Monday, January 31, 2011

Pictures of my stockpile

For you all, I finally got my Dad over here (thanks Pop!) to put together my new shelf and then played with the baby while I put it together.  I paid him in spicy mustard and Worcestershire Sauce.  So here for you is my stockpile!  Beginners unite!!

My stockpile shelf (and a stowaway-what a ham.)
The canned goods shelf
The cleaning shelf, everything on this shelf was .88 cents
Miscellaneous shelf for now
My freezer, not organized at all
My bathroom stockpile, I got that razor for a buck!

How is everyone's couponing going?  Need any help?  Want to send me pictures of your stockpile or brag about your shopping trip and savings?   Have secrets to share about deals in Omaha?  I'll be happy to post them for you!  Just shoot me an email at carriehellbusch(@)gmail (dot) com

Love (my new stockpile!),

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Extreme Couponing in new hobby, or "job"

Hello Blog Readers and Friends from Facebook who trekked over here to figure out what the heck I have been talking about my last couple status updates!
I have a confession.  I have turned into an extreme couponer.  I first learned about it from a TLC show called Extreme Couponing (which I hear is being turned into a series now).  One of the women on there (the one who went dumpster diving for coupons) has her own website.  I started reading it and got hooked.  I couldn't believe how much money people saved.  One lady on there hadn't bought toothpaste in 34 years!  
I'm not going to lie, its a lot of work and a bit time consuming, but once you get your stockpile built up, you will see the rewards.  I've only been doing it three weeks and have spent about 8 or 9 hours a week doing it and my stockpile (which Seth said I couldn't have, but yesterday bought me a fancy shelf to put in the garage and told me that's all he's buying for it, so I've petitioned my Dad to get me some more shelves) is already pretty big!  
This week I spent $204.85 at four stores.  I saved, using a combination of coupons and sales $151.45 this week. All NAME BRAND ITEMS.  Which makes me feel pretty fancy.
So here is how my process works.  It's my own brand of crazy, so feel free to use it, change it, adapt it for you, and if you need a shopping buddy-let me know! 
Okay so I learned how to do it from a website called, she has a beginners section there that I used to get started.  I recommend going there and reading that tab and getting the lingo down and the learning how to start your binder.  (see pictures of my binder and the inside of my binder below)
First on Sunday my parents save the coupons for me from the Sunday paper and I clip all of them.  That's important, to clip them all because you never know what you are going to need to use.  Then I organize them into the binder that the krazycouponlady website showed me how to set up.  On Wednesday (when grocery store sale ads change) the Omaha World Herald sends out another thing in the mail that has all the ads and more coupons (the same ones on Sunday).  I clip those and organize those, so by now, I have three sets of the same coupons.  This is important.  To build up a stockpile you need lots of the same coupon so that when you get a great deal on an item, you can buy multiples of those items.  You can also print coupons (usually the same ones, I find this is the most comprehensive list of printable coupons availabe:
Throughout the week I follow the krazycouponlady website and other local websites that track more local sales (the krazycouponlady isn't in Omaha but she does major stores like Target and Walmart) the two I use are: They find deals more locally.  Here's the best thing about using the blogs, they do all the math for you and tell you which coupons to use to get the best deal on the local sales.
Other sites I look at are:
On Thursday I sit down at the computer and go thru the websites and make a list of what I want to get.  I write down the full name of the product, what the original cost should be (because sometimes our local stores don't always match up) and then what coupons to use (most stores allow one manufactures coupon per item, but Target allows one Target coupon (which you can print from their website here: Target Printable Coupons Link ) and one manufactures coupon.  Bakers allows one Bakers coupon (which you can load onto your Bakers card or print or you get them in the mail. Load Bakers Coupons to your card here you have to have a Bakers Card and set up an account.) and one manufactures coupon.) and how much the final price of each item should be.  There is a lot of complicated deal wrangling that I never understand but the websites work out and the deals work out for me.  For example this week at Target I got 6 Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers for .84 cents.  They were originally  2 bucks a piece.  But the store had buy 6 get one free sales and I had two coupons that were buy 3 get one free and buy 5 and get one free.  Since I was buying six, I could use both coupons (remember most coupons are one coupon PER ITEM, and I was buying six items so I could theoretically use up to six coupons) So in the end I got three of them free and it worked out that they were .84 cents a piece for the ones I paid for.  I'm not sure how the math works on that but it worked in the store. So while I'm writing everything down, I'm pulling the coupons out and I have one of those coupon organizers that I have labeled Walmart, Target, Bakers, Hyvee, Use 1, Use 2, and Refile. I put the coupons in their respected sleeves.  (The Use 1 and Use 2 and Refile I'll explain in a minute) I also save the local ads myself and check things out since no one really does Bakers around here.  I also print any extra coupons I need, or the Target coupons I need, cut them and put them with what I need.
So after I have my lists and my coupons all ready to go, I get my reusable bags ( Hyvee and Walmart and sometimes Target still gives you 5 cents off for them, Bakers recently discontinued the practice), make sure I have the space in my car.  Load up the kid (you need her for entertainment and also for some reason people are so much nicer to you when you have a kid) and drive to my stores and start shopping.  I usually do them in this order- Target, Walmart, Hyvee, Bakers.  Usually because the grocery stores have more frozen items.  I realize in the summer I might have to start packing a cooler to take.  Anyway I park near a cart return (this is key with a kid and when you have just bought 99 soup cans) and its snowing.
When I'm in the store, when I find the item and confirm that I'm getting the item, I pull the coupon out of the accordion file from the store I have it filed in and put it into the "Use" part of my file.  This way I can double check the expiration date of the coupon, the discount on the coupon, and the number I need to get.  Sometimes, especially at Target you have to do more than one transaction. Most of the Target coupons you are only allowed one per transaction, which sucks, but is easy enough to handle.  The cashiers are really nice about it if you separate your orders on the line, have your coupons ready, and let them know you are doing more than one transaction up front.  That's why I have a "Use 1 and Use 2" slot in my file.  Sometimes I get to the store and I see that our prices aren't what my blogs have indicated and the discount isn't that good, so I put it in the "refile" part of my file, shake my fist at my local store, and move on. 
When I get home, I usually put the items that can hang out in the garage (cans, cleaners, soda, and such) on their fancy new shelf and I put the stuff that goes in the deep freeze (thank GOD I have that) and I haul the rest upstairs.  Hopefully Evie is sleeping in her car seat when this is going on, but sometimes she is standing at the top of the stairs screaming.  It happens.
On Monday or Tuesday I refile and reorganize.  And Wednesday start the process again.  
Its addicting, and fun.  And yesterday at Bakers, people in the aisle behind me, on the sides of me, the cashiers and the baggers all cheered for me when they saw how my original bill for 175 dollars went down to 80.  
A lot of times the blogs I read show coupons for fun things like 40% off Gap or a free candle at Bath and Body Works, or how to get a 25 dollar gift certificate to a restaurant for two bucks.  I try to pass that stuff on, on my facebook feed.  Also if I'm in a store and I have a coupon expiring soon that I know I'm not going to use, I try to set it on the item in the store so someone else can use it.  Or if I see that someone who said something nice to Evie has something in their cart I have a coupon for I'm not using, I give them one.  Pay it forward I guess. 
Also I always take my binder in in case there is an unadvertised deal.  Like this week Target had these Tyson grill strips that are perfect for Seth to take to class for dinner because he can take a easy mac and these strips and microwave them and have a nice dinner for 2 bucks and I had 1.50 off so I got them for .50 cents.  But I had to go to the binder to get that coupon because I didn't know our local Target had them that cheap.
So that's how I do it!  I posted pictures below and hot linked everything.  I'd be more than happy to post my Bakers list since no one around here does it if there is enough interest in it!  Just let me know on the comments or on facebook!  Also if you have ANY questions, or want to sit down and do it with me, or want to shop with me or want me to help you get your binder started, let me know!!  I would be glad to help!
Love (saving money),
My list
My binder

