Hello dear friends. Is it really only Tuesday? I seriously considered not coming to work anymore and after the events of training and other things today, I see that I was right. I should seriously give up working and take up residence in my bed.
Baby Blog
To answer Laura’s question yesterday about if my vegetarianism has affected my diet with my baby growing skills-so far the answer is no. But I say that with caution, because as I have learned every woman is VASTLY different (seriously those “what to expect” books and such are all just a list of about 100 women’s symptoms that could happen.) And I also say “so far” because at the moment, my doctor said that my being a vegetarian has nothing to do with my rapidly declining blood sugar issues. That could change of course, if I go in next month, still have only gained a pound, and am still having exhaustion and dizzy spells.
But it was one of our first questions and concerns when talking with our doctor. In fact, one of the vitamins that I am still taking, the B super complex, is because a lot of vegetarians don’t get the B6 vitamins that they need.
I sustain my baby’s need for protein by eating TONS of beans (maybe that correlates with my excessive gas?? Nah.) and nuts (Sam’s Club giant container of Almond on my desk to the left), peanut butter, and surprisingly-cheese. These were all recommended by my doctor.
It’s also super easy to find a vegetarian diet to adhere to during pregnancy on the net. I googled it once and came up with such an overwhelming number that I quickly decided I was doing well enough without weird casserole suggestions. Because really, that is all those diet websites are about, even that Kraft food one that I love to get, there are like 6 basic ingredients you can use, and you make a series of casseroles. I digress.
For those of you who don’t know me that well, a little background on my vegetarianism. I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 8. I was a very picky eater when I was a kid. I only liked eating things my Dad made me because I knew he would cut all the fat off the meat. Now a days I don’t remember what meat tastes like at all (although I do have vivid dreams of Arby’s roast beef sandwiches because it was all I can remember meat tasting like) and it’s kind of like how some people don’t like onions, I just don’t like meat. So a little background for you.
Um, what?
So last night I’m trying to pack up and sneak out and this guy comes in to congratulate me on having a baby. We get to talking because his wife is due in December. I tell him I’m 15 weeks and have a while to go and he says “Oh, really? That’s good. My wife and I lost our first baby at 16 weeks.” WHAT THE F*#&(*Q&? Who says that to a pregnant person? Especially one a WEEK BEHIND WHEN YOUR BABY died? Something you should know about me. (this is a very sharing kind of blog today) I am, and have been, a chronic worry wart. I’ve accepted it, I live with it. I hate when people tell me not to worry because that’s like telling me not to breath. I just do, its part of me. My husband knows this, he knows that even if he uses all the logic in the world, I still lift my ass off the seat when I drive over roadkill for fear that it might jump thru the bottom of the car and touch me. My manic irrationality is a subject for a completely different day. Anyway, the point is, I’ve spent the last 20 hours, since that guy told me that, in a constant state of terror that I’m going to lose my baby this week or next. I’m back to checking every wipe and thinking about every gas bubble that causes me a little bit of discomfort. Thanks dude.
Last night I was not able to watch any of the season premiers, but I will tell you what’s sitting on my DVR in hot anticipation- Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, The Antonio Project (Design Star winner’s challenge), and Castle. Be jealous. Also please help me find the time to watch them all. Since Thursday I have to get about 6 hours free for all of those season premiers. Flash Forward maybe sacrificed. And then Friday Ghost Whisperer, Dollhouse, Numbers, and on Wednesday Criminal Minds. AHHHHHHh *head explodes*
Anyway that’s on the agenda.
Pink Hard Hat
Mel at work gave me a pink hard hat. It’s been a hard week. I’ve been wearing it around the office as a sign to everyone about how on edge I am. Some people recognize it as a level of crazy and some people are just worried I’ll head butt them. Either way, I’m ready for battle, in a stylish pink hard hat. My new favorite thing is when things start to go south in a day, I put it on and Mel laughs. You know the rule, if you laugh at my jokes we are friends for life. End of story.
Random Rambling
I’ve been drinking orange juice instead of pop in the morning. I think it’s more dangerous. The orange juice glass comes out of a big space and I worry about spilling it everywhere and it blocks half of my vision. I know the answer is to just start drinking pop again (caffeine free of course-it’s shocking how many of my favorite soda’s are come in the caffeine free option). Sane rational people would say the answer is to get a straw. They are obviously well adjusted and really like drinking orange juice in the morning.
Alright friends, it’s late in the day and I still have a lot of work to catch up on. Tomorrow I don’t have any meetings or anything (that I know of yet) but I do have a meeting on Friday, that horrid one that lasts forever and like who has a meeting on Friday. So I will see you all tomorrow-on time!!
Love (taking care of business),
I am also having a DVR problem this week. There's so much good stuff on! If I have a lot of things taping one night, I try to search for a repeat of it on another night, just to spare some time to try to watch and free up space before it comes on. I know some shows are repeating over the weekend, so I'll tape them then.