Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Hump Day blog

Happy Hump Day everyone!
Thanks to everyone who emailed or commented about that stupid tax law. I’ve come to the conclusion that we are being railroaded, but what can you expect, someone has to pay, right? Guess it will be the Hellbusch’s.
So let’s talk about American Idol. We have finally moved into the rounds where people start caring about people. So what did Idol producers do? They went and screwed with the format! What is up with that?? There are some people there that deserve a second chance and there were some people that stood out hard. (Danny Gokey) But this new format makes NO sense. People have off nights, they are nervous, that’s why the format is you vote for the worst two and pick off the scab slowly. They need to be able to take the advice of the judges and use it. And by the way, I’m sure it’s pretty nerve wracking to sing live for the first time. So “Dear Idol Producers, go back, this sucks”. Because you know what? That crazy loon Tatiana is going to get thru and then I’m going to have to pull my hair out and stuff it in my ears, and I won’t look good bald and I’ll be that angry bald girl with hair in her ears. No one wants that. By the way, who gave Tatiana downers? Not that I miss the crazy, but I hate the fake “no really, I’m not crazy, *whispers* a psychic told me I would win wheee!” that she’s putting out right now. Ugh, Idol *spits* why do I watch this show?? Just give it to Danny Gokey so I can get back to my crime dramas and not feel like I’ve wasted years of my life willing people to be better and listening to them destroy perfectly good songs.
I think next year they should have an Idol off where they bring back all the like top 2 idols from every year and make them sing so we can crown David Cook the most awesomest of all. The end.
So what else? Oh, I need tips for painting a small wall dark red. My test swatches are coming out streaky and requiring like 400 coats of paint. Not that I don’t have the paint since I have a gallon and it’s a small wall, but I don’t have the patience to keep painting that wall without getting mad. I’ve tried a brush, a roller with ½ nap and a roller with 3/8 inch nap. We are using Behr latex paint in eggshell. So anyone that has worked with red paint before and knows some secrets, I would LOVE to hear your suggestions before my red wall becomes a Jackson Pollack.
We are going to try and paint the accent walls and bathroom this weekend so we don’t have to get 50 different trays and brushes for people who show up to help on the 28th. I haven’t heard if anyone is stopping by, so let me know if you are. We are just going to do the pecan on the 28th. Plus I’m going to be getting my hair done from like 10:30 to 1 so don’t show up until later if you don’t really want to work or if you want to see me! But if you really want to help Seth, you can show up anytime from 10:30 to 1. Hahaha.
I haven’t forgotten about the Cooking with Bob blog, but I’m waiting to get the pictures from my mom. Just in case you thought I forgot about ya’ll.
I just found myself wishing my desk had a secret door where I could hide and take a nap. That was weird.
That’s how bored I am today-for real.
Earlier I found myself wishing I could keep driving to Vegas and meet all my fun friends there and go dancing at a club all night and crash early in the morning and wake up and eat at a lunch buffet looking like I had the time of my life the night before-maybe in the same clothes.
You guys are so excited to read my random thoughts aren’t you?
In case any of you have ever wondered, I have a series book problem. I just got 10 books for Valentine’s Day (BEST HUSBAND EVER-be jealous, you totally should be, he does math and taxes and bills and lets me stare at him blankly and sing rhyming songs in my head when he tries to explain it to me. Last night he finally gave up and told me he’s going to write my parents a letter explaining how and why he is doing things so that if he dies and I refuse to get out of bed and hold the cats hostage with me, someone will know how to pay the bills and where all of our secret money is. He’s so smart.) and I had a stack of about 6 books waiting to be read, plus 2 my grandma gave me before I got the 10 books. So I have books to read, for sure. But I about CROWED with happiness when my dear friend L’ara (baggage blogger!) emailed me today to tell me she was going to stop by and lend me some books we have been talking about. Which because I am the BEST book borrower ever, I will put them at the top of my pile and return them to her promptly, because I am not a book hostage holder and I will tell her what I think of them in grand detail, because in my head, that’s how book lending works. I’m trying to get Seth to build me a long bookshelf for along the staircase in our living room, but I’m having trouble getting the image out of my head for him and on to paper, I’ve spent countless hours trying to tell him what I want. Because really I want like 20 things. I can’t decided if I want it open in the back, how deep I want the shelves, if I want little doors on the shelves (probably not, I’m a notorious book bragger-look at all my shiny pretty books!!) So I am at a loss. I seriously just want a whole room of built ins around a window with a little ladder that I can ride around the room, but I don’t think that will work in our house *sigh* dreams…PS I’ve decided that building furniture is about the sexiest thing a guy could do. Now I just need Seth to prove that he can do it, instead of trying to get me to draw him a plan…
Alright I’ve rambled sufficiently for today!
Hope you all have a happy hump day!
Love (for this week to be over already)


  1. I like your randomness haha, it keeps me entertained while I'm also bored at work!
    About the red paint, it's better to start with a pink primer. My mom painted her walls a dark red and she used a pink primer and only needed like 3 coats instead of the 400 she had to do on the first wall. What books are you reading??
    I wanted to hit the book store, but I'm always overwhelmed with everything there. I like all sorts of books, murder mysteries, and sappy chick ones. Have you ever read the Girls He Adored?? That is one of my faves and if you like crime shows I am assuming you like crime books. It's a good one.

  2. Well my last comment didn't post for some reason, so sorry if you get a double comment.

    My mom after painting one wall dark red with about a million coats called around and this paint store told her to use a pink tinted primer so she only had to do a couple coats.

    What are some good books to check out. Assuming you like crime books since you like crime shows, I like murder mysteries and the sappy books too. I'm always overwhemled by the book stores there are just too many to choose from.
    I used to work at Westroads, about 3 years ago.

  3. I wonder if we ever ran into each other! Where did you work at? I worked at westroads about three years ago too..
    I blogged a whole entry about books I like for you!
    I'm glad that you are enjoying the blog! How did you find me??
    Thanks for the tip about the paint, I've also heard to use grey primer, so we are going to give primer a shot! And by we I mean Seth...hahaha.
    I'll have to check that book out! I do love new books! Thanks!

  4. yep...what they primer. a friend of mine built homes with her dad when she was working through college and suggested a dark primer always when you're using a color beyond a more white-based color. e-mail me; i'd love to know what colors you are using!! i will be posting about my colors here soon so stay tuned!!


Please leave your thoughts and comments below-I'd love to read them! But if you're dirty spammy comments, I'm going to delete you.