One of my receipts, look at all those coupons!

Inside of my binder, I use sheet protectors, some people use business card holders

My file that I use on shopping day

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Life these days...

This morning, at 6 am, Evelynn woke up and wanted to play and have breakfast.  As Seth got ready for work and I made Evie's oatmeal, Seth came in and asked me "How different is your day from 2 years ago?"  I laughed and said-"Very different" but it got me thinking.
Two years ago, the alarm would go off at 6 and I would roll out of bed immediately (I've never been one to hit the snooze alarm, I set my alarm to the last possible minute so I could get the most deep sleep instead of five minutes of light sleep) I would go into the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth, put on make up and do my hair.  I would go to the closet if I hadn't already laid out my clothes for the work day.  I'd go and make Seth and I's breakfast and lunch.  Go back into the bedroom and give him a death stare for getting to stay all warm and snuggly in bed, kiss him goodbye and ask him when he wanted his wake up call.  Then I would get on the road to work and start my long drive to my job-45 minutes, on a good day, each way.  On the way I would listen to my XM when I had it, or the local station's morning show.  I would eat my breakfast in the car.  At some point along the way, I would call Seth about 100 times to wake him up. 
I would get to work, go to my desk, get settled, check in on everyone else, and start work.  During work I would blog, eat lunch, snack, putz around on the internet, talk to my co workers, call my husband, call my parents and of course work.  The work was pretty mind numbing so you needed to break it up with little rewards like that.  Then I would start my drive home, another 45 minutes.  Along the way I when I had cell service, I would call my friends and my Mom.  Or if no one was answering, listen to the radio or my latest cd. 
When I got home I would put my stuff away, clean the house and go thru the mail and depending on if I felt like it, watch the DVR, take a nap, work out (rarely), and generally get ready for the rest of the evening.  At some point (usually late) Seth would come home and we would eat or we would meet up with my parents or we would sit and watch DVR. 
I would usually take a long bath while Seth did the dinner dishes and shut down the house for the night.  He would usually do some onDemand ab workout or call his Mom or sometimes come into the bathroom to talk to me and ruin my reading time.  Then we would go to bed, watch tv or a DVD or Netflix and call it a night.
On the weekends we would pick a place to eat out.  Do a project around the house, visit friends, go shopping, work on our computers.  Compared to my days now, it seemed so easy come easy go and carefree.

