Friday, February 5, 2010

well hey there blog world

I came to visit today. Do you remember me? Ha.

Update on the fire guts. So far the ultrasound came back "normal" at least that is what the nurse thinks, although she confessed to not being able to read the labs. She says the doctor won't be in to review the labs until Wednesday, so until then I'm just supposed to suffer and try not to exasperate myself, but as far as she can tell, the pain in my guts is muscular. Like the abdominal separation from second trimester, but worse because Evelynn thinks its fun to kick and punch my already painful area of guts. The pain has gotten a little better since I've rested and people have stopped poking my fire guts. Hopefully we can find out more later and I can survive this! The tiny clothes and her beautiful gifts we have received make it a lot easier when things get hard.

I was sad today because my weekly physical therapy appointment got canceled. Which is probably a good thing because I looked out the window and the plow closed our driveway in and I wouldn't have noticed, I would have just gotten the CRV stuck in it. But anyway I was even more disappointed because I totally made the effort to shave my legs for the physical therapist. It made me laugh a little because it reminded me of when I was a teenager.
When I was a teenager we used to spend summer in Nebraska, visiting my grandparents, usually between moves, which was just about every summer. We used to go to the pool a lot, because it was a fun place to go, plus after wards my grandma would take us to the dairy shack, which was like dairy queen but locally run.
Anyway every now in then my grandma would join us at the pool. I remember being HORRIFIED because I could see in her bathing suit how she didn't shave her bikini line and it was sticking out of her bathing suit. Sometimes my Aunt would take us and I would be mortified because she only shaved her legs up to her knee. I remember asking her about it and she told me one day I would understand. I remember feeling very sorry for my uncle having to touch her hairy thighs. I was a real judgy brat. The time has come now that I understand. I FINALLY UNDERSTAND AUNT TAMI!!!
Lord it is hard to even get up the moxie to shave my armpits some days. And at this point, I don't even really care. My husband doesn't shave his face everyday, and he hasn't exactly volunteered to shave my legs or bikini line for me. So it must not bother him too much.
So the moral of the story here is growing up means you stop caring about shaving everyday and looking good for people at the pool, and you start caring about everything else a little bit more.
Thanks for the lesson Aunt Tami. :-)
Speaking of my Aunt, she is throwing me my family shower tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to going since I've been trapped in the house for three days. It's been a rough week in the Hellbusch household! I'm excited to get out and have people rub my belly. (Another lesson learned, as much as I thought I wouldn't want people touching me, it actually feels really good, and Evelynn responds to it).
Many thanks go out to my family who have really stepped up to help me through this painful week. To my Mom who drove me to the doctor yesterday and went with me to my appointment. To my brother who came over to sit with me yesterday while Seth was at class and went and got us dinner. My Dad who calls and checks in on me and makes me feel special with every phone call, and for working with Seth to get the armoire done, even though I know he is working on his own secret project. And to my loving husband who stayed home Wednesday (if you knew my husband, you know it's huge that he missed a day of work) to bring me things, and to give me love when I was defeated by this stupid pain.
Also to all the friends who checked in on me-thanks! Not much longer now!
Hopefully next Wednesday they have more answers for us.
Until then, have a great weekend, stay safe and I will hopefully be back in full force Monday.
Love (my great family),

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