Tuesday, June 1, 2010

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and Jill a rich widow.

Hey All! I hope you all had a great holiday weekend! And I hope you took the time to thank the soldiers in your life. I know I thanked mine, my Momma.
We had a busy weekend. Trying to get the house in order before Seth went out of town to Portland for work.
Right now there is some nasty weather building in for the night. Its been pretty bad up north all day, but not here. I once worked with a guy who swore Omaha had a dome around it that kept the bad storms from coming into town because it seems like storms would just dissipate before they get into Omaha. I wish it would get a little thunderstormy here. It would help me sleep better tonite if it would storm.
My Mom came back from Europe on Saturday and I made a really great meal. I made spinach cakes with that ten pounds of spinach I had and this great corn salad that I really enjoyed and is perfect for BBQ's.
I have been having the strangest dreams lately. Even worse than when I was pregnant and on Ambien. They are very vivid and super crazy. I will wake up and ask myself, what was that? I mean, it's like I'm in a movie or something!!!
Evelynn gets cuter everyday, which I know, is hard to believe considering she stared out so dang cute. Even pooping she is cute. Her newest trick is to lift up her legs when she wants her diaper changed, she even helps by lifting her butt up when you are changing her. She is super chatty and coo's constantly.
Crap, the weather is getting to where I should probably pay attention and start herding cats into the basement.
More tomorrow!
Love (storms),

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