Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ch ch ch Changes! And too much cheesy broccoli rice...

Hi everyone!
It’s been a while since I have done an update blog-so here I go!

We have some scheduling changes to bring to your attention.

The painting party has been moved to February 28th now. Paint is on sale this week at Menards for a really good price and Seth may have to go to Baltimore the first two weeks in March, and since he is the A team in the whole painting operation, we kind of need him there. So if you are open-let us know! That way we can get a pizza and beer count. Plus it’s on a Saturday now, so we can start a little earlier, say noon? Hope to see you all there!!!

Also there is an Orlando vacation update!! We are now going May 8th thru the 11th. I am taking an extra day (Tuesday the 12th) off work because we don’t get in until 10:30 on Monday. I am SO excited! I’m going to have to dig out the bathing suit tub and the BIG suitcase since they are charging you for them now!! I think that Mom can get us a discount pass thru the military for Disneyworld, now we just have to decide on what day to go! I’ve heard you need to get there early! I’m so friggin excited I don’t even have words for it.

The kittens are doing great-we took them out for a walk yesterday since it’s probably going to be the last nice day until the spring. Someone at the meeting this morning said it’s supposed to snow 7 inches on Friday. Good LORD! These past couple of nice days have been really great though, I’ve actually gotten out to run TWICE. And I hacked up my left lung like a 70 year old chronic smoker afterwards. I’m clearly out of shape.

But the babies LOVE it outside. We put their harnesses on and let Bagheera run free, Willow stays on the leash, but she has a pretty long leash, she just likes to sneak up on Bags and pounce him. The best part of yesterday was when a flock of birds flew low overhead and Bags just about crapped himself, he had no idea what they were! Too cute!

Cooking lessons are still on for Sunday! I’m pretty pumped, I was starting to stress about what I was going to cook this weekend for next week’s dinner and then I remembered that I am going to have CALZONES and RAVIOLI!! Yay!

Well its pot luck day at work, and I accidently made a METRIC TON of cheesy broccoli rice. (I seriously need to tattoo the instructions on how to cook rice in the rice cooker on my arm-3 cups of dry rice apparently equals 10 cooked rice cups!) and I’m pretty sure it’s not going to fit in the microwave to be heated up. Nice.

Hope you all have a great day!
Love (without reservations),

1 comment:

  1. You poor unfortunate Nebraskan-don't you know that Southwest Airlines has two bags free?


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