Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A delightful after lunch snack...

Ladies and Gentleman, now you too can spend how I spent the last hour and a half, and also at least 30 minutes last night with Seth:

I like to make a list of what I would and would not eat. Sadly, I was done for when I got to the Cheese and Fries Brick:

I also found this little number hilariously disturbing-what gas station has these?!?!

PS Thanks to all who emailed me stating that my HUGE EYEBALL PICTURE was freaking them out, I have since remedied the error. Now you can have NONE of my eyes staring at you while you read the blog. Haha!

Love (like my picture),


1 comment:

  1. I think that the sausage and biscuit thing is a great idea.


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