Monday, April 12, 2010

It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.

Hello blog world! I'm going to try my hardest to blog more often for you guys this week. I'm seriously regretting telling Seth that I didn't want a netbook or smaller laptop. I didn't realize how hard it would be to type with Seth's big ole laptop with a baby in my lap!

Mommy Blogging
Don't worry I'll section it off for you so that you can skip it if you want. :-)
It is crazy how much she has changed in five weeks. Well she will be six weeks Wednesday. Somewhere around four weeks she became this whole little person with expressions and reactions. I actually sometimes miss newborn Evelynn. So here are some random facts about Evelynn.
We have started calling her Birdie. Because her name means little bird and Seth just started doing it one day.
She will only sleep soundly, at night, if she is sleeping face down on my chest. I know, I know, it's not the ideal place and all the safety people are freaking out, but she sleeps so much better there, and that makes me a happy Mommy.
The other day I killed a spider all by myself without a thought. Later when I thought about it, I figured, I'll have to kill spiders for her one day, and I can't be freaking out about it.
I like to think of the things she will do in the future, like taking her shopping or getting her nails done, or helping her do her homework, or listening about her day.
She loves baths. Like cries when we take her out of them because she loves them so much.
She is still in newborn diapers and newborn clothes, even though she is gaining weight. Her weekly visits with the nurse are going well. I want to be a braggy mom and tell you that she is way advanced, but I hesitate to do that, since I'm sure every parent thinks that. But the nurse tells me she is.
We are currently having trouble bottle feeding her. Which is funny since we had so much trouble breastfeeding her in the beginning. Now it's like the milk comes out of the bottle too fast for her. We have tried various nipples on the bottles. She makes a huge mess.
On Friday she demanded to be breastfed. Of course while we were at the dinner and they had no place for me to do it comfortably. I tried to do it in the tiny bathroom on the toilet, which was just seemed super gross, and of course someone came in while I was doing it and Evie took the opportunity to make the loudest hungry noises and shit her pants at the same time. I was so embarrassed until the lady went and got someone because the other toilet was clogged and I was taking forever in the one toilet. Lord. The next time I did it in the car. I've given up on feeding her in the bathroom.

This weekend
This weekend we had our first day without the baby. We had a wedding of our dear friends Ty and Holly. Friday we went to the rehearsal and tried to manage with the baby. She did pretty well until the dinner and then I had to sit in the car with her until the dinner was over because she was embarrassing Seth with her screaming. Saturday we woke up at a decent time and went over to my parents to drop off the baby and get ready (it takes extra long to get ready if we do it by ourselves because one of us has to hold the baby). Then we went to the church. It was such a beautiful ceremony. They were so happy! I missed the baby a lot. But the church didn't have a place I could pump. My Mom bought me the super fancy pump for Easter (THANK GOD) and so I thought it would be easy and quick to do while they were taking pictures before we got on the trolley, but I couldn't find anywhere to do it. So I drove back to my parents house and pumped and held the baby. Then I headed to the reception. Of course I couldn't find the card I prepared weeks in advance. So on my way there I stopped off to get it. I eventually found the card in a stack of thank you's I was going to give to Janet for the baptism.
The reception was at the German American Club and the building was beautiful. The food was super good too. There were so many nice surprises at the reception. They auctioned off the garter, which I had never seen before, but it was really neat. I lasted until about 9:30 at the reception. Then we went to get our baby. She missed us a lot. We came home and spent most of Sunday just holding Evie.

so I have been watching a lot of TV lately. I've gotten into Anthony Bourdain's TV show "No Reservations". I usually don't watch the episodes that have to do with cultures that thrive on seafood or gross food, but I appreciate his wit and humor. I've also gotten into a couple other shows that I've made time for since I can watch them in the background while I play with Evie or while she sleeps.

Okay that's all I have time for today, I forgot the stupid cable guy was coming out to tell me why HBO isn't working conveniently every Sunday when "The Pacific" is on.

Love (Spring days without the heat),

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