime in which he is referring” *end further sidebar*
So I, in my INFINATE AWESOMENESS and extreme tact-less-ness go “You mean that kid that killed that pregnant girl by throwing ninja stars at her?” (Again, not the real crime) And he was like “Yeah, that was my niece and my daughter’s best friend, we all had to testify at the trial and we just started to accept that she is gone”. Well…fuck…
So you see, I have to be extra not traumatizing to him today *end sidebar*
Baby Blog
Here is my attempt at being humorous and optimistic while facing possibly one of the greatest traumas of my life:
July 22, 2009
On my way into work today, in my shiny brand new car, I vomited, while driving, into my soup bowl.
I had just recently finished gobbling up a 100 calorie mini bagel with cream cheese. I took my vitamins (I learned pre pregnancy that I have to take the vitamins directly after eating or they hurt my stomach) and took off to work. Driving along I got to the part where traffic got SUPER BAD, not slow, just busy. My stomach started in with the throw up pain. Now usually I'm able to fight this down no problem and it passes. But all of the sudden, I knew this wasn't going to just pass. I started searching frantically around my shiny brand new Honda CRV that was only 3 days old to me for ANYTHING to puke in. I couldn't pull over, I couldn't even merge out of the middle lane. I drank water continuously to help the vomit come up easier because I knew the second I took my lips off that bottle I was going to spew. Dang you Seth for cleaning out my car! In the VUE I had multiple plastic sacks of garbage hanging around. They would have been perfect! Out of the corner of my eye I see my work bag has flung open in my speedy corner turning. In it is my bright green plastic bowl that I bring to work to eat my soup in. I weigh the option of if it will be big enough, and then I decide I have no other choice. Luckily earlier in the week when it was raining I decided I needed a hand towel in the front seat to wipe off the rain, so I had that as back up.
And then I puked, in traffic, in a bright green bowl. Luckily it wasn't too much since all I had to eat was the world's smallest bagel and some vitamins. I wiped up my face and put the bowl on the floor by my feet and held my breath until my exit where I could pull over and dump it out. Now I have nothing to eat my soup in at work. Nice.
I'm living every second in fear. I want your little heart to have started more than anything in the world. Seth and Kathy and Jeni are confident and strong. It's why I need them, I can't think about the worst. I'm trying to trust God and pray incessantly. I am so very, very scared.
Go forth!
Alright dear friends, I’m off to try to motor thru this day and get my weekend started. Hopefully I can catch a nap before my dad comes over. In my head I’m planning an escape plan and thinking of sneaking out a little early. For my sanity’s sake.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Love (when I’m not being a complete idiot to strangers),
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
Of course then I got on the computer to do my obligatory facebook and twitter and email check and realized it was Thursday and have been whiny and grumpy since. Fun!
Revitalized Trailer Home for Sale!
I can say revitalized because I spent last Saturday revitalizing it. And then I spent Tuesday pouting on the blog about spending Saturday revitalizing it. So lots of elbow grease here people!
Here are the details copied straight from my mom’s email:
If you know anyone who needs a good home, please direct them to the site below: $22,000: 3 bedroom/2 bath trailer with new roof, deck, shed, yard, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, new carpet. 40X28-lots of room, cathedral ceiling, garden tub. Very nice place in Villa Estates, 6363 Grover. Park lot rental is $350 a month includes water and trash.
I totally keep forgetting to mention that over the weekend I got sucked into an episode of MTV’s “Made” and it was all about this girl, who looked and acted like a dude and wanted to be a beauty queen. Anyway the point of the store was she was from North Platte Nebraska, and in like the first scene they show her and her friends practically eating a Runza out of business. Now having to watch about 100 Runza commercials, I know that Runza is totally a Nebraska thing, so I got all excited. But then I got disappointed because it was like the most stereotypical everyone in Nebraska is backwater story ever. The parents were decked out in Harley gear. All of her friends and herself were overweight. SHE USED TO PLAY FOOTBALL. She had like two cute friends and they were all goth and creepy. It made me weep for Nebraska’s youth. There are cool people here-I swear! Some with eating disorders and social acceptance dependencies!
