Monday, June 14, 2010

A cynic is not merely one who reads bitter lessons from the past, he is one who is prematurely disappointed in the future.

Hi there blog world!!
We had an interesting weekend. Seth worked most of it so I spent a lot of time at my parents.
Today we had Nurse Carol come over because she is busy on her normal day. Evelynn weighed the same but was 1/2 an inch longer. She was also really cute and active while Carol was here. Then Jesse came over to help me trim the tree in the front yard, or rather, I helped him. Evelynn sat in her stroller and watched and was generally pretty good until the end when she got hot and crabby. Both sets of neighbors came over and chatted with us and her. The one who just had a baby eight months ago told me about this kids clothing that keeps kids three degrees cooler because it is made of bamboo. She also said that her eight month old doesn't sleep thru the night and I really wanted to tell her all about co-sleeping but she already thinks I'm a giant weirdo because when we moved in I drug out my cats to meet her and the cats FREAKED OUT. Plus the only time before "baby" that we talked to them was when Willow would escape into their yard.
So anyway I just kept my opinion to myself and counted my blessings that I have an awesome sleeper.
One thing I did this weekend is go over to the baby consignment store by my parents house because my kid needed some stimulation while she was over there. Lo and behold they had a travel swing for 12 bucks! Now I know that it isn't in the best shape, but it serves its purpose and she doesn't mind it at all. Here are some pictures of her in it-even sleeping!!

I have no idea why she is sitting like that

But it works because she fell asleep

First day we got it!

We also got her this toy piano that she loves, I will have to get a video of that up for you.
Alright well hubby is on his way home, I just wanted to drop in and say hi. I had intended on writing a much longer post, but I got distracted by the contests to enter on Oops.

Love (the consignment store),

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