Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that they believe in something, use that something to support their own existence

Hi Blog Friends!

Evie and I are waiting for our weekly visit with Nurse Carol. Evie is being extra cute this afternoon. Let's hope she stays that way and gets a good nap when the heat sets in like yesterday. I don't mind her being awake more, but I feel like I should be entertaining her or teaching her something. But she's only six weeks old and so far the only cool trick I have that she likes is my boobs make delicious milk.

New Mommy Blog
My kid is going thru a phenomenal amount of diapers. It's shocking. And it's not like I'm changing them every five seconds, on the contrary, because she hates pooping, it is usually an hour process for her to get it all out. So we wait until she is finished. Also, you always let a sleeping baby lie, especially at night, even if she craps her pants in her sleep.
Birdie can smell my milk a mile away. She gets really excited and will root whoever is holding her and make this crazy noise that is adorable.

Things I feel I must inform you of
You know how you are uber excited when you get pregnant because you won't have a period for nine months. That is whole ruined by your locha experience for six weeks following childbirth.
Your favorite sleeping position will most likely be altered, I could never sleep on my back until now. Yesterday while Seth was holding Evie I tried to lay on my side and my leg fell asleep. Lame.
Newborns are a little boring.
You may never poop the same again after birth. I still haven't.

Nice things you can do for a new Mom or pregnant lady
Not every new Mom wants you to show up and take their kid and kick them out of the house. In fact most new Mom's can't bear to be away from their little one. Don't get me wrong, I totally appreciate the people who showed up at my house and held my kid while I showered or picked up or did a load of laundry. Those people are the best. But most of us new Mom's have a VERY hard time leaving the little one.
Here are some things that people have done for us that have been indescribably helpful and nice.
Pam did our laundry while we were in the hospital.
My Mom comes over at least once a week while Seth is at night class and holds the baby so I can pick up and do whatever and take a shower. My mom also recently hired me a cleaning service once every two weeks which is like MONUMENTAL since I don't have time to even think of deep cleaning right now.
My brother comes over and runs errands with me. It's actually really hard to learn how to tote a baby around stores, and the more help you have the better. My brother also brings movies over or sits and watches TV with me. He also helps do crappy chores I don't like, like taking out the garbage or cleaning the cat pan. Also recently I had a event I had to get ready for (Ty and Holly's rehearsal) and Evelynn wouldn't sit by herself, so he came over and played with her while I got ready.
Holly has come over and held the baby while I took a shower.
Cheeto and Whitney have come over and brought food and company.
Kathy has come over and brought cute outfits (seriously, you can never have enough onsies and the cute ones make you that much happier to change them!) and made me lunch.
You can't even fathom how hard it is to feed yourself when someone needs you so much. Another nice thing you can do, which is what Seth's Mom did for us, is make us a bunch of filling food that we just had to heat up to eat.

So last night we finally got around to watching the Criminal Minds with the team they are going to do a spin off of. I didn't really like the new team. Forrest Whitaker's lazy eye freaks me out. The British guy was the only one I cared about on the new team. I'll definitely give the show a try though, since I'm always looking for things to watch and I love Criminal Minds. Did you hear they are doing a Law and Order: Los Angeles? All the Law and Order's have been pretty good this season.
I started watching "Life Unexpected" on the CW. It's the first CW show I have tried since they canceled Gilmore Girls (angry fist shake). I really enjoy it. It reminds me a lot of Gilmore Girls.
Speaking of Gilmore Girls, I've also been watching Parenthood which I think I'm connecting more now with than I would have a year ago because I'm a parent now. But it's a pretty good show.
Then of course I have the random shows that I catch during the day and become obsessed with like Pawn Stars and American Pickers and other History Channel gems. I haven't gotten into Ax Men yet though!
We've also been watching the Life series on Discovery and it's pretty cool, though not as cool as Planet Earth.

Hello from Evelynn!

Nurse Carol is here!
Alright, time to get checked out! See you all tomorrow!

Love (figuring out my blackberry) video function),

1 comment:

  1. It's great seeing you back in the blogging world while attempting motherhood! Also, thanks for the reality check about what's REALLY going on "down there" ...things I always wondered about:)


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