I watched So You Think You Can Dance mostly in fast forward. I’m getting bad. I don’t care about the audition process at all. I hate the stupid auditions that are just put in there for laughs. I watch this show for the incredible dancing, not to watch delusional people make idiots of themselves, if I wanted to watch stupid stuff like that I’d watch Wipeout or something. Also I find people I really, really like, and then in Vegas week they cut them, so I try not to get too attached.
I also watched the season finale of Gordon Ramsey’s F word on BBC America and it was cute. He went head to head on dessert with Graham Norton (another BBC host favorite of mine) and it was hilarious.
I caught the tail end of the President’s address to Congress right before I started SYTYCD and he made a lot of really encouraging points and statements. I really hope we can get healthcare reform on the ball. The whole spiel about Ted Kennedy’s letter delivered after his death though made me sob like a two year old. I’m not sure why at all.
Baby Blog
Okay this one is a hard one for me today. This was probably the hardest day of my life to get thru. The hardest week of my life really. I mean you all know now that it had a good ending, but at the time. Man. I just felt so robbed and empty. You can tell in the post, which was written the day after our appointment, I sound so hollow and unable to process what I’m going thru. This is about the time I fell out of love with my fertility clinic. You never really go back to liking someone who shows you what the D&C paperwork you will have to fill out next week because you won’t listen to them and accept that it’s dead now. Thank God we didn’t.
July 21st, 2009
We had the baby's first ultrasound appointment today. They did a vaginal ultrasound, which is pretty uncomfortable. They couldn't find a heartbeat for the baby. I was devastated. Seth convinced me to not go to work and he came home and sat with me. He did a lot of research and called the clinic a couple of times to verify information-Seth thinks that I am not as far along as they think I am. He thinks I'm only about 5 ½ weeks. (hence why I stopped dating entries with how far along I am). We got back next Monday to do another ultrasound and hopefully they can find a heartbeat. The clinic was the WORST-they tried to kill any hope I had and literally tried to get me to fill out paperwork to kill the baby. They told us to prepare for the worst. How does one do that exactly? I don't want to be at work today, but I can't lay around and cry and worry anymore. All I can do is have patience and faith and rely on Seth to reassure me and keep my spirits up. That's all I can really handle right now.
Random thought
Wow, Ellen is going to be a judge on American Idol? I don’t know how to feel about that. I mean, I love her, but when she was a judge on SYTYCD she kind of just told jokes and feigned that she knew nothing about dancing so she wasn’t fit to judge anyone, but that as a normal person she loved it. I’m just hoping she will be more constructive if she is a judge on American Idol. Or I guess when she’s a judge. Oh well, gives me a reason to watch this year, huh?
Another random thought
They are going to turn Neverland into a theme park? Gross. Isn’t there better things for America to be spending its money on? Seriously people.
I got a “Parents” magazine in the mail yesterday because I got bored a couple weeks ago and searched “Free baby stuff” in google and applied for everything that came up. Boy that magazine makes you feel like a failure at life. While it’s a good read, the fact that I don’t even think on the level of “Mom” totally freaked me out. Like there was a whole section on snacks and what kind of snacks to bring where, like to sports practice, school, and other events your kids go to. Dude, most days I can’t even think past what I’m going to eat for lunch-how is this going to work???!?!?
Are you ready for some tight pants?
Football starts tonite and Seth is so excited it’s almost catching. Almost. I’m going to make him Chicken Strips and Fries, using this recipe and maybe Chet and Jesse will come over and eat them all. Hopefully Seth gets home from work in time to help out. Otherwise I will be in the kitchen all night long.
Lack of pictures
Seth needs a cute picture of the beeps to enter them in the Lockheed Martin cutest pet picture contest. I went thru the blog trying to find some (since work blocks all my picture sites) and I realized I have been woefully not putting enough pictures on the blog. I’m going to try to remedy that this weekend for you all. Hopefully my new phone will be able to text pictures to the blog, apparently you can do that.
Here’s hoping tomorrow is Friday...
Seriously, it better be, or I quit life.
See you all tomorrow!
Love (for Seth to hurry up and invent time travel),