Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me.

Happy Hump Day, Piglets!
At this moment Mr. Hellbusch is still home in bed sleeping and I'm trying not to be jealous. It totally stinks that he has flex hours and doesn’t have to drive 45 minutes to get to work. I seriously considered calling in today because I was a ZOMBIE when I woke up this morning, but I eventually talked myself out of it, like I normally do.

Eli Stone
Last night we watched Eli Stone for our nightly show and it made me SO SAD. I kind of hate ABC for bringing back the final episodes of Eli Stone and Pushing Daisies, it's like rubbing salt in the wound. But I kind of love them because right now my DVR is sorely lacking and I love seeing my old shows that I adore. Seth is decidedly not as excited because now I check every day to see when the DVD's are coming out. On the plus side though, it's not like there are 20 seasons to buy of these two. Just two seasons, two fantastic seasons.

I taped the wrong episode and got Chad the biker who used to bike with Lance Armstrong but now bikes with meth. While it is a good episode, seen it! I'll try to watch it tonite online since I only have "HawthoRNe" to watch and Seth has class.

Speaking of, I forgot to tell you that I watched this show, and I'm giving it the three strikes you are out rule, because I think it has real potential. But so far, meh. But we will see after next week if I pull the plug or not. It kind of feels like ER, but the acting feels stunted, like, they are afraid to act their fullest because it might be pulled, or the OVER acting of Jada Pinkett is making them all pale in comparison. I'm interested in some of the other characters-let's hope they expand on them.

OH MY GOD DID YOU WATCH IT!?!? She kept her miscarried FETUS in the FREEZER FOR SEVEN YEARS!?!?! I have SO MANY QUESTIONS for that woman. SO MANY. Did you notice it was in a true value hardware bag? Man I know that woman's pains though, I have meltdowns like that, but about three seconds into it I think, okay you are just being crazy, have a dose of reality. I'm glad that lady got better though, especially for her kid. Autism looks like it BLOWS. Isn't that the one where the kids don't want you to touch them and they don't like loud noises? I'm also glad she got a makeover because I kept thinking, she can't possibly be as old as she looks. Let's talk about the other guy, Tommy? Was that his name? How do you stay married to someone THAT level of crazy and not get him help? I mean, you have are exposing your child to this guy every day. Ask crazy fetus lady, eventually they start mimicking. I've told Seth 1000 times, the SECOND you do something that puts our kids in danger, you better load up your truck and peace out to live in the driveway for real. Love or not, I'm not raising a firestarter. Also if you can name your anxiety disorder by its medical name and pronounce it correctly and use it in a sentence, there is something VERY wrong with you. I knew a girl that had that pull your hair out disorder when I lived in Augsburg. That being said, I'm glad the behavior therapist knew something was much deeper and beyond his expertise with this guy and sent him to a psychiatrist. I hope they both get better and do well. Although now I'm leery of people's freezers. Thanks Obsessed!

Tonite is the performance night! Here are the spoilers I have dug up for you.
Karla/Jonathan - hip hop by Dave Scott
Asuka/Vitolio - jazz by Mandy Moore to "Heartbreaker"
Melissa/Ade - rumba by Tony Meredith to "Emotion" by Destiny's Child
Janette/Brandon - hip hop by Dave Scott
Kayla/Pono - Viennese waltz by Jean-Marc
Randi/Evan - contemporary by Mia Michaels
Caitlin/Jason - paso doble by Jean-Marc & France to "O Fortuna" from Carmina Burana
Jeanine/Phillip - Broadway by Tyce to "Moses Supposes" from Singing in the Rain

Sigh…Tyce. I like him better as a judge then a choreographer, but we will see tonite! Yay for SYTYCD!!
Oh and some guy named Tony Basil is the guest judge, I don't remember who that is. I'll need to decide if I'm going to watch it tonite or with Seth tomorrow since he has class tonite, I don't think I can wait that long.

4th of July Menu
I have a menu!! Here is what we are going to have!
Grilled Ribs, Chicken, and brats
Fat Potato Fat Fat (make this weekend and freeze)
A new cucumber salad I’m going to try with balsamic vinegar and mustard from Carrie R at Half-Assed
Corn Muffins
Cole Slaw
Boxed Mac and Cheese
Some kind of corn and peas from our garden, maybe on the grill??

I'm still working on the last thing-any suggestions are welcome! I spent about 2 hours yesterday scouring the internet looking for something…

I just read a blog that said they should call that TV show I'm ashamed I watched "Jon and Kate plus Hate" Ha. Clever little minxes.

The weekend ahead
Did I mention its TRANSFORMERS 2 WEEKEND!?!? So we will probably go to our normal Sunday matinee.

I sent my husband this email, subject titled "Dear Husband", I have yet to hear back.
When we go see Transformers 2 on Sunday can we please make it a date and go to the Cheesecake Factory afterwards?
I need a romatical date.
Love, your wife

I'm sure his answer will be something lamesauce like, we will see, I have to run the budget numbers, we are getting to the end of the month, you know. I know, I married him. But when we do get things like shiny new cars or the air conditioning breaks and he doesn't FREAK OUT like I do. Or he doesn't have a meltdown of epic proportions during the house buying process because the numbers sound so scary-then I am very grateful I married him. I realize I'm blessed.

I'm officially not old!
Yay! I'm still cool enough that my 17 year old cousin wants to hang out with me! Okay I am old. My cousin Dalton is coming to do paid yard service for us since Seth has ran out of time (stupid Masters program) on Saturday. But I'm still excited that he wants to give up his weekend to come clean up my sticks and pine needles and wash my windows. I long stopped being able to sucker my brother into doing that for me.

Blog Linky Love
Go read Joshilyn Jackson's blog today, it's hilarious, especially the part about Boggart, her cat (of which I think Bagheera's personality was cloned). I emailed it to people I knew weren't savvy enough to find her blog-it's that funny.

Peace in the Middle East!
Seriously I haven't said that since the 90's. That's a relevant throwback for you today.
Talk to you later Peaches!!

Love (for it to be the weekend already and for an extra three hours of sleep a night),


  1. Um, you mean Toni Basil, the woman who sang "Oh Mickey you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey"?

  2. Maybe!! I'm not sure...I think, she was a guest judge on season 2...wasn't she?

  3. I can't remember the season exactly, but I think you're right, she has been on before!


Please leave your thoughts and comments below-I'd love to read them! But if you're dirty spammy comments, I'm going to delete you.