Friday, September 25, 2009

The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.

Really that’s all the excitement I can muster. I still have to work today and all.

So last night I had to wait for Seth to get home to watch Grey’s. Since he didn’t’ get home until 9 I only watched the first hour (Crazy pregnant people have an established bedtime these days since it has been proven that they are crazier if they don’t get a lot of sleep), so until I watch the second hour, I won’t put my thoughts. Plus I promised Jeni I wouldn’t since she’s on vacation and won’t get to watch it until later.
While I was waiting for Seth to come home, I did watch Law and Order:SVU. Love. Love Wentworth Miller as a mean ole detective with a soft heart even more. And Ice-T being the authority on all things to do with racial witness issues. The end was devastating. Poor Stabler-that dude cannot catch a break. The new ADA has sucky hair and every time she is on screen all I can think is HAIR DEPARTMENT GET IT TOGETHER!
Then I watched (fast forwarded) thru SYTYCD Auditions. Apparently, according to there were a lot of people who make it far in Vegas featured in that episode, but honestly, I could care less, lets just get to Vegas already. Plus I read online Tyce D’Orio (Tasty Oreo) farted. On national television. So I was just making sure no one died, I could hardly watch it I was so embarrassed for him. Obviously he wasn’t all that embarrassed himself since he PUT HIS LEG UP IN THE AIR TO DO IT. (Again, I witnessed this thru fast forward). My brother did that, in the 5th grade. Now he has funny quips about stepping on ducks and barking spiders when he rips one. Maybe you never grow up.
Then I watched Bones and it was a really cute episode and I was almost devastated that they were going to cut Wendell, but then they didn’t and there was lots of mushy Bones and Booth stuff that I liked. However the crime portion of the story kind of sucked. There has been major holes in their crime story telling this season, like last episode when they totally dropped the question of why did that guy get shot? But I’m okay with it if it means we are going to focus more on the personal relationships. Also, it’s never cool to show cats eating a dead body. Especially when there is a 20 pound Bengal sitting in your lap.

A phone conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Hellbusch:
Mr. H: I hope I don’t have to take a drug test tomorrow.
Mrs. H: Why? What were you doing at Ty’s tonite, I thought you were moving stuff!!?
Mr. H: Yeah but these two guys showed up and one of them was this skinny little drug addict looking guy-I’m not kidding, he was obviously on drugs.
Mrs. H: What and he gave you some and you took them?
Mr. H: No, he kept farting in the moving van while we were loading stuff in and they were rank and bad and probably full of drugs. Druggie farts are bad man, and I’m probably going to fail a drug test just for smelling them and being in the cloud of fart for an hour.
Mrs. H: *dissolves in hysterical laughter so hard Mr. H hangs up after five minutes*

Baby Blog
Dear Friends, I am sane today. Only because it’s Friday, I don’t have much work, and I’m leaving at 3:30. And I had Jimmy Johns last night and now I think we have to get GIANT PICKLES because THE PICKLE QUEEN IS BACK!! Thank God, I missed pickles. Also it looks completely sane right now for me to be eating peanut butter and pickle sandwiches , which I have been eating my whole life, but now I don’t get the judgey looks with them.
The baby feels squished today. Apparently it’s the size of a navel orange and Lord it feels like pumpkin. My ribs hurt on my right side and I’m all bloated and have given up and unbuttoned my pants at work.
I’m currently wishing to lapse into a small coma until the end of the day so that I can stop sitting here bored thinking about how uncomfortable I am.

Mommy TLC
My mom came over last night and hung out for an hour and just talked. She said I needed some TLC. At first I was miffed because I was napping when she called but then we had a really good time and ate left over nachos and just caught up. Since I’m still ruminating over supper on Sunday for Family Dinner-it was nice to bounce ideas off someone. I think some Fat Potato Fat Fat is in this baby’s future.

Duct Tape Cat/Bong Kitten
I don’t even want to talk about this-I just want you to know that it would NOT GO AWAY OFF MY GOOGLE NEWS READER and I cried all day about it. People are sick. I still get choked up about it thinking about it. How could they name that poor duct tape cat “Sticky”? And the best line in the story of Bong Kitten was the guy who did it being quoted saying “They are saying I’m an animal abuser, dude if I hated that cat so much, why would I waste good pot on it?” People suck. And seriously Google News Reader, stop posting stories like that.

Amazon is psychic
So after my rant yesterday my Dan Brown book came! And it took everything in me not to hole myself up and take today off to stay in bed and read it. And then there were 2 DVD specials in the Gold Box too. They both sucked, but it's nice to know Amazon is reading my mind.

I don’t really know what we are doing this weekend, I was just trying to chill and not do anything. Seth is helping Ty and Holly move tonite and I’m supposed to go over there later for supper, so we will see. It depends on how much napping gets done between 4 and then. Saturday we were invited to play Wii at Pam and Jason’s, but I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to Seth about that so I don’t know what he has up his sleeve. My mom wants me to have lunch with her and go see my cousins’ baby, which honestly, the whole idea of freaks me out. I just trying to get thru this pregnancy, I haven’t held a tiny newer baby in YEARS. Probably since we went to visit my mom’s friend Janine in Boston and she had a new baby and mom took my picture of me holding it in the window and then framed that picture and put it on the mantel YEARS later and all of my friends started to think I had a baby and it died or I gave it away or something. Sunday like I said, I have family dinner so I have to schedule about 4 meltdowns about the state of our house and what I’m going to cook. But Ellyn might be there-so YAY!

Live, Laugh, and Love
I hope you all find some of these this weekend. I’m off to visit the happy place in my head while I suffer thru the next 6 ½ hours.

Love (having interesting things to ramble about),

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