Happy Thursday All! It’s Grey Day and the last day of the Grey’s Anatomy/Private Practice cross over. Thank goodness! My DVR was struggling! Let’s hope it’s a good episode tonite!
Wait is it Thursday? Yeah, yeah it is because tomorrow is my 6 month wedding anniversary. I can’t believe it’s been six months! So much has changed since my wedding it feels like AGES ago. I should plan a nice dinner. Maybe that’s what I’ll troll the net for today…
Painting update-we tried the grey paint suggestion and I think its going to work, albeit that it’s going to be a ROYAL pain. It will still take two coats, but it really worked. It was like night and day. Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I’ll make sure to take pictures this weekend to show everyone how the accent walls and bathroom turned out. I think we will bed doing that tomorrow night and Saturday. I’m going to sucker Jesse into helping when he stops by to help us install the TV.
The TV!! I’m so excited. I haven’t really thought about it because we don’t have it right now. Seth took down the TV in the bedroom in anticipation of the new one (mostly because Cody was there to help him take down that mammoth beast) and I’ve really missed being able to catch the news at night before we go to bed. I think our first official movie on it will be Madagascar 2, since we bought that ages ago and haven’t watched it yet. Also we have Weeds Season 1 to watch, which reminds me I need to ask Jesse if he has the rest of those. I am so excited to have a fancy new tv in there-with all my books, I may never leave!
Speaking again of books-L’ara dropped off “The Reader” last night, and since she is crazy busy at work, she probably won’t post a review, but I’ve just moved it to the top of my list, so hopefully I will be able to review it all for you soon!
Also my dear friend Jenny-who used to work with me at NPP and is now at UNMC wonders where one disposes of old books they don’t want anymore, like old Danielle Steel books (seriously, that doesn’t comprehend with me at ALL who WANTS to give books away!?!? J) So if any of you out there want to do a book trade or knows where to donate stacks of books, hit the comments section!
So today my Pops has another CAT scan to look at his chest, and if all goes well his surgery is tomorrow. So lets all keep him in your respective happy places!
I am so hungry I wish it was lunch time already, I started looking at food for Friday and about ate my screen. I have the WORST desire to make a totally dripping with fat mac and cheese. I made a really good one a couple months ago out of my southern cook book that had djion mustard in the sauce and it was lip smacking good. *sigh*
So thankfully on AI last night they didn’t put thru Tatiana-THANK YOU JESUS. She made a big scene and the camera kept cutting back to her like she was going to wig out or something but she just randomly started crying on whoever was closest. By the way AI producers-WORST wrap up show ever. I literally watched all of 6 minutes of it, four of those minutes were watching Carly and Michael Johns from last year sing. Thank the HEAVENS for DVR. I am hating this new format with such a vengeance. I mean who really sat thru all 12 of the results? If you did, I can give you a list of shows my arm long you should have been watching instead.
One of those is Chuck. Great show. Great writing-great actors. If you aren’t watching it you are missing one of the cleverest shows on tv today. Or any of the Law and Order’s, SVU was particularly twisty this week. It was all about this transgendered kid, did you even know there WERE transgendered kids? Whose parents let them change their sex at age like 10? And take hormones and blockers in hopes that when they are old enough they can have reassignment surgery? There is a whole support group and world of them out there! Who knew? That must be so hard in school. I can’t imagine anything like that flying in the Midwest. We haven’t come THAT far yet-Intervention is still blaming that shot putter’s drug addiction on “The torrent drug and Gay/Lesbian scene in Omaha” I was like really? Where? I went to a gay club to go dancing (L’ara you remember that?) here once and got licked on my back. That was about as torrent as it got. And they had really tiny scary bathrooms and free ice water and I thought that was WORLDS better than Guitars and Cadillac’s. I’ve just dated myself for all of you youngn’s out there reading this.
I’m on a hunt for blogs to read at work, I’m nearing the end of my Joshilyn Jackson archives over at Faster than Kudzu, so I’m open to suggestions. If you have got them, throw them in the comments below! I’ve taken to just hitting the “next blog” button at the top of the page in search of one, but I keep coming up with ones that are not in English, although they have fun pictures. Anyone have any idea how to search and find blogs besides typing “blogs” into google?
Oh speaking of the page, I added some fun for you. I’m playing with gadgets, to the right and the bottom of the page I’ve added some things. I spent a couple minutes playing hangman this morning. Yay for gadgets!
Hope that you all are having a great day!!
Love (of decaf green tea),
I was one of those sad people who watched the entire show last night. I was too tired to get off the couch or try to find something else to watch and I wanted to see who got to stay. I was sooo glad the crazy chick didn't make it but I kind of liked Anoop so I was sad that the other guy (Michael?) made it. Can't wait for Thursday night tv!!!
I just wanted to comment that I love Chuck. What a great show. I really look forward to watching it each week. If they ever cancel it, I will be sad for at least a day.
ReplyDeleteDude, if they ever cancelled Chuck I would pout for a MONTH, and Seth might never trust TV again. He was actually the one who got me into watching it, I would hear him giggling from the bedroom and be like, what is he watching?? I love Casey, but I've loved him since he was Jane in Firefly-which by the way is the BEST SHOW EVER period the end. :-)