Tuesday, September 29, 2009

When we get caught up in calorie counting, we miss the point of eating.

Oh world. What a week it’s been already. How can it only be Tuesday?

Baby Blog
So I’ve had my first bout with insomnia. It occurred last night and I hate it. I’m waiting for the crash to come. I had a stuffy nose, which apparently is a common side effect you can’t do boo about in second trimester pregnancy, something about increased blood flow or something, and I toss and turned with that all night. Then when that went away, I woke up every 45 minutes to pee. And not like a little squeak it out pee, like full range horse pee. And I didn’t even drink that much water yesterday! I remember thinking that before I went to bed. The cafeteria here is full of people testing now and I don’t particularly like being ogled when I go to get ice for my water.
So then I tossed and turned over and over and ended up giving up around 5:45 and getting ready and coming into work. So I’m sure the crash is going to come and I’m totally leaving on time today so that I can get a good nap in before I have dinner with my brother and Ellyn tonite.
I don’t even want to go into the scary article I read about child proofing your house. Where do I get mesh netting for my stair banister and railing??

The Vet thinks I’m crazy-for sure
Ahh another year, another Vet visit. Now theoretically we don’t have to come back for three years (by that time my Vet will be working one day a week for an hour), but we are supposed to go back for a wellness checkup next year. What that means is they don’t need any shots, legally for three years. But they are illegal in Omaha now anyway so I mean, I’m already in the red.
Anyway, so the story starts here, some truck driver headed to Columbus with a truck full of liquid fertilizer crashed on the interstate right in front of my exit off the highway on to the interstate. So they rerouted us through corn fields and gravel roads and my detour took me like an extra half hour. I fly in and Seth comes in after me and I’m trying to get the cats paperwork together and stuff them in their bags. Of course Willow is no where to be found and won’t come when we call her. Seth had a bad day so he’s in a hella foul mood and is being impossible. Bagheera is the only one who was being nice to me, he got in his bag no problem and was a peach at the Vet (well mostly he just wanted to huddle on my lap and hide and he kept trying to get back to me when the Vet was examining him). We finally found Willow and took off. Then we did the stupid ½ hour wait in the waiting room. I swear, can we write into the healthcare bill that this can’t happen anymore? Any sort of doctor I go to it happens. It’s the most ridiculous thing ever. And it was hot in that tiny little room and it smelled and I thought I was going to faint. Seth tried valiantly to keep Willow off of the top of cabinets and out of drawers and I just held Bags.
*Sidebar* for those of you who don’t know, when I get nervous, my tact goes even further down the window. And I ask a lot of questions, and talk a lot. Seth says I make our baby doctor uncomfortable. *end sidebar*
So the Vet comes in and starts his exam, and I made the mistake of telling him that we feed the cats Meow Mix, but I was all flustered and sick from waiting in that little room. Usually I lie and tell them they have the expensive stuff and they leave me alone. Instead he spends the rest of the exam chastising me and trying to sell me expensive food. I think because we have “designer” cats, he thinks we are willing to spend gagillions of dollars on them. Uh…no. Dude sometimes Bagheera eats flies, I’m pretty sure he’s cool with eating Meow Mix. In fact, I explained thoroughly, as noted in their records from our last visit, they have very sensitive stomachs and we went thru three different kinds of cat food (including the expensive stuff) because they constantly had the runs or were barfing from what we were feeding them.
Then I start making inappropriate comments and asking weird questions. But in my defense, he started it. He kept telling me about how much poo the cats had in their bowls or how full their bladders were.
And Willow was TERRIBLE which was making me even more nervous. And then the Vet started bleeding, but not because of Willow, because he decided to pick his shaving scab on his face, so before I know it there is blood running down his freaking face while he’s trying to sell me a cat tooth brush, all while Willow is making weird growling noises I’ve never heard and flipping out because he has his fingers NEAR her mouth. Fat chance dude.
So this goes on for a while. Bagheera like I said didn’t want to get out of my lap and then when I did set him on the table he buried his head in the crook of my elbow. I felt like the worse cat mom ever. I was pretty sure Bags was NEVER going to forgive me or cuddle with me again.
He stuck them both with needles and Bags did fine but Willow HOWLED and it literally sounded like she said “OWWWWWWWW” when he stuck the needle in. And then she squirmed. And my Vet was still bleeding.
So instead of just packing them up and leaving (RUNNING) when we were done, I made the mistake of asking him if there was anything we need to know about Bengal Cats (because, we were told, he is a SPECIALIST in the breed and one of the only Vets in Omaha who will treat them) since we were having a baby. Now if I was smart, I would have just asked our blog friend and commenter Laura because she works with animals every day (I’m not sure if she is a Vet or not, but I think she is, I know she does animal surgery-but I don’t want to label her incorrectly) but instead, I asked the guy who last time I was here, gave me karma sutra positions to keep Bagheera from marking his territory on the bed. I’m sure he thinks his suggestions helped knocked me up. I could see that gleam in his eye. Anyway first he says something about an old wives tell about cats stealing baby’s breath that I’ve NEVER heard but freaked me out. Then he starts trying to sell me LASERS. LASERS for around my crib that will shoot off a unpleasant citronella scent to scare the cats away if they cross the line. Really, fucking LASERS.
The worst part is I could see Seth’s eyes light up at the thought of going home and making his own CAT LASERS for the crib. I was like-WHAT HAVE I DONE???
I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. FUCKING LASERS. My Vet tried to sell me crib LASERS.
So we paid our 140 bucks to the nice pretty nurse (? Do Vet clinics have nurses? I’m not sure?) and run out.
No seriously…crib LASERS. Like I don’t have a hard enough time trying to figure out what crib to get-now I have to decide if I want to attach LASERS to keep the cats away??

