Monday, May 12, 2014

May or May Not Monday

I may or may not have thrown a dinner party this weekend and came to several conclusions.  I failed to count for the need to have butts in chairs because I was serving spaghetti and meatballs.  I clearly need to find a better dining space for people when I throw parties.  Or serve shit on sticks so people don't have to sit down to eat. I also failed to properly maintain the kid factor.  I did nothing to entertain them and had not really thought of them eating.  I fed them first but few of them really ate, wanting to play more.  After that the children descended into mob mentality madness that has scarred the cats forever I'm afraid.

I may or may not have spent my entire Mother's Day in my bed.

I may or may not be planning to wash the sheets tomorrow.  After spending an entire day in them the are a little bit groady.

I may or may not be doing everything in my power to get a new car.  Scrimping and saving and begging my husband everyday.  We just need a bigger car, especially with visiting family and having to pick people up from the airport.  I may or may not have cancelled a vacation to save for this car, that's how badly I want it.  No NEED it.

I may or may not have a love hate relationship with TV from books. Like Game of Thrones.  I loved those books and to know what is going to happen next almost ruins the tv show for me.

I may or may not have cried during this week's episode of 16 & Pregnant.  Babies who have breathing problems and end up in the NICU hit way too close to home.

I may or may not also cringe when I watch 16 & Pregnant and see the parents go straight to formula.  I try really really hard not to be judgmental against Mom's who use formula, but something tells me these girls don't even try.

I may or may not need a nap.  Like lots of naps, successively.  I'm angry I wasted naps as a child.

I may or may not be getting VERY excited for my parents visit.

I may or may not be looking forward to the neighborhood GARBAGE sale this weekend.  UGH.  Hate GARBAGE sales.  And no, that is not a misspelling.

I may or may not have ended this post early to meet the "Monday" deadline.

Monday, May 5, 2014

May or May Not Monday

I may or may not hate myself for these being the only blog posts I can write consistently.

I may or may not be completely obsessed with being friends with my new neighbors next door.  Seth tells me I'm going to smother them and scare them away, but I'm hoping that they are just as lonely as I am and just as desperate for human interaction with people that don't shit their pants.  The thought of just shouting over the fence and having a conversation is something that seems so impossibly magical to me that I am dying to make it happen.  Plus she is just as completely un p.c. as I am.  And I think this will make for a great friendship.

I  may or may not be doing 50 things at once and getting none of them done completely.  For example I am in the office writing this, but I keep glancing around and seeing things I need to do, like address our "moving" cards and keep "squirelling!" and not finishing this post.

I may or may not want, more than anything a new fucking cellphone for Mother's Day.  Seth has already informed me he forgot mother's day completely.  Shit.

I may or may not be counting the seconds to Happy Hour at Sonic today.

I may or may not have had to take my son to the ER at 11 last night because he cracked his head open again.  I'm starting to worry he has a balance disorder.  My dad has one and I thought it wasn't genetic but now I'm thinking it is.  But I seriously do not want to go to the ER ever again.  Also I need to know where to invest in skin glue, in bulk.  Thank GOD we have made friends with our lovely neighbors mentioned above and I just happened to be Facebook chatting with her when Lukas rolled off the bed and caught the corner of the dresser.  I may or may not have taken him to a different ER then the one two weeks ago to avoid judgement.

I may or may not have stopped writing this post to drive to Sonic.

I  may or may not still wear shoes in the house and have yet to go barefoot because the carpet still grosses me out.

I may or may not be stopping this post to go take a nap.

Love (honesty, or not),