Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Delusions of grandeur make me feel a lot better about myself.

Happy Hump Day all!
Yesterday’s appointment went well, I’m good and healthy and ready to make babies. Hooray!
So because I got off early yesterday I had tons of time to catch up on TV!

Okay so the hoarder thing was NOT as exciting as I thought it would be. And that woman who seemed to be afraid of well…everything, was she a little person? She had the most grating voice ever-I know that much. They didn’t use the psychiatrist I liked though-these were new people. They were okay. Also the hoarder guy was just strange, he was a gay old chorus singer who was hung up on this really mean guy. He had a keyboard and he played “his music” and cried a lot about missing his mom. It made me uncomfortable. It’s hard to make fun of people like that.
I’m interested to see next week’s episode though, the chick whose OCD is affecting her kid now too. I wonder if he will have to have therapy.
International House Hunters
So the first one were these people who bought a property somewhere in Italy-LITERALLY DESCRIBED TO THEM AS A RUIN. Dominico the real estate agent (who lived up to my every Eddie Izzard played expectation by RIDING A MOPED in a three piece suit and saying CIAO!) sold them a ruin that was on the top of a mountain and the only way to access it was to climb 350 steps. And to do the renovation, they had to bring up the materials with DONKEY’S. Don’t worry, it’s a historical ruin, so it’s over 600 years old. It’s a three year project, they will work it out. Right now they have no bathroom and sleep in a single bed together-but don’t worry, this was the best million dollars they ever spent and if they need to remind themselves when they are not busy squatting over a HOLE they have to dig-the can just hike down the 350 mountain scaled steps to the beach and be happy. Idiots. They could have gotten a 4 bath 4 bedroom for the same money-billed as a luxury condo. I bet the camera crew HATED them.
The other couple were buying a “villa” on St. John’s island in the Caribbean. I wanted to sing the “Gold Digger” song the entire episode. It was this little Indian guy who was about 1200 years old and his wife who had the face of a 18 year old (thanks plastic surgeon!) and the body of a 30 year old. The picked the most expensive house and then remodeled it to look even gaudier and more expensive. Weird.

Top Chef Masters
Oh HOW did I leave this on my DVR for a week!?!? What a great show! First off I LOVED all of the chefs this round, they were humble and nice and cooked food with LOVE which is sometimes what you miss out on during Top Chef. They weren’t playing for pride or honor, they were playing for LOVE. Now I think it sucks that they have to put them in weird situations to cook, like I dorm room. Why can’t the masters cook in the kitchen and have who they are cooking for be the challenge? Like the guy from Texas would have to cook for vegetarians or something. Anyway bar the weird situations of cooking I’m really going to enjoy this show. I hope they don’t bring to many a-holes on to be Master Chefs, some of the previews showed some mean sounding Chefs. Did anyone else catch this show?

Ice Road Truckers
The episode I watched was from ages ago, but they finally showed a female trucker who didn’t want to be a dude or look like a dude-and to top it off, she was a good trucker! I like the George guy, but not the rookie kid who I’m convinced is on meth or something. I LOVE they brought back Alex and Hugh-the only two I could stand from the last two seasons. I can’t wait for them to get on the road! But of course I have those episodes, it just takes a certain mood to watch them. There are only so many truck from”under the ice” shots you can take in a day. I’m learning a lot about Alaska though, like they are the richest state in the US AND they pay people to be a resident of Alaska. I knew a guy in college from Alaska and he told me that once and I didn’t believe him, mostly because he was a drug addict and the biggest douche I knew.

Guess what! I have spoilers for you! Make sure you watch tonite at 7 on Fox!!
Evan/Randi - Jive - Louis
Ade/Melissa - Jazz - SONYA!!!
Jason/Caitlin - Hip-Hop - Shane
Brandon/Janette - Disco - Doriana
Vitolio/Asuka - Waltz - Louis
Maksim/Kayla - Pop Jazz - Brian Freedman
Jonathan/Karla - Contemporary - Stacey Tookey (from SYTYCD Canada)
Phillip/Jeanine - Tango (American style) - Tony Meredith
Kupono/Ashley - Hip-Hop - Shane

Yay Shane Sparks is back!! Disco is usually the kiss of death, so we will see how that goes. I've heard Vitolio and Asuka's waltz brings the tears!

New Show
Last night I DVR'd HawthoRNe on TNT. Anyone watch it? I haven't yet, I wondered if it was any good.

See ya on the flip side!
Alright kiddos, hope you have a happy hump day-the week is almost over!!

Love (television, obviously),

1 comment:

  1. I also DVR'd HawthoRNe but haven't watched it yet. I had to watch Greek first. I really like that show and am really into it and they totally left me hanging on the season finale. Now I have to wait until August. Ugh. Can't wait for SYTYCD, especially with that spoiler!


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