Stupid songs that are growing on me thanks to XM
That ridiculous Shakira “She-Wolf” song-it got better after I saw the video, but the crappy howling in the chorus still drives me crazy.
Miley Cyrus’s “Party in the USA” I’m so ashamed to catch myself singing this song. It feels wrong, like I should be hauled into the station and not allowed within 200 feet of schools.
Sean Kingston’s “911”-I blame RedOne, who is a producer I love. The lyrics for this song blow though.

Songs I like that I heard again thanks to XM
Lifehouse “Broken” *sigh*
About every single Backstreet Boys song from the 90’s-DON’T JUDGE ME, at least I own up to it.
Seal’s “Kiss from a Rose makes me miss Val Kilmer as Batman.

Crash and Burn
Alright lovers, I’d better get some work done before the insomnia catches up with me and I crash and burn. Head over to darling jenifriend ‘s website to see some great new pictures that she put up of a newborn. Just to get a taste of the awesomeness she will be doing for the bean and I one day. You will also notice that I’ve turned into a scary groupie stalker on her comment page. It’s how I roll.

Love (the new sweaters my mom got me),

1 comment:

  1. Oh where to begin, hehe, in no particular order:
    Vet clinics have techs and assistants. We call ourselves nurses to ease confusion for owners, but we're much more than nurses. I'm a certified vet tech, meaning I went to school and took an exam. There are uncertifieds, who learn on the job and then assistants who help everyone. I work in soft tissue surgery. I'm not a cat person, but know plenty and can get your questions answered.

    The problem with meow mix and a lot of other cheap cat foods is that they use a lot of fillers, and cats being strictly carnivores, shouldn't fed a lot of those. Fillers are mostly starches, like from corn, potatoes and beans. Starches turn into sugar, which is bad for the teeth, hence the recommendation of a tooth brush. But they've gotta eat, and if meow mix is the only thing they keep down, then so be it. I would still recommend trying to very slowly adding higher quality food into their meow mix and see if it makes the change easier. I feed my dogs Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul food, because it is an affordable premium food, with high quality proteins. I know they make a cat food. I can't speak to it, but I like the brand.

    Are the cats altered? My grandma has a neutered male that was bad about spraying. She resorted to medication after all the deterrants didn't work.

    on another note... I find myself quite familiar with the lyrics of old BSB songs too, but I was never a fan. It's like your brain absorbs it all for perfect recall 15 years later.


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