I was bored and I thought I'd tell give you a survey about Seth and I, in honor of our anniversary:
1. When is your “engagement” anniversary:
September 20th, 2007
2. When is your “marriage” anniversary:
September 20th, 2008
3. How long have you known your spouse:
Since May 2006
4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged:
A little over a year
5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?
At the house I was sharing with our good friends Pam and Jason, we threw a fake party just to have an excuse to invite him over. He got shitcanned and fell asleep on my futon and then spent the rest of the day in bed with me and my roommates watching Beetlejuice. He almost missed his intermural football game which I still think Cheeto hasn't forgiven me for.
6. What is your spouse’s full name:
Seth Albert Hellbusch
7. Do you have any children:
Evelynn Ann, 6 and some change months
8. How many – boys/girls:
One very stubborn smart little girl
9. Do you have any house pets:
Bagheera and Willow
10. Do you own a house or rent:
We own a home, and it sucks, I hate homeownership, mostly the fact that when shit breaks you have to fix it.
11. Do you live in the country or town/city:
12. What is one of your favorite activities together:
Eating, watching tv, and snuggling in bed
13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot:
The first vacation we took together was to Cancun and that was one of the best times of both our lives, but shortly here we are taking our first family vacation to Orlando
14. When did you first kiss?
I'm not allowed to tell that story, but I will definitely tell you that it was not the first time we met. Maybe. WINK.
15. What church do you attend?
We have attended two churches locally but nothing really stuck. Seth is home so little these days we like to spend our time together as a family. Maybe one day if we get it together we can go, I'd like to for Evelynn. I was a bible banger once upon a time. (Wait should bible be capitalized like God is capitalized?)
16. Is this the church you were married in:
One of them is, my parents church, St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Papillion
17. What town is your current address at: Omaha, Millard District
18. Do you work or stay at home:
Stay at home
19. Where did you go on your honeymoon:
Funny this question came up, because just yesterday I was telling Seth my biggest regret is that we didn't go on our all expenses paid honeymoon. He was busy working and I used up all my vacation for the wedding so we kept putting it off and never went. So that is my biggest regret. That and not having a destination wedding in Mexico.
20. What was the funniest gift you gave when dating?
I gave him this shirt that said "Its all fun and games until someone loses a nut" and it had a picture of a squirrel dropping his nut and I thought it was the funniest shirt ever. He finally put it in the vets bin after not even wearing it once and admitted to me that he hated it.
21. How long have you been together?
Since May 2006, you can do the math, I can't
22. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
He worked with my roommate
23. Who asked who out?
He asked me out, finally after making me wait three days, which is some insane rule he made up that he says all guys follow. But the truth is he broke his stupid rule by trying to text me but I don't get texts so I never got it.
24. How old are each of you?
Me? I couldn't tell you, I get mixed up about it, I stopped keeping track after 21. I think somewhere around 28 and Seth is a year younger than me so he would be 27, if I'm right about the 28.
25. Where do each of you go to school?
I went to Dana College which is bunked now (sad) and Seth went to UNL but on the UNO campus, he also played for UNO football team. I played team Mom to the Dana baseball team...
26. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Learning to say no to our respective extended families, in extension to that, for me especially, learning that Seth and Evie are my primary family unit now. My family and I are VERY close, due to all the military moves and me not having many friends or normal experiences outside my family unit, so a lot of time I struggle with either including my parents and brother in a "family" activity or conversation or not including his extended family in the conversation/activity. Because in my head this is old school China and we all should be living on a family compound and its always expected that my family will show up for dinner or be included in family pictures.
The other hardest part is me learning how to be a stay at home Mom and Seth working WAY too much for being on salary!
27. Did you go to the same school?
Just the school of life. HAHAH. Yeah, I mean no.
28. Are you from the same home town?
That would require me to actually have a hometown, so no.
29. Who is smarter?
Depends on the subject, like Seth always says, I am the strength to his weakness and he is to mine. So if you need anything that involves numbers or computers, ask Seth. Anything on the other side of the brain, ask me.
30. Who is more sensitive?
The girl on the crazy pills, who is now off the pills, but is still crying randomly at mushy scenes in TV shows, especially those involving children. You can usual find me on Tuesday nights cradling my child sobbing watching "Parenthood"
31. Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We just love to eat out, when Seth can squeak the money or someone gives us a gift card or I have a coupon. I'm a giant foodie so I love trying new places and eating out. Then I love to go home and try and cook the things I eat.
32. Where is the farthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Chitchen-Itza Mexico. And it was hotter than hell, I almost died of heat stroke. My brother and his girlfriend got sunburns so bad I had to give them my clothes to cover their blisters, Seth got accosted Mexican gypsies who jumped out of bushes with backpacks and he "haggled" a lot of black onyx from them
33. Who has the craziest exes?
Me. Or at least I think so. Seth is actually on good terms with most of his. I on the other hand routinely scan the obituaries with my fingers crossed that I see their names and the words "drunk" and "choked on vomit" in the same column.
34. Who has the worse temper?
I've only seen Seth really mad maybe four times. So it would be me. In the words of Garth Brooks "She will rage just like a river and then beg you to forgive her." There is also a Dustin Kensue song that Seth says reminds him of me, and it's entitled "Pistol" if that tells you anything.
35. Who does the cooking?
Me but we do like to cook together, but since the baby, for major parties (where I inevitably overcook) we tag team a lot of stuff. I like making stuff for his work events because he never has work people come over to our house!! And I like to show them I'm actually doing something besides blogging and eating my way thru the fridge.
36. Who is more social?
Seth, he was the king of parties in college. I was the queen of hiding in my dorm room or going home on the weekend or being the person you called to come pick you up at the end of the party for a safe ride.
37. Who is the neat-freak?
Him, and it makes me feel bad because I'm a terrible housekeeper.
38. Who is more stubborn?
I used to say me, but then I met our daughter.
39. Who hogs the bed?
I do, but that is only because I have Evelynn on my side so I need more room. That and he has been traveling so much I have gotten used to spreading out.
40. Who wakes up earlier?
Neither one of us if we can help it. But usually I do, to feed the baby.
41. Where was your first date?
First real date? Biaggi's and it was fun until I demanded to pay and old school farm boy about had a freaking meltdown.
42. Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?
43. Do you get flowers often?
Last time I got flowers was from Seth's work when Evie was born.
44. How do you spend the holidays?
We used to bounce between the two families, but I'm putting a stop to that since Evie is born and we want to start our own traditions and it will help me solidify "my" family.
45. Who is more jealous?
That would be me, the expert Internet stalker.
46. How long did it take to get serious?
About five seconds, I truly believe now in "When you know, you know"
47. Who eats more?
The fat girl who had to break back into her maternity pants and borrow clothes from her mother
48. Who does the laundry
Me although Seth will help switch the loads if asked
49. Who’s better with the computer?
The man who is passionate about them
50. Leave a piece of advice for the other couples.
In the words of Seth, be each other's strengths to your weaknesses.
Love (that guy I married),