Hello and welcome to Friday's blog! I hope you are having a good day. Sit back, get comfy, snuggle up to your humming computer screen with your favorite beverage (I'm drinking peppermint green tea) and see what we have on the blog for you and your loved ones today!
I just saw the relatively creepy girl walk by with a tray full of cupcakes. And not just any cupcakes, those delicious store bought ones with the icing that is so good, butter cream I think it's called. I want one so bad. But see these cupcakes come at a price, you have to talk to creepy girl. There aren't even words to describe how uncomfortable this girl makes everyone feel. You could be sitting in your cube working and humming away when all of the sudden you turn around and she's standing there watching you. Then she says something odd like "Is it weird that I'm standing here watching you work for like 20 minutes?" She asks a lot of questions like that, and she uses big words, just to use them. I think she is from Minnesota. And she drives a giant gold minivan with no windows. It's her uncle's. She told me one time when I came into the conference area to file something. She told me she was watching to see if anyone got out of it. She's one of those girls who believes her dolls move while she's gone. She's overly friendly and shares WAY too much. She just tries too hard. So yeah, I don't want a cupcake THAT bad. To carry on a 25 minute uncomfortable conversation, that usually ends in a high five. What the heck?
Yay! Did anyone notice that the Pitbull song I told you all I downloaded was the group number?!?! The dance was a little strange, and poorly edited, but whatever. I love that song! I am happy with who they sent home, but I wish they would have sent home Jonathon instead, just because I think Vitolio would be a better partner then whoever he's getting now. Anywhoo, what did you think of the vote off's?
Yay the Juvies' have their idol hands busy
Fireworks stands opened in Omaha yesterday. Thank GOD because I don't know what those juvenile delinquents were going to do this weekend. Now we are treated to the random 3 am explosion and pop. It's going to be a LONG summer.
I suppose
I should say something about Michael Jackson dying. I would say something about Farrah Fawcett dying, but all I really know about here is her poster and how everyone always thought it was this big sexy symbol and I wanted to be like, have you looked at a Maxim lately? So back to MJ, who have active memories about. My brother LOVED him-wrote fan mail to him even, my parents when to his concert in Europe and my mom sat on my Dad's shoulders the WHOLE concert. (Which as a child, always seemed massively impressive to me, even more impressive then say, seeing Michael Jackson's Bad Tour.) Part of me is torn about being upset about this, mostly because my active reference to MJ is a kiddy-toucher. I mean, I watched that show with Corey Feldmen on A&E-MJ messed him up royally. But the other part of me remembers watching his videos (My Aunt Nat used to tape them for us because we were in Europe and we only got one channel and AFN wasn't really big on showing music videos) with Jesse and singing along. The nice thing about all of this, is that the radio is playing his songs more, reminding me how much I really like them. I'm very interested to see what kind of funeral he will have…will it be bigger than Diane's? Bigger than Evita's!??! He is more of a worldwide beloved pop star. The part that I will remember about his death though, is that I was just surfing Twitter, stalking the New Kids on the Block and Eddie Izzard and all of the sudden Perez Hilton pops up with the news of his death. So I call my brother and update my facebook and all of the sudden I get BOMBARDED by all of these people saying I'm lying and I'm awful for saying that. And I'm like, no look TMZ is reporting him as dead. And then there was this big-TMZ is not a credible news source. Look it's obvious TMZ has sold its soul to the devil. They got the Rhianna picture, they have divorce documents, hell they had all sorts of inappropriate Heath Ledger stuff. I trust them. It took CNN almost 3 hours to confirm his death-but I'll tell you when they did I really wished Seth could invent the "I TOLD YOU SO" dance for the internet. Just a picture of me that pops up and goes "Told ya so, Told ya so, Told ya, Told ya, Told ya so" ala Grace in Will and Grace. But I didn't, because at that point, I was tired of fighting (oh that's a lie, I so did it.) So in closing-I wish we could get a day off of work to celebrate MJ's life, I would celebrate it by sleeping and watching Burn Notice.
Do you have a flag?
For those of you who don't know the awesomeness that is the comedy of Eddie Izzard, please get a clue. I'll help, I own all of his stand up DVD's. He is a genius. I just recently found out he will be at Madison Square Garden on January 16th. I NEED to be there. I'm currently petitioning my loved ones to take me.
More than meets the eye
Alright kiddos, my weekend plans include sleeping, watching TV, watching my cousin work in the yard, BBQing something for dinner and going to Transformers and Cheesecake factory. I'm very excited for the weekend. I hope you all have a great one too!
Love (To tell you I was right),
I haven't watched SYTYCD yet, so thanks for not totally saying who got kicked off.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of cupcakes, you must go to Cupcake Island at least once. Yes, they're expensive and small for the price, but once a year it's a nice treat.
And I totally got home from work and told Shannon about MJ and he was like, he's not dead CNN says he's in a coma. I was like, TMZ said so, and I trust TMZ. You just wait. And like 45 minutes later they said it. I'm sad about it. I wonder if they'll have him in an entombment for people to visit. I bet he doesn't look well. He's like the Elvis of our time. Sad.
Hahah! I can't believe you haven't watched SYTYCD yet!!!! I cancelled dinner plans to watch it!
ReplyDeleteEw I didn't even think about where he is going to be buried, probably Neverland.
I've had those cupcakes and they are TO DIE FOR! I wish I had some now...