These days, I don't have one day that is like the other.  Every day is an adventure.  Generally I get up when Evelynn gets up-usually long after Seth has sneaked out the door.  We eat some breakfast or lunch, depending on what time it is.  Then we play, we read or watch "educational" DVD's or television shows.  Sometimes Evelynn will play by herself, but most of the time not.  We have dance parties, we do the first round of house pick up.  I try to clean up the mess Seth left behind in the kitchen when making his coffee and running out the door.  I try to think of what to make for dinner.  Occasionally I can get on the computer and see what is going on, but most the the time the only way I see the internet is on my blackberry.  Three or four hours after she gets up, Evelynn usually takes a mini nap which can range from 5 minutes to 2 hours.  I try to watch my TV shows during that time or the news.  She is usually sleeping on me and won't let me put her down so I read my kindle or my latest paperback I acquired from or sometimes I'm wore out and just take a nap too.
Some days we meet up for play dates with our friends Jen and Alexis.  Some days we go over to my parents house and try to work off my huge debt to them for buying me new winter tires (thank GOD because I  needed them this winter.  My debt is scheduled to be paid off some time in April).  We make dinner either for just Seth, or my side of the family and Seth or just my side of the family.  We play some more.  At some point I try to check out coupons online for my new coupon junkie habit.  On Friday's we try to go out and get the best deals around town.  If the weather is nice enough.
In the spring I plan on going to the playground during the day and being outside more.  In the summer I plan on hiding from the bugs under a coat of bug spray and being outside more.
Life is just drastically different.  Nurse Carol says I am rearing Evelynn with what they call a "Baby-led" style.  I find it is easier to let Evie do what she wants, when she wants.  She seems to absorb more and learn more.  I mean I don't let her run around all naked (okay well sometimes, when she has a butt rash) and crazy like, but if she doesn't want to eat, she doesn't have to eat.  If she doesn't want to watch tv or do flash card or read books, she doesn't have to.  Some of our best moments are when she just wants to sit on my lap and tell me all about it and then give me a hug and leave to find a cat to terrorize.
It makes my life a little more hectic.  A little less normal, controlled, planned, predictable, and simple.   I don't get to blog as much, read as much, or watch as much tv.  Some days I don't get to eat.  I NEVER get to workout and I'm a little thicker than I used to be.  I don't see my good friends as much.  I only get to eat out when I have gift cards or a coupon.  I can't remember the last time my facebook status or profile didn't involve my kid.  Some days I never get out of my pajamas.  I only wash my hair and shave my legs once a week.  I can't remember the last time I wore make up.  I have a never ending list of things I need to get done, clean, or pick up.  My carpet is the grossest thing I've ever seen and I could care less.  I'll never get to move out of this house because I don't even have a bedroom door and haven't had one since before Evie was born.  I gave away all my work clothes and my dress clothes save for a few dresses and slacks and suits that mean something to me (but I can't fit in probably).  I long to take my honeymoon but know I can't possibly be away from Evie that long.  I haven't seen a movie in the theaters since I can remember.  I don't dye my hair unless someone watches my kid and it comes from a box.  Sometimes I have to take a bath with Evelynn just to get a bath.  Life is very different to say the least.
But GOD if it isn't the greatest life I never knew I would love.  And I want more of it.

Love (every day),

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hey look, I'm alive!

Hello world! I'm still here. Promise. I just rarely get near a computer anymore. The closest I get is on my phone. Evelynn thinks every time I go near the computer its to have her Skype with a family member. She loves to Skype. I wonder what life will be like with her growing up with all this technology. Like how old will she be when we get her a cell phone? Or her own computer? Will it be a tablet or a laptop? How long before she outsmarts the parental controls Seth sets up?
I really want to move. I'm sick of my tiny house. I'm ready for something new. Of course we have no money to move for a down payment and the money we would need to fix up our house to sell it. Seth doesn't have the time to do the work either. The whole stress of moving and trying to sell a house is really something we don't need. But if I stub my toe on one more toy or get one more bruise on my thighs I might move to my parents house.
Maybe I just need a new project or something.
Or maybe I'm addicted to moving.
More later...when the princess is sleeping.

Love (new spaces),
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry