Monday, March 9, 2009

Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy.

Things I have had to learn the hard way:
Taking my rubber finger (for flipping thru stacks of paper efficiently) off before I go to the bathroom.
Just because you love with all of your heart and give with all of your soul doesn’t mean the person you are doing it for will do it back
Your wedding day is not totally about you and you won’t win every battle you fight just because you are the bride-ask my mom about jewel toned bridesmaid dresses or Seth’s mom about receiving lines
Passive aggressive nagging only leads to passive aggressive hate of said nagger
There are some bad habits you can’t break and aren’t worth breaking if they comfort and relax you-like watching tv for me
When you love a job, you really love it-and you can tell a difference when you get up in the morning
There is always someone who is going to catch you when you fall
I am not a good driver
You are not everyone else’s babysitter or watchdog at work, if someone isn’t doing their work, it isn’t your job to tattle. Keep your eyes on your own paper.
How to dress appropriately for work (aka tiny skirts, tight pants, cleavage shirts and high heels are not appropriate)
How to have appropriate conversations at work (I’m still working on this one)
Plants hate me
Being sick as a grown up still means you have to get up and go to work or do chores, unless you are absolutely dead, in which case you still have to get to the hospital and pay money to be treated.
No matter how much I want my friends to love me as much as I love them-they are grown ups with busy lives and even though I call or email, doesn’t mean I’ll get a response back.
Crazy obsessive worrying doesn’t make the problem any better or go by any faster
Not everyone reads or checks my blog multiple times a day or even a day.
At some point, no one cares if you are wearing sexy underwear or where you buy them from-I’m referring to people who see them in a sexy manner. (learning this has saved me millions, I’m sure *angry fist shake at Victoria’s Secret-the secret is no one cares but you!)
No one cares how much I don’t want to talk on the phone to them, or my aversion to said phone
Sometimes you have to break promises
The hardest person to love is yourself, but once you do, life and love are a million times easier


  1. i love that you admitted that a wedding day is not totally about the bride...the women who think that are in for a rude awakening i tell you!

  2. That was the hardest thing I had to deal with because every time drama came up-people's automatic answer was-well your the bride-it's your day! And I literally wanted to strangle people with my veil. It's not my day, and the only kinds of brides who actually live that mantra are BRIDEZILLAS and I didn't want my television premeire to be on that show. :-)


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