Shout out to L'ara for the blog quote title today!
Once upon a time on a magical blog…I had something interesting to type/talk for you. Today all I got is randoms:
It’s not worth it, whatever it is you are crying about.
So I’m doing my normal grocery run on the way home from work yesterday and as usual, because I drink so much water (as demonstrated by my diluted drug test) I had to run into the bathroom before I started shopping. I go in and there is someone at the sink in there and I wasn’t paying much attention. I go pee and come out and do the “hand wash” that I don’t normally do, and this is the tiniest double sink I’ve ever seen and of course this is a bigger girl and now I can tell she is a Baker’s employee and she is SOBBING and texting. Great. She looks at me with her blotchy face and big wet doe eyes and snorts. And I’m not in any mood because yesterday really sucked balls as a whole for me and I just say “Seriously? You are really crying at the sink right now? You couldn’t do that in a stall with the door shut so the customers don’t have to see you?” and I left. Because I’m evil. As a general rule, if you are reduced to crying in a public bathroom about something-it’s not worth it. In my experience anyway.
So Vegas week is here! I’ll be honest, last year was the first time I watched Vegas week and I really didn’t care for it. This year has not been much different. I hate that they introduce us to people and make us like them and then cut them. And then there are like 16 people in the top ten and they don’t feature them, so when they get picked over someone I like I get all pissy and WHO IS THAT GUY ANYWAY like. It’s irritating. And it seems like it’s some sort of rule that the choreographers have to spend that week being complete assholes with their choreography. Mia Michaels especially. I hate her during Vegas week. The worst cut was when they cut Natalie Reid after Sonya just made her demonstrate how she wants the dance done. She didn’t even get a dance for your life or anything like the mush mouth tapper kid did. I mean, I don’t even like Natalie Reid all that much but the fact she got cut with no second chance and double standards burnt my biscuits. Tonite we find out who is in the top 20…and then I’ll start caring.
New Job?
So I applied for a new job, which really isn’t all that new. Basically it’s a permanent position in the company that owns the Nuclear Power Plant. I’m a contractor right now, which is nice because it’s pretty flexible and you get exempt from a lot of stupid stuff like plant clean up day and really shitty jobs during the outage, like fire watch (you literally sit behind a welder and watch to see if he sets anything on fire, for 8 hours and you can’t do ANYTHING but watch him, no radio, no dancing, no TALKING, it’s a very serious job). But it’s not nice because there are no benefits, no guarantee you will be employed for longer than a month at a time some jobs and you don’t get the discount on your bill or the cool free stuff they give away like lunches for filling out a stupid survey. My boss told me to apply because basically it’s the job that has had me swamped since I got back from Florida that I’ve been doing on top of my other job duties. It’s basically a foot in the door position. It doesn’t pay much more, but there is opportunity to move up and the benefits. So I applied last night and if I get it, I get it and if I don’t, well I’m happy here for sure. My “cohort” is none too pleased about it, because it means her help would go away-even though she is completely caught up thanks to me.
Is that Jesse’s trailer?
So last night we were watching the news on mute, and Seth looks up and goes, is that Jesse’s trailer? And this just happens to be what happened in my brother’s trailer park last night. It was the trailer a couple down from him. He thought they might be drug dealers, but he NEVER THOUGHT THEY SOLD GIANT GUNS TO MEXICAN DRUG LORDS. Like you do, on Tuesdays. I called my Dad and then Jesse and then made about 300 facebook posts about it.
Speaking of
Speaking of Facebook, I am currently asking some of my friends at work to be my friends on facebook. So if you found your way here-congrats! And don’t tell anyone. You are in a secret club of awesomeness now.
Le *sigh*
Alright I’d better go do that job I applied for!
Hope you all have a great day!
Love (to shame bathroom criers),
I feel like I haven't read in forever. Our computer usage at work has been cut down...leaving me only a few checks on facebook haha.